Beyond the Tales Chapter 11

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Beyond the Tales

Book 2

Chapter 11



After diner we sat and the girls asked for another jewelry class. I said ok and led them to the class room. This time a ring that did two things, 1 passive and 1 active. The active part would be a flashlight. The passive part would be a shifter detector. Making the rings was simple shaping and the crystal of their choice was set in the front. This would focus the flashlight. Once the rings were done and the crystals set I taught them a simple light enchantment with an on and off code to be cast on the crystal. When that was done I taught the other enchantment to be cast on the ring part. Kia messed up and had to start again. Cryss had made hers look like a little dragon with the crystal in its mouth. She got top grade for the class. Everyone checked there lights and they worked in whatever color their crystal was. I shifted my hands to check if the detectors would go off. They did all right, they brought everyone on the first floor to the class room. I smiled and told them what had happened. All but Grandmother went back to what they were doing.

Grandmother said "Do you think they will go after the kids?" I shrugged "I better make one of those rings can I get the materials from you?" I handed her what was needed. She sat down and the girls watched her make a very elegant ring with a big crystal. I knew she was altering the enchantments. She was so subtle but I could see where she was going with this. A point of light would appear on the crystal acting like a compass to tell her where the shifter was. I smiled and took out what I needed and copied her new ring with the enchantments. Then I dismissed class for the night. I held back Cryss for a moment and asked "Do you want to Do some more rings like Grandmothers and mine just give them the design like yours?" She nodded so I gave her what she needed for 6 rings. "All right you can start tomorrow it is bed time now." I took her up and tucked her in. Sung her a lullaby then headed to check on Ben.

Ben was sleeping so I headed downstairs to see what was going on. Angel was still there and talking to Grandmother. I walked over and smiled at them. They were talking clothing and I was drifting. I thought of something I needed to work some heavy magic soon if I was going to keep my levels up. I sighed "I am a teacher now not a fighter I was only reacting when they came after Ben and into my house. I was on the sidelines providing back up. Until I have this baby I should not try to do anything else. It is time to retire from Grand Mage. I am stuck in this house to protect the child and a Grand Mage needs to find the trouble before it is a problem and take care of it. That is not me any more." Angel and Grandmother was looking at me startled. "Did I say that out loud?"

Grandmother said "Yes you did. Do you believe that? You have done more for Sanctuary and the school than anyone else! Will you truly walk away from that?"

I said "Maybe I am just tired or a little depressed or both. I know I will have to give up something to raise this child. There is simply not enough time in a day to do all of it. If I give up being Grand Mage maybe I can still be a Teacher and do some good there. I do love to teach. Being Grand Mage is a full time thing it is not a job it is who you are. I am not sure if that is who I am any more. As soon as we find a replacement I think I will retire from that position and concentrate on being a Mom and a Teacher." The room was very quiet during my little speech. I turned to the stairs "I am going to Bed." I knew everyone was surprised by what I said but then I did not care at this moment. My mood was slowly turning sour. The little one was kicking and I was not liking the day. Ben was sitting up when I came in.

He said "Don't make a bad decision just to make a decision. You need to clear your head. Why don't you make a special shield to go with the sword and armor you made me. Working strong magic always brings your mood up."

I said "There is one in the arm of your armor. Its called the fan shield. Tomorrow I will show you how it works. Maybe you are right about working some magic. I am going to the mine. I'll be back in the morning." I slipped out the back door. With a wave the fence opened and I walked along the wall till I got to the mine. I took out my key and opened it up. I entered and relocked the mine. I went as far back as I could and looked at the wall. I began mining and kept going for hours. I filled a side chamber and kept going. The work helped but my worries were still there. My watch alarm went off. it was time to get up. I had a class to teach.

I walked back with six bags of holding full of crystal. I went in and sat at the table. Everyone was looking at me. Breakfast started and I ate without tasting. I shook myself after Breakfast and Grandmother took my arm and pulled me into my study. She said "Where have you been? You look like hell! Have you had any sleep at all? You are not acting like yourself. What is going on in that thick head of yours?"

