I Know What You Want

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A mysterious stranger grants a lonely man's greatest wish.


I know what you want
By Amanda D.

“I know what you want.” The voice from behind me said. I was bent over fixing basement window so the voice took me by surprise. I looked up and over my shoulder and saw an old man with long grey hair, a scraggily beard and a large bulbous nose.

“What did you say?” I asked him.

“I said I know what you want and I can give it to you. You only have to ask.” was his reply.

Perplexed I asked “What are you talking about?”

He let out an exasperated sigh. “I’ll give you to the count of ten to decide, man or woman. The choice is yours. But like I said I know what you want.”

To say I was shocked by this offer would be putting it mildly. I was mortified. I had been a closeted cross dresser since I was fifteen and had worked hard to keep my secret from everyone. How had he found out? More over who was he? I did a quick visual search of the area. “Nope. No cameras in sight. Though that doesn’t mean someone isn’t going to jump out and say, surprise your on candid camera or something like that.” I thought to myself.

He tugged on my arm to get my attention. "Time’s up,” he said. “I need your decision now, but know this offer will only be extended once.”

I swallowed hard and tried to think. He looked at me impatiently. I didn’t know what to say. He started to walk away so I swallowed hard again and jumped off the cliff. “Woman!” I shouted to him.

He turned and smiled at me. “Ah, the decision is made.” he said. “Are you sure?” he asked.

“No.” I replied honestly.

He smiled again. “You’ll not regret your choice.” He said and then walked away.

I stood there confused and watched him for several seconds. As he crossed the street a large truck drove by. When it passed he was nowhere to be seen. I stood there for a moment wondering if I had imagined the entire thing. I looked back down at the window I was working on and saw it had fallen out of the putty. I replaced it and held it until it set. The more time that went by the more the whole encounter seemed like a dream.

After I was done I went inside to get a drink. Being a single guy and living alone, there was no one else in the house. I had nothing else to do for a while so I decided that I would partake in my favorite pass time, dressing. Just the thought of wearing woman’s clothing was enough to start getting me aroused. By the time I got to my secret stash I was very excited.

I quickly pulled out a plain cotton bra and panty set, depressed to see how bland they were but excited at the prospect of wearing them. I stripped out of my cloths and headed into the bathroom. I looked at my self in the mirror and saw that I need a shave. I pulled out my razor. I took extra time to get as close a shave as possible. When I was finished, I inspected my work. I had done an exceptional job. I could barely even tell that I had a beard. My skin felt a bit softer than usual too.

Next I checked my legs. They weren’t too bad since I had shaved them a couple of days ago, but I gave them a quick once over just to be sure. Then I looked over my chest and under my arms. My chest looked surprisingly clean but my pits needed work. I grabbed the razor again and in a few minutes I was all set. I gave myself one last look over to make sure I hadn’t missed anything. I noticed my pecks were getting a bit saggy. “Gonna have to get back to the gym one of these days.” I thought to myself.

I walked back into my bedroom and slipped on my panties. I tucked myself between my legs. I checked my reflection in the mirror. I looked as smooth as any girl. I smiled with satisfaction. Usually it took me a couple of attempts before I got arranged properly but today I got it right on the first try. I picked up the bra, turned it backwards to clip it together. Then I turned it the right way and put the straps over my shoulders. Once I had that accomplished I snagged a couple pairs of socks and slid them into the cups. It didn’t look all that convincing up close but there was no way that I would ever have the balls to go to a store to buy breast forms. Besides it wasn’t like I ever went out of the house dressed or anything. To say I didn’t pass well would be generous.

I went back into the closet and looked through my limited wardrobe trying to decide what I felt like wearing. Not having much to choose from I picked a red silk blouse and a white cotton knee-length skirt to go with it.

Going back into my room I pulled my last pair of stockings out of my stash box. I inspected them closely and to my surprise found no runs. “Today must be my lucky day.” I marveled to myself. I rolled them up and carefully slid them on. The feel of the nylon against my bare skin was exhilarating. Luckily my nether regions were tucked away or I would have had a pop tent in my panties.

