One Long Summer [Chapter 2 - Cousins]

by Phantasi Boi

Intro: Here’s chapter 2 of my 1st attempt at a serial, As always I welcome comments be they praise or criticism. Please don’t be angry if I get any facts wrong regarding gender issues, it is only a story, besides the characters themselves could be getting it wrong rather than me. Feel free to point out any errors I make though. [It’s worth reading “One Saturday Night”, my short story, before reading this chapter. Although not absolutely critical.]

Dozer’s having a fancy dress party for his 18th birthday, Jess is invited but Linford isn’t, Jess can bring a girlfriend, that doesn’t help Linford. Jess and her mum have other ideas though. It’s July and the summer holidays, 3 months after One Saturday Night. Just look who else is gonna be there.

Chapter 2: Cousins

Peter Harris reversed his XR3i off the drive, he hoped there wouldn’t be much traffic on the road, it was a lovely warm Monday afternoon in July and he was looking forward to seeing his cousins from the midlands again, Well, one of them he was looking forward to seeing, the other one, he wasn’t quite sure what to expect, after all, his 15 year old cousin was a shemale.

“Oh crap,” He thought, “that’s not right, now what was the word I was sposed to use? Interflora? Interstate? Aahh, no, it was sommat sexual I’m sure. Damn you Nicolas, why did you join the other side? Are you sick?”

His mobile rang, with more moaning he pulled over to the side of the road and pulled it out of his door pocket, he looked and saw it was Nadine. He hadn’t invested in a hands free kit, he thought the earpiece ones looked stupid and only a poser uses Bluetooth, a fitted one would ruin the interior of his prized car.

He answered it. “Hi cus, I’ll be there in 2 mins, some dumb blonde just rang me and held me up.” He laughed, he loved winding his cousins up.

“Take your time you big ape, the party isn’t till Friday and its only Monday, we’ll grab a Pepsi Max from the shop on the platform while we wait. Hope you’re feeling strong, we got quite a lot of luggage, you know us girls don’t travel light.”

He grimaced, not at the thought of having luggage to carry; he was a strong macho rugby player, that’s why his nickname was Dozer, short for bulldozer. No, he grimaced at Nadine saying “US GIRLS”

“Ok,” He replied. “Get your girly drinks and I’ll be there when ya come out.”

Nadine laughed, she loved her big strong cousin, but he wasn’t the subtlest of people, this could be a little bit awkward for Niki. “Cya soon Dozy.” She said and hung up.

As Dozer climbed on to the platform, he thought he was seeing double, despite the fact there was 19 months between his 2 cousins, he couldn’t tell them apart, he stared open mouthed, “Oh my god” he thought, presently they saw him and ran to him hugging him tight and covering his cheeks with kisses.

Two beautiful teenage girls happily chatted away alongside him as he carried their cases to his car, “This could actually be fun” he thought as they continued on. It’d been about 3 years since he’d seen Nadine or Nicolas. He’d been totally shocked when his mum broke the news that Nicolas was now to be called Nicola. He’d heard about shemales or transsexuals on the internet and through conversations with his friends. He’d even visited a few porn sites and seen them. But the one’s he’d seen were the type that had had breast implants that looked really strange and they seemed to always be shagging or having oral sex. His wasn’t the slightest bit turned on by them, course he was straight, a real ladies man, not bad looking and his body was well muscled and that impressed most girls.

He couldn’t help but notice however, that Nicola was obviously not like the ones he’d seen, whichever one of the two she was, she was definitely a babe, they both were, then he slapped himself mentally for thinking that.


As he stomped through the gate that connected his and Jess’ back gardens, Ford thought about what was said. How the hell was he gonna get in the party? Yes true it was fancy dress and he supposed at a push he could dress as a girl, some of the other guys would no doubt do that. But Jess and Betty were talking about him actually going as a girl, as a girl, not a pretend girl, but trying to make out he was a girl. “Well, there’s no way I’d pass as a girl, and besides, how would that help with Beryl Patterson, unless she’s part lezzy.” He thought as he entered the back door of his house.

“Hi love.” Said his mum as he walked in the house. “How’s the planning going? Have you found anything exciting to do?”

“Nothing really, there’s a fancy dress party at the village hall on Friday night for Dozer’s 18th, but I haven’t been invited.” He sighed. “Jess has, but they want her to take a girlfriend, there’s a serious lack of girls going apparently.”

“Aaww, poor you, can’t you dress up and go with her? After all, it is fancy dress and I’m pretty sure you could pass as a girl love. Especially with that hair.” She added the last part as an after thought.

