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By alter-ego Synopsis:When two islands appear, it causes world wide changes as the nations unite into a global government. Welcome the Dragon Riders! |
Chapter 31
Down on the ground she could see that the JLA had the three Furies in some really special cuffs, and Manhunter was putting another pair on Granny, Batman had small boxes in his hand.
Jill, "What are those Batman"?
Batman, "Mother boxes, we removed them from these four, they allow individuals to open gates much like your TDT gate, they call them Boom Tubes. Here, your people back home might be able to copy this and do away with the current Gate you have".
Jill, "Thanks, I'll do that". Touching her necklace the box vanished. "What about them"?
Manhunter, "We are going to open a Boom Tube here for Apokolips and send these four back to Darkseid".
Superman, "Yes, he will be very pleased to see these four after they failed to abduct Kara".
Kara, "HA, yes he will be, NOT"!
Furies and Granny, Crying, "No please we beg you don't send us back, please"! Begging.
Manhunter, "Opening the tunnel, be ready to toss them through quickly".
Superman and Kara, "Right".
'BOOM' She could see it looked just like a gate, Kara was just about to toss Granny through when suddenly two bright orange beams emerge from the tunnel striking Granny Goodness.
Batman, "Darkseid, everyone scatter".
Jill, "Granny is gone, how"?
Kara, "It Darkseid's weapon or power, its called the Omega Beam, don't let it hit you"!
A second set of beams emerges from the tunnel, this pair tracking Kara, both Superman and me yell warning, while Kara ducks, twist, spins, turns trying to avoid the attack, but it follows her like a missile. Just as its about to hit her, I blocked it, not even thinking about it, I could not let that weapon hit her. My force shield stop it, but it did knock me around a bit.
Kara, "Jill are you ok"?
Manhunter, "Let me check, she's ok".
Superman, "Good, Batman close this gate we will send the remaining Furies to a special prison they have for Supers.
Batman, "Been trying to do just that, but it seems the gate is now being control from the other side.
Superman, "Dam, Watch Tower, you better send the rest, this Boom tube is being controlled from Apokolips".
Green Arrow, "Roger, the Calvary is on its way".
Superman, "Kara, get the prisoners away from here before another attack".
Kara, "Dang it, you are just trying to get me out of the way again cousin".
Superman, "Yes I am. Now get those prisoners out of here"!
Kara, "Yes Sir".
Superman, "Jill you better get back as well. You and your pets may need the room to fight if they have to go dragon".
Jill, "Now you are just trying to get the kid out of the way as well aren't we".
Superman, "OK, you got me, just be careful".
Jill, "no worries there, I will be sure to maintain a very low profile, besides I can do more that way". Turning to her pets she give them instructions to help block further attacks.
Two more beams come flying out, again I block them, their target had been Batman who was still trying to gain control of the gate using the Mother boxes.
Jill, "I'm good, the dogs helped with that one, their force shields are a lot stronger then mine".
Darkseid Comes
Must love dogs
Chapter 32
Twice the attacks came, while more and more JLA members kept appearing, the Watch Tower was sending them as fast as possible. Both times she and the dogs blocked those beams. The intensity of each attack was growing, something she pass on to Batman.
Batman, "Sounds like you are getting him pissed and or I'm doing something right by jamming the tunnel with these boxes, only problem I have is I'm burning up these boxes ".
Jill, "Do you need that other box back"?
Batman, "Ya better give it here, we can stall for a bit more, give our people more time to get here and to prepare".
Jill, "OK, here you go". Passes the box over, another beam attack, again she and dogs block it.
Again another attack, again they block. The intensity was off the scale on this last one.
Jill, "Batman if I was to rate these attacks on a scale of 0-10, 10 being the higher, that last one was a 11".
Batman, "Sounds like he is really pissed at us".
Darkseid, "Now how can you tell"?
Stepping from the tunnel he fires once more at Batman.
Jill, "Jup, force shield", pointing at Darkseid, she then teleports, Darkseid beams are stop cold by the shield, he increase the intensity even more trying to punch through when he see a little girl holding on to his arm. As he turns his head to look at her, her eyes glow bright orange and he is hit with a blast of Omega Beams.
