Sixteen Feet of Steel Chapter 15

Sixteen Feet of Steel Chapter 15


We get to work doing what we can and that’s not much really in truth and we’re getting tenser and tenser as dawn becomes daylight and I keep using my powers to cast out and to try and feel for Hawk or the goblins and I finally feel her and then the wagon and then I feel others with her…No…they’re not Goblins with Wargs they’re moving too wrong?

I push on with it until it’s goes into that greywashed state and my sight seems to rush out towards them and I see Jessa on the wagon and she has a nearly a score of people in armor and weapons and horses and…I see…feel lances.

I sit down with actually being relieved when I feel them and the other’s look at me and I’m smiling. “She’s okay, it’s her.”

They look relieved too and more so when we hear a brass horn being sounded to ware the camp.

I’m nervous and tired and excited all at the same time as I see men and women on horse riding in and some of them knights and some of them possibly rangers or other adventuring types riding in.

*And Now…

They’re impressive even if after a first look they seem to be a few different groups all together and again I am struck by the fact there are women here in the group. There’s one that looks like a ranger with the woodswainish clothes and leathers along with some that look like warriors but seem to be close to the men-at-arms of different types than knights and such but there’s several knightly looking people in the group too.

And lances.

Which is really unusual because really a knight’s lance is a thing only usually used in Calvary charges and tournaments and it’s not a carried in the field weapon.

I’m staring at the diversity really at least a quarter of the people here are women. That’s a huge difference really when I was still sort of thinking that Hawk and Nicole were sort of exceptions. None of the other women were like them that I’d have met before. But this, this really speaks to a whole land of difference really.

I am so, so much farther from home than I thought that I understood.

Even more so as my eyes go wide and as one all of the lances shorten…and fall into each other with a sound like a half dozen sheathing swords.


Oh…I think, I think that they retracted into themselves the shape, the shape would allow for it to do that but that’s something that we really don’t have home. I get up on my crutches and move a little to see them slide the now four foot or so weapon into a large leather sheath hooked to the front barding of the war horses.

I look up at one of the knights that was sheathing their lance and he gives me a nod. “Sorceress.”

“Sir Knight.” I do a sort of shoulder bob at him. “I’d curtsey Sir but I’m afraid I’d fall over and my Ranger-physiker would beat me.”

He smiles, okay he smiles like he never meant to smile and he’s trying to recover which fails as Hawk says loudly.

“Aye with an arra, like a switch.”

There some laughter in that sort of barracks kind of rumbly person kind of way. He looks at me and he dismounts and there’s a young man there pretty quickly to take the reins. He reaches out at me and…oh, yes I should light my hand.

No not lightning or dipped in oil and set on fire but the lady thing where you sort of lift your hand and for the gentleman to kiss it.

I do that and he does it and I’m blushing.

I know it’s still kind of sort of custom between men and women and…

And all of the women are looking at me as if I grew three more fingers or something.

“Sorry…? Did I do that wrongly?”

There some head shakes and he says. “Nay lady, it’s just not seen that much outside of places like court and formal things and even then it’s…”

Nicole is grinning. “A kiss is a kiss Chrissy and that sort of thing here is usually left to couples doing courtly greeting in public. Doing what you just did sort of implies…”

I look at the knight and I raise an eyebrow. “So was I just propositioned by you sir?”

He blushes. “No I…”

There’s some more laughter.

Nicole speaks up. “You lit to him Chrissy so the other way around.”


“You just propositioned him so to speak.”

I blush.

Then I look him over and it’s more pain and post battle bravado than anything else as I say. “Good to know.”

And that makes him blush again.

Really? I did that? I’m fairly sure that I did that and I was just sort of trying to be witty.

And yet…I do think I flirted.

But getting this man, this knight to blush and react like so it’s…it’s so strange and oddly…Gracia like.

No…no…I really do not want to be like her.

I love my sister and I pray that she is alright but she was very flirty and she used that far too much for my liking. I take a breath and I offer him my hand in the way of a handshake.

“My pardon Sir….?”

“Erik, Sir Erik Tempus.”

“Tempus that’s an interesting name.”

“My family are timesmen?”


“We build timepieces, watches and clocks.”

“Oh…very nice I have always loved clocks and watches.”

He nods. “I never had the patient hands lady.”

“Christiana please.”

“As you wish.” He seems more relaxed and he shakes my hand and that seems better. “No offense Christiana but you’ve looked better.”

“I think I look better than the alternative though.” I gesture around.

