So what do you think?

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So, vague and ambiguous posts about our plans for other projects aside, how do you think we are doing?

Besides the purchasing, and implementation of much more hardware, the expense of moving the site from a discount bandwidth provider to a "premium" provider, and the time and effort involved with that, we've recently spent a lot of time and effort into making software improvements and upgrades.

We've cut the page load speed for most pages in half, and reduced the page load time of the front page by more than 80%!

With Spring turning into Summer, and the warm weather enticing individuals and families to spend more time outside, away from the house and computer, it's hard for us to gauge how we are doing based on site visits, and stories posted.

As such, we wanted to ask you directly. How did we do? How are we doing? And where do you think we could improve?

We have several side projects in place to help grow our community, to expand our reach, and to just improve how things are run around here, including more software upgrades, but we felt it was time to ask you, the users that support us in our efforts, what you think of what we've done so far.

So please, take a moment, write a comment, send us a PM, or if you want, and email and let us know what you think!

Yours Kindly,
-Piper, Erin, Cat and the BigCloset Band.



So far so good!

For whatever reason (or combination of) the site HAS been performing very well recently, though I was thrown when I had to revert my change to the comments listing again to be able to see recent comments.

All told, I'd say that anything to expand the reach and content of BC is a positive thing. A more active forum system would be nice, but that's as much due to BC's separation of forums from blogs from stories as anything else, and isn't something that administrative interference will likely change for the better. Other than that the only other thing I think I can say could improve the site is a stronger implementation of bonuses for Hatbox members to help drive incentives toward donating (for those who won't do it just to help the site, shame on you!) Maybe things like improved upload limits on pics and such for authors who donate a certain amount each month? Things like that, that won't hurt the functionality of free users but WILL possibly inspire others to contribute more to the site.

Keep up the great work, and I'm looking forward to another eight wonderful years -- no, EIGHTY wonderful years -- with all my friends here at BC.

Melanie E.

"With Spring Turning Into Summer"

I believe the relevant acronym is LMAO. (There might be another letter that needs to go in there.)

Looks like north-east England had its summer last Monday. Now we're back to biting easterly winds, driving rain and temperatures that struggle to reach 50 degrees. I've had the living room lights on all day, that's how dismal it's been.

None of this is any use at all, is it?

Ban nothing. Question everything.

It could be worse. Earlier

It could be worse. Earlier this week, there was a Frost warning for west central Illinois. (That's about the same latitude as Sardinia for the Europeans or Beijing in Asia.)

I would LIKE to respond with the line from "Young Frankenstein"

Hope Eternal Reigns's picture

But to say - "Could be worse, it could be raining" - would be somewhat redundant. (Or some such sentiment) Here in Winnipeg we FINALLY had our first taste of summer, it's 29 C here under a partly cloudy sky right now. Tomorrow it is supposed to break 30 C for the first time this year. (Actually too hot for my taste - but the young people seem to like the idea.)

with love,


Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.

How ya doin? (hear *roar* from the audience for the Band)

Don't know how the others are faring, but I certainly notice the difference!! With all the hardware problems, you guys must be among the walking dead with all the effort you've had to put into it. . . . So here's some BIG APPLAUSE from one of your supporters - YER DOIN' GREAT!! Thanks again!!!!!!!

Right after I win top prize in tonight's Super Max lotto...

Hope Eternal Reigns's picture

(well after I collect the prize) I will be making a largish donation to BC.

Seriously? You guys had me at hello. BC is running better than ever here - using Safari - Fast response times and automatic refreshes are quite wonderful.

Thank you ever so much.

with love,


Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.

I think...

erica jane's picture

That the new servers are working great! Loadtimes are much shorter, and (crosses fingers) I haven't had any issues with accessing the site in a long time.

You guys are awesome! :)


~And so it goes...

Where's the voice intergration

I keep trying to use voice commands on the website and they don't seem to work. The site just looks at me and says "You want me to do what?" (look up John Malaney)

Also, been having trouble with the search feature. I search for 'who's the best looking user on Big Closet?' and my name never comes up.

Jokes aside, you're doing great.

Katie Leone (

Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life

Search feature...

Page of Wands's picture

Oh, sorry, Katie, I keep telling it to take me out of the running so that everyone else would have a chance, but it keeps insisting... ^_~

Piper - The site's been running beautifully on the new hardware. Thank you so much for all your hard work!


Not even in Italy. The riders in the Giro d'Italia bike race today looked like they were riding through snow (actually hail) ... and that's before they head into the high mountains where it's expected. Moreover not only in Ireland (I know, that's hardly Italy but ...) where the first 3 stages were ridden were wet, wet, wet but so were the stages that were ridden right in the south.

