A Feminine Family (Revised)


A revised version of the Feminine Family stroy.
I hope this answers a few questions and receives a better reception than the original!


A Feminine Family
(Sequel to “Flipping the Frat”)
@2005 by Karen Elizabeth L.
May not be distributed or posted on a pay site.

It’s been some time since I took my revenge on the old officers of the Sigma Tau fraternity.
They used my brother Joey’s desire to become a member to lead him into doing things so filthy and perverted that no decent person would stomach them.
Joey was blind in his drive to join the frat. He had been willing to put up with dressing as a girl, attending classes that way, and being a serving maid for the brothers of Sigma Tau.
If that were all he would have had to do, I wouldn’t have interfered. Joey’s a big boy now and if he and the other pledges were willing to run around campus in skirts, that’s up to them. It was only after a friend in the LAN group intercepted an email from the frat president that laid out the real plans that I blew up.
It seems that passing themselves off as girls wasn’t going to be the end of it for the pledges. They were going to be lured deeper into becoming sissies ending in video of them performing oral sex on the frat officers being projected on the scoreboard during the Homecoming game.
Instead of the pledges doing the dirty deed, I turned the tables and the officers ended up becoming sweet little sissies who loved performing oral sex on any willing male. It was a fitting punishment, turning Bozos into Bimbos; to the select few who realized what had happened and helped cover my tracks, I was a hero.
My wife Barb was the one who came up with the idea after having turned her out of control little brother into her sweet, lovable little sister. She had found a site advertising hypnotic suggestion merchandise designed to make the most macho guy into a simpering little sissy or anything in-between. Barb and her mom took a mouthy, ignorant, boy named Andrew and converted him into a sweetheart of a girl named Amy.
Together, Barb and I took three nasty, perverted punks and turned them into — well, there’s no nice way to put this; we turned them into cross-dressing sluts. Actually, we never planned on making them into sluts, it just worked out that way, we just wanted to drive them crazy.
Imagine three otherwise normal guys with no thoughts of becoming women, suddenly finding themselves with an irresistible urge to wear women’s clothes. No matter how hard he tried to fight it, the guys were doomed. If they saw a pretty girl walk past, they still stared at her but all they seem to notice were her hair, makeup, jewelry, and her outfit. Not only did they notice them, they wondered how they’d look with the same hairstyle or outfit.
Since they couldn’t imagine women being useful for any other purpose than sluts, when they decided to become women, it just seemed right to them to take that course.
Actually, only two of them, Jake and Ian, now Janelle and Kerri went that route. Bob, now Brittany, the vice- president, somehow resisted all suggestion to follow his fellow officers and became a one of the sweetest girls on campus. She’s just finishing her Secretarial Science degree and will be marrying a guy she met at school.
Sometimes, I look back on what happened and wonder if Barb and I went too far. Whenever I mention that to Barb, she asks me to imagine what life would have been like for Joey and the other pledges had we not stepped in. She assures me that there was no other way to handle it and that what we did was completely justified. In any case, she’ll still giggle when she talks about it,
Janelle and Kerri are happy keeping guys on campus happy. They’re proud to be thought of as the most determined-to-please sluts to ever hit campus, so becoming mindless bimbos really isn’t a punishment for them. If ,like Brittany, they had any respect for women, things might have turned out differently. But then again, they are happy.
So that’s the background, my wife and I teamed up to rescue my brother and some other poor guys. We took our best shot and we were sure it worked until I discovered my brother thoroughly enjoyed masquerading as my pretty sister Joy.
He had so much fun pretending to be a girl while pledging the frat that he decided to keep it up.
He’s taken over my old bedroom and completely redone it in coed chic! The walls have been repainted light pink, a four-poster canopy bed with ruffled sheets has replaced my old bed, and a vanity stocked with makeup sits in the corner where my display case of baseball cards once stood.
The closets are overflowing with pretty outfits, and a dresser is filled with panties, slips, padded bras, and girdles. Pantyhose hang to dry in the shower, a woman’s razor rests on a shelf in the shower kept his legs smooth, and bottles of bath beads provide him with a softly scented bubble bath to lounge in as he studies women’s fashion magazines.
I used to worry that someone would recognize him while dressed as Joy and he’d face humiliation and ridicule. He brushed aside my worries though, and landed a summer job as a saleswoman in an upscale little boutique. He’s proven to be a great saleswoman; his commission checks rival my paycheck after years in Network Management.
If there’s any doubt about Joy’s sales abilities, just check with our dad. At first, he’d been opposed to Joey’s dressing as a girl to pledge the frat. To dad, a real man would never give a thought to doing such a thing and he thought Joey should have told the frat to take a hike.
Joey didn’t let dad’s objections bother him; he smiled and played the part of a sweet daughter while mom enthusiastically trained him in the feminine arts.
Joey became so convincing in his role as Joy that he’s quickly won dad over to his side. Dad not only doesn’t object to having Joy around, he seemed so taken with his new daughter that he bought his little girl a bedroom fit for a princess and Joey paid dad back in a very unusual way - by introducing him to the world of cross-dressing.
It started with a switch-sex costume party at dad’s country club. Dad had his eye on a new television and mom promised that if he won, he could put the prize money towards the TV.
Dressing as a woman was okay for Joey but dad couldn’t even bring himself to consider it. He desperately wanted that new TV, but dressing as a woman in front of his friends at the club was out of the question.
At least it was before Joey started selling him on the idea of winning the contest. He convinced dad that since it was a legitimate contest, and the people at the club were his friends, no one would make fun of him.
“It was all in fun,” Joey told him repeatedly. “No one would laugh, all the men would be wearing dresses, and all the women would be wearing suits.”
Soon dad conceded that it would be fun but he was adamant that he could never win a contest in which he had to be a very convincing woman.
Joey smelled a sale and by the end of the week had dad shaving his legs and underarms and dressing in mom’s nightgowns and panties every night.
After a week of wearing nightgowns and panties to bed, dad was ready to graduate to the next step of Joey’s plan. Joey convinced him that every evening after work, he should change into a dress and lingerie to get accustomed to the clothes.
Dad decided that Joey was an expert in that matter and was delighted to be sliding a dress down over a slip, bra, panties, and nylons every evening.
I guess I don’t have to tell you that daddy’s little girl Joy was thrilled. She and mom spent the next several weeks feminizing Aunt Peggy, as dad now insists on being called.
Soon Aunt Peggy could choose an outfit perfect for any occasion, move as gracefully in heels as her sister-in-law and daughter, apply her own makeup, do her nails, and style her many wigs and hairpieces with the amount of skill as any true female.
The contest arrived and Aunt Peggy easily walked away with the “Fooler Female” award.
I was sure that things would return to normal once he’d won but apparently preparing for the contest stirred feelings in dad that he refused to deny.
Dad joined a local group of cross-dressers and began to attend their meetings as Peggy. Not long after joining he went to one of their conventions where he spent an entire week as a woman
I don’t remember ever seeing dad as excited as he was after the convention. He proudly showed pictures of himself in various women’s outfits, at the convention, sightseeing in the town and even sunning himself by the hotel pool in a woman's bathing suit.
The picture he was most proud of was the one showing two attractive, middle-aged women in evening gowns. One of the women was mom but if I hadn’t known, there was no way I would have recognized the other lady as dad.
Dad looked fantastic in a red sequined gown, hair perfectly done with red combs to accent it. His face was perfectly made up and the smile on his face told a story of complete bliss.
“Dad, you look wonderful!” I raved. “I can’t believe it’s you. That outfit looks perfect on you, you’re absolutely gorgeous!”
“The makeover wasn’t cheap,” He smiled and glanced downward in a very feminine gesture of shyness. “It was something I just had to have done.”
“It was worth every penny you spent,” Barb said as she leaned over and kissed his cheek. “You look lovely.”
“Let me show you a few others,” He blushed. “I spent a few dollars to have some professional shots done.”
Dad opened an album and showed us picture after picture of him as Aunt Peggy. Happily beaming out from the pages of the album was my dad, or I guess my Aunt Peggy, in casual, business, and formal outfits.
Aunt Peg looked great; she seemed as comfortable in a skirt and heels as any woman I’d ever seen. There had to be about twenty-five pictures of a pretty lady but not even one of a guy in a dress.
“You outdid yourself Joy,” I smiled at my pretty little sister. “I never imagined that you could get dad into a dress, let alone make such a hot looking lady out of him!”
“It wasn’t all that tough,” She shrugged. “All I had to do was to let him see for himself how nice it feels to wear things like satin and nylon. Most guys have no idea what they’re missing; once they get a taste, they’re hooked!”
“I doubt that,” I laughed, trying to imagine myself in a pair of panties. “Most guys would feel silly and that would be the end of it.”
“I wouldn’t be too sure of that,” Dad grinned as he tugged the hem of his skirt over his knees. “I never in my life imagined that I’d put on women’s clothes, let alone enjoy doing it. Your sister can be awfully persuasive and she’s right about becoming addicted to dressing this way.”
“I don’t care how persuasive she is,” I shook my head and laughed. “Getting a guy into a dress is one thing, but you can’t make him like it.”
“Care to place a bet, brother dear?” Joy asked as she licked her lips seductively. “If I can get you into a dress and make you enjoy it, you and Barb will have dinner with me at Le Grande’s.”
“Forget it, I have no desire to wear a dress, and even if I did wear one, I know I’d never enjoy it.”
“Chicken?” Joy teased.
“No, I simply know what I feel about things. I don’t see any need to prove it.”