“This is true.”

We stop shaking hands and he introduces me to others as they are doing things here and there mostly looking things over and the bulk of them are knights with the few squires here and there and some of them not young.

That’s actually not unusual as Squire is also a courtly title and it can be bestowed as one for services or deeds and it can be inherited as well so in some of these cases these squires might be close to what’s called a landed bondsman to some of the knights or even some of the nobles here in this area under loan or assignment.

It’s still surprising to see the mixture of women at arms here though and some of them are definitely from places or regions with a distinct common that has an accent all its own.

That’s a thing that’s more prevalent here than home in The Middle Kingdoms where even our peasants speak closer to the kings common.

It’s mostly though them getting ready to move us out and scouting around though there are some that spoke to Nicole and they left at a fast ride.

I look at her. “They left in a hurry?”

She nods. “I passed on that they seemed to have been tracking you by scent and that our back trail could lead to places that we’ve been to and some of those places could be in danger.”

I nod and frown. “I hate the thought of that.”

Nicole looks at me. “Given the only way I can see them getting here is through some kind of sorcery or witchcraft Chrissy my thoughts are troubled enough.”

I take a drink from a skin she passes me and it’s water with wine and it tastes quite bleech but it’s still welcome nonetheless. “I had the same thoughts, there’s just no other way right?’

“Aye it’s not Murderhole and this is definitely their base camp which means they moved from wherever to here.”

I add in. “And someone is making deals with them.”

“The same person that moved the troops that attacked your home.”

I take another drink. “I was thinking about that too, you can’t just move that many battleknights and siege gear than close without people knowing.”

Nicole adds. “Unless by magic, and they knew how to fight your mother and that she’d be there.”

I nod. “Which means an old foe of hers most likely.”

“But just for her or my parents too?”

Nicole nods. “Both? I think your father was likely seen as an ally and also a thorn in someone’s side since there is definitely nobility in play here with those kinds of forces.”

I sigh. “I don’t know enough about the bigger politics home for this and I know even less about the magic side of this too.”

She looks at me. “Which is why we get you to Sanctuary and to Lady Tatiana as soon as we can Chrissy you need to be safe and you need to get trained.”

I look at the ground. “I know, I might be the only one standing between whomever and who knows what else.”

I do notice that we’re have an audience of some of the people here and Nicole looks at them.

“Speaking for the office of Lady Tatiana I will trust you with this. Lady Aurora has been killed in action and lady Christiana is her heir apparent.”

Okay…Nicole has more weight that I would think as there’s nods and grim faces. Apparently it’s also who you’re a squire to as much as being one and I get nods and several people come up to me and shake my hand.

“I’m sorry for your loss…”
“She was a fine woman…”
“We will get you to safety sorceress.”

I’m a little moved and wipe at my eyes and I try for a brave smile even though I don’t feel so brave but more scared and tired and battered.

I’m used to the whole nobility thing and yet I’m not used to being talked to in that sort of way that my father was when people would speak to him of him having their support.

It’s humbling and it’s supposed to be that way.

It’s not too long after that Jessa brings the wagon up and we get things loaded including Nicole’s Squire’sknight and then the trophies and other things and then I’m being made comfortable and one of the women fighters passes me a flask. “Juniper spirits.”

“Oh, I’ve never had it.”

“Tis, strong sorceress it’d be a good salve to yer pains though.”

“Oh well in that case.”

I tip it back ready for the bite and I was not ready for the flavor which is strong but it’s juniper so it had that warming that juniper berry does and that very woodsy taste. I know some couldn’t abide it but it’s not that bad and once past that taste of the juniper that actual alcohol is refined quite well.”

I take a few swigs of it. “Many thanks…?”



She does a throat clearing cough. “Dame Tillisade Jarod of Sanctuary and the outer wardens.”

Oh… “So definitely Tilly, I’m Chrissy.”

We shake hands and she’s quite the size woman. Large arms like man or most men and good shoulders and she’s pretty if you can look at a warrior type as pretty, she’d never be a court flower and it’d ill suit her as well honestly.

“Well met Chrissy.”

“You as well.”

We get moving as Tilly keeps her horse close to the wagon and she passes me the flask now and then as I need it and after a while moving is getting to be a chore between the mild buzz I’m building up and the sleep and the pain. So for a few passes I float the flask between us and her eyes had that seeing majik look but not afraid of me but that still sort of in wonder but too old to give into it sort of expression.

“You knew my mother?”

