There are some amazing stories on this site. We are blessed with so many good authors, who give us their stories for free, when they are as good or better than anything in any bookstore.
I almost hate to list some of my favorite authors, simply because I'm afraid I'll forget somebody who deserves the mention, and they'll feel bad for being left out.
That said, I wanted to say something about a story I just re-read.
Except I don't think I can do it justice, so all I can say is if you've never read it, you should, and if you have, you should read it again.
Its called "The nightengale's song" and here is the link:
Reading over my shoulder
I was reading the same story last night, and have to agree that it's a wonderful story. So now you have two people telling you to go read that story. What are you waiting for?
Thank you for highlighting this story
It is wonderful. It is strange I have not read it before now. Every few years I try to read all the stories in the Big Closet. Yes, it take me about 8 months. Unfortunately, I tend to lose track of where I am reading. I also tend to miss new stories; since it is hard to keep track of the old story lines when trying to read the daily updates.