Golden Girl Part 3

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Image and video hosting by TinyPicGolden Girl Part 3.

Scientists all over the world have sought how to enhance human body. Exposure to deadly chemicals and nuclear fusion Gamma Ray did nothing except shorten the life of the test subject.

One hour after the base attack;
Director Savage, "I want to know how they found out about this 'shopping' trip, do we have a leak, or was it dumb luck"?
Group of agents standing in front of him.
Agent, "Sir we are not sure at this time, but feel they may have been assign to watch the base for any government movement".
Another agent, "We got a News blackout on the attack and the bases' Public Relations section has a cover story of a the base security training mission, so far we have no problems.
Savage, "Where are the two prisoners now"?
Another agent, "Under lock and key deep inside HLS".
Savage, "Get our best people on them, I want answers and I want them yesterday"!
Agents, "Sir! Yes Sir"!
Savage, pushes a button on his office intercom,"Nancy get me the clinic on the phone I want to speak to Nick Farley and Dr Sinclair".
Savage, "Dismiss".
Agents, "Sir"! All file out.
Secretary, "Sir, I have Dr Sinclair on the line".
Savage, Picks up his phone, "Doctor? Everyone ok there"?
Dr Sinclair, "They are just fine, Nicky didn't have a scratch on her and Betty is just fine. She was unconscious during the ride to the Bases ER, but came out of that while in the ER. Not a mark on her, and both of your agents that made it are up and about also".
Savage, "Well thank God for a small blessing there. Where is Nick"?
Dr Sinclair, "She is with Betty and Ted at the bungalow, I'll be seeing them shortly".
Savage, "Alright, I want a teleconference in the morning with you and him".
Dr Sinclair, "I would think you would be using a different pronoun for Nicky by now. She did very good today, saving Betty, capturing those two kidnapers".
Savage, "Understood Doctor, its just I knew Nick a very long time ago, we served overseas and its hard to think of him as a woman".
Dr Sinclair, "I'm a Dr Who fan, so seeing someone in another body is not a new concept for me, though on the show it was always male".
Savage, "Alright Doctor, I'll talk to you in the morning", hangs up, more or less to himself,"You are right Doctor, and I will try to remember that".

At the bungalow a very hard conversation is going on among the three concerning what had happen during the trip to the base.
Nicky, "Ted, we are ok, your mother was checked at the ER and we were both checked here at the clinic".
Ted, "Do we have any idea who they were? How did they find you and Mom? Are you sure you both are ok"?
Nicky, "Questions I am sure Homeland is asking those two prisoners right now".
Betty, 'soft smile and a gentle hug on her son', "Yes we are just fine, the doctors said they could not find anything, not even a bruise from the slap I got when that ugly thug hit me".
Nicky, "Yes we are both just fine".
Betty, "Its sad we lost all your new clothes, I guess we can always try again".
Nicky, "Well I not worried about the clothes, just means I get to wear my sweats more".
Betty, "But there was some really nice outfits for you to wear, and the makeup we lost".
Nicky, "Outfits, makeup? It was like the worse two hours of my life. Even before all of this I never went shopping in the lingerie section with you, buying it for myself was just down right embarrassing. All Wilma could do was hold stuff to me and coo over how good it would look on me, at least Mac had the sense to stay away from there while we 'three girls' were in that section of the store."
Betty, 'giggles', "Yes that was cute, if you had powers to fall through a floor you would have when she held that nightie up on you".

Just then the bell rings, a shadow can be seen through the smoke glass of the door. Ted moves to answer it.

Ted, "Hello? Can I help you"?
Mac, "You must be Ted? I'm Agent Wilson, 'flashes his badge', this is Agent Rocker", gesture towards Wilma.
Betty, "Mac!, Wilma! Do come in, what brings you out this late in the day? everything ok"?
Nicky, "Hello Mac, Wilma, did not expect you, you were released from the hospital pretty quick"?
Mac, 'Walking in carrying handful of bags', "When the doctor could not fine anything wrong with us, we released ourself from their care. Watchdog already had everything else taken care of, so Wilma and I went back to the BX and found that the manager had cleared all your bags from the scene and was holding them for someone to pick up".
Betty, "All of it?! The makeup also"?
Wilma, "And the nightie", 'A wink toward Nicky'.
Nicky, 'groans, "No"?
Betty, "Yes"!

