We had a small database problem this morning which has been cleared up. We will be working on a permanent solution to this later this month with adding two more database servers. If you had problems posting this morning it was likely due to the database timing out while trying to update tables.
Let us know via email, PM, or status message if you are still having problems.
Thank you for your hard work.
I wish I could help right now but can't
Yep, servers weren't accepting data
Tried to leave a comment to Morpheus last chapter and nothing doing.
No problem. I'll let it set and get back later. Tried to post a Blog. That also was refusing to accept input so I backed up from your web page and when I did it closed it out.
Darn! And I outdid myself with a flourish of prose worthy of Aristotle. No problem it still has to be trapped on my computer in "history".
Hello Houston, we have a problem. It wasn't trapped. What did I say? Not sure as I was on auto pilot. Remember! Can't, brain malfunction.
Erin, sweetheart, I want you to know some of the greatest words of wisdom in the history of mankind has been lost because your server didn't want to hear it.
Hugs Doll
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Sorry about that
Try to let us know when something is going on, via email, PM or status. We didn't find out right away because of another crisis distracting us. The problem was only with nodes (stories and blogs) and comments on those. Status and PM still worked.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Was this related to the problem that Maddy reported earlier?
Probably not
Nothing we could do on this end affected Maddy's problem.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Nope, not related in any way.
Nope, not related in any way.
Funny, that
You're probably right but when I tried to comment yesterday, twice, to Maddy's thread the site died both times... comments elsewhere worked okay.
I'm sure it can only be coincidence.
There was a time before when I could read the site fine but whenever I attempted to post or comment it went away. Those were the days before the big upgrade, however. Nowadays the site seems much more stable and a lot quicker.