Through The Eyes of Bailey White

Chapter 1

My name is Bailey. I am seven years old and have two brothers, both older than me. My parents are, you know parents. My dad is so happy that we are all boys. My mommy wished she had a girl. I guess that’s why she named me Bailey. Which I heard was why dad threw a fit when they chose my name. I don't understand why. I like the name, Bailey.

What my dad didn't know was I felt like I really was a girl. My mommy was so happy when I told her. She said never to tell dad. I understand why she means not to. More likely I would have been castrated by him or something horrible like that. In secret, I would dress as girly as possible. Mom loved it when I did. I loved my mommy so much. Everything was wonderful in my life. Until last year, when mommy had died. I was devastated. I lost my role model. Mainly when she was the only one that I felt safe with.

With mommy out of my life, dad took over our lives. He wanted to get me into sports. I hate sports. He put me in Football, Hockey and Baseball. He wouldn't put me in Soccer, which is funny because that's actually called Football in other countries. He said he didn't want me to play Soccer, because even girls can play it. News Flash dad, girls can play any sport.

I believe my dad is sexist and thinks women should be the ones doing all the work in the house. He bought a maid to clean up after him. No, it isn't a human, this is a robot, or an Android or something like that. I still haven't figured that out yet. Having a robot maid in the house means we didn't have to touch a thing. He said that if I cleaned anything in the house, I would be stripped down to nothing and wear girl’s clothes and treated like a woman. I wouldn't mind that. I giggle.

Just last week I got hurt at Football practice and started crying. “Lee, stop crying,” Boys don't cry; only girls do, and you are not a girl.” I hated it when dad called me Lee. I know he hates Bailey as my name, but that is ridiculous. I didn't understand why boys shouldn't cry. When he yells at me, I start crying harder. That usually makes dad angrier.

This year was an election year. Dad had tried to make sure that a man reran the white house. He failed. President Sophie won her second term. My dad hates her and says she is the worst President in the History of Presidents. The one he likes of all of them was President Drumpf. Not sure why. I heard he wasn't a great president. I bet if Hitler were around, he would have voted for him.

For the past few years, women have been running the country. This made dad pissed. I always wonder why he gets so angry. I think President Sophie is doing a great job. I heard that England had a few Queens. It was sad when Elizabeth II died. Well, my mommy said it was. I wasn't even born yet. Not even sure if mommy was. But reading a little bit on her, I learned she was a great ruler. Why doesn't the United States have Kings or Queens? Why do we have to have presidents? That is one question I haven't got an answer to.

I turn on the TV. President Sophie was talking, which I really wasn't listening. I usually listen to her, but I have another thing on my mind. Besides I could just read online in a few hours anyways. Besides, I wanted to watch my favorite movie Star Wars Episode 14. This was when Princess Lillian finally becomes a full Jedi. She defeats Darth Nazar in a colossal battle. I may have memorized the whole story, but I never get sick of it. I flipped the station, so I didn't have to hear the President speak. The movie is on SF. I understand this station has changed its name a lot since it started. Wikipedia says it was initially Sci-Fi Channel, later dropping the word “Channel” making it Sci-Fi and then Syfy. I look at the name now as SF and think it's boring. It's like they are too lazy now.

There are a lot of people making fun of that station. “Let's watch the San Francisco Channel.” They would joke around and say. I changed it to SF and noticed the show wasn't on yet. This is an excellent time to go to the kitchen and grab a little food. Looking at the machine, I didn't know how to use it. Does everything now days come in pill form? I have seen classic TV shows from around the 2010s; where they ate larger meals. I always wondered what a hamburger tasted like. But as I was saying everything is in pill form. I press a button, hoping I get something edible and head back to the movie just in time before it starts.

I made it in time to see the Disney logo. They always make this logo really cool with Star Wars Animation in the logo. I heard that a company called Twentieth Century Fox made the first six movies. Well, I guess that was the original name to the company until Disney bought them out. It makes sense because the Twentieth Century was a long time ago.


It was late at night, and I must have fallen asleep on the couch. My dad rushed in and woke me up. “Hurry son; we have to leave. Pack up a suitcase.”
“What's wrong dad?” I started panicking with him. He pointed out the window. A bunch of machine-like things were busting down doors. “What the hell are those?”
“They are Androids.”
“They sure don't look like our maid. What do they want?” I cried packing up a suitcase as fast as I could go.
“President Sophie told the nation last night, that the whole world has joined in on this new law.”
“What law is that?” I was still panicking.
“According to Sophie, all males have to report to a facility to be feminized.”
“What's that?” Now I was confused.
“It's where we would have to turn into a girl. It’s a law that makes males illegal.”
'Wow,' I thought. 'My wish is coming true. I will be a girl in no time.'