“Nay, I’d seen her plenty being a knight of the realms but mostly in passing and such…and no I’m not that well experienced with real magic.”

“To be truthful Tilly neither am I. I had no idea I was Her child until very recently and she had to awaken my powers.”

She nods. “Must be hard.”

“It is but it’s also very frustrating knowing that I know so little.”

“Not so little from what I heard for someone your age you’ve acquitted yourself quite well in battle.”

I look over towards Nicole who’s sleeping. “Not as well as some.”

Tilly looks at me. “She’s Tatiana’s Squire.”

I nod. “She told me.”

Tilly shakes her head. “That’s not even close to it, Lady Tatiana only takes the very best of the best, people who are better than most knights and battleknighters would think of being from all fifty realms and beyond that and she…Nicole there is worth ten squire’s doing the exact same thing in the field.”

Nicole cracks an eye. “Trollshit Tilly, I grew up in these machines, my family builds them and I have that feel for them. There’s no one on a battle field any more of value that any other.”

Tilly looks at her and makes a face. “I’ve seen you fight Nicole, everyone here has seen you fight your skills are well above seasoned fighters in the same field.”

“I have the best teacher on Titan.”

Tilly nods.

I yawn and look at them both. “She’s that good, Lady Tatiana?”

They both nod and Nicole says. “King Wayland has called her The Champion of Titan.”


“Oh well I’m certainly getting intimidated.”

I’m only half joking but the look they share says that I should be.

We’re quiet a bit after than but that bit of quiet is enough to lull me to sleep along with the alcohol and the motion of the wagon.

We break at the place that Taylor wanted to camp at and we water the horses and we make water and one of the older squires Quinland brings out food from his saddle baskets and there’s good cheese complete with a waxed rind and it’s wonderfully developed with some kind of savory seeds in it and there’s bread biscuits he calls them which is like a scone with a shortened bread sort of dough and there’s drippin’s of ham he has a we share out our jams from our stores.

And then we head out again.

I’m a bit more awake and sober after a good strong tea that was brewed for everyone and then we’re off and going again with a full escort and I just take things in as we go from the scenery to the names of the people around me to the things that they have and use and just try to rest.

My leg is getting itchy too so that’s keeping me up even though I am very tired and still sore from all of my hurts. It’s a very long day between the traveling and the jostling too but we’re making decent time or it seems that way to me.

Nicole is sleeping nearly as much as I’ve been too and a few time she looked unwell?

I sit up looking at her and get close and she opens her eyes. “Everything alright?”

“I don’t know are you alright Nic?”

“Exhausted, the rush from all of this got finished in my blood and it’s all catching up with me.”

I look at her and then at her rig and nod.

“You put in a lot of effort I’ll have to agree, I’ve never seen anyone actually operate as long as you did so close together.”

And that’s true too, operating a battleknight is a short term thing, activity’s done in bursts it’s why the wagons and the thrones and everything.

“I pushed it I guess.”

I look her over and I can tell she hurt herself.

“You tore muscles up?”

“I think I pulled things very badly.”

“And you didn’t get like this until you stopped.” That’s common enough with pushing it too hard. I’ve heard stories from the warriors, from the knights and my brothers but I‘ve never seen someone this laid low.

“You should see a healer.”

“There’s none to be had that could do this any good Chrissy not even at the stronghold.”

I huff… “My mother was said to know healing I guess that I’ll have to work to change the lack of then.”

Nicole smiles sleepily. “That’d be appreciated if you would.”

I smile back and I settle in beside her and we do this mutual lean on each other thing and use each other for soothing body heat.

Erik rides close enough at one point to share us some dried sausages that have been shared out and a strange looking biscuit.

“What’s this?”

“It’s a preserved biscuit.”


“Aye it’s not like a pickle but it’s been waxed.”


“Aye brushed with a little bee’s wax just after they bin baked. I don’t know the all of it but in a tin they last a good month on the trail.’

I take four two for me and Nic each and I eat the sausage which was quite nice with a very mild flavor and just this side of salty in very fine way and there’s a nuttiness to them as well I like. I eat one of the biscuits as Nicole is waking up and starting in on the sausage and it’s very…lemony, it’s a fine flour the biscuit is pale but lemon has really been used in it with both the juice and a lot of the peeling and the peeling has been candied in some bits and grated as well that will actually do well for the biscuit in keeping it free of mold and pests with that fragrant oils in the biscuit and the peeling adds a lot of sweet to it and it’s very good…the wax I do notice and it’s not something you can pull off either it’s sunken into the dough and it’s made a thins seal against the air getting to it.