Joy wanted to keep pressing but I wasn’t about to continue the conversation; it was bringing up too many feelings I’d spent years trying to deny.
“Smart move,” Aunt Peggy laughed. “Maybe if I had stopped her I wouldn’t be wearing a dress now.”
“I thought you enjoyed it?” Barb asked. “You certainly seemed to be enjoying yourself in those convention pictures.”
“Oh God, yes!” Dad quickly answered. “I love wearing pretty clothes and the feel of silky lingerie is beyond compare. If I had cut Joy off, I might have missed all of this and trust me, I know I would have regretted it.”
It was getting late so Barb and I said our goodbyes and started for home.
“You really should try it,” She said softly. “Aunt Peg and Joy seemed to love it. I remember teaching Drew to put on pantyhose; the look on his face said it all.”
“That was because of the programming,” I argued. “Drew had no choice; he was brainwashed into enjoying it.”
“You’re partially right.” She corrected. “Drew was brainwashed into wearing pretty outfits and silky lingerie but there are plenty of women who would rather wear cotton panties, and wear dresses only when they have to. The thrill of wearing pretty things is there for the taking, it’s up to the woman to accept it.”
I shook my head; it was all so strange; how could normal guys like dad and Joey suddenly want to dress like women? Not only that but when they dressed that way, they acted normal, for women that is. No ankles resting on the other knee, no masculine gestures at all.
“You’re trying to understand it, aren’t you?” Barb asked as she squeezed my leg. “I guess some guys just have a very strong feminine side; once they get a chance to express it, they’re able to pass as women with no problem.”
“Do you think it’s hereditary?” I asked, wondering if I might be next for panties and a skirt.
“I don’t know sweetie,” she said softly as she kissed me. “I guess we’ll find out.”
I tried not to worry but the thoughts of wearing women’s things wouldn’t go away. I’d watch Barb get dressed in the morning and find myself wondering what she felt when she put on her bra or pulled on her pantyhose.
Did she realize that she was a woman at those moments? Did it make her feel different knowing that she wore clothes so different than mine?
Day in, day out, I worried. Was I going to turn into some skirt wearing little sissy?
No, that wasn’t right. Dad and Joey hadn’t become sissies; they were, god it hurt to say it, women.
Yeah, even if only part-time, they were women.
They didn’t mince, they never lisped, they always looked perfectly dressed and made up, whether they were shopping in jeans or going to dinner in a pretty dress.
The oddest part of it all was that mom was completely happy having her husband in skirts and Joey never had to worry about getting a date; girls seemed to flock to him!
Barb said that it was because dad and Joey had a better understanding of women than most men. They put themselves into the female role and learned to take time and listen. They knew what a woman went through to make herself look pretty and were quick to compliment her on a new outfit or hairstyle.
Mom once confided that dad had even become a more considerate lover since he started wearing women’s clothes. She laughed, saying that he seemed to feel that when in a nightgown and panties, he had to move slower and be more aware of her needs. As long as he kept that up, she joked, he could dress like a prom queen, and she wouldn’t care.
Every day brought more problems for me. Watching Barb dress was so difficult that I started finding reasons to remain in the bathroom until she was completely dressed. It didn’t help though; occasionally I still had to see her in a skirt and in the evenings, she’d often change into a nightgown before taking her shower.
Worse yet, Joey and Dad, I mean Joy and Aunt Peg, signed up for Square Dance classes sponsored by the cross-dressers group they belonged to.
Yeah, for a change, Aunt Peg was able to talk my dear little sister into something instead of the other way around. Only problem is, she talked her into joining the cross-dressers group!
Unbelievable! These guys get together once a month or so, all decked out like women, and talk about things like the latest fashions, makeup tips, and other stuff you’d expect to hear at the local beauty shop. They spend hours chatting and complimenting each other on their outfits, hairstyles, and jewelry, just like real women.
In between the gossip and compliments, they also plan get-togethers like the one dad went to for a week or parties for the holidays. The big thing now, according to Aunt Peg, was that they were able to talk the Community College into teaching them to Square Dance.
It was bad enough to watch Barb dress or to see dad watching TV in a housedress, his legs crossed ever so sweetly at his knees. I had to endure Barb wearing outfits she borrowed from Joey; she loved his taste in clothes and his discount at the Boutique made sure that his closet was filled with trendy outfits.
Putting up with all of that was bad enough but I almost lost it the first time I saw my dad and brother in their dance dresses! They walked into the room with their skirts held out by stiff, multi-colored petticoats, their pretty legs shimmering in the silky nylons they wore, waling as if they grew up wearing heels.
I could feel my pulse racing as I looked at the beautiful ladies I once knew as my dad and brother. There was nothing left of those men as I watched the ladies delicately gather their skirts as they lowered themselves to the couch.
No man could ever look as enticing as those two did.
“You two look as lovely as always,” Barb told them. “Those dresses are so cute!”
“Thanks Barb,” Joy blushed. “It’s great to get compliments from you. You always look great, and you’re such a sweetheart.”
“And you’re such a smooth talker!” Barb laughed. “No wonder you’re so good at sales; you must have the women eating out of your hands.”
“There are a few who trust me to recommend just the right dress for some big event,” she admitted. “I don’t want to seem like I’m bragging but I recently started a side business as a wardrobe consultant; you won’t believe what some women are willing to pay me to make them look good.”
“What about school?” I had to ask. “You haven’t been back in some time, How are you going to be able to give up all the money and glory when school starts again?”
She nervously crossed her legs and adjusted her skirt, seeming to want to avoid an answer.
“I’m not going back,” she finally admitted. “I made over five thousand dollars in commissions in the months before my consulting business started to take off. I estimate that I’ll do about three thousand in commission this month and about fifteen hundred in consulting fees.”
“Sweet Jesus!” I gasped. Forty five hundred in one month and you’re just getting started. Need any help?”
“That all depends, “She smiled. “ Do you think you could get used to working in heels?”
I felt like a knife had just been plunged into my chest. Could she tell that seeing her in a dress and petticoats was making me stiff? Could she tell that I’ve been thinking about raiding Barb’s closet?
“No, I doubt I could handle that.” I shrugged, trying to smile. “That’s best left to you ladies.”
“Let me know if you change your mind, okay?”
I promised she’d be the first to know; all the while wondering why was it so easy to think of my little brother as a she.
Even getting off that subject didn’t help; Barb and mom insisted that Joy and Aunt Peg show off a few of the Square Dance steps they’d learned so I had to sit uncomfortably watching petticoats and ruffled panties. I couldn’t wait to get home.
We were in the shower when Barb suddenly bent over. I thought I was in for some great oral sex until I felt something cold being spread on my legs.
“What the heck are you up to?” I asked, feeling weak as I realized what it was that I smelled. She was spreading Nair on my legs!
“You can’t have hairy legs showing through your stockings,” She chuckled as she kept applying the foul smelling paste.
“Stop, I don’t wear stockings. Don’t go mixing me up with my nutty brother.” I demanded.
“I’m not mixing you up with anyone honey,” She told me. “I saw the way you were acting at your parent’s place. Let me finish with you and we can have a night of wild sex, okay?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” I argued. “It’s just not easy for me to see dad and Joey looking like that, that‘s all.”
“I hear you lover, but I don’t believe you. If you really want me to stop, say so. Of course, if you do, I won’t let you wear that pretty little peach nightgown I know you like so much. You know the one with the lace hem and bodice; the sheer, sexy one with those frilly panties that will make you feel all girly inside?”
How she knew I have no idea, but she definitely knew. She smiled as she watched me stiffen up.
She knew beyond a doubt that I wanted to get rid of all the hair on my legs so they’d look pretty, I wanted to wear that nightgown she was talking about, and I couldn’t wait to put it on. Instead of telling her to stop, I turned my left leg and pointed.
“You missed a spot.”
While we waited for the hair remover to work on my legs, Barb took a razor to my chest and gently removed the hairs. After watching her, I soaped up my underarms and carefully shaved away the hairs.
“Spread this on,” Barb said as she handed me a bottle of skin lotion. “It prevents razor burn and will keep your skin smooth and silky.”
Smooth and hair free, I patted myself dry just the way Barb had shown me, wrapped a towel around me girl-style, and followed Barb into the bedroom.
“How did you know?” I asked meekly as she gathered the nightgown and panties for me to wear. “Was I that obvious?”
“I guess I know you better than anyone sweetie,” She kissed me and ran her hand over my leg, making me even stiffer than before. “I noticed how upset you’ve been lately; almost every time we visit your family you get all agitated. It never happens when Joey and your dad are there but if Joy and Aunt Peg show up, you seem to be upset.
"Tonight was the worst, I guess you were jealous, you wanted to be the one in those dresses, petticoats, and frilly panties, didn’t you?”
“I was a basket case,” I admitted. “Those outfits were just so pretty!”
“We can get you one of your own if you want,” She offered. “I’ll bet you’ll look every bit as pretty as Joy.”
I guess I didn’t need to answer; Barb looked at my face and smiled.
“Everything’s going to be okay,” she told me as she handed me the ruffled satin panties that went with the nightgown. “Slip these on.”
I took the panties from her hand but couldn’t bring myself to put them on.
“Nothing will ever change baby,” She cooed softly. “I’ll love you no matter what you’re wearing.”
I took a deep breath and gently pulled on the panties, nearly climaxing when the silky fabric rubbed against my hard-on.
Barb lowered the nightgown over my head then had me stand to adjust it. I then stepped into a pair of her slippers and let her lead me like a little girl to the mirror.