Ford stopped, he looked incredulously at his mother, he was mortified. “What is it with the women of this street?” He screamed. “It’s bad enough that my best mate and her mum think I’m girly, without my own friggin’ mother jumping on the band wagon.”

Tears were streaming down his cheeks as he stormed off upstairs, slammed his bedroom door and sat down heavily on his bed, nearly dropping his laptop. “That would be just so damn peachy.” He thought, just stopping it from hitting the floor.

“Why am I crying?” He thought, he stood and looked in the mirror. “I’ve never cried hardly, for 16 years, suddenly, the last couple of weeks, I’ve cried more than at any other time. I must be finally going through puberty, the teenage hormones raging, obviously.”

He absentmindedly flicked his hair in a most feminine way and then glared at himself. “Don’t you friggin’ start,” he shouted and threw himself on his bed, he yelped as his chest hit the bed.

Betty and Jess let themselves in just as Jenny was filling the kettle, “Aahh, here they are, my son’s tormentors. Tea ladies?”

“Yes please Jen, oh has he told you then? We were ribbing him about dressing as a girl for a fancy dress party.” Replied Betty.

“Yes he told me and I sorta made it worse by agreeing with you two.” Conceded Jenny and then added “He stormed off up the stairs sulking.”

“Takes after his dad in some ways then Jen.” Laughed Betty.

“Isn’t that just like a man though, you know how they sulk, especially when their masculinity is questioned or their ego is shattered.” Offered Jess not wanting to be left out.

The three women laughed at this. Betty and Jenny exchanged knowing glances. Unfortunately, masculinity wasn’t a term easily associated with Linford. Although, not aggressively feminine, but he certainly was no he-man.

“I’ll go up and see if he’s ok,” Offered Jess, she had been concerned by his mood swings of late and two or three times noticed his red eyes as if he’d been crying. “He’s getting very emotional lately.”

Jenny handed her two mugs of tea to take up with her, she thanked her and climbed the stairs and went to Linford’s bedroom.

She knocked on the door.

“Go away mum, I’m busy.” He yelled.

Jess walked in, “I’m not your mum, stop yelling at me, I’ve brought you some tea mate.” He was stood topless looking at his chest in the mirror. She added “You checking to see if your chest’s started sprouting yet?”

“What do you mean?” He snapped, covering himself with one arm and reaching for his t-shirt with his other. He slipped it on and Jess thought he acted in a way she would if a boy had walked in on her.

“You know Ford, you can talk to me, we’re practically siblings and I love you like a brother.” She tried to calm the situation. She handed him the tea and sat down on the edge of his bed. “What’s with you lately? You’re acting really strange and very moody.”

“There’s nothing wrong with me Jess,” He pouted, “at least, nothing wrong for someone who’s starting to go through puberty, I guess.”

He sat down next to her smiling, “Sorry for snapping before, maybe you’re right. It could be a laugh actually, to go dressed as a girl.” He reached over to pick his tea up and winced in pain as his shirt caught his tender nipples.

“Are u ok?” Jess asked him, alarmed at his reaction, “Where does it hurt?”

“I’m fine Jess, think I pulled my shoulder, it feels a bit tender, will you please stop fussing, there’s nothing wrong with me.” Then he thought, “Except I’m growing tits, now that’s just friggin’ peachy ain’t it.”

“Funny,” Thought Jess, “It wasn’t your shoulder you favoured, seemed more like your chest to me.” She decided not to say anything for the moment and just smiled as she drank her tea.


“Wow,” Said Nadine, “or was it Nicolas,” Thought Dozer as he pulled onto the drive. “That was cool driving Pete, nice car too” Added Niki, “It must be Nicolas” He thought, “Nadine never calls me Pete.”

“Thanx Nicolas, erm, Nicola, erm Nick, Niki,” He sighed, blushing slightly “What do I call you?”

“Any of them apart from Nicolas” She replied, obviously amused at his attempt. The girls both remembered their father saying pretty much the same.

They got out the car and were standing on the Harris drive.

“Well look at you two fine young ladies, your parents must be so proud of you; my my you both look very well indeed. Nicola Botham, I swear you’re your sister’s double” She said, hugging them both, she added with a wink “Your mother was right then, she always knew you were a girl.”

Niki blushed bright red, “Aunt Maureen, I wish someone had told me that years ago, I feel like I’ve wasted so much time.”