It’s not bad really the flavor of the cookie off sets that waxiness and then the chew does as well.

I look at the second one then at Erik. “Are these common?”

“Middling so I would guess.”

“It’s a good idea, if I ever the chance I could see this done with stores.”

Nicole swallows. “The lady has done so.”

“Oh? Do you know how?”

“Wax freezes really well and it keeps the moisture down when things are thawed.”

I nod. “They’d get very solid.”

Nicole nods. “Since you’ve done stores work before I’ll have to ask if you can get a peek when we’re at the castle. It’s really amazing.”

I nod and then take a hot drink that gets passed to us from one of the riders to Erik and the to us in leather jacks and it’s mulled cider from our stores that someone had heated up somehow and I’m very impressed since the rider was riding with three handles for the jacks in each hand and I don’t think that he spilled either.

I am not that good on a horse and I am noble taught I had a pony when I was six and started then.

I’m very glad for the dink and sigh contentedly pulling the leather jack close for the heat and Nicole matches me and Erik smiles and rides up the group sipping at his own cider.

We’re woken up when we stop and it’s in this stone place built onto a hill it’s like someone carved into it the hill and lined it with logs and mortar and pitch and moss and there’s even a rook over parts of it too that looks like it’s thatch but it looks like shelter.

I get out first and it’s a rough go at first with the aches and pains and some lip-bit curses before I’m on my crutches and Nicole is slow getting out and she still looks tired and like it hurts for her to move I hobble along with her and the others are doing the camp down chores.We have a view, we’re clear of the forest or this part of it since I can see trees in the hilly distance but we can see for leagues at least and this is actually on a road and it looks like it’s been used for traders and caravans and herdsmen. It’s really just a big stable like pen in the far back with a few extra stalls and near the front there’s a nook that looks like it’s for sleeping in and there is a hearth that looks used and a room that has a door to it and there’s a drain and a stone basin there and a set of wooden jakes and a bucket of ashes or for ashes.

“Well we’ve jakes and a wash that’s good.” I say.

Nicole nods. “These are free bairns.”


“They’re good for traveling on the road as shelter for people and animals and if people can rest and such they lose less stock they’ll come this way more.”

I nod. “And not to mention if you plan your routes right that you can stay for free.”

She nods. “Aye and that’ll draw some as well just for that.”

“These lands are quite rich then?”

She looks at me. “Rich and wild and far out of the way.”

I nod but still I cannot help but think that there’s things here we should be doing home.

As we’re wounded it’s us just watching things really more that helping as some riders were sent out and the rangers too and then Nicole and I are using the jakes and I volunteer to clear out the hearth and get it lit and going and I we do that with Taylor bring in bundles of wood and some of the things from our stores but the knights that stayed are taking fire from the hearth and they’re lighting torches and lanterns and candles and they’re going inside to get the place filled with heat and I help with me taking some of my water heating tools and getting them white hot in the air and throwing off heat.

That takes a couple of glasses as we get things heated and the others come back with things for the floor to be covered in for the animals and they’re been fed and watered while we’ve been waiting and we’re just getting them in as it starts to get grey in the air with a high sort of fog and mist and then it begins to rain.

The hunters and the rangers are the last to get in with foodstuffs for us all and I help with the cooking as Taylor sort of takes to doing that and we do up herbed and salted game birds in the pans and we do a pan of cider cooked rabbit with herbs and then we have a broth that we’re cooking of the offal bits that we can have from the rabbits and birds and again with the herbs and with that we have flour dumplings and a few vegetables. And well of course we have a dessert that I make with some of the cider and oats mixed into a porridge and then I pan it and add in some chunks of apples themselves a bit of our sugar and a pinch of salt an egg and then put it to cook as a sort of pudding…half-done I pull it and pour apple jelly over it and then just before its done a few more oats and they get crisp.

And of course we have kettles of good tea on as well.

It’s eating and drinking and talking even as we’re keeping watch and we’re getting warm and dry and I sit and listen as we’re trading stories.

When it comes to our little war we just fought Taylor does the telling and he’s…he’s a silver tongue with that and he’s even up and talking and doing actions the we were doing and when he’s talking about my part which I had no idea he had seen it makes me blush when they hoist their jacks for me as well.

Then there’s breaks as we switch watches and Nicole and I am off for bed and I heat my water heating metal just enough to run them over the bedding and get them nice and toasty and with a properly made bed here or a proper pallet I’m off to sleep in no time at all.