“A little foundation, some powder, blush, and shadow, and you’ll be so cute.”
She was right, after styling my hair into a more feminine look and applying makeup, I really was cute!
I couldn’t help myself, I started laughing, and twirling like a little girl until Barb finally stopped me.
“Calm down,” she laughed as she hugged me. “I’ve got an outfit that I can’t wait to see you in.”
A little while later I was wearing a pair of white lace panties, a matching bra, a half slip trimmed in lace, white pantyhose, blue skimmers, and a blue and white dotted Sailor dress that I used to love seeing her in.
“This is so wrong but it feels so good!” I giggled as I swished my skirt back and forth. I started humming “I enjoy being a girl.”
I really did love being a girl! I wore panties to work everyday and I started loosening my tie and unbuttoning my shirt as I walked from my garage into the house. By the time I hit the bedroom, I was ready to kick off my pants and become the woman I felt comfortable being.
At home, I wore nothing but women’s clothes; sometimes jeans and a top, or maybe a one of Barb’s denim skirts, but no matter what I wore, I was a woman from the clothes in. The clothes were just an expression of what I felt was my core femininity.
Barb never laughed at me when I tried on her clothes or at my pathetic attempts to wear makeup. She was an honest critic though and would always tell me if an outfit was a little tight or a little too short for me. She patiently went over the proper use of foundation and powder, how to blend my eye shadow to create just the right look from housewife to hooker!
Soon though, just wearing women’s clothes wasn’t enough for me. I needed a bigger kick so Barb and I began to role-play; she’d become the hard working husband, a role she confided was a perfect fit for her, while I became a submissive housewife, anxious to please my husband.
As soon as I got home from work, I’d slip into something pretty, do my hair as best as I could, fix my face, and start dinner for my husband, the most wonderful man in the world.
When Barb got home, she’d close the door, sweep me in her arms, and tell me that I was the most beautiful woman on earth. I’d lock my arms around her neck and tell her that she was the most handsome, strongest, sexiest man alive.
Sometimes Barb would change into one of my suits, or a pair of my jeans and a shirt to make the role-playing a little more realistic. She’d sit in front of the TV to watch the news or read the paper until I finished preparing dinner.
Afterwards she’d pull me close, kiss me, and tell me how lucky she was to have married the most wonderful woman in the world. She began taking the dominant role in our lovemaking, which led to the best sex I’d ever had.
After dinner, I’d clean up the dishes, cuddle up to my honey, and watch TV. If he needed a snack or a drink, I got it for him. After all, a wife’s job is to keep the house clean, and take good care of her husband.
Our role-playing quickly grew from an occasional diversion and took over our personal lives. I happily ceded my masculinity to Barb and became her loving wife. For her part, she was more than willing to take on the role of husband, and decision maker.
One evening Barb was a little late getting home. She’d told me that she had some shopping to do and would have a surprise for her little lady when she got home. I was so excited it took twice as long for me to get my lipstick on after I got home from work.
I had the table set and dinner ready when my hubby finally got home that night. He greeted me with a hug and kiss, told me that dinner smelled great, and followed me into the dining room, rubbing my butt as we walked. We talked about our day during dinner; Greg, my husband, told me all about the tough day working in the factory, while I told him how I did a little shopping and saw some pretty dresses I’d like to have.
“That reminds me, I have a few things I think you’ll like.” He handed me several boxes from a local store that specialized in retro clothes. My heart skipped a beat as I pulled out several full-skirted dresses women wore in the early 1960’s.
“They’re beautiful!” I cried as I held them against me. “You are the sweetest husband any woman could ask for!”
“I knew you’d like them the instant I saw them,” Greg told me as I threw my arms around his neck and kissed him.
“I’d die if anyone ever found out,” I whispered in his ear. “But I’ve never had so much fun in my life!”
“No one ever needs to know.” he whispered back. “It’ll be our little secret, something to spice up our lives.”
“How did you know?” I asked. “Ever since I first thought about wearing women’s clothes, I wondered what it would be like to wear an outfit like this.”
“It wasn’t hard,” he smiled as I twirled with the dress held against me. “You really get off on this role-playing stuff, acting just like your mother did when you were young. I just thought that if you’re going to be a traditional housewife, you should dress like one.”
“Oh yes, certainly.” I muttered as I remembered that there were several other boxes. I opened another and squealed in delight as I pulled out an authentic petticoat that would be perfect under my new dress. I was crying tears of joy when I finally finished.
Greg had bought me three dresses with all of the appropriate lingerie — petticoats, bras, and panties that were popular at the time, nylon stockings, and girdles with tabs for nylons; several garter belts, and a pair of stiletto heels.
“Don’t forget this,” he teased as she held out a small box and quickly pulled it back.
“Please don’t tease me honey,” I pouted. “I try to be a good wife for you.”
“You’re the best,” he told me, handing back the box.
Inside was a collection of makeup appropriate to the time — rouge, eyeliner, powder, and shadow. Best of all though was a pretty, blonde wig styled in a flip with bangs.
“Are you going to stand there or are you going to put on some decent clothes?” He teased. “I don’t know where you got such short tight dresses baby but you look like a hooker!”
“I’m sorry honey bunches,” I fluttered my lashes and did my best little girl voice. “I’ll go change, thank you for buying me such pretty outfits.
I hurried to change, not wanting to disappoint my wonderful hubby. I wasn’t used to the nylons and garter belts but I finally managed to master the clothes and makeup and went to show my husband how pretty his wife could be,
“Much better,” He said gruffly. “If I wanted a streetwalker I would’ve married one. I expect to see a respectable woman waiting for me when I get home. Do you understand me?”
I stared at the floor and brushed my skirt, relishing the feel of petticoats as they brushed against me.
“I promise to be a good wife,” I said meekly. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” He said as he pulled me close to kiss my red lips and rub my butt.
I loved being the little woman, but the time came when I realized that I wanted and needed to go still farther in exploring my new femininity. I told Greg about my feelings and he promised to come up with something we’d both enjoy.
One evening after dinner, he put some relaxing music on and said that he had to get something from his car. When he got back, I was all dressed in a pink, little girl’s party dress with sheer, puffy sleeves, matching panties, a petticoat dress, sitting on the sofa with my hands folded in my lap, waiting for my mommy.
“I forgot to bring in your new baby doll.” Mommy smiled and handed me a doll.
“A new doll,” I squealed as I hugged it tight. “You’re the worlds best mommy!”
I sat real still while my mommy put a wig on me, it made me look so pretty with long blonde hair that curled at the ends.
“Good girl,” she told me as she took my picture.
I played with my baby all evening long until finally mommy said that it was bedtime. I asked if I could take my dolly to bed with me but he smiled and asked if I was positive that I wanted to hug a baby doll instead of her.
Suddenly, I was a married man wearing a little girl’s dress and clutching a baby doll.
“What happened?” I asked as my mind cleared.
I turned you into a three year old girl.” Greg smiled proudly. “You’re now my daughter Jillian whenever I want you to be. I bought you a new baby doll because I know how much you love pretending to be a mommy.”
“Yes mommy, I love playing with my dollies, someday I’ll grow up and be a mommy too.”
“What’s happening to me?” I asked when I came back to my senses.
“Remember the music that I turned on?” She asked. “It was one of those special CD’s like I used on Amy.”
“You don’t have to force me to be your wife.”
“”I wouldn’t dream of forcing you,” She held me and gave me a kiss on the head just like I was a little girl. “You’re my wife and that’s how it’s going to stay; this will just give us a little more variety in our role-playing. Now, I can turn you into anything I want you to be and you’ll believe that’s what you are.”
“You can make me into anything you want, right?” I asked. “What if you thought it would be funny to turn me into a streetwalker?”
“Anything I want,” Barb repeated with an impish grin.
“Could you make me remember that I’m a guy but force me to play the role you decide on?”
“Without a doubt.”
“So, if you changed me into a little girl again, I’d think it was perfectly normal to wear a frilly dress and panties and play with a baby doll?”
“That depends on whether or not I wanted you to remember who you really are. If not, you’ll be a little girl and won’t remember being a man at all.”
“That sounds so wonderful!”
“It might be rough on you,” she warned. “You’ll be trapped, unable to resist any suggestions that I give you. I might put you into situations where you’d be stuck for long periods of time and you wouldn’t be able to tell anyone who you really are or you won’t know who you really are.”
I jumped up and threw my arms around her neck.
“Thank you, that would be so wonderful,” I said as I kissed her. “May I stay a little girl tonight, please? I want to hug my dolly while I sleep with my mommy.”
I was so happy; I was a three-year old girl in a pink, Care Bears, nightgown, snuggled up to her mommy and clutching her dolly. I hated to have to go back to being a guy for work that day.
We must’ve spent a fortune on our role-playing; Greg bought me outfits for little girls, teenagers, and women our age. Sometimes I’d be walking in the door after work and my cell phone would ring. The next thing I knew I was sitting in front of a vanity in a cheerleader outfit, applying lipstick and perfume with no idea of what happened.
Greg enjoyed playing practical jokes like that on me; I’d blank out and when I came to, I might be wearing something like a housedress or one of my little girl outfits. Once I woke up and found myself in a very sexy red dress, stockings, three-inch heels, and I was dancing with another guy.
It all happened one Saturday when I guess that he was feeling particularly playful. I was in my usual housewife mode, wearing a denim skirt with a midriff top, dusting and sweeping when I asked what we were going to have for dinner. The next thing I knew, I was in a fancy restaurant, dancing with a man who was telling me how pretty I was while I was nuzzling his neck.
