A Scottish ferry ride

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I occasionally make reference to the weather in Scotland, where the Tammy stories are set, but regardless of how well weather can be described in writing, nothing beats a video.

This was filmed on 9th of Jan and is the ferry between the Orkney Isles and Scrabster, about 4 miles from Thurso. Have your paper bags ready!




As Celine Dion sings....

Andrea Lena's picture

....My Nausea and Vomiting Will Go On.....


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena


Podracer's picture

"The cafeteria is now closed".

"Reach for the sun."


shiraz's picture

"Cleaning team to deck 1, deck 2, deck 3, deck 4 ....."

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Paperback cover Boat That Frocked.png

Seems Like.....

Seems like it would be difficult just moving about on the ferry.

Ferry crossings

shiraz's picture

I crossed the English Channel (and southern North Sea) many dozens of timesbut still have memories of one trip. I had a meeting in Calais to attend, with one of the port officials to discuss telephones. The ferry left on time but we were warned it could be an extended crossing time (nominally 75 minutes).

I was in the first class lounge directly under the bridge of the P&O Pride of Calais and had declined a complimentary glass of champagne. The lounge was virtually empty and the stewards all recognised me so they left a radio tuned to Dover's harbour control instead of the usual muzak. As we left the berth the weather was reported as a force 8, a little lumpy but nothing out of the ordinary.

As we reached the harbour entrance it was reported as a force nine and the ship was given an option to abort the crossing and return to the berth. We went onward. A minute later we're out of the harbour and the wind is now classed as force ten, Dover harbour closes automatically when it reached a ten! We're now committed to cross the channel.

It was very lumpy and the crew were kept busy cleaning up frequent mess. I did take a walk down into cattle class once but the smell was not pleasant so I went back to the lounge and read my paper.

I arrived an hour and a half late for my meeting but it went ahead regardless, in French as he spoke no English, taking only about twenty five minutes to conclude, I made it back to the port departure lounge to discover, strangely, no ferries were running. I went up to the bar and found some of my managers who had also gone to Calais for the day. I bullied one of them into paying for me to stay in a hotel that night as I had a further meeting the following afternoon. What he didn;t know was that I had an overnight bag hidden in a locked room for just such an eventuality. I was back in the bar ten minutes later with bag and just needed a lift into town.


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Paperback cover Boat That Frocked.png

A life on the ocean waves


I prefer my seas much flatter than shown in that video clip.

At least it wasn't so bad during one of my holiday trips to the island of Arran, off the west Scottish coast. When checking out of a hotel, they informed me that due to an overnight storm the ferries were not running, they might be later in the day. "But if you can't leave, you can return as your room will not be filled." I did leave, on a small car ferry, the top of the car was washed over by spray!



dawnfyre's picture

I so would love to stand right on the bow in summer.

Seeing that just proves how privileged I am living in the area of BC I do, even crossing Georgia Straight is much calmer, any time.
Vancouver Island itself is nearly the size of Great Britain, add the Queen Charlotte islands and you have a fantastic, natural, breakwater, making the area a truly peaceful waterway.
Though the crossing from Horseshoe Bay to Nanaimo is 1 hour 35 minutes.

The landscape is very similar to Scotland though, just a bit more temperate in climate.

might be a week or so before the Rhodos out front of my apartment building bloom. Maybe 2 weeks before the Japanese Cheery Trees lining the West End of Vancouver are in bloom. [ streets lined with pink blossomed trees. ]

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.