It’s foggy and misty in the morning and we all get ready and eat as the last watch gets some sleep and we wait for the sun to get some more strength and then about two or three glasses before midday we head out refreshed and washed and fed and with some proper sleep into us and I feel much better in fact aside from the ache of bruises and my itching leg.

It’s has a fresh dressing on it just in case but the wound itself has clotted and is getting to that point where the stitching is slowly coming together. That is faster, Alaan was right I do seem to heal faster it’s only barely been two and a half days and it’s that far along.

Nicole looked at me as she was helping me. “Well that’s useful.”

“Alaan said as much but I wasn’t sure.”

“Makes sense.”

“It does?”

“With the forces that you have running through you you’re still human Chrissy so there has to be things to offset those stresses yeah?”

I nod. “Okay that does make sense, but I will be more comfortable when we’ get to where I can get some proper training.”

“Soon we’ll be there soon.”

“I thought it’s be a lot longer.”

“It would have but we’re taking the steam road judging from the road we’re taking.”

“The Steam Road?”

Nicole nods. “It’s something from the ancients that we’re trying to recreate with the help of the dwarves and right now there’s but a few of these roads but it’s changed things a lot.”

“I still don’t understand.”

She actually grins. “You’ll see.”

Oh it bothers me for a good three hours before I get that she’s not going to talk and that she’s much more intent on writing things with a inkwell metal quill in a book than paying attention to me trying to get the answers out of her so after all of that I take out my wand and ingots and start to practice some getting loots and even some with my daggers and try to keep busy.

I use my “sight” now and then too to feel everyone and track them and to get used to things with it in my head and the way that they feel.

And that’s when I feel it.

All this metal lines of steel and something huge also of steel or iron and then the metal and feel of many battleknights and even the hug of living electrical power in places and I get up and stand in the wagon and hang onto Nicole’s Squire knight as I see this walled township with a very large keep coming into sight just as we crest the hill we’re on and there’s lots of roads but there’s one that is straight like an arrow with two almost endless lengths of steel in it heading north by north west.

The township is very much closer to a city and it’s busy with caravans and lots of trade and there’s several trader roads that converge into this crescent road the goes around the city’s south side and there’s land set out for traders to camp and some free grazing lands and it’s just very much more than anything that I’ve seen here.

One of our riders sounds a horn with long clear notes and we get two notes back and we head down into that valley and we’re met with an escort of knights and…oh two full sized battleknights shaking the ground as the walk beside us all twenty feet in height and covered in enameled steel plating and each bearing the longsword of a battleknight all sixteen feet of lethal edge steel that weighs close to fifteen hundred pounds and sometimes more.

It’s a stunning thing to see really when you’re down close to the ground and these huge metal giants are striding beside you and their swords are out in and in hand moving with the sweep of their arms and I can’t help but to stare and watch them and these two are well trained too with the steps almost being in tandem.

I look at Nicole who is watching as well. “Why the escort?”

“Mission Horn.”

“Mission Horn?”

“The horn that was blown is sort of like something that is like being on royal business but while Lady Tatiana is called Lady she’s a knight marshal a commander and has no actual royal title.”

“Oh well how does she keep the nobles in line then/”

Nicole gestured at the battleknights. “Force for the worst and trade for the rest it’s been well established in these parts that it’s far more profitable to not fight her on things.”

I nod. “Especially since she has the backing of the dwarves who you said mint the local currency.”

She nods. “Yes and no she has that backing and it’s the strongest coin in the realms but a lot of others still mint their own coins it’s popular to mint tin pennies and coppers and bronze coins still and some of the bigger titles do the bigger coins but pennies are the bulk of trade in most places.”

I’m looking close at the township as we get closer and there’s one thing that strikes me and that’s the building and the outer wall is squared flags and not stones and mortar and it looks like a manable wall too.

“So we’re the mission?”

“Well yes but only we know it, this way things are given priority but still kept close. You’re important Chrissy that’s for sure but there’s no need for us to announce it.”

“Well why even blow the horn then?”

“To stop the rhino.”

“The what?”

She gets that grin on her face again. “You’ll see.”

The gates are open already for the civilian peoples and there’s local guards making way for us and giving us the road though people are moving from this street of their own accord as would most towns that are used to having battleknights around and I can see a lot of the side streets are wider and are in use too off of this for the various market goods and such and the shops along this main street are well chosen as places not to be too upset with a twenty foot tall war machine going past it.