Dozer looked at his mum, shaking his head he said with a grin, “I don’t know how you tell them apart”

The girls and his mum laughed and turned round and walked in the house. Dozer shrugged and followed in with their cases.

Indeed, the only external differences between the 2 these days was a lovely feminine chain with Nicola on it that Maureen had bought Niki for her 15th birthday. Niki was wearing it, she loved it.

[Author’s note: For anyone who read One Saturday Night, yes, Niki was 14 then but her birthday is May 29th, as that story was set in April and this started in July, she had her 15th birthday a couple of months ago.]

Niki was also wearing breast forms that were more or less the same size as Nadine’s real boobs, although, since starting the hormone treatment, Niki’s boobs and nipples were starting out quite well, she still had a long way to go to catch her sister and with the new fake vagina she wore as well, if they stood naked together, there was practically no way you could tell them apart. Except maybe Nadine had slightly wider hips and thinner waist.


“So,” Jess looked at her friend. “You want to come to mine and practice for Friday night then??”

Linford scowled “I don’t know Jess, it just doesn’t seem right, I mean, could you actually imagine me looking feminine?? I feel like I’d be letting my masculine side down.” Lini scowled at him inside his head.

Jess felt diplomatic, she knew that would be the only way to persuade him to go for it. “I know what you mean mate, but even you admitted it could be fun, it’s not like you’re gonna be a girl full time is it?? Just till we get home after the party, that’s all.”

“What?? You mean, you want me to dress up all week??” He replied.

“Only till after the party, then if you want, you can return to your masculine status and forget it ever happened. Of course Beryl would probably be impressed with you for passing as a girl just so you could get to talk to her at the party.” This thought had just come to her and she smiled to herself, pleased with it.

“No way Jess, I can’t do it, I’m far too masculine and Beryl would think I’m gay or sommat.” Was what he wanted to say, but Lini took over and said “Ok, look, I’ll do it, but, there’s no way I’m going anywhere till Friday night, I can slip through the back gate between our houses, but that’s it. I’m not going anywhere else.” She smiled inside and then HE reprimanded HER for doing so.

Jess thought she noticed a brief gleam in his eyes, “Hmmm,” she thought, “So Lini Saunders, you do want to play after all.”

Half an hour later, Linford was sat on Jess’ bed, a towel wrapped round his chest another wrapped round his head; he’d just shaved what little hair he had on his legs and showered.

“Hold still or it won’t be straight” Complained Jess.

Ford was protesting, “I don’t see why I need my ears piercing, not all girls have earrings in.” “But this girl wants earrings” Replied Lini silently.

“I know silly, but it’s more convincing, besides, they’ll heal up quickly after you take them out, so sit still. Friday morning, first thing, we’re going to the salon to get our faces, hair and nails sorted out. But in the meantime, I’ll teach you how to do your make up and hair. Done it, where’s the back to this stud?” And on Thursday, you’re going blonde, not a word my girl.”

“Erm, why do I need to know how to do that, if we’re getting it done at the salon? Besides I told you I’m not going anywhere except the party.” Ford blushed; Lini however, was singing her heart out. “Oh dear,” Ford blushed deeper; Lini sang louder as Ford thought “Jess has unleashed a monster.” But Lini thought “Oh goody” and then she giggled inside.”

Jess ignored his last comment.

“Oh shit,” Jess swore as she remembered “I forgot to get some nail varnish remover today, I’ll just pop to the village stores, I’m sure they sell it. I won’t be long Lini; you can have a look at my clothes and see if you can find anything to wear if you like.”

Lini looked at her adoringly, loving to hear her name, Linford however, scowled, but simply said “Ok sis.”


“Anyone want owt from the shop?” Bellowed Dozer as he reached the front door.

“Oohh can I come with you Dozer?” Niki asked.

He noticed the necklace, “Yeah sure little cuz, we’re walking though, it’s only down the road, erm, you sure you can walk in those?”

“I came in them!” She exclaimed, shaking her head, she added “Men!”

Dozer gave her a sideways glance, he’ll give it a real good go, cos he’s always loved his cousins, but he just couldn’t understand why any boy would want to be a girl, although he could see that Niki was a babe, then he slapped himself inside for that thought. Of course, the boy was probably gay. That didn’t bother him; he had a couple of friends who were gay. Showing what a gentleman he could be, he even held the door open for her. And allowed her to link her arm through his as they walked to the store.

“So Niki, what’s it like being a shemale?” He cringed as he tried to stop the words leaving his mouth.

