Golden Girl Part 1

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Image and video hosting by TinyPicScientists all over the world have sought how to enhance human body. Exposure to deadly chemicals and nuclear fusion Gamma Ray did nothing except shorten the life of the test subject.

One group of scientists sought the answers to their questions using the blood work of Veterans from the arm forces. In a hidden lab near Washington DC VA Medical Center, thousands of blood samples were looked at daily. This group were specialist in the field of Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). They were looking for changes in the two DNA strands, the BCMA, (Bar Code Medication Administration) on each vial test tube of blood would show the service, person's age, sex, name, region.

In the pretense of flu vaccination, Veterans were injected with bacteria-sized nanobots, which were to make changes to the DAX1, or as these scientists were calling it, the X Gene. Veterans were then to return for weekly checks such as blood pressure checks, along with blood work done every four weeks. When changes were noticed field agents were directed to police up these folks quietly. So far the teams doing just that have had no problems till that one day.

Two black SUVs were moving down the street of a mid size mid west city, their subject lived in a small neighborhood, with a dead end, one way in one way out. The four occupants were all in black suits and dark glasses, one was speaking to his cuff.

Head Agent, "Subject is male, age 63, retired Army, Combat arms. His wife of 40 years is 61, they have one child still living at home, male, age 25. I'll approach the front door, Agent 4 will be my back up, Agent two you are to take down the son, Agent three, the wife. Once that is done we will load the subject first and time permitting the wife and son. Everyone copy"?
Agent Two, "Copy".
Agent Three, "Copy".
Agent Four, "Copy".
Head Agent, "OK coming up on location. Copy"?
Agent Two, "Copy".
Agent Three, "Copy".
Agent Four, "Copy".
Head Agent, "Go".

He saw the SUVs pull up and the four occupants getting out, one wore a long black, light weight, jacket. Both SUVs had Government tags. His wife and son were outside still, he had just enter the house to get a cold drink so was turning to greet the closes individual at the front door. Opening the door he asks? "Can I help you"?
Head Agent, moving closer, "Yes Sir you can. Do I have the pleasure of addressing Nick Farley, CSM retired U.S. Army"?
"Nick, "Yes Sir you do and you are"?
Head Agent, still moving closer "Someone that was told to pick you up".
His wife yells, "Nick what up? Who are they"?
Nick, "I'm not sure Betty, something about picking me up"?
Nicks son, "Dad everything OK"?
Nick being distracted by his son Ted, does not see the first Agent open his long black jacket and pull up a very large caliber rifle and aim point blank at him.
Ted, "DAD!! Watch out"!
Just then the agent assign to Ted, pull a revolver and fires hitting him in the chest with a dart, he falls. The first Agent has the rifle up and fires, something huge hits him in the chest, the agent assign to the wife also fires, she falls, Nick sees all this as he starts to fall as well, then there is a golden glow and suddenly he is standing over his son, a check of his pulse, he is alive, his hand glows slightly over him, then bending over his wife, she to is alive, again his hand glow slightly. Carrying her inside passed the Agents he returns for his son, the Agents all seem to be moving very slow as he flies by. Picking up his son he repeat his journey back to the house. He has no clue how he is able to move so fast, moving back outside he stops and faces the four Agents once more.
Nick, "I have no idea what you did to me but I am making a citizen arrest for the attack on me, my wife and my son, drop your weapons and get down on your knees, cross your legs when you do that"
Head Agent, "OK boys put him down". All four pull semi-automatic pistol, as they fire at him his reaction is to duck, throw his arms up cover his face, the glow around him intensity, looking around he sees the bullets floating in the air in front of him, then they drop like lead weights. The Agents fire once more, again his glow increases, the bullets stop, then drop, the Agents begin to back up, still firing, the Head Agent breaks first and tries to get to the closes SUV.
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Nick seeing that they are trying to escape moves forward at lighting speed and chops, his old martial arts training just springs to life as he disarms, knocking out each and every Agent. Looking inside the SUV he fines some nylon prisoner ties. Using two per agent he hog ties them using their belts between the legs and hands and then go to check on his wife and son. He can hear sirens coming down the road, then everything starts to spin and then black, he has pass out.

When the first officer enter the house he fines an older women and a young man bent over a very beautiful young lady wearing mens clothes. When asked by the officer what happen they both start talking at the same time, seeing they are in a state of shock he ask that the young man remain with his wife and the older lady sit over on the couch. He is then told by the young man, that not my wife, thats my Father!

Just then his pardner steps in, "Jim these goons out here all have FBI IDs. Yet the neighbors
all swear they were the ones doing all the shooting".
Jim, "Keep them where they are at, be sure no one talks to them till we get someone out here with a lot higher pay grand to handle this mess".
Pardner, "Wilco".

Long hours later Nicks eyes open, from the decor he can tell its a hospital room. Looking around he sees his wife sitting next to him, she is holding someone smaller hand.
Ted, "Mom she is awake"!
She? Looking around he sees Ted looking at him. "She?" The look on his son face causes him to take another quick look around the room, then at himself. "Oh my God"! Feels long hair, sees brown color, sees two humps on his chest. "Oh my GOD"!
He starts to glow. "Nicky! Calm down, everything is OK sweetie"!
He looks at her, "Betty what happen, my voice, my body"?
Betty, "Clam down Nicky and I tell you everything I know to this point".
Nick, "OK". Taking deep breathes and slowly exhaling. "I'm calm, now tell me what the hell happen"!
She explains to him, all that happen after he had pass out. The four men that attacked them were not FBI as their IDs said. So all four were arrested, the SUVs were government vehicles but had been reported stolen. They were still waiting on the doctors as no one had a clue what, how or why all this had happen. Fingerprints had confirmed that he was Nick Farley, but no one could explain why or how the gender change, or the young age. All examinations confirmed he was female, age approximately 21-25 years, 5'10" 120pounds. His hair was a light brown, and his eyes were now deep blue. And he was a Mutant".
Nick, "Mutant"?
Ted, "Ya Dad, like those X men on TV".
Betty, "Everyone that saw you in action today reports a yellow golden glow all around you, and when you moved all they could see was a golden streak of light moving".
Ted, "Ya Bill across the street said it was like watching "The Flash on TV".
Just then a nurse steps in, "Turn on the TV, there a news report of the attack on".
Ted quickly moves and turns on the TV, the News is on.