Nice wide streets too, they’d not just have walking room but fighting room too and I’m country bumpkining this here in this town. There’s strung electric here on this street and some of the biggest side streets and there’s a lot of glass, not just the glass works of the illuminators guild but windows, there are a lot of glass windows here and home that is a luxury, it’s a rich or noble thing to have windows.

And slate tiled roofs…I see not a single wooden shingle or bit of thatch here either and while a defensive dream it’s hugely expensive.

And then there’s the signage.

There are signs with the written word on them just as much as a shape cut out or a drawing on them and it’s a thing that you’d only see in very wealthy places.

Then there’s the smell or lack thereof.

There’s cobbles in the side streets and bricks in many places and for the main road like this one there’s flagstones and I look around and around and it’s all paved one way or another and I can see drains and the streets have gutter ditches of clay half pipes.

“This town has plumbing?”

Nicole nods and smiles. “City life as they’d call it but yes most fortified towns have plumbing and the like. It’s part of Lady Tatiana’s boons under King Wayland and that’s several troops of dwarven tradesmen mostly apprentices and masters that are half retired coming here for something to do and for some travel out of their realms and experience for their guilds.’

“You know a lot about that.”

“I’m one of her squires I’ve been lucky to have been in service the last time that they were here.”

“This alone makes this place richer than Lyoness’s keep town.”

She shrugs. “Threshold is a rich town in truth anyhow with the trade from everything south ward for the realm ending here before it goes to other places and markets and the steam road has tripled trade.”

“Tripled it?”

“At least and it will do moreso still as it grows.”

“Dammit Nic now I’m curious.”

Taylor laughs from the wagon’s seat. “Well you’ll see it soon enough Chrissy.”

Even Jessa/Hawk joins us by jumping onto the wagon and she’s grinning.

I look at her. “What are you grinning about?”

“Being back into civilization.”

“I thought rangers loved the wilds.”

“Aye we do but it’s more like we love being free and here in a place like this I know right down to my bones that my old life won’t be creeping back up on me and that I’m safe.”

“I can see that, even to me this town is above and beyond most things I’ve seen. Pluming and sewers and literacy so common and slate roofs and glass windows.”

Jessa nods. “Home only the great lords had glass for their palaces, even few of our nobles where I lived had glass widows it was far more common to have cloth ones with scented oils.”

I nod that is a thing home too. It’s white cotton and it’s usually greased so light passes through and some air but not rainwater.

“I didn’t know about the scents though, commoners do the clothe windows home though.”

Hawk nods. “Spices or fruit oils are the most common and some of the temples will use lavender to ward off insects.”

“Ah like lemoned oils or rosemary.”

She nods. “That’s a thing even is the stronghold where they keep records and books just to keep things clear of bugs that’s get into the paper or parchment or vellums.”

I can’t help but look at some of the shops as we pass with mostly food halls and taprooms and the odd small inn on this street but with also butchers and grocers and all sorts of sellers of traveler goods that might catch the eyes of traders or travelers or even men at arms as there’s several shops dedicated to arms and armor and the like.

But there’s so much here that would drive my sisters to their purses from just the sheer variety of things to some fanciful shops that make ladies things to bookbinders and copyists and sellers.

Myself I’d like a few things maybe… a real sword nothing big but I’ve carried one for years, some new clothes, boots…I’d like some proper boots for myself now and maybe a few tomes to write in and the like.

But unless I’m granted funds in advance of my title being returned I will have to find a way of earning coins because I have nothing really of my own.

We’re a quart glass getting to the castle or the fortress for the town and it’s a mighty big construct when you get up close to it and there’s a gate big enough for the battleknights to get through and us as we’ve been going and I look at those walls and they are thirty feet thick and I am sure that they have structures inside of them to defend with. I can see three side sliding portcullis style fences in the walls and finally what looks like steel doors and looking behind us I think part of the road pulls itself up and to like a drawbridge.

“This place is really well defended is there that much trouble here?”

Taylor says from his seat. “There was quite a long time ago, we had roving bands of mercenaries with battleknights on occasion but back in the days of grandfathers we had much more trouble with Troll kind here and not only them but Goblins and Hob’s and even Orc’s.”

I look at him and the others. “If this area was so rife with monsters then why even come to these realms to settle?”

Nicole shakes her head. “No this was literally in my grandfather’s days Chrissy we had some of the witch knights in the mountains.”

I bite my lip.

