So what do you think?

So, vague and ambiguous posts about our plans for other projects aside, how do you think we are doing?

Besides the purchasing, and implementation of much more hardware, the expense of moving the site from a discount bandwidth provider to a "premium" provider, and the time and effort involved with that, we've recently spent a lot of time and effort into making software improvements and upgrades.

We've cut the page load speed for most pages in half, and reduced the page load time of the front page by more than 80%!

With Spring turning into Summer, and the warm weather enticing individuals and families to spend more time outside, away from the house and computer, it's hard for us to gauge how we are doing based on site visits, and stories posted.

As such, we wanted to ask you directly. How did we do? How are we doing? And where do you think we could improve?

We have several side projects in place to help grow our community, to expand our reach, and to just improve how things are run around here, including more software upgrades, but we felt it was time to ask you, the users that support us in our efforts, what you think of what we've done so far.

So please, take a moment, write a comment, send us a PM, or if you want, and email and let us know what you think!

Yours Kindly,
-Piper, Erin, Cat and the BigCloset Band.