I am about to post the conclusion of Desert Princess, my most popular story yet. Go figure !
You will find much Middle Eastern culture woven into it. I am fascinated with the Middle East, so I write about it in spite of the limited exposure I have had to it. My vison for the Middle East, and Islam (The two are inseparable)is one that only exists in the minds of decent men. Oh, I know that there is a strong moderating force there. The 5th richest man in the world is one of the moderates and lives in Saudi. He still has to deal with vermin whose knuckles drag the ground, but some day, slowly either these tribal idiots will pass away or their own children will kill them.
The Middle Eastern men I know are mostly very moderate, kind and generous. It is my hope that this will follow; that Itinerant's "A Concubine's Tale" will not come true; and that religious people in the world will finally begin to get a clue.
Please, I hope that you will give the conclusion of this story a chance. I know it is presently "Pie in the sky", but then again, it is just a story.
Many blessings
Trigger alert
I'm sorry, but when I saw the title "Warning - trigger alert", my first thought was "is Roy Rogers back?". Even though I can barely remember seeing him in those far gone, dim days of my youth, Roy Rogers and Trigger remain indelibly linked in my mind.
Good luck with the story, and I hope you are right about the moderating influences. But the situation in the Middle East reminds me of the alternate punchline to a joke I saw here last week:
"Okay then, I wish for peace between the Jews and the Arabs."
The genie scratched his head for a moment then replied, "So, that bridge you wanted, two lanes or four?"
Karen J.
"Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose"
Janis Joplin
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Gwen, that was aardvark's story ...
A Concubine's tale, a view of a very beak World but still one of hope.
I hope to see your hero/heroine find love and fullfillment and not as some still somewhat brainwashed subserviant toy to a master but a partner to someone who respects her.
Karen, I was thinking of Roy's talented and now freeze-dried horse when I saw this earlier but found some restraint!
Peace between Arabs and Jews, easy compared to the Cubs winning the World Series.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
the Holy Land
My father was posted to Palestine in 1946 during the British police action. He was a twenty one year old veteran who had seen most of his friends killed or captured at Arnhem; he was transferred as cadre to the seventh division and began training for the recapture of Singapore (which everyone agreed was a suicide mission). Instead he found himself, a boy brought up in the strongest Welsh chapel tradition, in the Holy Land, and spent much of his time visiting places mentioned in the Gospels... I say 'much of his time' as I've been digitising his stash of snapshots taken over there and he seems to have squeezed in some less otherworldly fun.
Dad died in 2006, and the story dominating the news the day he passed (peacefully, and unexpectedly given his vigour) was Israel's invasion of Lebanon. It never ceased to amaze him that the same war being fought when he was a young man, was still being fought in his later years. He wasn't particularly partisan for either side as he'd never known if it had been a Jew or an Arab that had shot him in the shoulder.
Just a Student
A man; a Christian Pastor,John Hagee, says that there are four daemons chained up there, and that is why the people are always at war.
Of course, Arabs are descendants of Ishmael, who was born of Hagar. Through no fault of her own, she got a very raw deal. Of course, I don't think either is sufficent cause for what happens over there now. It is the ultimate in grudge holding.
Hmm, I wonder if there is a story there?
Many blessings