It's that time again. We have bills.
If you can, please use the Janglewood link to send us a gift.
Or you can use the Hatbox subscription link to subscribe to Hatbox.
Since Amazon discontinued their service via Amazon Payments, both of the above links will lead to PayPal. We hope to have direct credit card acceptance working sometime in the future but that isn't that easy to set up.
You can PM me, Erin, for instructions on how to send checks or money orders if that is your preferred method.
Honestly, we can't do this without you. Thanks.
Erin, Piper, Cat and the rest of our volunteers and helpers.
A dispatch from the far side of the moon
Last month I saw a patch of clear sailing and I thought I was going to be able to contribute in July. Then my computer had some coffee and went all Apollo 13 on me. Limping along, today is a good day I can actually open sites and type messages. Having scrimped this month, next month I'll see what kind of wordbox my emergency laptop fund can buy me. I'll have some small pittance of a donation in September or October if there's still a Big Closet to contribute to...
love and frustration, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Good to hear from you, in any case. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
This is starting to really
This is starting to really piss me off – you put your life’s blood into BCTS, time, effort, financials, and then have to go and practically beg for donations to keep it running for all those that just consume night after night!
C’mon, people – in Robert’s words: TANSTAAFL – If you want to keep reading and enjoying, pull your fingers out and send something, ANYTHING, and do it regularly! Yeah yeah, I know, most of us aren’t lying on a rose bed being fed grapes, but we can ALL afford $10, that’s 2 cups of coffee at Starbucks, fer pity’s sake! Do the math – if 100 people give 10 apiece, that’s still $1000, and those that are in a position to give more, should. The operative Keyword here is regularly. . . . .
If we don’t get on the stick with this, start thinking of the consequences. And there will be consequences, it aint rocket science. Will Erin, Piper and Co throw up their hands in frustration at an ungrateful readership and say the hell with it? Will BCTS turn subscription? Will BCTS fold financially as others have? Think of the void left behind and dig a little deeper into those pockets, if you can.
I don’t like to kiss money, but I`m putting it where my mouth is. Underway again via P**P**, and thanks again for all your hard work!
For regular donors here you are speaking to the choir
I give what comes out to be a dollar a day in addition to the occasional Amazon purchase. I would buy more but some of the books on Amazon need more rigorous editing before I commit myself.
It's hard to believe that there are so few who can't give say 10 dollars a month considering the size of the readership base.
It is not a matter of cannot afford
But a matter of doing an electronic transfer (living in Europe a cash transaction is impractical) for those of us, like me, that are not or not sufficiently "out" to risk making it.
I think if have it covered on my end, and will explore my options of making such a donation/subscription/whatever. But for many of us this may be just impossible.
Anne Margarete
European mailing address?
Would this be useful? Cat lives near London and could probably set this up.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Possibly, but....
there is still the matter r of currency. Getting anything other then Euro's (or other local currency) might prove just as difficult. I have solved it with the Hatbox and PP for now...
Anne Margarete
But I thought...
Most of these transfers were given some innocuous name. Like Erin's site name wouldn't be listed when you transfer electronically or am I totally off the wall here?
Yes, but getting challenged
on ANY unknown transaction could prove "interesting" in the Chinese sense of the word...
Anne Margarete
I believe CC Transactions currently show as QnEZ which is the name of our hosting company.
that's what I saw yesterday.
Anne Margarete
Jeez it almost sounds like
Jeez it almost sounds like you live in a place like Singapore. Yeach.