Highfather's Son
Must love dogs
Chapter 33
Within the enclose space of Jupiter's force shield the blast of beams are even more intensify, ricocheting back at those within the shield. Still the blast shock wave radius outside causes everyone to stumble and trip. When the smoke and dust clears, Darkseid, the tube are gone and Jill is on the ground unconscious. Those closes rush to check her.
Batman, "Jill"?!
Manhunter, "She is breathing, yet there is cause for alarm".
Superman, "Oh! What is wrong"?
Manhunter, "Her eyes, look at her eyes".
Even closed they could see a bright glow behind those eyelids.
Batman, "Lets get her to medical at the tower and then we need to contact New Genesis".
Kara rushes forward.
Superman, "Kara the prisoners"?
Kara, "WonderWoman is watching them. Whats wrong with Jill, and did I hear someone say New Genesis"?
Batman, "She copied Darkseid power and turn it on him, she is unconscious and only New Genesis may be able to help now".
Superman, "Watch Tower, medical emergency", Looks and see Kara and the dogs. "Six to beam up". Bright light, they are gone.
Batman, "Watch Tower start beaming up the teams we have here, be sure to have medics on stand by to check for any injuries".
Wonder Woman, "Tower I also have three prisoners here, we need to contact the proper authorities to take the Furies off our hands.
Green Arrow, "Roger out".
Much later several members are in the medical wing of the tower. The Tower chief medical officer has little news for them.
Doctor, "There little we can do right now, her condition seems to be stable, yet I have high concerns"?
Manhunter, "Oh?
Doctor, "Well when Jill joined us weeks ago I did a full medical sweep on her and the dogs".
Superman, "Yes?"
Doctor, "Well she has gain two inches in height and fifteen pounds since that last screening? I would swear she is at least 11 years now and it may continue till this new power of her is checked".
Batman, "Grown Spurt"?
Doctor, "I don't think so, it has to be something with this power she copied".
Superman, "Watch Officer, any luck contact New Genesis"?
The Flash, "Yes, they have reply that Orion will be here shortly, Speak of the devil, Boom Tube, message incoming, its Orion".
Superman, "As soon as he is aboard send him to the medical wing".
The Flash, "Roger, Out".
Few minutes later Orion walks in, "So I hear you all had to beat Darkseid up once more"?
Manhunter, "Granny and some Furies tried to abduct Supergirl once again, they were stopped".
Batman, "Darkseid was a bit upset with them and fire Granny".
Orion raises an eye?
Superman, "We were trying to send them back to Apokolips when Darkseid attack through the tube".
Orion, "I see, and this emergency that brought me here"?
Manhunter, "Doctor would you brief Orion"?
Doctor, "Yes, one of our members was able to defend Darkseid by using his own power back at him".
Orion, "Surely you jest? You have a New God on your station for only they could have used Omega Effect on Darkseid"?
Doctor, "She is human and she needs your help, come I'll show you".
A few minutes later Orion can be heard telling the Doctor, "I need her prepared for travel ASAP, Manhunter with your permission I will need to open a Boom tube inside the station"?
Manhunter, "Tower which of the hangers is empty right now"?
The Flash, "Hangers four and six are empty".
Manhunter, "Six is larger, we'll do it there".
Kara, "I'm going to"!
Superman, "Kara"?
Kara, "No, don't try to stop me, she will need a friend there. And who is going to watch her dogs on New Genesis"?
Orion, "Dogs"?
Superman, "Her battle pets".
Orion, "Oh, I see, then Kara is it"?
Kara, "Yes".
Orion, "You better come as well".
Dragon Riders
New Genesis
Must love dogs
Chapter 34
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Fun Stuff
This is pure fun. Please keep it up.
I love the dragon/dogs.
Thanks and kudos.
- Terry
I also loved your Accidental Magic. Kudos as well.
Sorry but I didn't write Accidental Magic. I added it as a favorite. I wrote Music Magic and quite a few other stories that you can find on the author's page under my real name, Terry Volkirch. :)
I like part 12. Daddy Darkseid! Too funny.
Thanks and kudos for every chapter.
- Terry
oops on my part then, thanks again.