Beyond the Tales Chapter 18

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Beyond the Tales

Book 2

Chapter 18

The Party! Part A


When I got home Grandmother took one look at me "Where did the blood com from? Are you injured?"

I sighed "Vickie was caught by a rock fall. When I found her she had been there for almost an hour. Looks like she was flying high and the rocks caught her. I got her to Janis. She and Dixie worked on her for over an hour. Now it is in the hands of the Goddess if she will ever wake up."

Grandmother said "It is a hard fact Chance can get us all. We will hold her in our thoughts and pray for her recovery. You should get cleaned up, your kids need you." I nodded and went upstairs. After cleaning up I went in and checked on and fed the babies. I checked on Cryss, Alexis and the Twins. I went downstairs and into my study till dinner. I created the shoes and was thinking about the Crown when it came time for dinner.

I went and took my place at the table. During my prayer to the Goddess, I do before every meal, I asked her to look after Vickie. We had a good if quiet dinner. I let Grandmother take the class tonight. I went in and tried several Crowns. all like the one I had but with different patterns to them. Then I remembered that I need to be able to wear it in my dragon form. I shifted and tried them all again and finally found one I liked. It was like my human one but had 7 dragons holding up 7 points with a different colored gem on each point. I think it came off real well. Each Dragon was lightly embossed with silver to highlight it. Each dragon was modeled after one type of Dragon.

There came a knock at the door I quickly put away all the crowns and shifted back. I said "Enter." Grandmother came in.

She smiled and asked "Did you finish the shoes and Crown? I figured that was what you were doing in here."

I smiled "Yes I did and no you can't see them. They will be displayed at the Grand Ball. I plan to see Angel tomorrow and get her consent to hold a joint Ball. I know just the spot to make the Royal Crystal Dance Hall I have been designing it in my head. I think you will like several of the special features of the place. I wanted to get your opinion on the shield to go behind my Throne. I showed a illusion of the shield. It had the standard Sword and the Rose Within a circle of 7 dragons with the Crystal Dragon at the very top. Each dragon holding a different gem.

She smiled "I like it. But I don't think Angel will. It is fancier than hers. Unless you would be agreeable to redesign hers?"

I said "I have been thinking about that. I just don't know how I would do it and keep it tasteful. I'll think on it and give her several choices. the one thing is vexing me about my Throne is I need to make it usable for both my forms. That is not easy."

Grandmother said "I know you will get it. You should get some sleep its late."

I smiled "Ok Grandmother I'll go up now. Good night." I gave her a peck on the cheek. Then headed to bed. I went through my nightly routine on autopilot. I was snuggling up to Ben when a Inspiration hit me. I grabbed my thoughts book I kept at my bedside for such times and jotted down all I was thinking. I smiled I now knew how to do Angels shield. Instead of dragons different types of Crowns with gems on the front them. That should please her. That done now I can sleep.

In the morning I got some good news. Vickie is showing signs of coming out of the coma. It was too early to tell but Janis was hopeful. I fed and changed the kids and even played with them for a little bit before going down to breakfast.

Breakfast was fine and classes went well. I taught about turning one spell into another in the same spell class. Like I changed Ice Storm to Fire Storm. They are both in the storm spell class. It was a well received class. I enjoyed myself. When I dismissed the class for lunch they went out talking about the class. I ran into Grandmother coming out of her class. The Sorority girls headed bock to alpha House. So again we had a lot of empty seats.

After a good meal I went up and fed the kids. The twins went in with Grandmothers Basics class again so I had all afternoon to myself. I flew to Angel's Crystal Hall. I entered the Throne room feeling ok. Angel and Jenny were doing there normal paperwork.

I curtsied and smiled waiting for her to see me. She looked up "Oh hi sis what do you need?"

I said "I was thinking of creating a Dance hall for a Grand Ball. It also requires a redesign of your shield to make it as nice as the one I am using. Let me show you what I was thinking." I created a illusion of the redesigned shield for her view. She looked it over and thought for a moment.

