I put the latest update for the Hatbox up and we have less than $400 in operating funds there.
We have a few hundred more in the bank accounts but all of our advertising money has already come in for the month and more bills are coming due. Three hundred plus for taxes today, about $750 due next week for the servers, and other smaller bills totaling another $500 or so. Add to that the draw we use to pay our own bills and we are seriously behind the curve here. We really need close to another $700 by the end of the week, and another $1000 before the end of the month. The $2500 goal is no joke, that is what it takes above what we bring in with advertising and commissions.
On a more optimistic note, many things we are doing behind the scenes to make life easier in the future and more enjoyable for our readers and authors are working out well. We've partnered up with several other TG related websites and are going to be sharing resources and making many more things available both to our readers and to theirs. More on that later.
Another string for our bow is Doppler Press, our ebook publishing arm. Since we decided to reduce our reliance on Lulu for this and go with Kindle and CreateSpace, things have taken off. Our goal over the rest of the year is to be able to reduce our Hatbox target and make up the difference with book sales. It certainly seems doable and will also put money into the pockets of some of your favorite authors.
The Hatbox itself is going to get a makeover. Partly this is being forced on us since Amazon is doing away with the service we have been using to collect the Hatbox gifts by the end of June. We still have problems with P**P** who think anything transgender must be porn unless it is sold by Amazon. So, we have to step up and make a new way of handling the subscriptions and gifts. We think you will like the new way of doing things which will probably debut in May.
So, if you can, send us a contribution via the Amazon or Janglewood links in the Hatbox sidebar, or PM me for a snail mail address.
Hugs to all,
Erin, Piper, Cat, Katie, Sephrena and the rest of the volunteers
A note about funds
did you know if you buy on Amazon use the link from BCTS to buy anything not just books and BCTS will get commission $$$ for the purchases
KUDOS to the BCTS team for all the hard work
I know that and try to
I know that and try to remember to go through that link to shop.
Just done Janglewood donation, this will be a monthly occuring payment as long as I have the funds, its more than the amount I used to use to buy a subscription to another ezine. The stories on this site are far more real life and the authors so varied and talented, keepup the good work
Amazon question!
Will Amazon be also doing away with the commission for shopping via the BC link to Amazon? Or are they keeping that? I always shop Amazon that way since I joined here. The shopper can't really see if its working, I hope it works and does help.
>i< ..:::
Commissions will still work
And they have a replacement for Simple Pay, it's just that we will have to reprogram so we are looking at doing it differently.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Had sent donation
to the CA address in Hatbox. Hope it is okay.
Donation to Hatbox
another 50 on the way by P**P** to Joyce at Qnez dot com!
Just donated
$50 dollars via Amazon, thanks for the site, keep up the good work!
Jessi x