I said "Ben and I talked last night. He reminded me that working magic tended to clear my head and lift my mood. So I went to the mine and worked it till my alarm went off. I used a lot of magic and it still did not help my mood. So I came back to teach the class."

She said "You are in no condition to teach a class. You need to go upstairs and cuddle up to you husband and get some sleep! I'll cover your class. Did you happen to think this bad mood may be hormonal? I told you the hormones play hell with the body and mind during pregnancy!" she hands me a potion "Take this if it is hormones it will help. Now get some sleep." I took the potion and was out as soon as I hit the bed.

Someone was shaking my shoulder. I pushed the hand away. it came back stronger this time. I sighed and opened one eye. It was Cryss. I said "What is it Cryss?"

She smiled "Grandmother says it is time to get up." It was 11 am I pushed up and out of the bed. I checked the day it was still Monday so I had my Grand Mage duties to do. I ruffled Cryss's hair and went to the bathroom to clean up. I headed downstairs soon after. My mood was much better so it must have been hormones. Grand mother was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs.

She said "How is your mood? Better? Well those three I told you about are here."

I frowned "Who is watching the class?"

She said "Vanessa is here Talking about her specialty. We need to see to this. I need you to show a little fire in there ok?"

I sighed "Alright lets get them." I walked into the living room and could see they were all at least 10-12 years older than I am. This is going to be a pain. I looked them over by the set of there jaws they thought this would be a easy score. That pissed me off. "Well now we are looking for a Deputy Grand Mage. If you thought it was for the Grand Mage position You can leave now!" They wavered at that. "No one leaving ok we will move on to abilities. Follow me to our practice area." I walked them over. I said I will ask you to demonstrate your best skill then I will test you. Fail the test and you are gone." The first one was showing off with fire. I hit her with a waterspout. She was not able to recover. I shook my head. Grandmother pointed off to the side. The second one tried to pull some earth through the floor it did not work. Switched to water that was around from the water spout. I waited till her hands were in the water and I froze it. She could not recover. I shook my head. Grand mother pointed to a point along the wall. She walked there. I looked at the last one and she cast a fear spell on me it didn't work. She tried to do a lot of things in rapid secession. They all bounced off my shield. I had the weave in the floor grab her ankles and slowly cover her legs Till she was covered to just below her armpits. This whole time I had not moved an inch. She was beating at the weave but it just was hard as steal.

Grandmother said "Looks like we keep looking. I expected more than this."

I looked at my watch and said "Lunch time, Baby don't like it when I miss meals. So come back on Friday I will give you another try." I snapped my fingers and the water turned off, the ice broke and the weave let the third one go. I walked off with out looking back.

When Grandmother caught up to me she said "What do you really think? I think #3 had a chance there for a while. Then you pulled that tricky weave trick. I don't think she will be back."

I said "I had hopes for #2 but she forgot the rule when working with water. Never stop it moving. The girls were sitting waiting for lunch to start. I took my seat and nodded to Sue. They started bring in lunch. Vickie was there for our face to face. All was going as a Monday should. Vanessa stayed for lunch.

Vanessa asked "So how did the auditions go? Find and back up?"

I said "Not at this time. They were disappointing. I thought it would take longer to beat all three. They were not as good as their press." Grandmother described a blow by blow of the 3 hopefuls time. It sounded very funny to me. I said #3 would have had a chance if she would have noticed I had my shield up from the start. She did nothing about it so her spells had no affect. Each broke a basic rule so they lost quickly. Remember this girls get the basics down first then get fancy. Never forget the basics.

After lunch The girls went to practical class and Vickie and I went in to my study to do our work. About halfway through the dang paperwork a knock came on the door. I said "Enter" and grandmother came in.

She said "We have another job seeker waiting to see you."