She said "Seems nice what does yours look like?" I created a second illusion this one of my shield. With them side by side she could compare them easily. She looked back and forth then nodded. "Yes go ahead. this seems fine. I like the idea of a grand ball. When would we have it?"

I smiled "2 Weeks on a Saturday. Summer is coming to an end and I thought we needed at least one big blow out to remember it by. A grand ball is a little formal but we have not done it before. I will take care of everything. The dance hall will give us more room with the Thrones of Sanctuary and the Crystal Dragons will be there for use for whenever and whatever is needed."

She grinned "So you are finally making yourself a Throne. That's great. Do you know what it is going to look like yet?"

I chuckled "Not yet. I just finished the shield and Crown redesign." Opp's I should not have said that. "No I wont show you the Crown. Nobodies going to see it till the ball. I have to have some fun! I will let you know when I have the Royal Dance Hall is finished. Hmm I might need to think of a better name for it."

She smiled "Jenny see if we can come up with a better name." Jenny just rolled her eyes. "Now anything else my dear sister?"

I said "Not at this time. I just need to adjust your shield and I will be on my way. Give me a moment and it will be done." My magic flowed and the shield changed. It came out right well I think. The Queen looked at it and smiled. I curtsied and left.

I thought of what's next and headed to see Tina. She was sitting doing paperwork. I smiled it seemed that is what everyone but me is doing today. I said "Hi Tina, I need a favor. You got a moment?"

She looked up "Yeah I could use a break from this paperwork. What do you need?"

I smiled "You know how you were teaching Cryss for a bit. Well I got two more students for you. They are twins so they don't want to be apart. I would like you to teach them your magic but make them work for it. Say Mondays."

Tina smiled "Twins huh, you got new people in that Royal Dragon Hotel of yours. Yeah sure, I will do it. Mondays are fine. See you then. If you want Jessie to help here she comes." And so I arranged with Jessie to teach the twins on Tuesdays. I flew over and Talked to Tara and she became Wednesdays. I walked back to the Throne room and talked to Jenny and she became Thursday. That left Friday to set up. I will think on that. I flew to the Mage Hall to pick up the copies and check on things there. Finally I headed home.

I got to the house and grandmother was frustrated about something. I told her what was going on and asked "What is the matter? You were happy when I left."

Grandmother said "Can you recite your name and Titles for me please?"

I shrugged "I am Her Majesty Ember Rose Del La Silver Skyflower-Starstone, Queen of the Crystal Dragons, Princess of the Great Hall of Crystalis, Princess of Sanctuary, Countess of Starstone, Grand mage of Sanctuary, Sister of Queen Angelica of Sanctuary, Sister to Prince Samuel of Sanctuary, Daughter of Queen Aslina of the Great Hall of Crystalis, Granddaughter of the former Archmage, Wife to Count Ben Starstone Captain of the Royal Guard of Sanctuary, Re-Founder of Sanctuary, Leader of the Six of Sanctuary, Creator and Mother of the Crystal Dragons, Member of the Dragon 7, Teacher of the Advanced Magic Class at the Academy of Sanctuary. Founder of the Alpha Sorority of Magic of Sanctuary, Founder of The Princess Betterment Group of the lower Kingdoms. There is more but they are minor."

She said "That was done nicely. The problem is I am getting forgetful. It is not something I like about getting older. It is my problem I don't want to trouble anyone with it."

I said "I am not sure how I can help but I will if I can. Maybe working to get the Grand ball together will help. We got the go ahead from Angel. 2 Weeks on a Saturday. I took care of the twins training except for Fridays. I took care of the Shield thing and am ready to start on the Royal Dance Hall tomorrow. "

Grandmother said "I will take care of Fridays. You worry about that Hall. I think this should rival your wedding in the history of Sanctuary. I will talk to the Sorority girls and see how they can help get the place ready! This is going to be fun.