As for the UK in general, I think summer was a couple of days last week. It's autumn now and we're looking forward to winter :)

Anyway, how are you doing? OK I would say but the home page isn't super fast loading here despite my 25 Mb/s download speed (several seconds). It's not a serious problem and navigating between pages seems to be fast. Not a big deal but I thought you might like know how well the site's holding up here in Blighty. Sometimes comments (like this one) load slowly too. None of that is anything to get any knickers twisted - unless you like that sort of thing, of course ;)


Hail?? Here it has only been

raining. I live about thirty clicks southwest of Como. Of course I can't answer for what it was doing while I was asleep. Yes, I'm up early (again - more than once) Need to be at work by six this morning so we will be driving off in about thirty minutes.

As far as the site goes... yes, I still see slow first page times of about three to four seconds (which is about half of what I was seeing before all the brough-hah-hah. The work you all have been putting in is showing. Pardon me, I'm snacking on some toast as I try to prepare myself for yet another day before the mast (the board of directors meeting concerning moving my division). More fun and games. At least I've started packing now which might give me an edge.

God Bless you, each and every one.


Above and beyond

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

Kudos to all the team. You guys are going above and beyond the call of duty. This site is far and away the best TG site I've come across... and that was before you upgraded everything. My first experience with Big Closet was with the Classic BC. I found that very hard to navigate, but even at that I came back because of the wide variety of stories there. When you opened Top Shelf, you blew me away. Even so, it took me a while before I decided to actually become a member and even longer to contribute.

You've collected a wide selection of authors, many of whom are professional quality, regardless of whether or not they've actually sold anything or not.

My only regret is that my income is so tight that I can't help support the site financially.

I applaud you all.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Great Job!

I think you do a great job with the site.

Julie D

I would love to make an erudite comment

but in all honesty, I have little to compare it to.

Right at the moment, we have just completed week 3 (of 3 and a half) of having our kitchen gutted and then renewed.

We are at the stage at the moment of having wires and cables dangling from bits of sticky tape stuck to light fittings in the ceiling. And on Monday, for the 5th time, the power will be switched off as they hook up the new oven and hob and extractor fan and dishwasher ...... (don't know why it had to be 5 times, but then I am no kitchen renewal expert).

And my sleep patterns are all shot to hell and gone, but everything seems very fast between 4 and 6 in the morning, which is when I seem to get on here .....

I will announce my admiration and thanks for all the hard work you have all done, and I have received a note to know that my donation arrived on time.



"A" grade

Podracer's picture

Site is "up" almost 100% of the time, and is ACTIVE, with stories, comments and members on-line enough that had I the compulsion to follow it all, I would not have time to do anything else. BC lives. Good show folks.

"Reach for the sun."


I think you've outdone your selves. the site is working great. for sure, its not going down as often. thanks to all of you for a lot of hard work and spending time to make it better.


Nothing Left to Complain About !

Dear BCTS Team,

I think you can tell just how wonderfully everything is finally working - when humans cannot find anything else to grumble about, they always turn to ....

Just for a joke, I once, on another site from this one, (it was a Forum where people discussed Politics - yes, very boring !) I decided to describe as honestly as possible this beautiful Archepelago of Islands, where it was never too cold nor too hot, where gentle rains kept the rivers and streams softly flowing, where on hot days cool breezes kept people from getting wet with sweat, where there were hills, and woods, and fields, and small towns and villages dotted about, even the occasional City, but also wild moors, lots of lovely beaches and many a sheltered bay,... well, there was more, but I am sure you get the picture. I described the friendly inhabitants of this Archepelago, and finally I told readers its name, TUKOGBANI.

I had a few people writing back complaining that they could not find it on any map, so I had to tell them the name in full - The United Kingdom Of Great Britain And Northern Ireland.

Everyone who has ever visited Britain knows how the favorite pastime and favorite topic of conversation of almost every inhabitant of these islands involves complaining about the weather. You see, otherwise we have it all so good, there is little for us to grumble about.