I said "Oh I thought you said you could only find three or is this one a walk in?"

Grandmother said "This one just got out of the pits where she spent 5 years learning. From what I can tell she is a real fireball. Worked herself up from nothing. Orphaned at 12 and worked in the pits from then."

I said "Sounds good what's the catch? Well it does not matter. Lets have a look at her." I got up and headed for the living room. Well right off hand I could see she was ruff and not a rule person. That I did not mind. She was young but so am I. I wonder how much schooling she got if any? I said "So your here for the Deputy Grand Mage job?" Her back went up right away.

She said "Yeah what's it to you?" Not a good start for you girl.

I said "I am the one who will be testing you. My name is Ember. You are?"

She said "Quin, Let's get to it then." I led her to the practice rooms and into mine

I smiled "Ok you show me what you got and I'll test you. You pass we talk about the job you fail you walk. So lets see it then." She studied me for a few moments then drew a fire bow and pointed it at me. she let fly and it splattered on my shield. then she tried ice knives. I was waiting when she went to move in I had the floor grab her ankles. She did not freak she slipped out of her boots and jumped back. From then on she kept moving. I made up my mind. "Ok I've seen enough. You have great potential and I think this job would bring that out in you. This is not a 9 to 5 job this is you live the job. You will be my back up while I am on leave to have a baby. You will be out there doing what I can't right now. Let me guess you have no place to stay here or coinage to get one? Well looks like Ben is going to be put out with me again." Grandmother chuckled from the doorway.

Quin said "I thought you would want someone who went to one of those fancy magic schools all spit and polish."

I smiled "No the reason you got this test is you came through the pits just like me."

She looked at me "Wait a moment small, pretty, young, And made it through the pits. You cant be the Princess of the pits can you?"

I chuckled "I always hated that nick name but I could never find out who started it. But yes I had that name when I was there. My name now is Her Highness Ember Rose Del La Silver Skyflower-Starstone, Princess of Sanctuary and Crystalis, Grand Mage of Sanctuary. Well there is more but I don't feel like going on for a hour.

She just stared for a few moments then did a very clumsy curtsy. I nodded to her. Well now that's over with lets get the paperwork done and move you into your room. By then it should be time for dinner and of course my husband grouching at me for bringing another one home. We headed to my study where Vickie was still waiting. We did the paper work and talked of pay. I let Grandmother take that part. Finally it was all done. We went into the living room and Vickie left. Ben came in and spotted the new face right off the bat. He went over to introduce himself.

The girls were wondering if there was going to be another class tonight. Finally Alexis was the one to ask. I waved over Quin and asked "How good are your shaping skills and your enchanting skills?"

Quin said "Fair on both. You need something made?"

I said "I run an extra class in the evenings lately it has been making and enchanting different kinds of jewelry. Tonight your going to teach the class. Yes this is a test."

She said "I have never been a teacher before."

I said "I'll be watching so if you get overwhelmed I'll take over I just want to know what you can do." Dinner was called and everyone filed in. We had a good meal. I was sure Quin could use one. I remember many days in the pits going hungry. Well at least she will get fed regularly. I am such a Mom.

After dinner was over for a few moments We headed to the class room. I sat to the side and watched while Quin stumbled through showing them how to make an anklet. She did better with the enchanting it to change color with mood. she checked them and they all did it right. She dismissed the class.

After class Cryss came up with a bag. She said "These are the rings you wanted. I had enough for 8 of them."

I said "Very nice why don't you get Grandmother to tuck you in tonight?" She went off. I took out one of the rings. I said to Quin "You will need one of these in your job. We are at war with shifters right now and this is a shifter detector." I explained how it worked and she put it on her finger. It really did not go well. I took off my plain one and switched it for the more ornate one. She liked that better.

Quin asked "Who is that kid if she can make such rings at her age?"

