Through The Eyes of Bailey White - Chapter 2

Chapter 2

The ride to the facility was a peaceful one. The lady, which I found out her name is Dr. Jostad, made it comfortable. I was told that I was one of the only cooperating children. Most didn't want to change. Well actually mostly all Transgenders agreed, but I was one that was being treated with a lot of respect. I wonder why.
I hear that crossdressers were not as happy. They lost their jobs as drag queens. Well, maybe they can dress as drag kings now. I giggle. I doubt it.

When we get to the destination, I am escorted into a strange building. I could hear lots of yelling. Most of them are men screaming to let them stay as men. I saw some men being escorted to the building like me, but they were trying to get away. There was lots of swearing as well. I noticed that when it got out of hand, they were tranquilized and thrown in a room with a bunch of other men waiting to be changed.

I was brought into a special room. Children were usually the first to change which means the older men have to suffer and panic. I walk into a room with a machine and a window where I can be watched by the women on the other side.
“Please sit down,” a robot said. I followed directions and sit. Metal bars went around my legs and arms. I see Dr. Jostad observing me from the large window. I wonder why I need to be restrained. I am a good girl. I won't get away.

The seat I sat on started getting warm. It was very pleasant. I felt a strange feeling. I hear Dr. Jostad talking. “Bailey. This won't make much sense with you. It normally would work for mature males. But because you're just seven, it will just feel warm and strange.”
“What's it supposed to do?”
“It normally would remove all of your boy juice also known as semen, but since you don't produce any at your age... well... I will explain it later.” I was confused. Just then I felt a poke in my arm.
“Ow,” I cried. “What was that?”
“You remember when I told you, you were going to get a shot?” I nodded “Well that was it. Sorry, it hurt.” If I weren't restrained, I know I would have rubbed the owwy.

The seat was still warm. It was glowing orange. I felt my hair start growing. It went past my shoulders. It was weird. Typically hair grows very slow on me. I wish I could take my hands and hold them. Because of the restraints, I couldn't even move. Still not sure why I also need to be restrained. I am voluntary allowing my change. I can feel my skin getting softer. Again I wish I could feel how soft it really was getting. Not sure what was happening, but my bones felt like they were shrinking. I notice my hands are a slight bit smaller than before. My feet stayed the same though, which was weird. I guess they are the same as girls my age. I can see through a mirror that my face was changing as well. Instead of the square-shaped chin that I was starting to get, it was now more heart-shaped. I could tell I wasn't as tall as I use to be. Last time I was checked, I was sixty inches which would have made me, I believe five feet tall and the tallest in my class, especially for a seven-year-old. But I shrunk a lot. I wonder how tall I am now. Just then my tummy was hurting a little. I am groaning. This part hurt a lot. It was like something was growing inside of me. Well, I guess it wasn't my tummy. I have a feeling that inside me I am developing the Female Reproductive System. I don't actually know what it is, but I will learn soon enough. Next but not the final change was the most exciting thing of them all. I watched as my penis started shrinking, which ended up going totally flat. I could feel something moving down there like a hole was forming. It had to be my new vagina.

The machine then moved around me. It was scanning me. How do I know? I saw a light of some kind. It was like a laser you find at a market. It went around me for about three minutes until it stopped. I looked up. This screen on the wall lit up. On the screen, I could see words.
** Patient: Bailey
Age: 7
Gender: Female
Height: 45 in.
Weight: 24 kg
Patient is capable of bearing children through natural birth in the future. Ovaries are in good health.** The machine shut off.

Wow, I am way shorter than before. I also weigh less. What's this? I can get pregnant? That excited me. I heard in the past they used Nanobot Technology and Stem Cell Research to help make Transgenders pregnant. It wouldn't be a natural birth. They would always have to cut them open to get the baby out.

Dr. Jostad walks into the room. “Hi,” I said with a smile. “How come I haven't grown...” I was moving my hands across my chest.
“Bailey the final stages will be when you go through puberty. That is in a few years from now. As for now, welcome to girlhood. You are 100% female down to the Chromosomes.”
“What are Chromosomes?” I asked I was so confused.
“ Chromosomes is DNA that makes you either male or female. Since you are now female, you have the Chromosome XX. When you were born, you had the Chromosome XY which is the DNA of male.”
I sat there for a minute not talking. Dr. Jostad just smiled. Finally breaking the silence I had a question, I bet lots to ask.
“Why has the world decided to change all males into females?”
“I can't answer that. It is top secret, even to me. But more likely in the near future, we will know the reason why.”

