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Perhaps I missed the notice, so what's going on with FM? I haven't been able to access the site in several days. All I get is a Content Encoding Error, something about the site using an invalid or unsupported form of compression. Can I please buy a clue here?!?!


it works for me

I just tried and was able to access what I assume you mean by FM. Am not a computer person, but there may be routing issues with your carrier/isp or something in your computer blocking it. Sometimes when my laptop seems to be lagging behind, will run Junkware Removal Tool---is a security utility---that sometimes will find things on my laptop that don't belong there.

Hope you find a solution.

Hugs, Fran


At the risk of being laughed out of the building, I used to use Firefox and then they started using some search engine that was not adequate. So then I started using Chrome.

Recently, Microsoft has been really conciliatory and solicitous toward me being extremely helpful, like they were years ago. This was quite a shock to me. I even let them have my computer for a few days and now so many of the nagging issues I'd been putting up with are gone. There were quite a few redirects on the machine. They even persuaded me to run with no antivirus, saying that they would handle that. I was pleased to give them a try because so many of the anti virus companies have turned into desert pirates bent on fleecing the unwary.

I use Firefox. Period. I also

I use Firefox. Period. I also use an Ubuntu derivative, Xubuntu 14.10, a 'light-weight' desktop with all the whistles and bells I need. For some M$ Windows programs I - think I - can't do without I use Wine, acronym for Win(dows)E(mulation layer)., which is a Linux application layer that nestles itself quite unobtrusively in my desktop, and 'catches' all executable doubleclicks. Pssst: It's also available for Apple OSX. { For free! Open Source.. Use it Apple fans :) You know you want to. You wanna be hip too.. Right? ^^ }

All easy and user friendly to install, maintain, and extend by using the point-and-click maintenance tools. There is more than one possibility, I use Synaptic mostly. It sometimes requires a tiny little extra effort to consult the online help community for the real big issues. But unless you're a hardcore gamer with the need to run the latest shoot 'm up or MMORPG, dedicated to Win-platform, you would not need MS. Ever.

Never have had any issue with reaching FictionMania. The reason I stick with Firefox may be sentimental, or paranoia, but I sincerely don't trust Chrome, although it's possible to install on my Linux desktop.

Sentimental, because it was Firefox that broke the -M$- camel's back, when Google was still just a search engine with good content-driven results; steadily gaining marketshare away from the juggernaut in Redmond.

Paranoia: When Google became evil and changed it's business model to: Please the shareholders, milk the users. They copied -like Apple- the opensource browser engine from KHTML/Konqueror, modified and optimized the 'new' browser Chrome ( which by the way is leaning still on opensource Chromium ). They added some gadgetry and hooha, then pushed it for over a year to woe and entice the technofobes and netnoobs to use this tricked out horse of Troy.

Ok.. So much for my little rant on the evils of Google.

When Firefox doesn't give you the expected search engine response you'd expect, maybe you should switch the search engine preference? It's pretty simple to select other, and/or, add search engines to Firefox, just click on the little magnifying glass in the search box, and click 'Change Search Settings'.

So Gwen, I don't want to diss you for using MS, or not using Firefox, there might be good reasons for you to stick with MS, and frankly it's undeniable that MS did a lot of good. But wary for virii is not particularly my concern with Linux. I consider myself lucky.



I'm beginning to think it's a Firefox screw-up. I have several items that run on a couple of diff. versions of Android, all with Firefox. Firefox on all of those updated in the last week, and now none will connect to FM. So I dug out this little cheapie 7" tablet running a "modified" version of Android. Nothing has been updated on it in several months. Fired it up and it loaded FM with no problems. I tried to force a new reload on this tablet by deleting the cache but other than loosing all my browser history nothing changed. Still seeking advice, FF hasn't worked right for months, so I really wish I could find a browser that works. Everyone I've tried (chrome, opera, etc) demand that I surrender my identity to them. It's been so long since I put FM on here I don't remember what it asked for, but I'm pretty d**n sure that IE never asked for it. I wish MS would fix IE so it would run on Android, I'd be a happy camper then!

I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.

FM works for me...

Try the usual - clean browser cache and cookies... It helps, but be aware that you will need to reenter all of the passwords.

Not with Fictionmania

Daphne Xu's picture

I don't have that problem with Fictionmania, but I do have it on this computer with an unrelated web site. I'm trying to figure out what happened. It's only on one computer, while both computers use Firefox.

-- Daphne Xu

Now it Works

Daphne Xu's picture

I just shut down and restarted Firefox, and it now works with the unrelated website. It still works with Fictionmania.

-- Daphne Xu

Works for me, and I just

Works for me, and I just tried it a minute ago to be sure.

Running the latest Firefox updates on Manjaro Linux and have no issues. Can't speak for Windoze...

- vessica b

FF & Android

I suspect it's somewhere in between FF and Android. They both have been shoveling out updates at a rapid rate, and something's not playing well with others. I used a cheap tablet that hasn't been updated by FF or Android, and FM loaded right up with no problems.

I have also blocked a lot of 'updates' (mostly Google crap) that I don't want. If there was a way I could delete all those Google apps (like google/gmail+) I'd do so in a heartbeat!

I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.

If it is still going on...

If the problem is still going on...

I am no expert, but somewhat better than the sorcerer's apprentice in expertise. That error message sounds like it might be related to one or more graphic images, perhaps ones from a third-party server (like FM's main sponsor's ad, perhaps?) or perhaps your ISP (or their ISP) is compressing the data (a lot) from at least some Web sites.

Since we have several posts from others who are not having that problem - from FictionMania - and none from anyone who is having that same problem from them, I'm going to go out on a limb (tee hee) and say the problem isn't on their servers or their sponsor's servers.

It is possible that your ISP (or their ISP) is doing some strange behavior in compressing the traffic from FM, but their obviously not doing it to traffic to you from other sites you visit. Net Neutrality (which ought to be the law, not just the agreed rules) says ISP's cannot treat traffic from sites differently than other sites. No preferential treatment. But it still goes on all the time. They figure the only crime is if they get caught.

All that said. Usually the culprit in this kind of thing is the person's Web browser program is getting pretty seriously out of date or even their operating system is getting badly out of date on top of that. There are lots of reasons people might be still using a very old browser. You can tell it to check if it is up to date and if it isn't up to date, it will tell you your options. Usually just a thirty-second task to update, unless you're years out of date.

Also, importantly, browsers use Java, Java Script, and Flash plugins. I don't think FM uses Flash at all, but not sure about Java. Make sure you have whichever thing needs to be turned on in your Options/Settings/Whatever actually turned on. Make the browser check whether you have the most up to date versions. That might be your culprit.

Come to think of it, make sure your Option/Setting/Whatever for accepting third-party, um, 'stuff' is turned on. The browser could be throwing you a stupid error message when what it really means is "I can't get all of what the Web page wants me to get." So, being able to get that third-party ad from Glamour Boutique, for instance, might be the issue.

Those ideas are what comes from a youth misspent on the Web. I hope you find something helpful in there, Sweetie.

Then again, saying one knows more than the sorcerer's apprentice doesn't really set the bar very high, does it? Maybe I am one of those boneheads one hears people mention sometimes one the Internetses. Hope not.


Have you checked any of your plug-ins and extensions?

Some security programs may be filtering out the website due to its pornographic nature. Firefox is known for its adaptability and its numerous extensions/plug-ins so it could be that. Obviously I do not know what kind of extensions you have installed on your machine.