I smiled "That is my daughter Cryss. Long story. I am not up to telling it tonight. You should hit the sack you got a job to start tomorrow. Yes this place is weird but you will get used to it." I showed her to one of the spare rooms. Looks like I will have to add more rooms again. There was 15 right now and only 1 spare in the bunch. Where will I find the room? What's going to happen when next quarter comes around and a new class of advanced magic students. Well we will just have to see then. I am thinking too much I need my cuddle time with Ben.

After an hour and half of cuddle time I headed to bed. Ben went up with me. I went through my nightly routine and finally got in bed to a snoring Ben. I dropped off to a good nights sleep.

In the morning it was Quiet and things went smoothly. In class I talked on opposites. Fire and water, Earth and air and how combining them can make a stronger spell. Though it is harder to do with out it blowing up in your face. that is where I ended the talk for the day. and let out the class for lunch.

After lunch I decided to take a short flight to talk to the Six and Darla. I decided to take Quin along to introduce her around. Her first few moments of flight were shaky ones but she soon adapted. We Flew to see Tina first. We found her easy enough sitting with Jessie going over some papers. I smiled at the two in love. I walked up with Quin close behind. Tina looked up and smiled "Oh Ember we were going to see you later this week. Would you be my matron of honor at my wedding?"

Jessie said "No fair I was going to ask her and I thought it was maid of honor?"

Tina said "I got to her first. She is married so it is matron of honor."

I said "I would be honored. I don't know how good I will look in s bridesmaids dress with this baby bump. I have a gift for both of you as well as a warning. Shifters have came after the house so watch out. Now for the gift these rings are made by Cryss and are shifter detectors." I explained how they worked and handed one to each of them. "Now that is over this is Quin my Deputy Grand Mage You will see her around doing what I can't till after the little one comes out. Quin this is Tina and Jessie two of the Six that started Sanctuary. Well now that you have met we need to move on. We have a lot of people to see today. Next is Tara." We walked to her area to find her dancing with Jessel doing the call and response thing. There was no fire involved this time and both were causally dressed. I got the tricky look in my eye and raised my hands slowly The wave poured from the ground and they were now both wearing gypsy skirts, tops and pretty boots with scarves in their hair. The dancers kept dancing but everyone looked around till they seen me. When the music ended Tara looked down then said loudly "Hello Ember, thanks for the outfit." Jessel was looking at her new outfit.

I walked up "Your welcome, It seemed more fitting to the dance than what you were wearing. Can I talk to you for a moment Tara." She came down from the mound and smiled did a twirl and curtsied. I nodded and she stood up giving me a inquisitive look. I went through my talk on the rings and Quin. She smiled at Quin and put the ring on. I said goodbye to her and Jessel and headed to see Angel and Jenny. Before I got 10 feet my ring went off pointing at a old lady fussing around the food. I yelled Shifter And stopped her before she could pour a potion into the stew pot. Tara ran over and Jessel did too while me and Quin held the surprisingly strong old lady from going anywhere. The guards were called. I cast the unshift spell and the old lady turned into a man like the others. I smelled the potion it was freak out. I was not sure what their plan was but I was determined to stop it.

After I turned the bad guy over to the Guards I shook my head and headed for my next stop. Now people were on guard of their food. I can't find their pattern. Maybe there isn't one. We flew to the Crystal Hall. Quin said nice place must have taken a long time to build?"

I smiled "It took me one afternoon to create it. It was my first here in Sanctuary. There have been many since then. I fueled my magic with a lot of pain from over years of suffering. Something pretty out of pain."

She frowned "But you are a Princess and the Grand Mage here. Where would you get that type of pain?"

I laughed "Being a Princess has been rather new thing in my life. I did not find out my birthright till about a year ago. We are here so I wont go into the story right now. Lets see if the Queen is in. We pulled in our wings and walked into the Hall. The Queen was pacing the Throne room when we walked in.

Angel said "Where have you been Grandmother said you were on your way over. She said you had something to detect shifters."