The phone rings, Nicky grabs it. "Hello? Oh Sure thing Doc, come on over we have a house full and I am sure they would love to hear any News you may have for us, see you in five.", hangs up.
Mac, "Nicky, I'm not sure all that happen today and I'm sure we, 'pointing at Wilma and himself', don't have the clearance to find out either, but we would sure like to know how you managed to do all you did today".
Nicky, "Mac, you and Wilma deserve a full explanation and I'm sure that your bosses will agree when I tell you this little tale, but lets wait for the good Doctor, alright"?
Mac, With a nod at Wilma', "Alright".

A knock at the door results in the good doctor arriving as expected.
Betty, "Dr Sinclair! Do come in, let me introduce you Agents Wilson and Rocker", 'pointing towards Mac and Wilma'.
Dr Sinclair, "Ahh the two agents that were with you today"?
Nicky, "Yes, they both took a bullet in the chest, thank god they had on their vests when that happen".
Mac, "Sure did not help George or Fred".
Dr Sinclair, "Well a bullet to the back of the head, it was quick, they did not feel it".
Mac, "22 caliber"?
Dr Sinclair, "Yes, good guess there Agent Wilson".
Mac, "CIA assassin's gun. Glad we got those two, they will pay for George and Fred".
Nicky, "Well I'm just glad we got somebody that can talk, there is a lot of questions we all have. I for one would like to know why and who".
Dr Sinclair, "Yes there is that, another question that I have to ask, are there more like you Nicky, people they already have awaiting to become their super soldier"?
Betty, "Good God, more like Nicky here but not like Nicky"?
Ted, "Mutants Mom, and Dad may not be the first".
Mac, "Dad"?
Dr Sinclair, "Nicky if you wish to explain that".
Nicky, "They took a bullet for me today, it the least I can do".
Dr Sinclair, "I'll help".
Betty, "All this time we been here and we don't know your first name Doctor"?
Dr Sinclair, "Jim".
Nicky, "Well Jim, this is Mac and Wilma".

The scene fades during this long talking into the evening. When Mac and Wilma leave for the night, Jim says his goodbyes but not before telling Nicky that the first thing in the morning blood work, then the test track.

In the medical wing of the clinic. Dr Sinclair is looking at the results from the blood work done on the two agents and Betty at the ER after the attack. He is not surprised that there was no bruises found on any of them, what is surprising is according to Betty's medical files there should be mature scar from an old appendicitis operation, yet the scar is now gone completely. He orders a full examination to be done on Betty while Nicky is busy at the test track. His phone rings, "hello? Yes Director, Nicky should be here any moment, I have a favor to ask concerning the two agents that were with her yesterday? Yes I would like them to be station here 24, 7. Since they were involved somewhat in the attack Nicky took it on her own to brief them yesterday evening. Director, please don't kill the messenger. Yes Director". Just then Nicky walks in, "Here she is Director, I'll put us on speaker", 'mouths to her, pissed about the two agents'.
Nicky nods, "Hello Savage, how are you today"?
Savage, "Don't you try to change the subject, what is this about those two agents"?
Nicky, "They took a bullet for me, and deserve the true, I want them on this team here, far better since they know the true now and not some mother daughter story".
Savage, "Alright, I'll make sure they are assign there, maybe with them around 24, 7 I can keep the lid on this a bit longer".
Nicky, "What the story on the two prisoners"?
Savage, "So far they are a cell of four, CIA says the are rogue, two got away yesterday, and if we had been quicker with breaking the other two down we might have caught them at their safe house, but by the time we got the information the other two flew the coop. The two we have have no further information regarding the location of the other two, but we do have a name of an old contact that by all rights should be long dead now, but his name kept coming up during the interrogation".
Nicky, "Who is it Savage"?
Savage, "Marko Roberts".
Nicky, "Impossible, he is dead, his helicopter exploded and crashed in Vietnam".
Dr Sinclair, "Who is this Roberts"?
Nicky, "Marko Roberts, he was the first U S General to be killed during the Vietnam War".
Dr Sinclair, "Maybe a son or other relation"?
Savage, "We are looking into it. It seems they were order by this Roberts to have teams of two to watch Military bases for your wife. Another little thing that came up during this interrogation, something about clowns, we are not sure what but they keep saying The Clowns are Coming".
Nicky, "Alright Savage, thanks".
Savage, "I own you Nick, you saved my butt more then once in the old days. Its the least I can do here, Dr Sinclair I still expecting that full medical report ASAP".
Nicky, "No worries".
Dr Sinclair, "I'll have that sent over right away Director".
Savage, "Right see you all later, more later when I have it Nicky".
'click', the phone goes dead.
Nicky, "Look on the bright side, no more shopping trips".