Once that was done, I put on my blouse and skirt. There was something different about the way they fit. Usually they were a bit tight but today each seemed to fit nicely. Maybe the old man wasn’t a dream. That thought sent a shiver of excitement through me.

I stood up and walked over to my full length mirror to take a look at myself. Sure enough I looked pretty good. Not great but certainly better than usual. I noticed my hair looked different also. Normally I wore it short, almost military style. (Easier to wear a wig over.) But now it almost covered my ears. Also the color seemed different. It should have been dark brown but now it seemed to be tinted red.

My astonishment grew even more when I turned away and noticed a small sway on my chest. I reached up and instead of feeling socks, I felt…breasts?? I tore open my blouse and looked at my chest. Sure enough I now saw cleavage where there had been none just a half an hour before. My heart sang with happiness at the realization of what was happening to me.

I excitedly went back into the bathroom and pulled out my makeup stash. I took my time and applied it as carefully as I could. With each layer I applied I noticed my face changing slightly. I was looking more and more female as each moment passed. My hair was getting notably longer. It was almost down to my shoulders now.

The longer I stood over the sink the more I had to adjust my head angle as I my height began to decrease. By the time I was finished with the make up I had lost about four inches. I was now about 5’5”. Much to my delight my shorter stature made my new breasts look larger than ever. Just to be sure I ran my hand over my crotch. Sure enough I wasn’t tucked anymore. For the foreseeable future I would need to sit in order to pee. I could barely contain my excitement.

One more trip into my closet produced my only pair of, usually ill fitting, women’s shoes. I put them on and as I suspected they now fit perfectly. Once again I walked over to my mirror. I could hardly believe it was me I saw in the reflection. Instead of a 5’10” slightly over weight and balding thirty five year old man, I saw a pretty red haired woman. I looked myself over. My legs were now nice and slender. As were my arms and hands, even my finger nails had grown out.

“Wow!” I said out loud and smiled at the sound of my new feminine-sounding voice. I just stood there looking at myself from every angle I could think of. I couldn’t believe how good I looked. I kept running my new female-sized hands all over myself.

Noticing the effect I was having on myself, I took my cloths off and really got a look at my new body. The sight of my breasts and smooth crotch was more than I could take. I practically threw myself on to the bed and began to explore my new parts. The erotic feel of my long finger nails on my erect nipples almost made me cum right away. I squeezed and twisted and caressed them for what seemed like hours. My nipples felt like there was some kind of electric current running through them when I touched them. I was in ecstasy.

I didn’t want to let go of my tits but my dampness down below was demanding some attention. I reluctantly let go of one and moved my hand south. The feeling of my fingers exploring down there made the pleasure of playing with my breasts increase dramatically. I worked myself over and eventually had to give up on the tities and use both hands on my pussey. I found my clit and before long had my first orgasm as a woman.

I lay there breathing hard, euphoric at the way the day had turned out. I couldn’t believe that I was really a woman now. It was just incredible. I wondered who the old man was and why he had appeared to me. Then I began to wonder how long I was going to be able to stay this way. After what I had just experienced, I was content to stay this way forever. But I didn’t know if that was possible.

After a while I got up to pee. Even having to squat excited me. After I was finished, I decided for the first time in my life to go outside dressed as a woman. Not that there was any chance of some thinking I wasn’t one considering how I looked now. I hopped into the shower expecting to clean up quickly and get right out. But alas that was not to be. As soon as the warm water hit my now smooth skin and bare breasts, I knew it would be a while before I was going to be able to get out.

Sometime later I managed to pry myself out. I sat down and slipped on my now correctly fitting panties and slid my breasts into my bra. I put my stockings back on and then went to look for something to wear. As I trolled through my very limited wardrobe, I decided that my first stop would be the mall. I definitely need some new clothes and perhaps some jewelry too. While I wasn’t rich by any means, I had always been a saver and had more than enough money in the bank to splurge on some new clothes for myself. Then it occurred to me that I could hardly hand anyone my debit card looking the way I did. They would never believe that my name was Frank. So it would be off to the ATM before the mall. Since my license had a picture of the old me on it I was going to need to drive carefully.