“Hurry up your brothers were already in the car. Dad went to the kitchen and grabbed bags of pill formed food with him.
“Why do we need all this stuff?”
“We won't be able to go to stores without being caught. Once all this is gone, we will have to search for food in the wilderness. I helped him take a few bags to the car, and we were on our way. But to where?

We were so lucky to get away because as soon as we left, the Androids had knocked down our front door. While we were in the car, I had a few questions to ask. “Why is the world making it illegal to be a boy?”
“How the hell do I know? Women are taking over. I have been knowing this for many years since the first woman president.”
“You mean President...”
“Don't say her name,” dad interrupted. I sat there for a while thinking.
“Dad, why can't we just give in and become girls?”
“Lee,” dad yelled. “Men have always ruled the world. Women are just jokes. Men have more power. They are stronger, and girls are weaker.”
“What if I want to be a girl?” I said without thinking.
“Why the hell would you want to become a girl?” I started to cry. “And don't start the crying bologna.”

As we flew, I looked out the window. Looking at the ground below, I could see Androids everywhere — lots of men being dragged out of their homes and taken away. I wonder how many other men were hiding away.
“Where are we going?” I asked dad.
“My boss knows this place we can hide out. He's already there. A bunch of men are there as well. We are going to hide there as long as we can.”
“What if they find out where we are?”
“Then we will have to find another hiding place.”

The ride didn't take long. With these flying cars, we can reach speeds of about 300 plus miles in just a few seconds. We made it to an abandoned place located in the desert. According to the GPS it says we are... nowhere?? “Dad where are we?” I look down and see old buildings everywhere. It definitely didn't look like a modern city. It looked like some old western movie set.
“We are located in an old abandoned town called Bodie. It has not been touched for so many years. It used to be a site for tourist to check out. I heard it was an old Gold Mining Town way back in the 1870s.”
“Wow. That's a very long time ago. Are you sure it's safe to live here?”
“My boss has already checked it out and told me it is safe.”

I look at the buildings. I am so going to miss the beach where we use to live in Santa Monica, all my friends, the boys, and the girls. I start to giggle. Now all girls, unless they got away like my family. I so wish I was still there. Where I would finally make my dream by turning into a girl. I thought of my friend Jake. He is transgender like me. He was born a girl but said he wanted to be a boy. I feel sorry for him. His wish will never happen now, I frown.

I walked around the town. Noticing there were a lot of people already there. Kids boys, girls, men, and women. I'm surprised that the men allowed the girls here. Well, I guess it makes sense. If we didn't have girls, we would just be a town of men. I walked up to this girl about my age.
“Hi,” I said. She was shy. “What's your name?”
“Tiffany,” she said softly.
“My name is Bailey,” I said very proudly.
“Isn't that a girl’s name?”
“Yes, but it can be a boy’s name as well.”
“Not common for a boy.”
“Wanna play cops and robbers?” I tried to change the subject.
“Sure,” she perked up.

We ran to a building which looked like some Saloon. Since guns were illegal in the United States, even toy guns, we had to pretend we had one. “BANG, BANG” Tiffany yelled.
“Hey!” a boy named John about three years older than us yelled. He was standing with a few more boys. “Girls can't play those games!”
“Why not?” Tiffany complained.
“Because it's the rule,” John said.
“Why can't she play?” I complained as well.
“Because she's a girl. She wears dresses. She plays with dolls. She has a...”
“I will be the girl if she can be the boy!” I yelled.
“What are you a sissy?”
“No. I think it’s wrong to be sexist.” The boys all laughed. “Yeah, we have a sissy here. Joe, go get your sisters dress and panties and bring them here. We are going to force him to be a girl, just like the world wants him to be.” Joe runs to get the items and brings them back. “Now put them on.”
“Put the clothes on now, or your girlfriend will get cut.” He says grabbing Tiffany and putting a knife to her neck. “Don't hurt her!” I cried. I turned around and took off my clothes. Putting on the panties the boys all laugh. It was louder laughs when I put on the dress. I was embarrassed. John grabs my boy clothes.
“Hey, give them back!” I cried.
“No way!” He laughs.