Witchknights were like boogey men and they supposedly traded their souls for the power to do magics and were bound into service to the darkness.

“Like my grandfather…” I say quietly.

Nicole shakes her head no. “No, Rory Blackhand was something else.”

“How do you know?”

“Because Lady Tatiana had told me once that he used to make war on them, and that the ones that lived in the deep dark places of the mountains were the last of them after he’d killed most of them.”

“He fought them why?”

Hawk says. “Not fought, killed and raided…those things amassed great wealth raiding humanity and he took that and their treasures and such and he destroyed the opposition too so when he went at the kingdoms he wasn’t fighting two fronts.”

“Are there any of these Witchknights left?”

Nicole nods. “We think so but we haven’t seen any in a long long time.”

Jessa nods. “We think maybe Stonewood, where there have been trolls and the like there has always been one or more keeping those bastards in line.”

I nod… Stonewood is in the middle of the north far passed High King Boen’s personal lands and the capitol it’s a realm that something great and magical in a dark way had happened and every living thing at that time had been turned to stone.

It’s actually just bordering the edges of my grandfather’s lands. Those lie past The Great Central Mountains and in the far north east of the continent.

My oldest sister was betrothed to Braitheholde and his realm was in those mountains between the two places and in a place where he could watch over the evils of both.

Braitheholde was one of grandfather’s first foes and it had several valleys and villages and caers and he burned them out and he killed hundreds and forced the entire family to flee. They had only gotten it back during the war and had to take it back from Rory’s forces.

Father was there.

I remember him telling the stories when we were gather around the fires and it being just us men in the lodge or his map room.

One of the reasons why Angeline was arranged to marry was that “The Rampant.” was built by Braitheholde. Every Lyonnes battleknight had come from them in fact even the ones they had or we had that were reconditioned and rebuilt from being the enemies had come from them and their expert knowledge.

I sigh looking back and seeing several battleknights and squire’sknights as well as lots of men-at-arms here doing various tasks and there being a lot of other things here too going on like what looks like escorted traders with wagons of goods and warehouses for it all.

“Given what’s happened home I’m glad of this.”

Nicole says quietly. “Me as well but I’m not that sure of how good that will be if they can travel by magic or witchery.”

I look at her. “I really hope that your lady has some ideas as to that.”

We’re stopped and there’s several knights and some look like cavalier types with the better armor than most and some could be land fighters too from the look and a large man with a very large hammer with that war spike on the back comes to us and Nicole gets up and goes to him and she hops off of our wagon with a wince and then she gives him a bow.

“Sir Gideon, we have come in need of the Rhino. We need to commandeer it to take us straight away to Sanctuary.”

He looks surprised. “I’ll need t’know will this last past some drink and privacy?”

Nicole nods. “Yes sir, but we will need to make haste.”

He nods and sort of grunts and offers the arm sweep. “All of you come with me then.”

Some of the ones with us look surprised and we get off of the wagon and we follow him to a large hall that looks like an office and he heads to a bar. And I see two of his knights take up places outside the doors.

I was looking and he noticed. “We have loose folk abouts doing trade and whatnot just best to keep ears away.”

I nod and he’s looking at me. “You look kinda like.”

I nod. “She was my mother.”

He catches the was… “Pity she was a fine woman.”

I nod and he offers me a drink gesturing at his bar. “Yes please Sir Gideon.”

“What’s the ladies pleasure?”

“Anything Sir it’s a kindness.”

He pours me a brandy that has a very nice smell to it and he was more than generous with it as well and soon there’s drinks all around.

He looks to me. “Your Mother be news enough but I’d venture there be more with the Third Cavaliers being with you.”

I take a drink and a breath and look to him and then the others and start to tell the story of Lyonnes falling and he has little knowledge of it but he’s nodding at things happening and we go all the way through to up to the Goblins and their campsite and what we’ve figured out including where they came from and the thoughts of them being paid by The Gorgon or someone in his hire with coin taken from home.

It takes a glass but before ten minutes has past he send word to get The Iron Rhino made ready and once we’re done talking he looks to me and the others.

“I’d offer you hospitality Lady Christiana but tis would be best if we get you on your way to where ye needs being. Lady Tatiana will need to know everything that’s gone on and we daren’t tarry about something like this.”

“I completely understand Sir Gideon and it would be an honor accept your hospitality in word alone and be all the gladder for having it.”

I’m getting looks from everyone and Taylor’s grinning and then so is Sir Gideon and he smiles. “As caring as your mother but with some fine courtly manners from where ye have been growin up.”