I looked around and saw Greg, dressed as Barb, sitting on the other side of the room grinning like mad. When the song ended, I excused myself and asked him to accompany me to the ladies room.
“How did I get here?” I asked as soon as I finished checking the stalls to make sure we were alone. “Who’s that guy?”
“Let me refresh your memory,” He laughed. “It’s time to remember sweetie.”
The fog lifted and I remember him smiling and giving me the command to become a girl named Jillian. He asked me if we should go out for dinner and dancing and I happily agreed.
I selected the outfit I was wearing, including the red thong panties, and push up bra that showed off the fake breasts he had bought me. When Tom, my dancing partner, had noticed me and asked me to dance, I accepted and let him lead me to the dance floor where he put his arm around my waist and held me close for four consecutive songs.
He thought I was very pretty and I thought he was quite handsome. As we danced, I found myself becoming attracted to him. When he kissed me, I kissed right back.
After I finished powdering my nose, Greg ordered me to go back and dance with Tom, all the while remembering who I really was, but still finding him very attractive. If my guy got frisky, I would respond like any other woman dancing with an attractive man.
I was terrified about what might happen but also thrilled that I didn’t have a choice; when Tom took me in his arms again, I rested my head on his chest and never objected when his hand began to rub my butt.
“That was so sweet,” Greg told me after I gave Tom a goodnight kiss. “How does it feel to be a woman?”
I thought about how it felt to be held by a man and the sensations I had when he kissed me.
From that moment on, I was overcome with the urge to become a woman.
“Could we make our role playing game real?” I asked. “Would you be willing to be my husband from now on? I promise to be a good wife.”
“Are you sure you know what you’re asking?” Greg asked. “No more pretending, you’d take hormones, and …”
“And I’d become a woman,” I said with no doubt in my mind. “If it’s okay with you, I’d like to switch and be your wife; I don’t want to be a man anymore. You can make all the decisions and handle our finances; I’ll be the kind of wife men dream about. I’ll cook and clean, and take care of your every need.”
He could hardly keep from jumping up and down.
“Do you know how much that means to me? I can finally be in charge, instead of being treated like some pretty piece of fluff!”
“I wouldn’t mind being a piece of pretty piece of fluff, honey.” I said meekly. “I’d rather worry about finding a purse and shoes to match my dress than how much money we’ll need to fix up the house.”
“Please tell me you’re serious Keith,” She begged. “I’ll take good care of you and your closet will be filled with pretty outfits.”
“My name is Jillian Renee,” I smiled at her.
From that moment on, Keith and Barb existed only when they had to and we began to look into the steps necessary to switch our sexes.
It was just after that when Joey asked us to stop by the house; he had an announcement to make and a favor to ask but he wouldn’t tell me what it was over the phone.
Maureen, Joey’s latest girlfriend, seemed to have beaten every other girl in the race to win Joey’s heart. They complimented each other perfectly and my little brother seemed to be madly in love. How he was going to explain Joy to her was beyond me though.
He and Maureen were side by side on the couch looking through some catalogues.
“Glad you guys could come,” He grinned. “Maureen and I have some big news — we’re getting married and we want you two in the wedding party!”
“It’s going to be a little different,” Maureen giggled. “Joey and I talked it over though and it’s definitely the way we want to do it. We think you’ll agree once you we explain everything.”
“Check this out!” Joey urged as he opened a catalogue of wedding dresses.
“Isn’t this gorgeous?” He asked with unconcealed pride as he pointed to a gorgeous gown in Tulle with Schiffli Lace & Organza Rosettes making up the delicate straps. It was so pretty that I nearly cried!
I flinched as he pushed the book towards me; I knew how badly I wanted to look at the pretty dresses but I didn’t dare let my feelings show.
“Very nice Joey,” I nodded and tried to remain calm. “I’m sure Maureen will look great in anything.”
He looked at Maureen, and then at mom and dad, they all began laughing.
“I really hate being left out of a joke,” I complained, trying not to grab the book from Joey’s hands.
“It’s okay,” Maureen told me as she gave me a hug. “We’re not making fun of you or anything, it’s just that your sister will be the one wearing the gown, I’ll be in a tux.”
“You know about Joy?” I asked when my head finally stopped reeling. “It doesn’t bother you that your future husband wears women’s clothes, calls himself Joy, and sells women’s clothing?”
“It’s all part of the guy I fell in love with,” she shrugged indifferently. “We met when I was looking for just the right outfit for a big interview.”
“You asked her out as Joy?” I asked Joey while trying to make sense out of the whole crazy situation.
“And you accepted a date with Joy?” I asked, turning to Maureen.
“I went back for several more outfits; Joy was very helpful and we got to be friends. We met for lunch several times, did some shopping together, and caught a couple of movies. One day over lunch, she came clean and asked me for a date. I had such a fun time with Joy that I decided to take a chance on her brother.”
She put her am around Joey and gave him a big squeeze. “It turns out that everything I liked in Joy was also a part of Joey, plus he’s awfully cute. I gained a fun girlfriend to shop with and a cute boyfriend all in the same package.”
“That’s so sweet,” Greg gushed. “We’re really happy for you guys, or should I say girls?” she giggled.
“I’m amazed,” I smiled and shook my head. “Now you can take over worrying about him!”
“Now that we’ve gotten that out of the way, let’s move on to the gowns for the other girls.” Joey had a smile that told me trouble was brewing,
“Here are the gowns for the bridesmaids,” He reached for another book, giving me time to get a grip on my emotions.
He pointed out the most romantic looking gowns imaginable. They were absolutely beautiful with a sheer overskirt and light peach satin skirts. The bodices went just to the mid point of the breasts, ending in sheer chiffon, and a lace inset with a rosette pattern.
“Check this out,” He flipped the page to show the same gowns with sheer capes. “The Matron of honor’s gown will have the rosette pattern in the cape too!”
I tried to act as if I didn’t care and must have succeeded.
“Pay attention!” He demanded. “”Don’t you care what your gown will look like? I thought the color would work very well with your complexion.”
Suddenly he had my full attention!
“My gown, what are you talking about?” I managed to ask. “I’m not into this dress-up stuff!
“You’re wearing women’s jeans, nude stockings, or knee-highs, those are Lady Keds on your feet, and you’re telling me you’re not going to be my Matron of Honor?
Barb bust out laughing; Joey had me dead to rights.
I started to try to brush it off with a lame, one time only, excuse, but Joey was firm.
“Let’s see,” He smiled. “Last Thursday you wear wearing green eye-shadow; you still had some in the corners when you stopped over that night. Then there was that time when you bent over and showed off the lace waistband of your panties. By the way, Shalimar perfume is a very nice scent but it lingers forever. Don’t wear it if you plan to switch to Boy mode in less than six hours.”
“You win,” I smiled and gave her a big hug. “I’d be honored to be your Matron of Honor. God knows, I can hardly wait to wear that gown!”
“Thank you!” He squealed as he locked his arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. “I’m going to have the prettiest Matron of Honor ever to be in a wedding!”
“Will you two have matching gowns?” I asked, trying to imagine two brides.
“You can be such a ninny!” Greg laughed after Maureen took a swat at me. “There’s only going to be one bride at this wedding — your sister!”
“That’s right!” Maureen laughed. “There’s only room for one beautiful bride and that’s Joy.”
“If you don’t mind,” She turned to Greg. “I need a Best Man. My sister-in-law will need a handsome guy for her partner.”
We still hadn’t told anyone about Greg and Jillian but to my amazement, he accepted without blinking.
Dad took the book Joey had and quickly thumbed to a page showing Mother-of-the Bride dresses.
Pointing to a flowing gown in the same color as the Bridesmaids gowns, he asked, “This will be my gown, isn’t it lovely?”
“It’s perfect for you Aunt Peg,” I told her as I kissed her cheek. “I can’t wait to see how pretty you’ll look.”
Maureen and Joey said that it would be a small wedding; our families, a few friends from the cross-dressing support group, Joey’s boss, and a few girls he worked with.
“”Won’t your boss be just a little surprised?” I hated to burst any balloons but I worried about how Joey would explain things to his boss.
“You mean am I worried that she’ll figure out that I’m a guy?” he asked.
“It might seem odd having a cross-dressed wedding.” I ventured. “I mean, it’s not something you run into that often.”
“You’re such a sweetie,” Maureen smiled and hugged me again. “You’re always worrying about your baby sister. Joy told me how you took care of him when he pledged that frat.”
“I’m a big girl now…” Joey hesitated, obviously wondering something.
“Jillian,” I told her. “Please call me Jillian.”
“That’s a pretty name,” Mom added. “It has a classy and feminine ring to it.
“Thanks,” I turned back to Joey. “Now, what about your boss; you can’t afford to lose that job.”
“Don’t worry my dear sister; my job’s safe.” He said confidently. I told Marie I was a guy when I interviewed. I got the job based on my ability to sell and my sense of style. I had thirty days to prove myself. If a single customer caught on and complained or if I couldn’t meet the same sales goals expected of any other new girl, I would be out.”
“Based on your sales,” I said admiringly. “I guess you’re pretty secure.”
“Let’s look at it this way — I made several hundred dollars in commission my first week and that was the lowest I’ve ever made. Six months into the job, I got started in wardrobe consulting at the request of several of my regular customers. I sit down with them and we have a nice long talk so that I can decide what their personality type is and pick complimentary outfits. After a few months, I made more money consulting than by working the floor.”