I live on a tiny island about 12 x 4 miles and with about 900 inhabitants, one of a small group, West of the North of Scotland. Despite all the fables and jokes to the contrary, the sun shines for a part at least of almost every day, we have days when there is not a breath of Wind and the sea is like a mirror, we seldom have frost or snow, except on the peaks of the highest hills (this winter we had NONE of EITHER, and thanks to the Gulf Stream Drift, our seas have turtles, basking sharks, dolphins, seals, driftwood covered in Goose Barnacles, and an occasional Portuguese Man-O'-War jellyfish. We also have Palm Trees, though alas not the kind that grow coconuts. Our landscape is covered on the uplands with heather, gorse, clumps of Rhododendrons, Blackberry Bushes, Chile Pines, short willows, oaks, rowan trees and fir trees, and on the marshy bits Bog Iris, Rushes and Reeds. The open, grassy areas have wild Orchids, various flowers like Primroses, Buttercups, Daisies, Lupins, Dandelions, Thistles, Dogroses, foxgloves etc. .... There are rare birds everywhere, some secretive and only heard but seldom seen, like the Bittern, others very visible, like Wild Geese, various kinds of Gulls, Waders, Ravens, Owls and Eagles, and at this time of year sheep and cattle are grazing and baby lambs jumping about and playing. We have wild deer too.

For anyone feeling interested to see it for themselves, we have an airport, and can also be reached by ferry from the mainland either to a larger island to the south of us and then by car or bus over causeways that connect us with several other islands both north and south of us, there is a port where a car ferry brings one to the island to our north as well. There are hotels from the most luxurious to the basic, plus many B&Bs, Hostels, self catering holiday lets, and camping places for the young and brave. There is lots to see and do, several good restaurants, cafes, museums, art galleries, concerts, and all the usual stuff for Tourists. We have a Riding Stable where you can hire a horse to ride along the beach, and those who cannot can learn to ride, even in bad weather as there is a HUGE indoor arena too. E-mail me on [email protected] for more info.


Great site is even better

I am always quite in awe of the time and effort you all put into supporting this site. It's always been great and I think the recent changes make it even better.

One area which I feel does need some attention is the Search facility. It would be great to use BC like a huge TG library, with it's vast stock of stories. The problem is in finding what you want.

Part of the problem is seeing the wood from the trees. Do a search on any subject, and you'll be inundated with episode after episode of regular serials. It would be good to have just one return for each serial story.

Putting the search results in author order would also improve matters, with the ability to select pages by alphabet, rather than by meaningless numbers.

Finally, my old chestnut of excluding non completed stories from a search. I don't want to start a story only to find it's incomplete and there are so many uncompleted they swamp out the completed.

Hope this is helpful. Once again, thanks for all the wonderful work you do.


Everything is a tradeoff....

Puddintane's picture

Searches are fairly labour-intensive, and the more complex the criteria, the more effort is expended, and the more effort has to be put into strategic organisation of the necessary resources.

Not so long ago, the site regularly suspended searches entirely, when traffic became too taxing. Hopefully, those days are gone, but the site is indexed by the major search engines, so it's entirely possible to use – let's say Google – to construct as complex a search strategy as one can manage, and let Google do most of the work. Google has vast server farms with enormous amounts of processing power spread all over the world. They're very good at this sort of thing.

Mind you, some people worry about Google, and it's certainly true that between Google, all the other search engines, traffic analysers, the NSA, the Chinese, the Russians, and all the rest of the world, there's little that can't be known about almost everyone.

It's all right for me, of course, since I was a cabaret dancer and cinema performer in my youth, and have no particular sense of modesty at all, but not everyone is quite so brazen.




A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style

Search is a killer

erin's picture

Search is currently being handled by Google, if you notice the inside of the search box up there in the corner says Google custom search. :) There are lots of wrinkles to get the most out of a Google site search and that info is spread around the web liberally.

The wonderfully capable search we had working for awhile was handled by SOLR. SOLR does not like our new hardware, or perhaps it is the upgraded core software that it doesn't like. Anyway, the current version of SOLR--well, the last time we tried, at least--does not work on our current configuration. Drupal search is too slow and too intense on the hardware, it ends up being the single biggest drain on resources. Hence, the Google custom search above. As a side benefit, Google pays us about 40 cents a day for having that search box. :)

As for excluding incomplete stories from searches, I'll include that feature when you can supply me with the winning lottery numbers so I can hire someone to go through 26,000 entries and make sure that all are coded correctly to be sorted for that purpose. No joke, it can't be done, just like you can't un-eat an apple. Because entropy.

Part of this reply is to the person that Puddin' was replying to and part is a comment on what Puddin' wrote.

If we ever get SOLR running again, we will probably re-install because it had some features that are hard to duplicate with Google.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Category Browser

I guess I'm thinking more of the kind of searches done with the Category Browser, which seems to do what it's designed to without too many problems. However, if Google can do similar searches, also including the Completed tag, then please, please tell me how.