I finished getting ready and after one more look over I headed to the car. I was very nervous as I took my first steps out into the world dressed as I was. It was all I could do to keep from running to the car. But I made myself walk slowly. I remembered to smooth my skirt as I sat in the car. Once inside I took a deep breath to help calm my nerves and then pulled out of the driveway.

When I arrived at the bank there were no parking spots up close. So I had to walk across the lot to the ATM. As I walked I passed several men. I took notice of the way they looked me over. I even heard one tell his companion to take a gander. All the attention I was garnering made me smile. When I got to the entrance a nice looking guy held the door for me. I gave him a lingering smile as I thanked him. He stared back at me and I felt the excitement starting again. The walk back to the car was similarly intoxicating.

I arrived at the mall a short time later. As excited as I was about being able to openly shop for women’s clothing, I had to admit to myself that I had no real idea what exactly I was looking for. I decided to do some window shopping for a bit until I found something that struck my fancy. As I walked I couldn’t help but take notice of all the appreciative glances I was getting. And for the first time in my life I had no problem returning them with direct eye contact. I felt liberated.

I stopped in front of one store and was admiring an outfit in the window, trying to decide if I wanted to try it on, when I happened to catch my reflection in the window. I couldn’t believe what I saw. I had lost another inch in height, my breasts had grown a bit larger and my hair was now completely red and hung down to just past my shoulders. The smile that had been etched on my face since I realized what was happening to me grew even bigger.

I walked into store and found a helpful sales girl that helped me with finding the sizes that I needed. Being able to go into the ladies changing room to try my new things on was a special kind of thrill that I can not find the words that accurately describe. When I was finished there I had about twelve complete outfits including shoes and matching hand bags. It cost me more than I was planning, but it was worth every penny even if I never got a chance to wear half the stuff I bought. Just being able to shop like that was worth any price I had to pay.

My next stop was at a more casual store so I could get a few pairs of jeans and some cute baby doll tee shirts. Once again it was exciting to try the various items on. While I was there I also was able to improve on my undergarment variety. No more cotton for this girl from now on it was strictly silk. As I paid for my things I realized that I was getting a bit hungry.

I walked along the mall heading for the food court area and drinking up all the male attention I was getting. Just before arriving at the eating area I happened by a hairdresser and figured “What the hell.” I walked in and asked about getting my hair done. The nice girl behind the counter told me she would be able to take care of me in about an hour. “Perfect.” I said with a broad smile on my face. “That’ll give me time to grab a quick bite to eat.” I thought to myself.

With that taken care of I continued to the food court. When I arrived, I looked at my choice of places to eat. There were the usual fast food and Chinese places. Normally I would be all over a burger and fries but I really liked the way my new body looked and wanted to keep it looking the way it did. So I opted for a nice garden salad and a diet soda.

As I ate my lunch I couldn’t help but notice all the cute guys that happened by me. I found myself wondering what it would be like to have one inside me. I had never considered myself to be gay before my transformation and was surprised at my lack of disgust over my current train of thought. I just chalked it up to the old man's power. It had taken care of everything else so I assumed that it was changing my sexual preferences to match my physical form as well.

I finished eating and saw that I still had some time before I needed to get back to the hair shop, so I decided to check out a nearby jewelry store. While in there I got my ears pierced and picked out several pairs of earrings as well as some bracelets and a couple necklaces. The nicest thing I purchased there was a beautiful string of pearls. I nearly wet myself as I thought about having the perfect outfit to go with them. I was in heaven.

Looking at my new watch I saw that it was just about time to get my hair done. I hurriedly paid for my new jewelry and scrambled off to the hairdresser. What a sight I must have been hauling ass (well at least as fast as my high heeled shoes would let me anyhow) through the mall trying to not be late. I arrived just in the nick of time practically stumbling through the door of the shop.

The girl behind the counter smiled amusedly at my entrance and then promptly led me to a chair. She asked what kind of style I was looking for and I had to admit I wasn’t sure. She picked at my long hair for a few moments and then said she had just the style for me. “It’ll look killer. All the guys will love it.” she told me.

