2 weeks in the hospital

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I just spent 2 week in the Hospital . On April 12 I was working outside cutting some branches to get them higher from the fence and the bow saw popped back sending me off balance and off the ladder . I broke my left leg at the ankle about as bad as you can get the EMT's said a limb treating injury . The bones from my leg and ankle were outside the skin (lots of blood) a 45 minute ride to trauma center the test after test and surgery for 3 hours starting at 5 pm . I had a second surgery on April 25 again 3 or 4 hours . I came home today , can't put any weigh on the leg and maybe the next 4 to 6 month of therapy .

The good news is I still have my foot & I didn't bleed out in the woods , if I was a Cat with 9 lives I now have 4 left



I'm sorry for your pain...

Andrea Lena's picture

...but so glad you survived reasonably intact and on the way to recovery!


To be alive is to be vulnerable. Madeleine L'Engle
Love, Andrea Lena


littlerocksilver's picture

Please take care and get well quickly.


Weight bearing limb

Patricia Marie Allen's picture

A break on a weight baring limb is tough. I broke my right knee 11 years ago. It was what's known as a "Table Break" or a "Platform Break" where the part of the shin bone that widens out to support the thigh breaks away on one side. I also clipped a dime sized piece off my left elbow bone that about a third of my triceps tendons were attached to and either broke a small bone in my right wrist or sprained it severely. (By far the most painful of the three injuries.) A four hour surgery and two days in the hospital I was outfitted with a "Platform Walker," a device that used to be a walker, until they added arm rests to take my full weight. I need that instead of crutches due to the injury to my wrist, since I couldn't take any weight on the wrist, my forearms had to do the work. It was a real pain to maneuver in that thing.

We were living in and upstairs apartment at the time and my daughter and her family had just bought a nice little house, so they traded domiciles. We moved the next month to a ground floor 4-plex. The fall that caused the break happened the last weekend in June and I was finally release to go back to work the second week in January.

I make a terrible invalid.


Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin eine Mann

Sounds like

Angharad's picture

you had a Pott's fracture, not a good thing to do your lower limbs. Anyway, I hope you recover as fully as possible as soon as poss.

Best wishes,



Get well soon.

I had an incident with an ankle a number of years ago. I didn't break it but severed the three ligaments on the inside of it. The first thing the Orthapedic Surgeon said was 'It is a shame that you didn't break it!'
It took me three operatinos and four months to get walking properly.
So, take your time and get the leg/ankle sorted