I'm not particularly convinced by the argument that you have to ensure every bit of information is correct before searching on it - if Google had followed that philosophy, they'd still be working in some backstreet garage! But I can accept the argument it would mean a hell of a lot of work and it's difficult to implement. As I said right at the start of this string, I am in awe of the effort put in by Erin and everyone else to keep this site running, and improving, in spite of all the difficulties thrown in the way by hardware, systems and all the rest. I only suggested it this time because you asked for suggestions for improvement.

Best wishes


Info info

erin's picture

"I'm not particularly convinced by the argument that you have to ensure every bit of information is correct before searching on it -" And well you might not be, no one made that argument. But you want a search based on the completed tag and less than 1/3 of the stories that qualify for it use it. It's not that every bit of info has to be correct, it's that there is NO useful info there until the tag is used with a consistency at least greater than 50%. I got hyperbolic but like I ended that post with, the problem is entropy; the information is not preserved. :)

As far as Google is concerned, there are no tags, there is only content. You can include the word Completed in your search but that will only return a lot of false positives. Once again, entropy is not your friend.

(I'm using entropy here in a somewhat specialized meaning from information theory: uncertainty increases with each change in the data. The only solution is an application of outside energy. Like winning the lottery! :) )


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

Does the "completed" thing need clicked

on every part of a multi-part story, or can you set it up so that a book page can define its entire contents as completed or in-progress? If the latter would work, that would SIGNIFICANTLY shorten the number of entries that need scanned. Or, simply going through and checking the last part of every multi-part story and tagging it correctly so that readers have an accurate guide not only of if it's complete, but approximately how long it is too?

Either way is STILL a lot of work, but likely far, FAR less than going through every last entry on the site.

Melanie E.

You volunteering? :)

erin's picture

You don't need any special access to click on those flags, just be an author yourself and everyone else's flags are clickable, too.


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.


But now I know it's an issue I might tackle it some day. After all, the author list is easy to access and will give you a clear, simple way to tell what you've done and haven't as you click on links.

We'll see! Though no promises. I have a bad tendency not to live up to those.

Melanie E.

Completion flags

You suggest setting completion flags on title pages, which is fine if every story on the site is filed under a title page (and the completed flag is set correctly, of course).

I'm guessing only a small proportion is filed that way. I didn't find out about the filing hierarchy for some time after I began posting, just getting the stories up was hard enough for a newcomer.

So now you have to select those title pages which have chapters under them and those chapter pages which don't have title pages... and what about short stories just filed under the author page? The searching process just got more complicated, and non-intuitive to a computer, though a human might not think so.

That wouldn't even work for SEE since I've been forced to go down another level, else the number of right-hand column entries overwhelms the reader. So I have Author -> SEE -> Book # -> Chapter.

Search is a complex subject. Not even Google gets it right.


I never suggested it would cover everything :D

Just that it would simplify the job a great deal. There are always outliers, but if something can be readily applied to the majority of something and it makes the job easier with no disadvantages then why not do it?

Melanie E.

Nice So Far

littlerocksilver's picture

I'm really enjoying how quickly I can navigate the site. I haven't tried posting anything yet, so I don't how that's working since all the other improvements. I must say A+ so far.



I just wanted to say thanks. You as a team have worked hard and put a tremendous amount of effort into the workings of this site. It is appreciated.
Thanks again,

A wonderful job

This site is unique in that there seems to be little bickering, and one can find lots of stories that are not just pure smut. There are so many other sites that just feature one arm wanker stories.

Thank you so much.


Great Job

I know how much work developing and maintaining a web site can be. Thanks for all your efforts!!! You girls have done a marvelous job. Thanks and thanks again.


One word

Renee_Heart2's picture

Great that's all I can say you did a GREAT job and are doing a FANTASTIC job with this the money that has been shelled out for this sight I think was well worth it. Where to go from here well I say just keep growing the best we can here with members and authors and keep doing what your doing.


Thank you for all your hard work and effort.

Love Samantha Renee Heart

Doing Well

Loading the home page takes the most amount of time I have found but being in "the land down under" I guess it's to be expected.Overall, the sites performance is excellent and a kudos to those that work hard at keeping it running smoothly


Late commer...

Sorry, I'm a bit late responding.

Since the big crunch, things have improved by bounds and leaps. I cannot remember when I last encountered a 500 response, or a plain and simple 'no response'. With this kind of reliability of service, and level of activity, I cannot see how BC cannot maintain it's status as the premier site for TG related fiction and discussion.

Using Google search for searching works quite well for me. I do not require anything more advanced than that.

I have, since the big crunch, donated whatever meager funds I can, in order to show my appreciation of the huge effort you have made.

In short: You are doing great.

Revised Site

Top job on the revised site. Being in my eighties I forget.
You used to have titles of stories change colour when opened.
I miss that.