Interesting article on where ideas come from

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I found this article this morning and thought it very interesting.- Isaac Asimov Mulls “How Do People Get New Ideas?”

Also on a side note... I get my nasal stents out today. So excited.


Interesting reading

gillian1968's picture

I'm sure you're glad to have your nasal stents removed!
I've read a lot of Asimov's stuff, but hadn't heard of his involvement in this.

His description of a cerebration sounds a bit like a brain-storming session, which is a common part of many organizational planning efforts.

I need a certain isolation to block out distractions and let my creative juices start to flow. Then, I want to get the results to a certain degree of completion before subjecting them to scrutiny.

Of course, it helps to have someone like John Campbell to feed you story ideas!

Gillian Cairns

Harlan Ellison said that he

Harlan Ellison said that he gets them from a "swell Idea Service in Schenectady"

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.