I smiled "I had a few stops to make on the way here. I have these rings that detects the shifters and points them out. I made the Basic design, Grandmother refined it and Cryss made it. So I have been giving them to the Six. You two are the last. I have one for Darla too. We know they work we have caught one shifter trying to poison the food over at Tara's with Freak Out. I don't know their plan so I am getting as many of these rings to people I can."

Angel "Grandmother said that two attempts have been made to get into the schools food supply. Both failed do to Byron's work. I guess they want us chasing our tails. We got to find out what they really want? Who is this?" I introduced Quin and gave her a short recap of the audition. Both Angel and Jenny smiled at that. I looked at the time and said we had to get back.

Before we could leave there was an explosion inside the Hall. I touched the wall I said "the Blue room it is contained but anything in there is destroyed. They Did not take into account the strength of my Weave! Take guards check everyone in the Hall. We can't let them get away with this!" Jenny put on her ring and checked two of the four guards in the room and did as I ordered.

Angel looked at me "You know you should not give orders in my Throne room." I gave her a look that would melt steel. "OK sister you don't have to show your fangs I agree with what we are doing!"

I said "Quin I want you to secure this room." A maid I had never seen before burst in the room carrying something. My mind was screaming explosive. I raised my hands and the floor all around her jumped up to the ceiling. That left her in a pocket in the center there was another explosion from within the pocket I put up my shield just in time. Even my weave could not take a point blank blast. My shield covered Angel. Quin's shield covered her and the guards. "If your still living sound off?" 4 people sounded off. "Well we wont be getting anything out of that person."

Jenny and 6 guards came in looking at the smashed hole where the blast went off. She said "Everyone alive? Anyone need a healer" One of the guards raised his hand while with the other pointed at the shard in his leg. She said "Bind the leg till we can get Janis over here." Keeping the shield up when I was so close was draining.

I sat down Angel said "Are you all right your quick thinking saved our lives. Is something the matter?"

I said "You know how long it is going to take me to reweave this room to be as good as it was? Your going to have to live with the hole for a few days. I will need to store up some magic to do this right. Right now I am too drained to do anything. I think I can fly home but that is about it."

Jenny said "Janis and your Grandmother are on there way. Both said for you to stay right where you are. How is baby?"

I said "Upset with me right now and kicking up a storm. I don't think she liked that one bit. I agree with her." Angel was looking at me questions in her eyes. "No Trixie did not tell me I just know with all my heart my baby is a girl. I just wish she would settle down." I fished in my bag and got out a container of water and drank some. That helped a bit. Everyone was looking at me as I sat on the step in front of the Throne.

Angel said "Do me a favor and sit up on the Throne. I always wondered what you would have looked like if you chose to be Queen." I shrugged and sat on the Throne and just to complete the fantasy I tapped my bracelet. I was now wearing the gown and crown. Angel said "Just as I thought. You really look like a Queen." And that was where I was sitting when Grandmother and Janis came in.

Grandmother said "Did you finally do it take over and Be Queen like you should have been?" I frowned at her but Angel spoke first.

Angel said "I was just having a fantasy and Ember was helping with it. Though if she ever wants the job I would be glad to step aside." I started to push up but my legs were not working right.

I said "I think I have a problem here! Janis when you have a moment. I think the blast did more than I thought." Janis finished with the guard and came over.

She asked "What seems to be the problem? Did you get hit with anything?"

I said "I had my shield up but now my legs are not working right. It only felt like I was slapped real hard all over at once. It could have put my back out of order. I had some problems with it when I was real young."

She said "Can you lean forward for me? I need to get my hands on your back." I managed to do that. She pulsed her healing magic into my back and it helped a little. "Well your back is out of alignment real bad so it is to bed with you and no getting out for at least 3 days! I should not do this but I will take you home by stretcher. If the problem clears up by then good. If it does not then we may do something you wont like. Traction is not fun for anyone. And before you ask no it has not harmed baby. I have a few potions that may help but they will put you in la, la land." I sighed and nodded. She called in the stretcher. I switched back to my work clothes.

