Due to various confluences of need and happenstance, we are short of money this month. We have about $1800 in bank accounts and outstanding checks and debit charges totaling about the same. Other bills are coming due, too. I have not taken a draw yet this month but I can wait. ISPs and hosting companies cannot.
We will have about $3500 in bills due before the end of the month. Some of that will be taken care of by advertising money coming in and by the revenue from Doppler Press which is beginning to make a difference.
But right now, we still need to raise money to pay this month's bills. The link to the Amazon version of Hatbox is still there in the right column: http://bigclosetr.us/topshelf/page/10799/hatbox-subscriptions and the link to Janglewood is below it: http://janglewood.com/
Any gifts are appreciated and really help us keep this BigCloset operating.
Hugs and thanks to all,
Erin, Piper, Cat and the rest of the staff
Is sending money by snail mail deprecated?
Electronic payments charge a substantial fee.
You can send by snail mail
The address is:
Joyce Melton
1001 Third St #80
Calimesa, CA 92320
And thanks,
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Donation to Hatbox
100 on the way with big thanks to the team for all your work!!
done another one!
Reasonably affluent month for me so I have done another janglewood payment.
keep up the good work
My love, gratitude, and money to all of you who provide us with this wonderful place.
Hugs, Sarah Ann
Money orders?
Do you accept money orders? If so, is the name on the money order on the byline of the posted address?
I've sent her money orders
Not sure about the byline thing though.
Sorry for the confusion.
I was just asking who I was should make the money order too?
I always write it out to Joyce
I guess Janglewood would work too.
However, I make it clear on the envelope that it is for BC even though it is written out to her even though obviously we have to trust her that she is applying the money as she claims not matter what form of payment is sent. It's not as if we can stop her from embezzling money for other purposes. *shrug*.
BTW I am not saying that I do not trust her for her reports as to the amounts gathered and the amounts used for operational support of her operations. The only thing I question is whether the cost of operations would be less if other sites other then big closet were not supported, even though the money pledging only occurs on BC and not in crystalhall as an example.
As it is she is doing a great job if she is only dinging us for 2500 of 4000 dollars of expenses which is cheap I think.
Oh and all the wonderful crew
who put in so much time and effort either for minimal monies or for free.
If I am not mistaken
Crystal Hall is under the BigCloset umbrella of sites, I believe, so a donation to support BC is also supporting CH.
Money Orders
Easiest thing to do is make the money order out to me. Then I can deposit into my own account or into any of the Janglewood accounts.
And thanks.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I wish I could help Erin...
But I'm in a pickle myself when it comes to finances. I have student debt I cannot pay that I'm probably getting close to defaulting on by now and still no income at all.
Abigail Drew.