I went up to feed the babies before dinner. I was planning the Hall in my head so I did not see the look of irritation on Tasha's face. When I did I asked "Is there something the matter? You seem vexed."

She said "I am vexed Miss my breasts are leaking again and they hurt." I reached into a cabinet and took out the breast pump. I handed it to her.

I said "This might help. It might take your body a bit to find balance again. That is why this is happening. I am sorry. All you can do is get the milk out. I was hoping with so short of use this would not happen."

She sighed "I guess for awhile I am a true wet nurse."

I said "Belle seem extra hungry today. If you want you can feed John to relive the pressure. He is always hungry. This is just for today of course."

She smiled "Thank you miss. It will help a lot."

My mind went back to planning the Hall.

The next week and a half went quickly with everyone doing their Jobs an getting ready for the party of the summer. A guest list of the who's who of Sanctuary and many guests from other kingdoms. Everyone was pushing it to get the Ball ready. My job was the Hall.

The Hall itself was easily the biggest structure in all of Sanctuary. It was able to hold 1000 people. The dominant points of the hall was the twin Thrones. One on each side of the Hall. The thrones were backed by the Shields of the two Queens. Angels with the circle of crowns and mine with the circle of Dragons. Both with the Sword and the Rose in the center. The Thrones themselves made out of solid blocks of Crystal. Mine made so I can use it in either form. Both very ornate and one of a kinds. To the side of the Thrones there was a disc of crystal 4 foot wide. There was a large stage for bands and entertainers. The floors were crystal weave granite with the Sword and the Rose imbedded in the center of the floor ten foot tall.

I was showing Angel and Grandmother the Hall when Angel asked "What the discs for?"

I smiled "Step to the center of the disc and say stage." She did and the disc lifted to 10 feet off the floor and flew to the stage and landed there.

Grandmother said "And to get back she says Throne correct?" I nodded.

Angel was looking around the stage then stepped back on the disc and said "Throne." The disc reversed its course and landed back where it started. "That's useful. When did you come up with that?"

I said "I have been trying all sorts of ways to get to the stage and back with out going through the crowd. This was the best Idea I had. It works in so many ways. I am sure that sometime during the Ball the Queens will need to go to the stage. This way they will make the trip without trouble. That and it should be impressive to see. Moving through the crowd in full gown and Crown should be done only when it is necessary. It is a safety issue. We are going to have at least 500 people in here during the Ball. That's not counting the Maids and other service people. We are talking 650 people in this room total. If just one is not what they seem then there is going to be trouble. My gown is enchanted with every protection spell I could find and there are a lot of them. The Gown I have been designing for Angel is going to be protected the same way."

Angel said "I already have a gown being made." Grandmother was looking at me so seen the hurt look flit across my face.

I turned away "As you wish. Will you still be using the same Crown?"

Angel said "Yes it is the Crown of Sanctuary it should not change."

Angel headed back to Crystal Hall with Jenny and her maids pushing the carriages. I turned to go back in the Hall. Grandmother touched my shoulder "Come back to the house the Hall is beyond perfect. It is almost Dinner time." We walked back to the house. "You already finished the gown and crown haven't you."

I said "It does not matter, she does not want it so I'll just let it go. If she wants to break the spell I am casting so be it." When we got to the house I said "I am not hungry I think I'll just take a nap. After feeding the kids of course." I went upstairs and into the Nursery. Tasha was just finishing changing John as I came in. I went to Belle and she was looking at me. I picked her up and sat in the rocking chair to feed her. After Feeding Belle did not fall asleep as she mostly did, today she wanted to play. So I played with her. Finally she tired out and I put her back in her crib. I went to John and he too after feeding wanted to play. We played for a bit then I put him back in his crib. I left the rest to Tasha. I went in and kicked off my shoes and laid down for my nap.