“The women I started with were so impressed that they told their friends and relatives who now rely on me for everything from a special occasion outfit to complete wardrobe planning. Actually, that’s how I met Maureen, Her mom’s one of my customers.” He continued, “Gloria, my boss, doesn’t mind, I only recommend outfits from lines we carry. If I like it and we don’t carry it, she’ll get it. She makes a bundle off my consulting and so do the girls who work the floor.”
“You’re an amazing lady.” Greg complimented.
“Not to mention that he’s a wonderful guy!” Maureen quickly added. “I loved the gentleness in him as well as his ability to be decisive when I need it. He has great taste in outfits, never complains when I want to go shopping, and he makes me feel so loved and special.”
“I can’t believe it,” I muttered repeatedly. “I’m going to be the Matron of Honor. I’m going to be wearing a beautiful gown and pretty lingerie.”
“Have you ever had gone out as Jillian?” Joey asked.
“Only once,” I admitted and told how I’d ended up in another man’s arms. “I usually just come home and make sure that dinner is ready when Greg gets home.”
“Greg?” Joey laughed as he glanced at Greg.
“What can I say?” Greg shrugged. “It seemed like a good, manly kind of name.”
Maureen giggled and stuck out her hand.
“Nice to meet you Greg,” She said in a low, gruff, voice. “My name’s Geoff.”
“Isn’t he a hunk?” Joey giggled as he ran her arms across Maureen’s back.
“He is cute,” I admitted as I hugged Greg tightly. “But I’m strictly a one man woman. Greg makes me feel all funny inside when I’m close to him. I let him make all the important decisions and handle the finances. He’s so much better at it than I am.”
“You don’t mind being sort of a sissy?” Dad asked.
“Not as long as I have my big strong husband to take care of me.” I wrapped my hands around Greg’s arm and felt very content. “Besides, women can’t be sissies.”
“She made the decision on her own,” Greg explained, shedding his femininity as easily as removing his coat. “Of course, that was the last one I’ve allowed her to make. Keith willingly surrendered his masculinity; he would rather be Jillian, a woman, and my wife.”
“You’re sure about this?” Dad asked. “That’s quite a change.”
“Greg is very decisive,” I said proudly. “He always knows exactly what to do and doesn’t mind making decisions. I hate having to make decisions; I’m always afraid that something will get screwed up because of what I decided.”
“She’s a much better cook than I’ll ever be,” Greg pulled me close for a kiss. “She loves wearing pretty dresses and silky lingerie; I’d rather wear pants and cotton underwear.”
“What about your jobs?” Maureen wondered. “Are you planning to make a complete switch?”
“No,” I had to admit. “We can’t make it that complete yet. It’ll have to be just for our personal lives unless we find a way to live on what Greg makes. I’d rather stay home and be a wife but we can’t afford it.”
“I’m very surprised to hear that Jillian,” Mom told me.
“You shouldn’t be, mom. You’re my inspiration. I want to be the kind of woman you are; confident in my femininity and happy to be a wife.”
“I hate to interrupt but it is getting late.” Greg insisted. “You’ll need your beauty rest to look your prettiest for the wedding.”
“I still can’t believe it!” I shook my head and rushed to hug Joey. “I’m going to be all dressed up in a beautiful gown and feeling so pretty!”
“Why don’t you folks stop over for dinner next Friday?” Greg suggested. “Jillian’s a great cook.”
“I’d love to have you!” I smiled. “I’ve got this fantastic recipe for stuffed Pork Chops.”
We parted for the night with the promise to get together again on Friday. In the meanwhile, I had to plan a dinner and decide what I was going to wear. I still couldn’t get over that I was going to be in a wedding — as a woman!
As soon as we were home, I changed into a nightgown, robe, and slippers and ran bath water for Greg. Now that my family knows that I‘m his wife, I’m going to pull out all the stops.
I know it will be too difficult for Greg to pass as a man for now so if we go out. I’ll understand if Barb has to go somewhere, but Jillian will go too. I’ve already told Greg that I want him to turn me into Jillian any time I have to leave the house.
Greg had given me the command the instant I got off work on a Friday and by the night of our dinner party, I had spent two wonderful days as Jillian. I shopped for groceries, tried on outfits in several stores, had lunch, and lived the life of a woman, complete with my wonderful husband making passionate love to me!
For the dinner, I wore a pretty, white flip skirt, just above the knees, with a pink and green floral pattern. I chose a soft pink top with cap sleeves, white sandals, and pink Topaz earrings to compliment my skirt. I felt so relaxed and comfortable; my skirt brushing against my legs with every step, and my silky slip brushing against my bare thighs made me feel so happy to be a woman.
My very wonderful husband looked so handsome in a Cranberry polo shirt and bone colored khaki slacks. I liked the way he wore his hair a little on the long side; it was so much fun to run my fingers through it when we kissed.
Greg had tipped off my family so everything went well; they all referred to me as Jillian and treated me as if I’d always been their daughter and sister. For my part, I was a good little hostess, greeting everyone at the door, kissing Joy and Aunt Peg, and making sure the guys had drinks while Joy and Aunt Peg helped me to prepare for dinner.
Everyone loved my dinner and it made me so proud to see Greg smiling at me; I wanted to be the best wife I could for him and being a good cook was an important part of being a good wife.
Afterwards, the guys sat and talked while we women cleaned up. I’ve heard many women complain about their men not pitching in but as far as I was concerned, the kitchen was my kingdom. I didn’t wander into the garage to give Greg pointers on car repairs and I didn’t want him in my kitchen, telling me how to cook
As we did dishes, my sister, my aunt, and I talked about Joy’s upcoming wedding and how exciting it would be. Lucky girl that she is, she’ll have a triple layer petticoat under that gorgeous dress along with lingerie sexy enough to make her husband stay hard for hours just thinking about it!
Aunt Peg is thrilled with her dress; peach, like the bridesmaids dresses, it has chiffon sleeves ending in lace cuffs, a small rose where the deep Vee of the neckline ends, and a full skirt with knife pleats that will sway with every step. Any middle-aged woman would love to wear that dress and I’m sure Aunt Peg will look lovely in it.
Everyone had a great time at the dinner party and I made plans to spend the next day shopping with my Aunt and sister. That night, while we were making love, Greg used the trigger phrase to bring me back to Keith mode.
I suddenly found myself flat on my back in bed, on the brink of a tremendous climax, my skirt and slip pulled up to my neck, my panties hanging from a bedpost, but still wearing my bra, and nylons with Greg positioned between my legs.
“Jesus, you’re one hell of a moaner lady!” Greg laughed as he finished his oral ministrations.
“What do you expect from a woman when she’s got a hot stud like you driving her to the edge?” I lowered my head in mock shame. “How many climaxes did you give me this time?”
“We just finished number five,” he grinned as he fondled me. “It took two hours but who’s counting?”
“Not this lady!” I grinned as he pulled me close for a kiss. “Now, be a good boy and change me back to a woman so I can enjoy being a screaming, moaning, slut!”
“Consider it done!” He laughed and turned me back to Jillian.
We were both exhausted when we finished but neither of us was complaining.
As usual, I slipped into my nightgown and robe to prepare a bath for Greg.
He caught me as I was leaving the bedroom, pulled me back in again, pulled a package from under the bed, and handed it to me.
I opened the box to see a pair of very life-like breasts and a tube of glue.
Greg insisted on getting me out of my nightgown and gluing my new breasts in place.
“Almost done,” He told me as he reached for another box. “I’m going to make a woman out of you tonight!”
“You’ve already done that several times over,” I teased. “What’s so special about …?”
I gasped as she pulled something that looked like flesh colored shorts out of the box. The shorts had tiny openings exactly where my pubic hair would be, padding in the back and sides, and a small tube inside.
I stood frozen as Greg removed my panties and helped me step into the shorts.
“Put this in here,” he said as he inserted my organ into the tube and gently pulled my pubic hairs through the openings.
He tugged a little then smeared glue all around the leg and waist openings. “Good, now gently pull them up and hold for a couple of seconds.”
He slowly rubbed the edges until smooth with my skin before backing off to admire his work.
“Congratulations, you’re now a woman!”
“Good lord, I don’t believe it!” I stared at the naked woman in the mirror. My nice, firm breasts, wide hips, and slim build combined to give me a decent figure! Even after a careful inspection, it was nearly impossible to find where the breasts and panty attached. As far as I could tell, I was as much a female as my mom!
“That’s nothing, watch this!” He had such an evil grin on his face as he applied lubricant to his finger and stuck it into the appropriate opening in my panties.
“Oh god, oh please, please don’t stop!” I could feel the exquisite torture of the very tip of my organ being caressed.
The normal feelings I experienced when we made love were increased ten fold and there was no escape! I writhed and groaned, finally falling back onto the bed, completely unable and totally unwilling to stop him.
“That’s incredible!” I moaned after my third climax. “I would never have imagined such a thing was possible!”
“Welcome to womanhood sweetie,” he laughed as I struggled to catch my breath. “Now Greg and Jillian can do things right!”
I looked fearfully as he lubricated the double-ended dildo he held but good wife that I am, I smiled and whispered, “I’m all yours lover,” as my husband entered me. My fears were completely unfounded; I began bucking up and down to meet Greg’s thrusts and increase the incredible sensations I felt.
“Mmmm, that was wonderful lover.” I later cooed as I nibbled on his ear. “There’s nothing like a man who knows what a woman needs.”
I woke up the next morning to find Greg rubbing the dildo against my thigh. I smiled, raised my nightgown, and wrapped my legs around his waist as he once again made a woman out of me.