"Sam Becket, ZNN News here, if you just joining us let me repeat our top story today with something that is right out of the Science Fiction but what you are going to see is real, cell phone video of Men in Black, attacking U. S. Citizens".

The video shows the SUVs pulling up in front of his house, the four men in black getting out, the attack, a golden streak moving, Nick standing before the men, them shooting at him, the men moving from him, more golden streak movement and all four are tied up on the front lawn.

"So far all attempts to find out what happen are being blocked by the authorities, what we can tell you is the attackers all had fake FBI Identities". And that the older man here facing these four gunmen is Nick Farley, retired U.S.Army, who is now listed in guarded condition at St Mary's Hospital".

Outside in the hall, suits were moving towards the room where Nick was, two police officers outside check the IDs of of the men, all were from Homeland Security. One of the men enter the room, Nick recognized him right away.
Nick, "General Savage"!
Savage, "Its Director Savage now, HLS, and we need to talk Nick".
Nick, "What you have to say to me you can say in front of my wife and son. Now spill the beans, what the hell is going on and how did they do this"?
Savage, "In a nut shell, someone is trying to make super men, those four today had been with the CIA, a dark cell that went rogue and now are gone".
Nick, "Gone! What the hell"?
Savage, "The transport that was hauling them to custody was attacked, both guards shot and killed. The CIA Director has no idea who they really are as their IDs were wiped from the system. We are placing you and your family in protective custody till we can round up these folks and fine out what the hell is going on and why this happen to you"!
Nick, "Protective custody? More like hide the mutant? They did something to me and I want to know what the hell it was"?
Suddenly a voice of the doorway, "And I believe I know what that is Nick".
Tall, grey hair gent in a white lab coat and clip board. "Doctor Sinclair, I think I found something in your blood work that could very well explain what happened, as to why, I will leave that to the Homeland Security".
Nick, "Yes Doctor"?
Dr Sinclair, "There are tiny dead machines in your blood, here a picture I had blowed up, these little things are bacteria-sized nanobots. As for what they did, they rewrote your DNA and made a change to your x y chromosome, making it x x chromosome to activate your X Gene. Now why did you change, most likely from the adrenaline released during the attack, it triggered the nanobots".
Nick, "Can I be turn back to a man"?
Dr Sinclair, "I don't think so. Whoever did this, did it over a period of months and I see from your medical records that you been at your local clinic for weekly checks as well as blood work, mostly likely sometime during one of these checks you were injected with these nanobots. Its possible that someone at the clinic knows something or is involved".
Savage, "Doctor, the name of the clinic".
Dr Sinclair, "UAMS, over on Buckeye and Cross".
Savage, "Jones"!
Jones, "Sir"!
Savage, "Send a team to this clinic ASAP, detain everyone there and start a check of all the records there, also pull all the phone records on all incoming, out going, calls there, all cell phones of any employee there are to be check as well. Understood"?
Jones, "Yes Sir"!
Dr Sinclair, "Director, I have an idea about this Protective custody you wish to place this family in, I have a very private clinic upper state that well off the beaten path, fenced, 24 hrs surveillance, guards at the gate. There are also several private bungalows where more of my richer clients stay when detoxing. I also have top notch equipment there, even better then they have here at the hospital. And of course Homeland can also post additional security to protect all while we try to chase this little mystery down of gender switch, super powers.

Director Savage, "I like you Dr. Sinclair. Let get this private clinic a security check by my people, if they say its good then we will move everyone there day after tomorrow".

Dr Sinclair, "No worries, I do a lot of work for the DOD, NSA, FBI, and me and all of my staff has been screened by them and can be trusted to keep this a closely guarded secret from everyone".

Nick, "So what do we do in the mean time"?

Savage, "Well the Mrs and your son continue as if all is well, not a word to anyone concerning you of course, and bring a one bag day after tomorrow, as we will be departing from here for places unseen by the world News people".

Nick, "And me"?

Dr Sinclair, "Well I could use another pint of your blood".

Nick, 'groans'. "I feel like a pin cushion".


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spelling errors need fixing

Fine needs to be FIND
happen to HAPPENED

These are the ones that stood out the most,,for now.


A most interesting start. Can't wait to see where the story goes.


Interesting story start.

Interesting story start. Mutants rising without knowledge of why that is. Questions, questions, questions. Hopefully Director Savage and Dr. Sinclair can get the answers. Wonder if Professor Xavier and the X-men will show up or maybe even a cameo with Stan Lee? (smile)

Another great start

Another great start to a Mutant story . I can't wait to see where we go with this , now on to chapter 2 :-) KUDOS & Hugs Richie2


Thanks for the comments I will work on the errors as best as I can, was in a rush to get this one out as I am still working on the DR Chapter as well. But when I can I will work on a part 2 here.

very good start

can't wait to see how this develops.