Homophobic Florida

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A state representative from the Miami area is writing a bill that would prohibit a transgender person from using the restroom of the gender that they are . This means a person would have to use the restroom of there birth gender . A transgender woman would have to use the men's room , how would that go over a lady in a dress going into the men's room . I wonder how would even enforce a law like that ?
Restroom police ? would the pervert be looking under the dress to see the privates .
This is just plain crazy , only in the warped minds of hate can this happen.
here is the link to the shameful story


I agree with the sentiment

I agree with the sentiment about it being way wrong. In many ways. One question though: How is that homophobic?


erin's picture

It is in most cases, homophobia that is behind such transphobic actions. To the phobic, there mostly is no difference. Hate is hate.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Oh, I know, the sentiment

Oh, I know, the sentiment originates from ignorance of the non-initiated. It's such a common misconception: "What do you mean you're a woman/man at heart? Are you gay?" It is one of the more annoying things I read sometimes in stories and articles, and every time I think. 'There is such a loooong way to go. Is it even possible to get people to understand the difference? Ever?'

But here, on BCTS, we know things right? We're no ignorants -in that aspect- so I thought is the blogger aware s/he is perpetuating a misconception? And should s/he not try to be at least correct here?

But maybe I am just overzealous.

law amended

I have friends in the Florida legislature and the law orginally was going block transgender individuals from using public restrooms at all for public safety, places of religion, and businesses.

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.


What were they supposed to do, use the nearest bush? And this is the amended version, painting targets on people for taking a dump?

What is it about politics that degrades the functionality of what had to be at some point, fully operational minds?!?

How Would They Enforce

this restriction? I always figured, if I pass in their store or restaurant I'll pass in their restrooms. I've never had any trouble in 24 years. Are they going to start demanding proof from large or butch looking wimyn? If one's post op and has legal ID, I can't imagine anyone saying anything.

Hugs and Bright Blessings,

Florida Holiday Fun

Rhona McCloud's picture

If the law goes through how about about if a woman from the UK goes along and, overcome by remorse at having broken the law, turns herself in for using a women's public lavatory whilst male. Assuming a UK female passport and birth certificate she might find it difficult to prove her 'maleness' but would she have to? It seems that the court would be in the wrong to jail or to release her so might say the law only applies to Florideans which should prove fodder for the Bill of Rights lawyers. Alternatively I suppose they could deport her for no reason or call in Homeland Security.

Frank Artiles claims to have law degrees from St Thomas and Miami but his legal ineptitude seems boundless.

Rhona McCloud

Are they including a color trangle

For all of the visitors coming into the state by Air Land and Sea, and who would be doing the inspection any way, Buford T Justice oh shucks he's dead so no luck there.

This is an unenforceable and unconstitutional law put forth by someone who is seeking attention, it's worthy of a nine year old, not an adult. But considering the current mood of the country I don't think this will pass regardless of the emotions of fear and loathing the authors of this legislation may be trying to stir up.

Anetta Bryan took a shot at gay people back in my day of attending collage in Florida, and the back lash cost the state a very tidy sum of money eventually ending both Ms Bryan's advertising gig with Minute Maid juice company but her social life in Miami Beach as well. The people or person who penned this atrocity will find out today's world is operating in the 2015 year mode not the 1520. And let all of us send positive energy they find them selves alone on pride day

I am not saying this to be mean, because there are an enormous number of good people in that state including members of the GLBT community but Florida is not a state I would ever consider traveling to 'again' because of examples like this this proving the saying, " Can't fix stupid"

With those with open eyes the world reads like a book


Alas, while same-sex marriage

Brooke Erickson's picture

Alas, while same-sex marriage looks like it's doing ok, that's *not* "the mood of the country.

Check out the "religious freedom" (so-called) laws being put forth in many stats (and that have passed in several). They basically say that it's legal to discriminate against gay or trans folks if you say your religion is against them.

Actually, in many cases they pretty much say that you don't have to obey *any* law if your religion/"conscience" conflicts with it.

Also look at Kansas and Alabama. Kansas is allowing same-sex marriages (well, in *most* of the counties). They are just refusing to *recognize* them. (Ie you can get the marriage certificate, but no state agencies other than the one that issues them will recognize them for *anything*)

Alabama may be even more messed up. They've got a bunch of judges *including* the chief justice of the Alabama supreme court (Judge Roy Moore, yes *that* Roy Moore) saying that the federal court order saying that the Alabama laws and constitutional amendment forbidding gay marriage are in violation of the US Constitution has no power (note: Alabama tried that with inter-racial marriages and desegregation. It didn't end well for them)

Brooke brooke at shadowgard dot com
Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls
It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world
"Lola", the Kinks