I gave him a kiss before reluctantly excusing myself to dress.
“I promised Joy and Aunt Peggy we’d have a girl’s day out,” I smiled as I wiped away the remnants from lovemaking as though it were entirely natural “Why don’t we continue tonight?” I asked, licking my lips as I stared at his crotch.
I have to admit, I looked great in the short skirt and low cut top. I wore white flip-flops with a low heel and no stockings. It was still a bit cool in the morning but by noon, the sun would be warming my bare legs and anyway, I enjoyed showing off my pretty nails and two toe rings.
Joy was lovely in a short white skirt, pink midriff top, sandals and an ankle bracelet while Aunt Peg wore a cute pair of culottes and a sky blue top; claiming that her mini-skirt days were long behind her!
I was trying on a bathing suit in an open changing room when Aunt Peg caught sight of my new anatomy.
“It looks so real!” Aunt Peg whispered. “But how do you, well you know.”
”Let’s grab some lunch and I’ll tell you all about it.” I promised.
Luckily, no other women were in the way when we charged out of the dressing room.
“I couldn’t believe it,” I told them in between bites of my salad. I glanced at my chest. “My breasts are glued on so tight that I could probably be a topless dancer.”
“What about the other thing?” Aunt Peg asked. “How do you take it off to pee?”
“I don’t, it stays on like the breasts until I use the glue remover. There’s a tube that fits over me so I don’t need to take it off.”
“Is it comfortable?” Joy wondered. “And why does Greg think it’s so great?”
I glanced around, making sure that I wouldn’t be overheard.
They hung on my every word as I told them of my introduction to love making as a woman. When I was finished, they tripped over each other asking questions.
“It was wonderful,” I answered dreamily. “The sensations were so strong it’s impossible to describe. God, I love that man.”
My last comment brought giggles from the other ladies.
“I don’t care what you think,” I insisted. “Becoming a wife is the most fulfilling thing that’s ever happened to me. Greg is the most wonderful, thoughtful, and sweet husband a woman could ever want and he’s great in the sack too!”
“I wonder what it would be like to be a wife. I guess I’m just too set in my ways to change now,” Aunt Peg sighed and shook her head.
We finished lunch, shopped some more and finally called it a day.
I gained three dresses, four skirts, and some very sexy lingerie to entice my hubby with later that night
I had taken my new clothes to our room to model them when Greg snuck up behind me, flipped me around to face him, and reached up my skirt.
“You know what I’d rather see you in, don’t you, you little vixen?” He whispered seductively as I felt something hard rubbing against my crotch.
“Oh yes sir, I certainly do!” I giggled as I quickly stepped out of my skirt.
In a flash, my panties were off and I was on my back enjoying my husband screwing my brains out.
Weeks later, I stopped by to see how the wedding plans were coming. Joy was perched on Maureen’s lap kissing her neck
“Hi Keith,” Maureen called as she tried to keep joy away from her neck. “Couldn’t Jillian make it?”
“No,” I smiled. “I just got off work and didn’t have a chance to go home and get her.”
“You’re so brave,” Joy gave me a kiss to greet me. “It might be fun to be a woman.”
“I’m not doing it for fun Joy,” I explained. “I’ve always had a tough time living up to what society thinks a guy should be like. As a kid, I would’ve rather stayed home and baked cookies with mom than play baseball. I wanted to wear a uniform skirt and blouse just like the other girls when I was in school.”
“How does Greg fit in though?” Maureen asked. “Wouldn’t you rather be with a man?”
“I am,” I said firmly. “Greg is exactly the opposite of me; he’s strong, able to take charge, he’s every bit the man I could never be. We must have seen these traits in each other; that’s what brought us together. He’s as comfortable in the male role as I am in the female role.”
“It’s going to be at least a little strange to have to see a drawer filled with frilly little things from Victoria’s Secret and realize they belong to my husband, but this little doll is worth it.” Maureen smiled and gave Joy a quick peck.
“If you can get over lifting your husbands’ veil to kiss him and taking off his garter at the reception, a few pairs of panties should be easy to live with.” I teased.
“A few pairs?” She howled. “”Your baby sister has more panties than me, your mom, and your aunt combined!”
“I have a hard time choosing which ones I like best when I go shopping,” Joy pouted. “So I end up buying a little more than I planned on.”
“I guess I’m going to have to be the strong, decision maker in this marriage!” Maureen insisted. “And to think, I used to imagine growing up and becoming a wife and mommy.”
“You can still be the mommy,” Joy suggested. “I’m not likely to get pregnant anytime soon.”
“You’re too much of a coward to go through pregnancy and childbirth.” Maureen was adamant. “You’d bitch and carry on about the weight gain and morning sickness We won’t even start on how you’d handle labor pains and delivery!”
“I’d do it,” I volunteered in a soft voice. “I wouldn’t mind the weight gain, the morning sickness, or anything else if I could be a mom.”
Two pairs of eyes quickly locked onto me.
“You’re serious?” Joy’s mouth was hanging wide open.
“Positively, I answered without a pause. “I haven’t been joking about all of this; I’m serious about becoming a woman, I’d much rather be a wife and mother than a husband and father.”
“We joked about it before we got married,” I explained. “He teased me about having a very strong feminine side. I did everything I could to keep it in check but I finally broke when Joy and Aunt Peg started taking square dance lessons. Luckily for me, Greg sensed what I was going through and helped me bring Jillian to life.”
“Will I be gaining a sister for real?” It was obvious that Joy wasn’t sure she wanted to know.
“That will take a little time; we’ll stay as we are physically for now but mentally I’ll be the lady of the house and he’ll be my man.”
Maureen put her arm around Joy and held her close. “I hope your sister and I will have the same happiness you and your husband share Jillian; you’re a very special and lucky couple.”
When I got home, Greg and I talked about everything that happened and we both agreed that we had made the right choice in life. We hugged and kissed until I finally broke free. I rushed to our room and put on a very slinky satin negligee he had recently bought me.
The negligee was dazzling, a shimmering ivory color with a deep V-neck trimmed in an exquisitely beautiful pattern of white lace, it made me feel so feminine and desirable! Underneath I wore a pair of white lace panties that were also beautiful although I knew Greg wouldn’t spend a lot of time looking at them. The sooner he got me out of them and got into me, the happier we’d both be. As an extra touch, I also glued on my breasts.
“I want to play Pretty Woman,” I teased as I cuddled next to him.
I wanted to play the part of the beautiful call girl who knew how to drive a man to the ultimate heights of sexual pleasure.
He quickly hit me with the trigger phrase to make me think of myself as a beautiful, expensive, and highly sought after call girl skilled in the erotic arts.
I slithered close to my handsome client, took his face in my hands, and proceeded to give him a tonsil massage with my tongue. He responded by pulling me close and rubbing my breasts and butt while I undid his shirt and pants.
He then gathered me into his arms and carried me into the bedroom where he gently laid me on the bed.
“I’ll be right back,” He promised with a smile and a kiss.
“Don’t be long lover boy,” I said in a voice dripping with sex. “I might get lonely.”
He ducked into the bathroom and was back out moments later with a mustache glued to her upper lip and the dildo protruding out from her crotch.
“Oh baby,” I sang as I stared at my client’s massive tool. “You know what I like!”
Oh baby, he not only knew what I liked, he made sure I got every inch of it!
Three orgasms later, I reached down and took it in my hands.
“This poor baby looks tired,” I licked my lips suggestively. “I should kiss him and make him better.”
“That sounds like the perfect solution,” My client readily agreed as I began kissing and licking his shaft.
We spent the rest of the night as Call Girl and client before I had to leave. My wealthy, well-hung, client promised to call me again soon as I reluctantly left.
“You missed your calling,” Greg joked after we finished. “You would have made a fantastic Call Girl!”
“I’m happy just being your wife and lover,” I told him as I cuddled in his arms. “I couldn’t think of anything better.”
“I can,” he whispered. “Imagine if you were really a woman and I was really a man?”
“I think we have to face it,” I smiled as I gazed into his eyes. “I really am a woman and you really are a man, despite our physical appearances.”
“I don’t doubt it,” he nodded as he pulled me close. “Somehow, things went wrong for both of us. You should have grown up in pretty dresses with ribbons in your hair, playing house with your dolls. I should have been out climbing trees, spitting, and doing all those disgusting things little boys do.”
“It’s a good thing we found each other,” I told him. “We would have never known what a big mistake our lives really were!”
“Don’t worry your pretty head about it,” he said as ran his fingers through my hair. “Everything’s going to be just right from now on.”
I looked up and saw the strong, confident, man that I had fallen in love with and I knew I had made the right choice in becoming his wife. After work I planned to seduce him and show him over and over, just how grateful I was to have a husband like him.
Things got pretty hectic after that; the wedding was getting closer and there were gown fittings to go to, bridal shower arrangements to be made, and of course a bachelorette party for my sweet little sister.
I was amazed at the number of places where guys could be treated as ladies. The staff at the shop that sold us our gowns never blinked when Joy, Aunt Peg, and I went in for our fittings; they told us how pretty we looked, made suggestions for the right heel height for our shoes, and acted as though it was perfectly normal to fit three guys in bras and panties for gowns.
I’d been on a few shopping trips before that but it still scared me to be buying something as positively feminine as a bridesmaid’s dress. Sure, I’d bought dresses before and even lingerie, but that had always been in the anonymous atmosphere of a department store where no one really paid attention to me. Now though, I was wearing a lilac bra and panty set, and a woman was pinning up a gown that I’d wear when I was the Matron of Honor for my brother who would be the bride.
