I sleep all night and a write all day... Oops. Sorry. Got carried away for a second there ;-) This is a long overdue blog post, and I'm sorry to say it's not as informative as I'd like it to be, but that's because there's a lot of good things happening that I don't want to curse!
Caution: Mild language. Only mild, though.
So, let's start with the obvious things. Yes, I'm very much alive and well! I wasn't abducted by aliens, kidnapped by elves, or shipwrecked in the Bermuda Triangle. I've just been extremely busy.
Yes, there was some drama that happened behind the scenes with a couple of members of the community here that, coupled with some even worse real life drama, prompted me to need to get away.
I'm honestly still recovering from the shit storm. I don't want to get into too many details, but suffice to say being put in the middle of a custody battle over eight children who aren't even yours, who you never asked to take care of, and who spent every waking moment blaming you because their parents are fuck-up crackhead junkies who only see them as a source of welfare checks...
Yeah, I'm disowning most of my family when I leave here.
Which brings me to my next point :-) I'm finally moving some time "soonish". Not only are Ashleigh and I still together, but we're moving east. I already have a couple of prospective therapist options to look into the second we get settled, and she has the name of one of the best eye specialists in the country for me to see.
Things are very much up in the air as far as dates and things, which is why I never said anything sooner. Because we just don't know anything other than that we have a beautiful house waiting for us when we get there :-P
The other reason I haven't been very active lately is because I got into the habit, during the massive family drama that was happening, of using writing as an escape more than ever. Together, Ashleigh and I have at least started a good fifty novels. That's not an exaggeration either. Some only have 1-2 chapters, quite a few have more. One came close to being finished; we just need to write a proper ending for it and get it edited.
We don't like publishing unfinished stories because there's just no telling when we'll get around TO finishing them, and I like to go back and edit a hell of a lot more than I used to. We've discovered that using a Table of Contents in Google drive makes things infinitely easier as far as creating note sheets and planning out stories, though, so that should improve productivity immensely.
So anyway, that's the story so far. I know Ashleigh at least has remained active around here, and I've tried to help from the shadows when I'm needed (the DKE contest and things like that).
I love you all, and even though I needed some time away for awhile, I hope that the Big Closet will always have room for this nomadic Native American girl :-)
~* Queen of Sweetness *~
PS: Have you elected a new Queen of Sweetness yet? :-P
No need....
Since you're merely on sabbatical, you're still the Queen of Sweetness in my book!. Love you!
Love, Andrea Lena
Hope things get better for you.
I sounds like you are working on it.
I have been one of the ones wondering about you. And have been occasionally peeking at both your old and half built new websites. Take care of your self first, but keep us updated. Would however love to see mores stories by you, when you get to them. Take care of life first though!
*Huggles with Pixie Dust*
~Hypatia >i< ..::
*Supportive Hugs.*
Oh so know those feels I had so much drama going on with my family too that just about shut me down for weeks and weeks. It's not fun, never fun. *More hugs*
Bailey Summers
Knowing Where You Live
I can certainly understand the situation. I hope your new digs are so much more comfortable for you.
Glad to hear from you
The Queen of Sweetness is kinda backish Yeas!!!
Welcome back, Miss you a lot.
Big Sweet Hugs tmf
Peace, Love, Freedom, Happiness
and some more huggles for the road.
nope, no new queen of sweetness
the job's yours, if you still want it.
sorry to hear you've been stuck inside such a drama storm, but maybe soon you'll be in a much better place
It's good to hear from ya!
I'm still looking forward to working on the games more with you and Ashleigh once I get back to my desktop!
Keep writing, Zoe, and trust me: if I've got a place here, you'll most certainly always have one.
Melanie E.
My setiments exactly
You wrote: "We don't like publishing unfinished stories because there's just no telling when we'll get around TO finishing them." I appreciate your sentiment. I feel the same way, and if there's anything I find objectionable about an author more than anything else, it's posting a story then never gets finished... especially if it's something that out of my league to finish myself.
Thank you for your attitude about such things. I look forward to seeing you finished work posted.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
I very much look forward to
I very much look forward to seeing some of your writing being posted ( hopefully in the not too distant future), for two reasons, first I very much enjoy your work and second it hopefully is an indication that things are on the up in your life.
Keep going and please keep writing, you have a lot of fans out here who maybe never post but still appreciate your work.