“Bailey?” I looked around and saw my brothers staring me, with wide eyes. “Why are you wearing a dress?”
“Is Bailey your name?” John laughed. “That's a girl’s name.”
“It can be a boy’s name as well.” All the boys laughed — even my brothers.
“What's with all the laughing going on in...? Lee?” I looked up to see my dad. “Why are you in girls clothes?”
“They forced me to put it on.” I pointed to the boys, or what I thought was the boys. They ran away before my dad saw them.
“Stop lying to me and get back into your boy clothes.”
“I swear dad; some boys forced me to put them on.” I look around and can't find my clothes anywhere “I can't find my clothes.”
“How can you not find them? You took them off; you should know where you put them down at.
“I'm telling you, the truth. Those boys took it.”
“I'm tired of your lying. We will have to get some from your suitcase if you refuse to tell the truth.” I was a little scared because I didn't pack any clothes in there — just video games and toys. I know I will be in trouble any minute. We walked outside. I was blushing. All the people outside saw me and were laughing. We reached my suitcase. Dad opened it up. I could tell he was pissed off. “Why the hell didn't you pack any clothes?” I started to cry. “Stop that crying, or you can hit the road.” He yelled pointing to the outskirts of town. I didn't stop crying. I just started walking away. I knew I was an outcast. “Get back here Lee!” I didn't bother. I knew I didn't belong with these people. My life was meant to be with the rest of the world. The world of only girls. I was scared. But I just kept on walking. But how far was the nearest city?

I looked back at the town? I was only there for about fifteen minutes, and I was already being forced away. I continued crying. A girl ran up to me. “Give me back my clothes.” She yelled. I took off her dress and panties. She grabbed them and ran back to town. Now I was naked. This was so not my day.

For being seven years old, I have a lot of energy. I walked for a long time. I know it was far because I don't see the town anymore. About an hour went by, and I heard a car fly by. I so wish they could see me. It was getting dark. I am glad that no wheeled cars drive on the road anymore. I saw one in a museum once, which was weird. They called it a gas guzzler. Not sure what gas is. I look up and see that car fly by again. I think someone is looking for me. I am so pooped. I fall to the road and am instantly asleep.

I wake up in a weird building. I was fully clothed. I look around and see my new friend Tiffany sitting down next to me. She looks up. “Bailey! You’re alright.” she cries. She goes over and hugs me.
“Where am I?” I asked.
“You're at my house, here in Huntington Beach.”
“Why did you bring me here?”
“Mommy left the group of men because the guy she was with was a jerk. She was mad at the homophobic words he was saying about you.”
“Tiffany, can I talk to your mommy?” She nodded and ran out of the room to get her. Her mother, Mrs. White, came in the room and sat next to me.
“Hi,” I said very quietly.”
“Hello, Bailey.”
“I looked at her and sighed. “I have a feeling I will have to be brought in to be feminized. I am a little scared.”
“It's alright to be scared. “
“Will I be forced to go there just like the other men?” I cried. “I don't want to be dragged out into the streets like the Androids did to the others.”
“I can arrange it that they don't force you. They are on their way at this moment.” I looked to the floor. This is the last time I will be a boy. Will I be happy as a girl? My dream is coming true, but it seems a little scary. I looked up at Mrs. White and then hugged her.
“Thank you,” I said very softly. I cried a little.

Tiffany came into the room.
“Mommy someone is at the door.” Mrs. White walked out of the room to answer the door. Tiffany sat down next to me. So you're going to be a girl like me now, aren't you? I nodded. Tiffany hugs me. “Don't worry, being a girl isn't that bad.”
“Can you keep a secret?” I look at Tiffany, and she nods. “I have ever since I was two felt like I was supposed to be a girl. So this is a dream I have wanted for some time now.”
Tiffany looks at me for a little bit. I can see a happy smile form on her face.

Mrs. White walks back into the room with a lady.
“Hello Bailey,” The lady said. “Mrs. White told me you want to volunteer to go down to the facility. I have told the Androids to leave. I am very proud of you. You must be brave.” I cried and looked up at the lady.
“I am, but I am also scared.”
“You don't have to be scared. You’re not going to be dragged in like those non-volunteering men were.”
“Will it hurt to change?”
“Not at all. Just a small poke from a needle and you will be fine.”
I smiled as she took my hand and helped me out of bed. “Come on Bailey.”
Time was moving slowly, walking out the house I was put into a small vehicle. I looked at the world around me. I am seeing girls staring at me. Soon, I will be like them.

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