When I saw what a lovely bride Joy would be and how happy she was, it didn’t seem fair for me to be worried about pretending to be a woman. I gladly became Jillian for Greg, was my sister’s happiness any less important?
When the minister asked who gave Joy away, mom, in a tux, firmly said that she and Joy’s Aunt Margaret did. Aunt Peg, in her pretty gown, her hair and makeup perfectly done, stood demurely at mom’s side, dabbing the tears from her eyes.
The minister then turned to Maureen and asked if he, Geoffrey Michael Marshall took Joy Lauren Kent as his lawfully wedded wife, to love, honor, and cherish for the rest of his life.
I doubt that they needed the speakers throughout the church to hear Geoff say, “I do!”
I wish Greg had suggested that I’d be less emotional; by the time it was Joy’s turn to answer, I was on the verge of flooding the church with my tears. I looked over at my handsome husband, standing at Geoff’s side and I was able to regain my composure.
Joy’s answer to the minister though broke through my composure and started my tears; you couldn’t help but sense the love between her and Geoff.
The minister pronounced them husband and wife, they kissed, turned to the guests and locked hands as the minister introduced them for the first time as Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Marshall.
Everything was so wonderful; Greg and I stood in the receiving line with Geoff and Joy greeting the guests and then we were off to pose for pictures. The photographer took all the standard wedding pictures until Joy whispered something to him.
“Please step over here, Mrs. Brennerman.,” the photographer directed, “Next to your sister.”
I stepped over to where Joy stood. She put her arm around my shoulder and pulled me close so that our heads were almost touching.
“I want a picture with just me and the best big sister in the world!”
I broke into a huge smile just as the photographer snapped our picture.
“Don’t forget,” Joy told him. “I want two of those fifteen by twenty posters of that shot!”
I am such a lucky woman to have such a thoughtful sister!
The reception was bunches of fun; I was so proud as to be introduced to everyone as Joy’ sister and Greg’s wife and Greg’s dancing skills easily rivaled anything Fred Astaire ever did! He swept me around the dance floor in his strong embrace; all I had to do was let him hold me and follow his lead.
I stepped over to where Joy stood. She put her arm around my shoulder and pulled me close so that our heads were almost touching.
“I want a picture with just me and the best big sister in the world!”
I broke into a huge smile just as the photographer snapped our picture.
“Don’t forget,” Joy told him. “I want two of those fifteen by twenty posters of that shot!”
I am such a lucky woman to have such a thoughtful sister!
The reception was bunches of fun; I was so proud as to be introduced to everyone as Joy’ sister and Greg’s wife and Greg’s dancing skills easily rivaled anything Fred Astaire ever did! He swept me around the dance floor in his strong embrace; all I had to do was let him hold me and follow his lead.
Greg and I met some of Joy’s friends from the cross-dressing group and of course, her boss and friends from work. Far in the back of my mind, there was a nagging fear that someone would laugh at a guy pretending to be a woman and a woman pretending to be his husband but everyone we met was kind and supportive, telling us that we made a lovely couple.
There was one girl Joy worked with whose date kept stealing glances at me. Finally, he got up enough nerve to come over to where I was sitting.
“I hate to bother you and your husband,” He apologized. “But I just had to tell you that I love your gown and the way you have your hair done.”
I looked at him, confused that a guy would compliment me on such things.
“I know, it seems strange to hear that from a guy, right?” He grinned and continued. “I’ve been a cross-dresser since I was twelve years old when my sister dressed me as a girl for Halloween. I’ve wanted to meet you ever since my girlfriend told me all about Joy and her sister.”
The guy went into his story about how he had gotten hooked on dressing as a girl and how hard it had been for him. He had met his girlfriend Haley several months ago and they had fallen deeply in love.
“Haley has a very strong personality,” He smiled. “She has absolutely no fear of anything.”
“I, on the other had, am very shy, quiet, and prefer to blend in with the surroundings so we get along perfectly. My mom and sister knew about my dressing and encouraged me to express myself as a girl by teaching me things like cooking, sewing, and even dressmaking.”
He glanced towards his date. “I made the dress she’s wearing tonight, doesn’t she look hot?”
The dress color was perfect for his girlfriends skin tone and hair color; it hung perfectly, emphasizing her figure without being too tight or short.
“The dress is very pretty, you did a great job.” I told him. “And I understand what you’ve gone through; I had the same problem before I became Jillian.”
The poor guy almost melted in relief.
“That makes me feel so much better,” He smiled as though being allowed to set down a huge boulder he’d been carrying. “This is sort of hard to ask, I really don’t know how to put this, it’s a little odd but…”
His girlfriend, who had been standing just behind him, put her arms around him and finished for him.
“Carl here is the sweetest person I know and we are madly in love but he’s just not the husband type.”
“Uh, I’m sorry to hear that.” I stammered. How do you respond to something like that?
“Don’t be sorry,” She went on. “We still want to get married but Carl, or I guess Carol Anne would be more fitting, will be my wife.”
Carl / Carol Anne smiled and snuggled closer as Haley encircled him with her arms.
Haley was pretty but when I looked closer at Carl with his thin build, short stature, porcelain skin, and delicate bone structure, I could easily picture him in the soft, flowing dress Haley was wearing. No doubt, he’d probably even look better than she did.
“I guess you guys have talked this over?”
“We’ve been talking about it ever since I heard that Joy was getting married. We both agree that it’s the perfect solution for us. Carl isn’t comfortable trying to live up to the standards men are expected to meet. He’s too quiet and easy going, not to mention that he makes men stop dead and stare when he’s Carol.”
“We wish you guys a lot of luck,” Greg smiled and reached to shake hands. Carl never made a move; instead, Haley reached out and shook hands with Greg.
“We’d like a little help to go along with the luck,” Carl blushed. “Joy told us about the CD’s that turn you into Jillian. I wonder if they’d work the same for me?”
Without thinking, I blurted that I thought they’d be just the thing for him since he seemed so feminine to begin with, they’d probably work wonders for him.
“I’m so sorry,” I put my hands to my mouth when I realized what I’d said. “I didn’t mean to insult you.”
“I’m not insulted!” He grinned while looking at Haley. “I love wearing pretty clothes and being a woman. Nothing could be better than being a pretty lady and taking care of my husband. I love to cook and sew and keep the house clean; Harry would never have to lift a finger!
“You can do some really remarkable things with those CD’s.” Greg told Haley. “Let me tell you what happened to my little brother!”
“I hope I order the right CD’s,” Haley teased as she and Greg went off to the bar. “What would happen if I ordered the wrong ones and you could never be a man again? Imagine how horrible it would be to spend the rest of your life acting like and thinking of yourself as a woman when you knew you were really a man?”
The light in Carl’s eyes told me that he and Haley would be having a long talk soon; I got the feeling that it would be the last time anyone ever saw Carl.
“Now that the guys are gone, we can have a little girl talk about how wonderful it is to be a wife.” I told Carol.
We sat and talked about how important it is to surrender any vestiges of being male.
“Being a wife is a full time job,” I told her. “Your husband needs your support to succeed; don’t let him down. Don’t listen to women who say that wearing makeup and doing your nails is too much trouble; being pretty for your husband is never too much trouble.”
A drum roll was started and everyone’s attention was drawn to the center of the dance floor where Joy as seated in a chair as Geoff began inching her skirt up to remove her garter.
Joy looked so happy with her dress and petticoats over her knee as her new husband gently worked the garter down her leg.
Had it been that long ago that I had taught my little brother to play baseball? It seemed only yesterday that I was so enraged over what the frat was trying to do that I turned a couple of seemingly normal guys into cross-dressed sluts eager to please any man.
Now, that same boy I had played baseball with and rescued from the clutches of an evil fraternity was a lovely bride. I started giggling when I realized that my dear little brother had paid back his debt by showing me the way to become a submissive wife, anxious to please her man. I hoped I’d thanked her often enough for making me deliriously happy!
When the garter was tossed, it sailed high into the air until Carl jumped far above the outstretched hands and pulled it in. Next came the tossing of the bouquet.
Joy stood with her back to the knot of single women, closed her eyes, and tossed the bouquet — right to Haley’s outstretched hands. It couldn’t have gone straighter if she’d planned it.
A lingering kiss, applause, and Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Marshall were off for their honeymoon.
Later that night, after seducing Greg into a near marathon session of lovemaking, I found myself feeling envious of Carl and Haley.
when Carl and Haley were leaving. She turned to him, gave him a kiss that would melt an iceberg, and then handed him the bouquet. He looked at Haley, his future husband, and offered her the garter. I knew at that moment that Carl would never be a man again; I had just witnessed the final exchange of genders; how long would it be before Harry and Carol Anne became husband and wife.
Afterwards I spent a lot of time thinking of Harry and Carol, why did I have to go to work every day as Keith when what I really wanted was to stay home and be Greg’s loving wife?
Every evening I became Jillian, sometimes in a full-skirted dress and petticoats, sometimes in a pleated uniform skirt with a white blouse, or most of the time in a pair of jeans and a cute top. It didn’t matter what I wore, I was Jillian Brennerman, Greg Brennerman’s wife. I cooked for him cleaned his house, and made sure that his every need was met. I cooked delicious meals, ironed his clothes, and made certain that his sexual appetite was satisfied.
Greg was one man who never heard “Not tonight honey.”
I didn’t care how many times he wanted to make love, or how late it was, or if there was an interesting movie on TV; if my husband wanted to make love, we made love. We made mad, passionate, love in bed, in the shower, and anywhere else we could find room. The only down side to our lives was that five mornings a week Greg and Jillian had to leave so that Greg and Keith could go to work.