I could not sleep things that happened kept drifting through my mind. Vickie woke up 5 days after the accident. She is still trying to walk with out the limp. She has to use a cane I made one for her when I heard that. She loved it. The bad news was she could not take the pressure to use the wing spell so she was grounded. She officially turned the job of Aid over to Heather. She would Return to the Mage Hall as Head Clerk. She had been doing very well at that for the two days she had been back to work. The twins took to the new training real well and they got to know more people. The Sorority girls are in charge of the refreshments and entertainment. They had it all in hand. Jenny and Angel are doing the Invitations. That meant Angel made a list and Jenny did everything else. It was being done so who am I to gripe. The Dragons are helping out anywhere they could. Alexis was running around making sure everyone had what they needed. Cryss was Grandmothers helper when not working on a new gown.

I got up, this was not working I was going to putter around the special room in the Hall I called the Nest. I went down stairs and found Vickie sitting there. I said "Hello Vickie what brings you all this way?"

Ben said "I did. She wanted to see you and you have been working on the Dance Hall all week. It was weird the first time flying while carrying someone."

I smiled "I am glad you did love. So are you ready for the Ball. You did get a invite did you not? I put you on the list myself."

Vickie said "I can't go, I don't have a Dress or Gown let alone anything to go with them."

I said "That's an easy fix. Cryss can I borrow your workshop?"

Cryss said "Sorry Mommy it is filled with every ones Dresses I am working on there is no room to move in there."

I said "That's ok we will go to the Nest. I have everything I need there. How is your legs Vickie?"

She said "I can walk a short distance. Is this place far?" I just smiled and turned to Ben.

I said "I need your strong arms, handsome, to carry her to the Dance Hall." I looked at Vickie "I am going to show you one of the Halls Secrets." We headed out Ben carrying a red faced Vickie. It did not take long to get there. Once we got there "Ben we can take it from here come back in an hour and half please. We should be done by then. Now shoo love we have some girl talk to do." I took Vickie inside as Ben left laughing. We entered the main room and I clapped my hands and the lights came up. The room was awe inspiring. Her jaw was on the floor. She shuffled along trying to see everything at once. I took her to my Throne and she was tired already. I helped her up the steps. She looked at the Throne.

She said "That is an unusual Throne. Very beautiful but a bit strange. Why is that?"

I smiled "That is because it is for a Dragon as well as a Human. I'll tell you it took me quite awhile to design it. I will explain more when we get to the Nest. Over here step on this disc. We will have to get close so it can carry both of us. I hope that does not bother you. It will only respond to my voice." We both got on the disc and I said "Nest" And we lifted off going up into the vaulted ceiling till we could see the hidden room. The Disc landed on the balcony. "Please don't tell anyone about this room it is a secret." I opened the door to my design studio. She smiled there was sketches everywhere and models of all kinds. I showed her to a chair. "Rest for a few moments while I get what I need together." I puttered around the room gathering this and that I would need.

She said "Oh my that is Beautiful. Is that what you are going to wear to the Ball?"

I did not even need to look at what she meant. "I made that for my sister. But she is going with someone else to design her gown. Please don't speak of it. She has never seen it and never will." There was quiet in the room while I finished puttering. "Now comes the embarrassing part. I need you to disrobe. I always start from the skin out. Don't worry about any scars I have seen you in a worst time. Remember I was the one that pulled you out of the rock fall." She sighed and stood up and stripped. I was in planning mode so I barely looked at her except to get the measurements right. Then with a flick of my hand we started within a few moments she was in a simple but very beautiful Gown. Jewelry was tried and retried. Final adjustments were made and we were done. I led her to a mirror and smiled "Meet the new you." She smiled and started crying. I was hoping it was happy tears.

After awhile I had her change back into her normal clothes and I packed the gown and everything so we were ready to go. Then a ringing started. Vickie asked "What is that?"