The chair stopped turning bright orange and turned off. The metal bars opened up, and I was able to move again. I got down from the chair, well I more like fell. I wasn't the same height as I was before. I started to cry. Dr. Jostad helped me up. “It's okay. You didn't know how tall you were by just sitting there. I stopped crying. I was checking out the machine I was just one. Looking at a small empty jar. “What's that?” I asked pointing to the jar.
“That's normally where your little boy juice would have been, but as I said before, you haven't hit puberty yet, so you were not able to produce any.”
“Why do you want that?”
“So that women can still get pregnant and re-populate Terra if we ever need to,” I remember in school we learned Terra is the actual name for our planet. For many years people have called it earth. But the earth is the land we walk on. We can't walk on water. So why would we call the whole planet earth?

“Do you have any parents we can bring you back to?” Dr. Jostad asked.
“I do, it's my dad, and he is in hiding with my two older brothers.”
“We must find them. Do you know where they are?” I looked up at her. With tears in my eyes, I started to cry. I don't remember where they are. Even if I did find them, they would start a war on all of us. He would disown me now because I am a girl.” I am bawling now. “So actually I don't have any parents. I am alone now.” Dr. Jostad hugged me.
“We will have to find you a new family. One that would treat you as their daughter.”

I was taken to a room full of children. Of course all girls.
“This is where you will stay for a while. Most of these girls, are like you. They don't have parents.”
I look at all the toys in the room. Dollhouses and dolls, dress up clothes, makeup kits. I am in heaven. There are so many things to do here. I ran over to the dollhouse. I didn't notice that Dr. Jostad left until I heard a loud buzzer from the door. 'Were they locking us in?' I thought.

I looked at the dollhouse. Another girl was sitting there playing in it as well.
“Hello, what's your name?”
“My name is Forrest, Forrest Gump.” She giggled.
“Really?” I giggle as well.
“No my name is Floyd, but since that's a boy’s name and now I am a girl... like you. I am now Felicity.” She said.
“Did you pick out that name? It's beautiful.”
“Yes, I did and thank you. What's your name?”
“My name is Bailey.”
“What was your boy’s name?”
“Bailey as well. My mommy wanted a girl and chose this name. My dad hated it. Was always angry at my mommy for choosing my name. He would always call me Lee, which I never liked being called.”
“Do you wanna be my friend?” Felicity asked after a long pause. I smiled and nodded.

It was just about time for dinner. All the girls were excited. So was I. When the food came in, we thought it would be a pill. We were surprised it wasn't. I was looking at a whole table of something I never saw before.
“What is this? I was so confused. I picked up an object. It was strange to pick it up. Sniffing it, I took a bite. “Mmm yummy” I cried out. “What am I eating? To my surprise, Dr. Jostad came into the room. Well, actually it was a hologram of her. She was in another room at the moment. “That is called a Pizza. One of the scientists named Kadee, originally a male like you had started making food. It's digitally made from a computer.” My eyes were open more full than I have ever taken them.
“You mean, I can actually eat a real hamburger?”
“Yes. If you want I can digitally make you a hamburger from McDonald's.”
I looked confused. Staring at the floor. “What's a McDonald's?” Dr. Jostad laughed.
“McDonald's is a restaurant from way back. It started in 1940 in the City of San Bernardino, California.”
“I don't understand. Which California is San Bernardino in?”
“Well at the time McDonald's was founded it was located in the state of California. When the state split into six states, San Bernardino becomes part of South California.”
“That is very interesting. Is McDonald's still around?”
“As of right now, McDonald's and all restaurants closed up when we had a livestock shortage. The last cow became extinct fifteen years ago. Chickens are on the endangered species list. I remember when McDonald's shut down. They had a controversy on killing horses to be made for replacement of beef. That would be cow if you didn't know.”
“Can I try one of those hamburgers?”
“Sure thing.” She spoke through the communicator on her shirt. “Kadee could you bring a McDonald's Double Cheese Burger some fries and a Chocolate Shake.” She looks at the other girls. “Make that enough for all the girls in this room.”

The food came over to us instantly. I was so excited. Even my new friend Felicity. For the first time in my life, I was going to experience a hamburger. I grabbed my burger and everything that comes with it. With one bite, it was like my mouth was in heaven. I wanted to savor the taste as much as possible.

I looked inside the burger. There were two weird brown flat things. Not sure what it is. Two yellow floppy stuff in between the two brown things. I'm guessing they were cheese. Not sure if I am right. I see this flat round green thing. Then something I really couldn't tell what it was, but it was white and small. On top was some red stuff which tasted sweet and yellow stuff which was kind of sour. Over what I believe was a bun. I was so glad to eat my very first burger.