Niki giggled, “I’m not a shemale silly, a shemale is a pre-op transsexual porn star, I’m intersexed, which means I have male and female sexual parts. The only thing I’m lacking is a vaginal entrance; I can have that sorted out next year when I’m 16. Why are you blushing?”

Dozer blushed, “I’m sorry Niki, u know I love you, I’m just a little curious about your condition. I’ve never heard of intersexed till mum told me, then I forgot the word till you just said it again. Ok then, what’s it like to be intersexed and can you get pregnant?” He added, curiously, though he didn’t know why.

“I will be able to get pregnant when I’ve had the surgery, as for what it’s like…….” Her voice trailed off with the sudden shout from behind.

“New girlfriend Dozer?” It was Jess, running to catch up with them.

“Eh? Oh no, this is my cousin Niki from Notts, her and her sister are visiting for the summer.” He explained.

“That’s cool and kind of a coincidence, I’ve gat a cousin here for the summer too, in fact we’re just having a girlie session and I need some nail varnish remover from the store. I’m taking her to your party on Friday, so you’ll be able to meet her then. In fact,” Turning to Niki she asked, “Why don’t you and your sister come round to mine this evening Niki? We can have a pyjama party if you’re up for it.”

“I’ll see what Nadine says, but I don’t know where you live.”

“Dozer can show you, he’s stalked me often enough.” She teased.

“I have not then, ya fibber, you stalk me if anything, hanging round with that girly-boy next door neighbour…..” His voice trailed off. He bit his lip, looked at Niki and she burst out laughing.

“You’ve got a girly-boy living next door?” She asked Jess.

“Linford’s really cool, he’s my best mate, he’s just a late developer, actually I feel really bad cos he can’t go to your party Dozer.”

“Don’t start Jess, you know we can’t stand each other and it’s not cos he’s effeminate either cos I have no problem with that sort of thing, do I Niki?”

Niki stood on her toes and kissed the big man’s cheek. “No,” she said, “he’s a big softy really.”

He blushed. They reached the store and once again, Dozer held the door open as the girls both trotted inside. “Wow,” Thought Niki, “What a gentleman, if he wasn’t my cousin, I could quite fancy the big hunk.”

She wasn’t the only one thinking things like that, “My god,” Thought Dozer “What an arse Niki has, damn if she was a year older, she’s so hot.” He then admonished himself for such thoughts as he realised, she’s technically still a boy and I’m not gay. Then he thought, “But she is so fuckin’ hot”

Jess got what she wanted from the store and waited for the other two. The three walked back chatting casually.

“Right” she said as they approached Dozer’s drive, give me your number Niki and I’ll ring you later and let you know what time and find out if you can.”

Niki gave Jess her number and they parted, leaving the cousins to go in the house.


Lini opened the wardrobe door; Linford shut it and sat back down. It was Lini who wanted to look at Jess’ clothes but Linford didn’t even want to be in her bedroom at that precise moment.

But Lini was feeling chirpy, sitting there, two studs in each ear, a towel wrapped round her chest and a towel round her head, Linford it was who was found by Betty as she knocked and entered.

“Hi Lini, where’s Jess? Wow, you look pretty good, damn; I wish I looked as good as you without make-up.”

Linford froze, “All Jess has done is pierced my ears Betty, nothing else, she’s gone to get some nail varnish remover.”

“Aaww, don’t worry mate, I think with your superior acting skills, you might just be able to pull it off on Friday. I was just being nosey by the way, I saw her go out.” She grinned at him, “I think it’s the pink fluffy towels and the studs in your ears, oohh, sounds like she’s back now, cya laters Lini.” Linford sank through the floor into the living room below and then through that floor into the centre of the earth. Lini sat smiling, realising that for the next few days at least, she was gonna have fun, girly fun and if Linford didn’t like it, tough, he could leave, she was staying.

Jess walked in, she stopped and stared open-mouthed, “Where’s Linford?” She asked.

“Don’t you start Jess, I haven’t got any make-up or girls clothes on, I can’t look feminine in just a couple of towels.”

“Erm, Lini, stand up,” She did so, “Now look in the mirror” She did that too, then her towel dropped and Jess’ mouth opened again, Linford was horrified, the girls both giggled mischievously. Jess spoke “Even without clothes on, you look more like a girl than a boy.” Lini spoke, “I need boobs, how can I do this without boobs?” Linford spoke. “I do not look like a girl.” Suddenly he didn’t sound very convinced, he certainly wasn’t at all convinced, Linford gave up and left the building, leaving Lini standing naked, except for the towel on her head.