Later that morning Dr Sinclair and Nicky are at the track, again she is wear black, yet without the wires or sensors.
Nicky, "Black is now becoming my favor color it seems. Whats up Jim"?
Jim, "Newest piece of testing equipment, this suit cost well over $1000000.00 and it is going to pay for itself during your tests".
Nicky, "A MILLION"!
Jim, "Well with the equipment that is around and under this track we have a little over 25 million tied up here, so try not to break anything on this very first trip".
Nicky, "Equipment? Looks like a normal outdoor track, half mile"?
Jim, "Yes half mile. There are very special high speed cameras all around, sensors above and under and of course we are invisible from above except for really low flying aircraft".
Nicky, "So what do I do"?
Jim, "Today is just to test the waters, when I tell you to go I want two complete laps, you don't move at your top speed, just a normal run, this will give me a base line. Once that is done we will try two more laps but at a higher speed, I know you are fast but lets do baby steps till we know more".
Nicky, "Gotcha".
Jim, "OK the starting blocks are right over there, I'll be your starter".
Walking over to the starting blocks she quickly set her feet and with a look back at Jim waits for his command.
Jim, Looking up from the equipment, picks up a stop watch takes one last look at the equipment turns, "On your mark", 'she sets her feet again', "Get set", 'she does a runner squat over the blocks, "GO"!
Holding back she does, what she hopes looks like, a normal run around the tracks twice and stops right where she started at.
Nicky, "Your time"?
Jim, "4:21.68, let review the tapes and see if we can see anything from the cameras point of view".
Sitting at the table they both review the run from the different cameras, normal, high speed, infer red, thermal. The one thing that they both pick up on is the thermal camera, there are no images of her foot prints, 'tracks' on the track. Looking very closely at the other cameras they see that she never touch the ground. Starting at the beginning they see her feet set firmly in the starting blocks, but once she starts running her feet never touch the soil.
Nicky, "Well I'll never wear out the soles of these boots".
Jim, "OK, another run, this time I want you to try and come in at two minute or so"?
Nicky, "No problem, I know how fast I was running and can adjust to meet that time".
Jim, "You can"?
Nicky, "Yes, I cannot explain it, but I have no need for a watch, I know the time where ever I am".
Jim, "Interesting, something we will check later, for now two laps, half the time".
Nicky, "Yes Doctor".

Homeland Security, Washington, D.C. Director Savage's office.
Intercom buzz, Savage click on it, "Yes Nancy"?
Nancy, "Special Agent Rimfire on line two sir".
Savage, "Thank you". Releases the intercom switch and picks up his phone, pushing 2, "Savage here, what you got for me Rimfire"?
Rimfire, "Sir! Its Clones, not clowns"!
Savage, "Good God"! Yelling through the office door, "Nancy! Get me Dr Sinclair right now"!
"Rimfire I want this building locked down and everyone including me are to be double checked and all passwords are to be changed ASAP"!

If you check the military history you will see that the first U.S. General killed in Nam was Bruno Arthur Hochmuth, he died when his helicopter exploded and crashed.

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Can't wait

Can't wait for the next installment. Bring it on.