I said "It means someone is down in the Hall. Lets find out who?" I passed my hand over the mirror and adjusted the spell till it focused on Ben and Grandmother. "what are they doing here? Lets listen"

Grandmother said "You sure she said nest. That means she has a hidden room. probly up high somewhere. Let's check the Throne. Yes the lift disc is gone. means she is somewhere near or in the ceiling.

I went over to the squawk box and tuned it on "What do you need Grandmother? Ben I said hour and half it has only been half that."

Grandmother found The Squawk Box "Ember come down here right now we got a problem. Your Sister's Dressmaker is gone, fled Sanctuary. With several clients coinage. Means Your sister has no Dress for the Ball!"

I said "I am sending Vickie Down, Ben Please take her home. Grandmother I am giving you single use of the Lift Disc when Vickie is down step to the center of the disc and say Nest. I will wait for you up here." I turned to Vickie "Enjoy the Gown and everything that goes with it. It is a gift from me. Now time to go. I handed her the package and showed her to the disc. I smiled and said "Throne" Off she went. A few moments later she was standing on the throne stage.

Grandmother stood on the disc and said "Nest" And up she came. I watched Ben pick Vickie up and carry her out. The Disc thumped down on the balcony. I opened the door. She said "Clever. Lets get down to it. You designed a dress for Angel but she did not want it so that hurt your feelings. Now She needs a Dress on short notice. Are you going to give her the dress you made or not?" I pointed at the gown and crown and bag of things to go with it.

I said "Take it. Everything is there. There is a garment bag in the closet there."

Grandmother said "This is one of your best. Your sister is lucky. I am going to have a long talk with that gal after this is all over. We don't have time right now." She was putting the gown in the garment bag while talking. After she is finished she looked at me "Are you going to be alright? This party is too important to let hurt feelings stand in the way. I know your in the right on this one. Please don't let it spoil your party."

I sighed "I'll try. Tell Ben, I'm going to stay here and do some work tonight. Tell Tasha to feed the babies. I was sure her body would have found it's balance by now but no she is still producing milk. I will look into it after the party."

She said "I will see that he knows and Tasha is told. Tell me the truth are you all right?"

I said "I just want to work for awhile, we only have two days left to see everything is perfect. I will be fine after I work for a bit. There is a bedroom over there in case I ever need one. I'll send you down if you have everything." I walked her to the disc.
"Please don't tell anyone else about my nest. Well here you go. Throne." Down she went.
I worked on this and that for several hours making sure it was perfect.

The ringing started again. I checked who it was and it was Angel. She went to her Throne and stood on her disc. I hope Grandmother did not tell her where to find me. I watched as she lifted towards the Nest. I did not need this I just wanted to work. Angel knocked on the door. I opened it. She said "I want to talk to you about a Dress. I know What I said but the flake ran off with out finishing the dress. It is almost finished just needs a few tweaks."

I said in a flat tone "I heard about your problem that is why I sent a dress and everything for it. Didn't you like it?"

She said "It is not what the new age Queens are wearing. The new Queens are wearing more edgy stuff. Full gowns are out. Let me show you." She tapped her bracelet. Road cone orange lace hooker dress. I could not believe what I was seeing.

I said "That is not edgy that is horrid! Who ever told you the dress your falling out of is any thing but a Fashion Don't is a stupid! You know Mother is going to be here you want her to see that! I know we are 16 but a hooker dress? This is a formal event! Your acting like it is a school dance! They would not even let you in a school dance in that thing! Are you trying to make yourself the laughingstock of the upper kingdoms! That thing should be burned! You have made a good queen so far why do you want to do this now?"

She said "I thought it just needed a few tweaks."

I said "Please take that off before I throw up. There are things to do to a gown to make it sexier but going that far will be nothing but trouble. Did you even look at the Gown I sent? Your really running off the rails on this one."

