Look good, feel good?

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Back in the Eighties, there was a bit by Billy Crystal where he played a character called "Fernando". He even made a music video as the character called "You look Mahavalous" . In it there is a line where he says "If you look good, you feel good."

Well, I guess he was on to something, because today for counseling, I've chosen to wear a dark blue skirt and a light blue striped top,a necklace with blue stones, and a set of earrings, and I actually feel better because I think I look better.

Gonna kinda suck to have to switch back to black slacks and black top for work, but what can you do with the world?


one word.


Wear a scarf or other jewelry. put butterfly stickers on your name take...
femme it up baby!


ps. Canadian spelling...get over it.