One day, Greg called me on his way home and said that he wanted me to put on my prettiest dress because he was taking me to dinner. He didn’t use the trigger phrase to turn me into Jillian, which disappointed me, but if my husband wanted me all dolled up for dinner, all dolled up I would be.
I selected a little black, sleeveless dress that cam just above my knees. With a string of pearls, black nylons, and heels, I knew Greg would be pleased by my looks. I showered, shaved my legs and underarms, and then slid on a pair of black satin panties and a matching garter belt. I carefully glued my breasts on then inserted them into the lacy cups of a bra from the same set as my panties and garter belt.
After attaching a pair of ultra sheer black nylons to my garter belt, I shivered in delight as I let a full slip slide over my hips. After wiggling into my dress I stepped into a pair of stiletto heels before sitting down to fix my wig and face.
“You look so tasty!” Greg said as he scooped me into his arm. “Maybe we could just skip dinner and live on our love?”
“That has possibilities sweetie,” I carefully started undressing him “Let’s save that for a midnight snack, okay?
I helped him out of his work clothes and into something a little more appropriate for an evening at our favorite CD friendly restaurant. Off with the skirt and top; the slip, bra, panties, and stockings go next, and then into more appropriate clothes like briefs, tee shirt, socks, and a suit. He pushes his hair into a wig cap then carefully fastens a short, wig to his forehead. A mustache is next, fake eyebrows like those that I usually wear to hide my thinly arched brows at work, and finally a pair of sensible men’s shoes.
“Have I ever told you that I think you’re downright yummy?” I asked while sucking on his earlobe. “I can’t wait to get you into bed!”
“I can’t either,” He agrees. “I have the feeling you’re going to love the surprise I have for you!”
At the restaurant, Greg holds my chair as I sweep my skirt and gently lower myself down. He bends over to kiss my head before going to his own seat. He orders my favorite meal then toasts me with a glass of wine.
“Here’s to the loveliest woman on earth!” He whispers in a sexy voice as we clink our glasses.
He breaks into a wide grin, reaches into the breast pocket of his coat, and hands me a letter.
I held the letter in my hands and began to read an offer letter from a college in a town called Falkville.
The offer was for a full professorship and the Assistant Chair in the History department. The salary would be more than twice our combined income and all medical benefits were paid.
“It sounds great,” I smiled and started handing back the letter. “But what has this got to do with Jillian and Greg?”
“Read the letter again,” Greg urged. “Go slow and notice who the offer is being made to.”
I took back the letter and reopened it.
“Oh my God!” I gasped. “Is this right?”
The letter was addressed to Mr. Gregory Brennerman.
The offer is for Greg, “ He swore. “Greg applied for the job, Greg interviewed for the job, and Greg is being offered the job. Of course, Greg will only accept if Jillian will come with him.”
“But what about Keith?”
Greg took my hand in his and gazed into my eyes, nearly making me wet myself!
“This will be strictly Jillian and Greg, forever. No more Keith and no more Barb. If I accept, we’ll spend the rest of our lives as Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Brennerman. You can stay home and be the wife you always wanted to be; I’ll be the breadwinner in the family.”
“Oh god Greg, it’s so exciting but how can it be possible?”
Greg explained that he’d heard some talk at work about a Midwestern town called Falkville where many of the women were genetic males and many of the men were genetic females. The town was the ultimate in gender role reversal; men dressed and lived as women, and women dressed and lived as men.
Intrigued, Greg had done some research with the cross-dressing group that Joy and Aunt Peg belonged to, and had sent for information from the local Chamber of Commerce. Everything had checked out, men had moved there and lived as women, women had moved there and lived as men. Sometimes, entire families moved; some husbands took on the role of wife and mother, some wives becoming the husband and father.
A few families swapped roles altogether with the daughters growing up as young men and the sons becoming young ladies. Not all of the families in the town had swapped genders. Some grew up in the area and others had found jobs in the area. It didn’t matter why you came to Falkville though; everyone was welcome regardless of gender.
“If we do move as Jillian and Greg, there will be no turning back. I think we should both begin transitioning to our proper roles. I’ve already set up appointments with a counselor.
“I’m so happy,” I squeezed his hand as tightly as I could. “I can’t wait to be Jillian Renee Brennerman, your wife, helpmate and lover for the rest of my life”
“Then it’s settled,” Greg said as he signed the offer letter. “I hope you’ll enjoy Falkville Mrs. Brennerman!”
“I’m sure I will Mr. Brennerman.”
We moved six years ago. Greg was more than happy to become a man and is now Chairman of the History department at the University of Falkville, I’m now a woman in all respects including being the delighted mother of two children we adopted a few years ago.
Jackie, our three-year-old daughter is a real handful. She’s the most active little girl I’ve ever seen. She’s constantly getting into things and delights in playing with trucks rather than the dolls I’ve bought for her.
Renee, our oldest daughter, provided Jackie with the toy trucks when on her seventh birthday she said that she didn’t want to be a boy named Robert anymore. Robert finished the first grade but it was Renee who happily skipped out to the school bus for the first day of second grade in a pleated skirt and white blouse, carrying her Hello Kitty book bag.
It’s a busy life being the wife of an important professor as well as the mother of two active children; I have dinner parties to attend with Greg, school activities for Renee, and of course keeping up with two active children is not a simple task.
Occasionally their Aunt Joy will stop by with Uncle Geoff to spoil the girls rotten.
Grandma and Great Aunt Peggy have been a big help, pitching in to baby-sit when I have to accompany Greg to a special dinner or university function.
Greg and I were shocked the first time that mom and Aunt Peg came to visit.
We have plenty of room at our home so naturally, we asked mom and Aunt Peg to stay with us.
Aunt Peg was a whirlwind, taking care of the kids, helping to clean the house, and scouring the local mall for sales.
Everything was going along so well until one day I accidentally walked in as she was coming out of the shower. I couldn’t help but notice the firm breasts and figure in front of me.
“They look awfully real,” I joked, mentally comparing them to the thirty-six B’s I had. “They must have cost a fortune.”
“Yes, they did,” she smiled and propped them up from below. “I paid for them with my manhood. I think I made a very good trade, don’t you?”
She dropped the towel she had wrapped around her revealing a set of firm breasts, broad hips, a full round butt, and a vagina where a penis and testicles should have been!
“Aren’t these panties so darling?” She said as she slipped on a pair of panties and a bra. “I just can’t get enough of pretty lingerie.”
“What happened to you dad?” I asked without thinking.
Aunt Peg ran her hands over her bra cups and shrugged indifferently.
“I finally became the woman I was meant to be. I feel so much better as a woman, it’s so much better than being a man.”
“After you and your sister married, I confided in your mom that I didn’t feel right as a man. My experimenting with cross-dressing hadn’t helped, I knew I should have been a woman!
“I’m lucky to have been married to such an understanding lady,” she said as he adjusted her slip.” She was the one who suggested that I might be happier as a woman She’s been so wonderful to stand behind me while I was going through some of the changes. I was such a bitch until I got used to the hormones.”
I left Aunt Peg to finish dressing and went to find mom.
She confirmed that since retiring dad begin nitpicking the way she swept the rugs, the way she did the laundry, and even how she folded clothes! The last straw was when he told her that if she didn’t start doing things his way, he’d divorce her!
Enough was enough mom declared, and she ordered a set of NASCAR DVD’s from a certain company. She was so fed up with the way dad was acting and his threat to divorce her that she ordered DVD’s rigged so that the next time dad changed into Aunt Peg; he wouldn’t be able to change back again; he’d do anything to become a woman.
“I gave him more chances to change than he deserved,” Mom told me. “I pleaded and begged him to go to counseling with me. I cried and told him that I loved him but he swore he was going to leave me. I had those DVD’s for months before I finally gave up and used them.”
“After watching the show, he decided to pretty himself up a little. He put on his prettiest panty, slip and bra set, sheer stockings, sexy looking heels. I zipped him up in his favorite Little Black dress and then he asked me to help fasten the clasp on the pearls he wanted to wear. I was only too happy to help; as soon as I did the clasp, I told him that he was finished.”
Mom could hardly control her laughter. “He must’ve thought that I meant he was finished dressing; I meant that he was finished as a man!”
“I lost a husband but gained a sister,” She smiled at the thought of having tricked dad into becoming a woman. “Peggy’s a big help and a lot more fun that your dad was. Especially when we go on trips; there are always plenty of men interested in two pretty, single ladies.”
“Your dad was always in the mood to make love, and was a big fan of oral sex,” mom giggled. “That hasn’t changed; my sister and I enjoy a very healthy sex life with our boyfriends.”
“You’re kidding right? Dad would never perform oral sex on another guy!”
“You’re dad wouldn’t, but your Aunt Peggy certainly knows how to please a man while keeping her panties firmly in place.”
The man I once knew as Dad is now a pretty lady who calls herself Margaret Marie and delights in shopping with her sister for pretty outfits to wear when they go out with their gentlemen friends. It used to bother me to see dad in a pretty dress, hugging and kissing her boyfriend but I know that it’s not dad anymore but my very lovely aunt and she has a right to a social life.
Mom says that she’ll never remarry; she’s single after many years and enjoys knowing that men find her very desirable.
I have a very full and rewarding life as a wife and mom and I often go to bed feeling worn out but if my darling husband asks, I’ll stay up all night making love if that’s what he wants. After all that he’s done for me, it’s the least I can do!


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