This comes from a suggestion on Crystal's Cyberboard about an indexable story link database. BC already allows for a link database but I can easily add a capacity for indexed and searchable specialized story links on BC. In fact, I just did. :) These story links would be for stories not stored on BC but on sites that allow such linkage and with author permissions for such linking.
Considering the recent hooraw about linking to stories, is this a good idea? Should I turn it on for just anyone to use or make it available only to BC authors or to a new category of member at BC (indexer?).
I think it could be very useful but I worry about someone causing problems by linking to stories on sites or by authors who don't want such linkage.
PM me if you want to have permission to use this facility to link to stories on your own site or stories you have written yourself.
P.S. I guess not that many are interested in this since it has got no comments and only one PM.
- Erin
Who has a site?
I think the problem is that most do not maintain a website of any sorts, for their stories or anything else. Maybe a Facebook or Myspace page, but not much else.
They know they can survive
Link Database
I for one Erin would like to have access to this feature. I would also like to state publicly that any author published @ TGFiction.Net is allowed to link to their stories as they are there. I also request that all authors whom have stories only @ TGF consider posting their stories to other sites as well so that if something ever happens to TGF those stories aren't lost forever! For those of you whom have taken the time to write special stories for TGF, I do appreciate it, I really do, but I don't ever want to be responsible for your stories not being available.
I've turned on the ability to add StoryLinks for Authors and Editors. Please don't anyone add links in a way that will upset the admins or other sites or the authors of stories. This is just another small thing to help bind the community together and it would be bad if it worked the other way.
For those who can and want to, the add |StoryLink| form is under the |Create content| item in the navigation menu directly under your login name.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I don't have anything published on another site, that is not also posted here... So I don't need it for anything I've written (yet).
As to who could post links - Authors posting links to their OWN stuff on other sites makes sense.
Posting links to stuff you don't own? We can embed a link to sites other than BCTS in our writing today by using the anchor/href tag you allow. And this is relatively unpoliced action. So, maybe it doesn't matter what you allow users to post links to.
That said, do you might well consider limiting the kind of things that we are "authorized" to post links to... (Like No links to X, Y or Z. or some such guideline.)
There I go rambling along. Someone tell me to shut my trap. Please.
P.S. And, now I see that you've already thunk of most of this, so please disreagard.
Okay, so I'm not an author or anything here, so it makes sense that the "add link" bit doesn't show up for me.
But ...
... where is this database of which you speak? There is "weblink", but that seems (oddly, from my perspective) to be alphabetical by post title, making it rather difficult to use (it's too large to read in one sitting, and if it happens to get updated, I'll never be able to tell that I've missed an addition).
So, where is the index, for readers in general? There seems little reason to suggest things to link, if there's no way of finding them once made. Am I missing something awfully obvious?
StoryLinks are listed with the Stories
WebLinks are just links to websites. The StoryLinks will show up just as stories, mixed in with the other stories. When you open one to read it though, it's a link to an offsite story. I decided to do it that way. I could also, later, add a way of listing just the StoryLinks. Currently, there's only one. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.