With all this excitement, I went to another room and found some beds. I laid down on one. Felicity saw me go to sleep. She was too scared to meet anyone else. She laid down next to me. I was surprised she took the same bed. It didn't bother me. I let her stay. I even hugged her. We fell asleep hugging.


“Sergeant Jostad, we have spotted a small group just in the desert of Central California. They are located in an old town. I have checked out an old map of California before the split. It looks like an abandoned town called Bodie, or what use to be a town.”
“Very good private. Let me know if you have more proof on who is there.”

I heard the whole conversation. I got out of bed and kissed Felicity before I did. I think I am falling in love with her. Getting out of bed, I walk over to Dr. or Sergeant Jostad. “Are you a doctor or a Sergeant?” I asked.
“Oh sweetie, I didn't know you were up. I am both. But to you, I am your doctor.”
“The place you were talking about Bodie sounds familiar. I think that's the town my dad and brothers are in.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, and if I am not mistaking, they're armed with weapons.”
“Bailey, we have weapons as well.”
“Yeah, but they have high tech weapons. My dad and his boss are there. They worked at a company that makes Nuclear Lasers.”
“Those are illegal.”
“My dad didn't care. He was planning on using them to assassinate the President. And if he gets his way, he will do it.”
“Thanks for letting us know.” She yells to a woman. “Natalie get me the President on the phone.” She looks at me again. “I'm sorry Bailey, but we may have to exterminate your father and everyone that's in that town.”
I start to cry. “I understand. But that means I will be an orphan.”
“Don't worry sweetie we have found you a nice family that wants to adopt you.”
“Who?” I ask.
“Sergeant Jostad, the president is on line 1.”
“I will tell you who in a little while.” She answers the phone. “Hello Madame President, we have a code red on a troop of men planning on assassinating you. If I were you, I would leave Carson City. These men are located within one hundred miles from you and the White House.” She listened over the phone. I remember hearing about these old phones our ancestors used to use. I think they called the iPhone and Androids. It makes me laugh that anyone used technology like that. Today’s phones are set up through brain waves. Just press a button on our wrist, and we can talk. The best thing is, it is almost virtually impossible to listen in on someone’s conversation. Only the owner of the phone can hear the other person’s conversation. But I do remember something my dad told my brothers. It's a bad thing. Something that could have caused problems between our families in the past. Should I tell her? I must tell her.
“Dr. Jostad. I have to tell you something.”
“Hold on Bailey, this is important.”
“So is mine,” I mumbled under my breath.

After about three minutes she got off the phone.
“Now Bailey, what was so important that you needed to interrupt me?”
“My dad is a hacker. I believe he just traced your call.”
“Why didn't you tell me earlier.”
“I wanted...” I couldn't even finish the sentence. I started to cry.


That evening I heard screaming in the hallway. “You can't take me!” It sounded familiar. I looked out the window of the room I was in. To my surprise, I saw one of my brothers being dragged in by the Androids. I looked around for dad and my other brother. I didn't see them. Dr. Jostad saw me looking out the window. Hearing a buzz, I stepped away from the door. I know what that means. She was coming in.
“Hello, Bailey. I have some good news and...” she stopped speaking.
“And what? Are my dad and my other brother okay?”
“I am sorry Bailey. Your father was shot and killed by the Android Secret Service of President Sophie.”
I started to cry. “And my brother?”
“Well, one brother of yours is here as you saw, the other one...”She sighed, “he committed suicide.”
My eyes were again huge. Tears were falling from my eyes. I screamed and ran to my bed crying my head off. Felicity walked in, laid next to me and hugged me.
“I heard what happened and I am sorry. I am an orphan as well. My parents both died in a fly-by shooting.” I looked up at Felicity. Still, with tears in my eyes, I hugged her and kissed her. I wasn't shocked that she kissed me back.

I woke up the next day to a new girl. I knew it was my sister, but to be funny, I went over to her. “Hello, what's your name?”
“I don't have a name after they forcefully changed me into a girl. What's your name?”
“My name is Bailey,” I giggle.
“Bailey? I have a brother named Bailey.”
“No, you have a sister named Bailey,” I say posing myself off to her.
“Bailey? Is that you? Wow, you look different. I hardly noticed you.” my new sister said. She started crying and hugged me.
“Have you thought of a name yet?” I said.
“Hmm... Well with my name being Joseph, I could be Josephine.”
“Do you mind if I call you Josie?” I could see she was about to cry.
“I would love it.” She finally cried, hugging me.

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