Jess knelt down in front of her, “Jess!” Exclaimed Lini, “What are you doing?”

“How have you done that?” She asked, pulling Lini’s legs apart.

“Done what? It’s always been small……” Her voice trailed off as she looked at what Jess meant. “Erm, Jess, I’m gonna lie down on your bed, please tell me what you see.”

Lini laid down, “Erm, Linford” Said Jess, sounding shocked.

“Don’t call me that,” She hissed, “My name is Lini, you know my name is Lini, so please, Jess, call me LINI.”

“Lini now is it?” Called Jess as she entered the room, “You’ll make your mind up you will, come on, we haven’t got much time, I’ve invited Dozers cousins round for a pyjama party. I need to sort you out. I got some surgical tape from the store too so we can sort your bits out. And why are you looking at me like that Lini?”

Lini reached down, yes she was laid on Jess’ bed, but she still had the towel round her. She realised, she’d fallen asleep and had a lovely dream about her boy bits disappearing. Linford re-entered the building and gave a great sigh of relief as he realised it was a dream, “no it wasn’t a dream, it was a friggin’ nightmare, and why does she still insist on calling me Lini?”

“A pyjama party?” He shrieked, “How could you do this to me Jess?”

“It’ll be fun, now get rid of the towel and let me get this right, come on, we’ve got so much to do yet.”

“Come on Lini, please,” Lini removed the towel “Oh god,” cried Jess. “How long have they been like that?” she pointed at his chest.

“What you talkin’ about??” He asked

“Your areolas are massive and your actual nipples are too, you’ve got bigger nipples than me. And there looks like there are little lumps there.” She left the room and went to the top of the stairs, “Mum!“ She shouted, “Come quickly, there’s something wrong with Lini.”

He just laid there in shock, stark naked, Betty came in,

“What’s the drama girls,” She cried, “Oops, sorry Lini.” She added as she saw the scowl on Linford’s face.

Lini laughed “See, we are a girl Linford” She thought, Linford’s scowl stayed and he wished he hadn’t got up this morning.

“Mum, look at Lini’s chest, that’s not normal for a boy surely.”

Betty leant over the scared Linford. “Hmmm, looks like its started” She said calmly, “Jess, go fetch Jenny, tell her I said it’s started.”

“What’s started?” Asked Linford and Jess together, he was more than a little concerned, Jenny lifted him in to a sitting position and sat next to him, giving him a hug. “Jess, go and fetch Jenny, she’s got something to tell her…him…..erm, aahh, just fetch Jenny please.”

“What’s happening to me?” Asked Linford, he really was worried now despite Betty’s reassurance.

“Something wonderful love, now, stop worrying and your mother will explain when she gets here.” Jenny kissed his forehead and held him tight as his tears started flowing.


“So are we going then?” Asked Niki to her sister, “Sounds like it’ll be fun”

Nadine smiled, she remembered Niki’s first pyjama party when they invited Nadine’s best friend Claire round, that was fun. What a laugh they had that night.

“I suppose we could sis, it’ll be good to meet some of our competition for Friday night I guess. Oh but I think Uncle Robert has made plans for tonight, maybe we could re-arrange it for tomorrow night.”

As she said this Niki’s mobile rang, “Hmmm, don’t know that number, must be Jess ringing to confirm, I’ll have to explain to her.”

She answered her phone, “Hello.”

“Hi Niki, its Jess. Listen, sorry about this but something has come up, we’ll have to arrange the pj party for later in the week I’m afraid.”

“Ok Jess, hope it’s nothing serious, we can’t make tonight anyway though cos Uncle Robert has made plans to take us out.”

“No, it’s nothing serious, I don’t think. Ok, I’d better go, I’ll chat to you later, cya” With that Jess hung up.


“Well, I’ve put them off, shame though, it would’ve been fun, but they’re going out anyway apparently.” Jess looked a little disappointed but was more concerned about what was going on with Linford.

“So what’s happening to me mum?” Asked Linford, still crying but more calmer now his mum was there to hold him.

“Well love, it’s something I half expected might happen, but it’s taken long enough. You see, there’s something I need to tell you and now seems like the best time.”

Betty grabbed Jess’ arm and led her out of the room, “Come on love, we’ll make a cuppa. I think Jen & Lin need some privacy.”

Lini breathed a sigh of relief as her mother spoke, she knew she was a girl although Linford had suppressed her all these years and kept her well away from the surface. Linford whined and admitted defeat, he left the building once more.

