I have been dealing with a lot of issues at the same time lately - fighting a cold, several flashbacks, a massive depression, and several worries - worry over Sharon who is dealing with an infection post having her fibroid removed, worry over my mother's stress levels as Christmas approaches, worry over my financial struggles ...
Lets just say I am really running low on spoons, and I would appreciate any prayers or good thoughts or huggles right now.
giving some great big hugs, Dorothy.
you got them
Here are a bunch of hugs and good thoughts for you and yours this holiday season and beyond.
I hope you, and those you care for, get to feeling better.
Chin up. Don't allow yourself to worry over that which you do not control. We can only control our own selves and must let others fight their battles, albeit, we can sympathize with their struggle, but we cannot do more than encourage them to handle their problems.
May the sun always shine on your parade