Wishes and curses- Chapter 2 School life

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As we started to get close to school, I started hearing whispers from the people around.

"Did you hear? That's the guy that made that 10th grade girl commit suicide"

"That's him! What a jerk! What is wrong with some people?"

The whispers continued on and on as we continued walking on the path and into school.

Suddenly I felt the extra weight of what was obviously a girl on my back "Seems like everyone hates you now" she said cheerfully as always.

It was the Selena Westford, my second best friend. We had all three been together since kids. We even all went to the same elementary school together.

"Could you get off me?" I asked rather irritated.

"Whaaaaaat? No! Take me to my class!" She said with a rather playful look on her face.

"No, get off me"

"Fine, fine." She then continued to get off my back "Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning" she said looking slightly inconvenienced

"No, I am just having trouble with all the comments from everyone."

"Oh okay, hey what kind of shampoo do you use Terrance?"

"Huh?" I asked utterly confused at why she would ask me such a question.

"Well sorry for asking, it's just that your hair has gotten so long lately and looks so silky that I was a bit jealous. You hair looks even more pretty than mine!"

"What?!" She was right, I hadn't noticed since I had been busy thinking about my dream last night, but my hair was a lot longer than it was yesterday. I really need to get my hair cut. "My hair doesen't look pretty! It looks handsome!" I screamed

"Don't put me on the same level as you low down women!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I understand, enemy of all women"

I simply sighed and walked away. The school day was pretty normal, except for the hate notes, the whispers and the girls who poured my lunch on me.

The day was finally over, I was packing up my stuff to leave and was confronted by some unfamiliar faces.

"What do you want?" I asked, not prepared for what I didn't see coming.

"Wham!" The next thing I knew, I was on the floor with a bloody nose.

I stood up rather quickly for someone who was just punched in the face. "What was that for?!"

The guy who punched me looked extremely pissed off at me for reasons unknown.

"You... You are Terrance Allbot right?" He said grinding his teeth

"What if I am?"

"You made Seraphina commit suicide! And you don't even seem phased by it! What is wrong with you?!"

"It's not my fault she was stupid enough to commit suicide just because she didn't realize I was way out of her league before she confessed" I said in disgust of the confession.

"Why you!" He reared back for another punch and I was about to guard when his friends stopped him "This jerk isn't worth it! Don't get suspended because of him!" They said almost both at the same time.

Do they have ESP or something? I thought chuckling to myself.

"You are right, this guy isn't worth it." Said the original guy. "I will let you go for now, but you better watch your back. I know people, people who can beat the life out of shrimp like you." He then proceeded to leave the room making no attempt to dodge my shoulder when he walked by.

I simply sighed, got my stuff and walked home. As I walked in my house, I was suddenly hugged from behind. "I am home" cheerfully said the person who was hugging me.

It was my sister, Rena Allbot. "Get off me" I said jerking away from her hug.

"Hey! You don't jerk away from me! I just got back and this is how you treat me?!" She said angrily.

She then proceeded to punch me on the top of the head "Oww!" I yelled struggling to turn around and look at her. She had blonde hair and blue eyes and was actually pretty beautiful, her only downfall and reason why she can't get a boyfriend is because of her anger issues. If the guy does even one thing wrong then she gets mad and punched him. Pretty comically hilarious if you ask me.

"Okay, okay, I am sorry" I muttered in pain from the future knot I will have on my head.

"You better be" she said annoyed and walking away.

After all the chaos with her was over, I went up to my room and collapsed on my bed.

"Today was the worst day ever, I used to be so popular, why is everyone so hung up on a puny girl who committed suicide?"

I continued to ponder the thought and before I knew it, I was asleep and in store for another big dream.

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Seems like Terry just may

Seems like Terry just may become a Terry who wears skirts. At least this is what I am picking up from the comments made by his friend who is a girl.

okay he's a jerk but...

licorice's picture

he is right. If she killed herself over his remark then it suggests something far bigger than his just, admittedly harsh, rejection. He's a self-centered arrogant ass, but there really isn't anything morally objectionable to that.

In truth, people should be asking why she killed herself, and what was going on that one insult was enough to push her over the edge to kill herself? Simply put, nobody does that, not unless there is a lot of pain and abuse coming from somewhere else.

You're right

Sadarsa's picture

I agree, and adding the manic look that was in her eyes adds up to one seriously disturbed girl. I mean all their classmates know his attitude, im surprised a girl even *wanted* to go out with him in the first place. I gotta agree with him though, her death is not his fault or problem.

~Your only Limitation is your Imagination~


He did not push the girl to kill herself. His rudeness was the dro which maketh the cup run over.

Nicely done

Jamie Lee's picture

Scarlet, your first two chapters are nicely written and I hope you continue with the story.

Terrance is indeed a self centered jerk, a person who cares for no one but himself. Further investigation might also revel he is morally bankrupt as well.

It will indeed be interesting to see just what kind of a mess he's gotten himself into.

Keep writing Scarlet.

Others have feelings too.