She tapped the bracelet. I looked her over It was a classic design with several tweaks. I found almost nothing to change that would not detract from the look. She said "I look fat in this, nobody can see my boobs or my legs." The ringing started again. I passed my hand over the mirror and focused it on the two people down there. It was Grandmother and Mother.

I used the squawk box "Your authorized to use the disc." When they got up.

They walked in and Mother said "What's the matter she looks lovely."

Grandmother said "Show her the thing you wanted to wear!" Angel tapped her bracelet. I turned around fast so I would not have to see that thing again. The next hour was Mother telling Angel off. When it was over Angel was in tears and the truth came out. The mage Angel had her eye on dropped her when she started showing and every girl she tried was put off by the fact she had twins. She was getting desperate for affection. Then this honey tongued dress maker started giving her bad advice. She sort of went off the deep end after that. That is how he talked her into buying that mess.

Mother said "Angel you will wear the gown and everything to go with it to the Ball or Angel you will not go!" That was Mother laying down the law. Angel meekly accepted the decree.

I put her to bed in my room. She was in no condition to walk home now. Grandmother and Mother were looking around while I was doing that. They looked at me and Mother said "This is a nice place to work but what about your babies?"

I said "There is a nursery off the bedroom. If I was going to spend more than one night Up here I would bring them up here with me. Cryss needs to remain in training or I would bring her up here too. This is where I will go if things at home get a little too much for me. The constant amount of people 24/7 just gets to me sometimes. I needed a space just for me where I can work in peace. Sometimes I just think it would have been better if I had just stayed a simple mage."

Mother said "My dear one you were never just a mage. You were always The Mage! You have made this world. I don't think it is bad to have a place like this. I envy you sometimes but I know I could not do what you have done. None of us could. This is you for better or worse. Well we need some sleep are you coming?"

I said "I'll be back in the morning. I still have a few things to do. That and there is no way I am leaving Angel here alone. It is bad enough that she knows it is here."

Grandmother said "Try to get some sleep you want to look good at the Ball. We will see you at Breakfast." She gave me a hug.

Mother said looking around "You are The Mage remember that. The Best of the Best. I love you dear." She hugged me.

I led them to the Disc and sent them down. Well now to get some work done. An hour and a half later Angel came out of the bedroom all sleepy. I was at my desk writing. I looked up as she looked around. "Is there something I can help you with sis?"

She looked at me all sleepy kitten like "Bathroom?" I pointed and she wandered in. I went back to writing. Soon she came wandering out and sat in a chair next to me. "I am sorry to put you through that. I guess I went a little crazy for a bit."

I did not look up "I forgive you, now you should go back to bed. It is late and we have much to do tomorrow." She got up and wondered back to the bedroom.

At the Door she said "You may be the youngest but sometimes, most of the time, you act like the eldest. Good night sis."

I worked for another hour then crashed on the couch.

It was a hard and fast night but I got through it. I went in and cleaned up woke Angel up and we headed to the house for Breakfast. I was a little early so went up and fed the kids then went back downstairs. So much had happened and we were not even to the Ball yet. A day and a half left to make the perfect party.

After breakfast I taught a class on using focus objects to enhance spells. It went well and I was enjoying myself during the class. The time away helped a lot. Everybody had Party fever. So it was all anyone could talk about at lunch. I sidestepped all the questions about my gown. Cryss was just as cagey about her gown. I was feeling I needed a little help dealing with this but Ben had headed out just after breakfast so I could not lean on him for support. Mother was still in Sanctuary but she went with Angel to Crystal Hall after breakfast. That left Grandmother But she seemed to watching to see how I handle this. Well I will just have to rely on myself alone. Today is Thursday, the party is on Saturday so almost there. I took the time while they were in class To check my outfit all together. This is going to be my new Queen mode. After the outfit check I created a shield with the new look for Ben to carry with his formal armor. I also made one for Byron as Ben's Second. Byron carried Angels crest while Ben carried mine.

To be continued

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