Kingston Academy Shorts

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So, Princess For Hire: The Second Semester is done, and Beck/y's journey here on BC draws to a close.

Or does it?

Hah! Gotcha!

Yeah, the main story is done. BUT! I've devoted far too much time to developing the universe to just let it sit idle after two-ish stories and an authorized UK version.

No, I'm not about to start another giant book. I got enough of those going already. What I am thinking, though, is short stories based around not only Beck/y's adventures, but those of some of the other students as well. For instance....

Have you ever wondered just what kind of mischief Jules gets up to?

Is Ruby really as clumsy as s/he seems? Or is there something else going on?

Just what do the Kingston Academy sports teams REALLY think of their cheerleaders?

Are the Princesses really the only gender-variant students on campus?

And don't even get me started on Big Bertha, the Princess who was anything but!

Some of these might, just might, be the foundations for short stories set in Kingston Academy that may or may not pop up here in the future.

If, of course, people are interested.

Are you?

Melanie E.


Finally a response!

I was beginning to think nobody was interested!

The shorts probably won't be often, more as palette cleansers between other projects, but I'm glad at least someone thinks it's a fun idea.

Melanie E.

What'd I miss?

Podracer's picture

Oh yes, would be my reply. I hear characters a-clamouring, but I wager not as loudly as do you ;)

"Reach for the sun."

"If, of course, people are

"If, of course, people are interested."

Interested, people are, of course.


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}


Up to now, unless I'm mistaken, you said you were thinking about opening it up to other people.

Now, you've said it's open. I'm interested. I don't have an idea at the moment, but I'd love to do something with that world.