I looked at Quin "Trail by fire for you. Your stepping up while I am out of it. Keep them safe. Listen to Grandmother." Janis sighed pulled out a potion and poured it in my mouth. Almost at once I was out of it.

I slowly came back to myself and looked around I was in my own bed and Tasha was sitting in a chair not far away reading a book. I must have made a noise because she looked up and smiled. I croaked "Water!" She poured me some and put a straw so I could sip. after that I could talk half way normal. I asked "How long?"

She smiled "It has been 14 days since the blast. Your back has been mended. You had a strange reaction to the potion. It basically put you in a coma. Janis was afraid to give you anything else because of the baby. So she has had you watched here at home. Two days ago you started to come out of it on your own. Some strange things happened to your body while you were out. I will let Janis tell you all that when she gets here in a little while. How do you feel?"

I said "Strangely good like pains I have had for years are just gone." I ran my hands down my body and got a few surprises. First my breasts are at least a cup size bigger and firmer. Then there was the Baby bump was at least 3times the size. I felt it and there was two different feelings I was getting form it. Could I be having twins? Oh my this could change everything! Something in the back of my mind said it already had. Janis took that moment to walk in. She smiled and said "Looks like it was time for you to wake up. I was hopping it would be today. I would like to talk about what happened with your body while you were sleeping. First you Breast are getting ready for baby. That brings me to the second point."

I interrupted her at that point "I am having twins, a girl and a boy."

She shook her head and got a chair and sat down. "Yes you are having twins, yes, a girl and a boy. But the amazing thing is you have accelerated their growth. They are both at 8 months now. You will have them before the end of the summer. Angel took to her bed shortly after we left and went into a coma just like you and just like you she is having twins. Everything that happened to you happened to her. I am having her watched too. This is the strangest thing I have ever seen. That is saying a lot living in Sanctuary. Well if you are up to it we can try to get you up. Their is a lot of people downstairs waiting to see you." I pushed up rather easy and swung my legs down and stood up. "Show off." I just smiled. I went over and took out a simple skirt and top and underwear. I altered them to fit and got dressed. I brought out my staff as the rush started to fade and I was getting tired already.

I leaned on my staff and said "Well that energy lasted a long time." I went over and looked in the mirror. I sighed "lets go before I fall back in bed." They both chuckled. Janis helped me down the stairs and into the living room. Everyone from the house was there.

Grandmother said "How are you feeling dear? It is nice to see you up again."

I smiled "I feel as big as a house and about to pop. Things are happening I don't understand and that bugs me. So I feel about as normal." She smiled. I sat next to Ben "Hello love, sorry I have been away for a bit. How is the war going?"

Ben said "We found out who was sending the shifters. More importantly Why he was. He was trying to topple the government of Sanctuary so he could take over after his own people thrown him out for being incompetent. He rushed out with half the treasury just a jump ahead of the axe. We found him and the Dragons let him know what they think of people who hurt their Mother! The mercenary troop he hired took one look at a lot of very angry, very big dragons and left the would be king high and dry. He was pleading with Skya not to roast him when our troops got there and arrested him. He somehow got away and tried to run. Bad move on his part. That's when Cryss showed up in her Dragon form bigger and angrier than ever before. Well you can guess what happened next. We don't have a problem with shifters any more. The stock of freak out is destroyed and the treasury was returned to who it belonged to."

I looked at Cryss "I hope your temper is not as bad as mine young lady. We will talk about this later you can be sure of that." I looked around "Where's Quin?"

Ben said "Working Dear. That kid is a bulldog when she is on a case. She took what you said to heart and has lived the life. Now that you are awake maybe you can get her to pull back a little."

I chuckled "Ben she is a kid from the pits like me it is how we learned to work."

Grandmother said "Well we will just have to teach her balance. It worked for you. Well sort of. Now how about dinner."

To be continued

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