I blush and smile into my brandy taking a drink then saying. “Thank you I’ve had good teachers.”

He nods. “If there’s any small things you might need.”

I look to him. “A wash and the jakes and maybe a quick peak or talk with your healer?”

“Done!” He looks to another one of his knights. “Jasper, take her ladyship to where she needs while we make preparations to get the Iron Rhino underway.”

We’re led by this knight who takes us through a series of hallways and stairs to a room that has a large bathing area and it’s quite fancy and it’s…I see sinks and there’s stalls and some stalls with plumbinged jakes and other things that are taps with hot and cold running water and home we had running water but not hot…they must have a boiler here and there’s a lever on the wall that lights a large illumination glass in the ceiling a recasting that light out more with mirrors.

And Tilly shows me the great wonder that is a shower.

Oh by the gods that feels good and it’s not a bath either and I wash and I am careful of my leg which is still very sore but I can lightly wash it and rinse it off without breaking the sealed stitching.

Washing my hair feels amazing like this and not sitting in water that keeps getting dirt and bits of yourself in it is very nice.

I hear the others doing the same and I hear Nicole groan and gasp from the heat and I join her once I’m mostly done.

She had a dagger in the shower.

“Hey it’s just me, are you always armed?”

“Always, it’s part of the training Chrissy and you just don’t step into a shower with someone else.”

“Sorry I wanted to check on you and bypass the whole I’m fine bits.”

She looks at me.

I look at her and she’s got those red marks of pulls and she has bruises too a lot of them and that’s from her fighting and pushing it. And those have to be really deep muscle bruises.

“Let me wash the hard to reach places.”


“You’ve done as much for me.”

We get cleaned up and as much as I had a thing with Megan I’m not having the same reaction with Nicole. There’s wonderful even beautiful stuff about her for sure but she’s just Nicole to me and she is not inclined to that sort of thing.

The healer is out and waiting for us with two women from this keep and there’s towel and some clothes and the healer smiles at me and she says. “You’ve a fine set of gashes there can I look to them?”

I nod. “And the Squire here she’s in a bad way.”

She looks Nicole over. “I can see that and I’m wondering just how simple or stubborn she is that she’s on her feet in that kind of condition.”

“I’m fine, well not fine but I’ve had worse.”

“Worse what you came back from the dead did you?”

Nicole purses her lips. “Can we get this over with?”

“Fine then come here first…battleknighters as stubborn as all that steel that they move.”

She’s kind of like that sort of a mixture between sweet and huffy and she doses Nicole with a pain potion and gives me an extra one for the road and she applies a nice smelling spiced balm to Nicole’s hurts and gives the jar of it to her and then she works on my leg and she applies new padding and bandages and then she and the ladies escort us back to where we need to be.

It just took about a glass and where we needed to be is…

Well if anything I would have called it a boat dock but instead there’s these rails…on top of wooden mining like timbers and then there’s The Iron Rhino.

I’m staring even as I’m walking and watching people loading things onto it and it’s simply amazing. I’m feeling it out with my magnet force and there are hundreds of parts all around a boiler and a furnace.

Oh instead of steam making the wheels of an electric power generator move and provide illumination this moves parts and more parts until it’s moving wheels that are concave metal that hugs the curves in the tops of the rails…and I suppose weight helps keep it on there as well and it’s just.

It’s amazing all steel and enamel and all those parts and then this big beveled plow like part in the front and then linked platforms and sections like coaches are there and I’m watching as the Third Cavaliers are getting their mounts into stable cars and then there’s our wagon lashed down to a flat one and then there’s several that look to be cargo and two that have battleknights on the full sized thrones and there’s two of those flat beds or sections with what looks like older battleknights in need of repair.

I’m staring stunned at the whole thing and Jessa gives me a nudge. “C’mon we’ll be holding them up enough. Let’s get aboard and get you out of here and on your way to Sanctuary.”

I think I’m in stunned shock as I let her guide me to one of the coach like parts where everyone else is and I’m still staring since we have nothing like this…even remotely.

I sit and exhale and look around before there’s this sudden jolt and we start moving.

I can’t help it I’m out of my seat once we’re moving and we’re getting faster and faster as this huge iron beast gets up to the speed of a fast gallop and I’m leaning against the frames of the glass windows in the coach and then there’s a latch and I open the window and stick my head out and it makes my hair whip sideways and I’m smiling like I haven’t in a while.

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