Well, with Jaci seemingly done with writing, I think the Jaci-Dottie stories is going to come to a halt. I had an idea for a half-story of Dottie's view of her 14th birthday with Jaci doing the other half, but without her, the story (and the universe) have just no snap to them. Not that I'm done writing, I've submitted a piece for the next "TG Mix tapes" collection, and I'm working on a couple of ideas, but I'll miss visiting my younger alter-ego.
Ah, well.
I really loved those stories, but it's okie if your both done with writing. And oooh a short story, cant wait :D
I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D
I'm glad you loved them, Princesschelsa
I loved writing them, it was loads of fun trying to come up with fun situations for those two hellions to get into.
And you never know, if Jaci ever decides to write again, we could get back at it ...
Super big huggles!
Oh Well. As a father
Oh Well. As a father I will find a relaxing as to the squabbles between my children. However I will miss the fun we all had with the whole little world we were creating, however time marches on . gonna miss it but I still love you both.
It could have been worse, Papa
I mean, what if little Jaci got pregnant? What if little Dottie discovers she's only interested in girly boys?
Oh Noooo! Say it ain't so!
(Sniffles). I'm a gonna really miss reading about our sweet li'l Dottie & Jacilynn (sniffles again). Now who am I going to share all this POPCORN & SODA POP with?
(With sad eyes), loving Hugs Popcorn Lady
bug Jaci, Taarpa
She's the one who has decided she's not a good enough writer.
I liked those.
they was always cute, and fun.
Dottie is picking on me again!
Just cause I've been spending time with my friend who is a boy like me and NOT a boyfriend instead of her doesn't mean anything.
ohh, a boyfriend ...
well, that makes sense. You kiss him yet?
He is just a cute guy friend like me. I'm not gay so no kissing boys.
Of course you are not Gay.
You are a girly girl from what I have seen and it would appear you like boys :)
she does like boys, she does!
she keeps trying to make me like boys too, even though I keep telling her I had no interest in boys before I met her ...