“Then I put myself into you ever so capable hands.” I replied. With that decided she led me over to a nearby sink and washed my hair. The feeling of her hands scrubbing my scalp was quite erotic. It was a good thing I now lacked the equipment for a boner cause I certainly would have had one by the time she was finished.

After that she brought me back to the chair. I sat down and she got to work. She first cut my hair a bit, marveling at my lack of split ends. When she was finished trimming she got some perming treatment and worked it into my hair. Then it was time for the rollers and then to the hair dryer. After about half an hour she brought me back and removed the curlers. She then brushed my hair out and did a bit more trimming. She walked away returning moments later with a hand held mirror. She showed me my style from all angles. I absolutely loved the way it looked on me. She could tell from the smile on my face that I was quite happy with job she had done. She added a hair clip to finish the look. She then led me over to the manicure station, where I got my nails done. I couldn’t wipe the grin off my face as I happily paid the cashier and left the girl who worked on me a handsome tip.

I walked back to my car in a daze. I absolutely couldn’t believe how incredibly wonderful today had been. My mouth actually hurt from all the smiling I had been doing. When I arrived back home, it took me quite a while to unload all the stuff I bought. I brought it all up to my room and started going through it. The first thing I did was get out a new silk bra and panty set and change into it. I know I should have washed them first but I just couldn’t wait to wear them. The feeling of the silk bra cups on my breasts was almost enough to get me restarted. But somehow I resisted the urge to play with myself again.

About an hour passed before I was done separating the items that could go directly into my closet and the ones that needed to see the washing machine first. So excited was I by my new wardrobe that I was actually looking forward to having to do a load of wash. Actually anything that would normally be considered woman’s work suddenly seemed enticing. I kind of puttered around the house for a bit, just enjoying the way this body felt.

Just as I was starting to get bored I decided that I need to go out and have some fun. I figured that while I wasn’t ready to present my transformed self to anyone that I knew, I wasn’t about to deny all the men on the planet the pleasure of my company tonight. Once again I was struck by how little it bothered me to think of men in a sexual way now.

My mission decided I went up to my room to get ready. I stripped out of my under wear and went in to the bathroom to take another shower. Once again it took much longer than I anticipated. (I had no idea how long I was going to be this way so I’ll be damned if I’m gonna miss any opportunity to enjoy myself.) Once I was clean I slipped on a washed set of black silk panties and a matching bra. Oh I can’t tell you how good silk feels on this new body of mine! Once I got back a hold of myself I went into my now full closet to pick out what I was going to wear. I decided on a pink dress that stopped about mid thigh, it showed just enough cleavage and a set of matching pink pumps with three inch heels. As much as I wanted to I just couldn’t work up the nerve to wear a mini skirt yet. But rest assured I was going to work on that problem as soon as I had the time.

Once I had the dress taken care of I picked out a new pair of nylons and rolled them onto my legs slowly so I could get the maximum pleasure out of them. I then returned to my dress and by some minor miracle managed to get the back zipped up all on my own. (It was close there for a bit but in the end the kid pulled through.) I went over to the mirror and checked how I looked. I was stunning if I do say so myself. Next came the makeup. I went into the bathroom and began applying it. Usually it took several tries before I was content but now I could handle it like a pro. In no time I was not only finished but in awe of how good a job I had done. I had applied just enough to highlight the features that I wanted to without looking like a refugee from Clown College.

I went back into my room and looked through the jewelry I bought. I really wanted to wear the pearls but something told me that they weren’t right for what I had on. (Miracle of miracles, I now had fashion sense!) I instead went with a small gold cross on a thin chain the hung nicely in my new cleavage. I also wore a couple thin gold bracelets and a gold clatter ring. I put on my shoes and walked carefully for the first few steps before I realized that I was having no problem with them. I then strutted to the mirror and was floored by the image I saw. I could hardly believe it was me staring back. I looked great!

With my confidence at an all time high I headed into the night. I had no idea what lay a head or how long I had in this body, but it didn’t matter any more. Because of a strangers kindness my otherwise bland life had changed forever. Even if I woke up tomorrow back in my male body I would never forget this day. It was absolutely the best day of my life!


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