“I am a girl aren’t I mum?” Asked Lini.

“Yes love, you always were, but we had to let your body decide. You see, when you were born, your father and I discovered from the doctor that although your outward appearance is male, your internal bits are both male and female. In other words, you can be male or female. Intersexed is the word I think, if I remember rightly. We had to wait till the onset of puberty to find out which secondary characteristics your body would adopt. It seems looking at your chest and the fact that you are developing breasts that your body has chosen female. You see, your body is producing both male and female hormones; looks like the female hormones are winning. It’s going to be a long road, but with help from family and friends, we’ll get you through it. Just remember we are all here for you.”

“But I have a penis mum, that’s gonna be tricky.”

“Not as tricky as you think, due to medical circumstances, we can get that fixed easily, we can’t leave it much longer or it could be dangerous. I’ll have to make you an appointment to see Dr Lynch; he knows all about it, he’ll put us in touch with the right people. Unfortunately the doctor who first made the discovery has retired so we’ll be dealing with someone else, but I’ve been told that these days it’s a routine operation. Dr Lynch will probably know more, although he is a GP not a gender specialist. How do you feel about what I’ve just told u Linford?”

“Call me Lini please mum, I’ve known for a while that I wasn’t right, I really didn’t want to admit it to myself. I tried so hard to be the man I thought you and dad expected me to be. My nipples have been tingly for a while now and I noticed they were getting bigger. I was embarrassed about it; I looked online and saw that I was showing all the signs of going through puberty, but female puberty, the crying, nipple sensitivity, my body shape changing, my penis is tiny compared to other boys my age and my voice hasn’t broken. I feel cheated in a way, yes I know I’ve always been slightly effeminate, despite my denying, I knew deep inside, I’ve been denying it for long enough, telling myself I was masculine. No point pretending anymore is there? Boy will the guys at school have a field day with this.”

“It’s a shame you didn’t come and talk to us earlier love, I wish we could have told you, but, I don’t know why we didn’t. Well at least we’ve got the rest of the summer, nearly five weeks, to work out what’s going to happen with school. You know, maybe you would be better off going to college instead, There’s less chance of anyone causing trouble or even hurting you. They won’t know you.”

“I’m not worried about that mum. There might be one or two that might have something to say about it, but I’ll get over it, I’ve been called a girly-boy long enough, it doesn’t hurt any more. I have to get the grades next year to get to uni, my school work is more important, computers are my life, you know that.”

“I must say you’re taking this really well love, I was dreading this moment, but I’m proud of you, your dad will be too, I’m also gonna have some fun taking you shopping.”

There was a knock on the door. “Come on in Betty,” Said Jenny

“I’ve brought you some tea, how you both doing?” Replied Betty offering the mugs to them.

“My daughter and I have had a little chat, I told her all about it Bet, she’s taken it really well, I’m so proud of her.”

Betty smiled at Lini, “Good for you kiddo and welcome to the wonderful world of womanhood, it’s about time too, we’ve waited long enough, now give your auntie Betty a hug and then you better let Jess find you some clothes to put on.” Lini hugged Betty and felt peaceful, she sneered at Linford and realised he’d gone.

On hearing her name, Jess popped her head round the door, hey, don’t leave me out of this I want a hug from my sister too, come here you. I can’t believe it, all this time we coulda been playing with dolls and dressing up and shit.” Betty cut her off.

“Oi!” She exclaimed, “Watch your language young lady.” She turned to Jen, “I just explained it all to Jess, she knows everything too now.”

“Thanks Betty,” Replied Jenny, “Let’s leave the girls to it, you can come and help me fix dinner, I think we should celebrate tonight and you’re all welcome.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Enthused Betty, “I’ll text Harry and get him to pick some wine up, I just know Paul will have beer in for those two, but for us ladies I think we need wine, I think two bottles now we have a new member of our club.” Turning to Jess & Lini she said “Have fun girls, we’ll shout you when dinner is ready.

“Are you sure you’re ok Lini?” Asked Jenny as she stood to leave.

“Yes mum, I’ll be fine or I will be just as soon as Jess gets me some clothes to wear,” She said teasingly as she looked at Jess.

Jenny laughed, “I really can’t understand teenagers, I really didn’t think you would be this calm. Right, see you soon kids, have fun.” Jenny and Betty walked out and left the teenagers to it.

Lini was glowing, Jess searched through her wardrobe. “Here sis, I don’t need these anymore and judging by the way you’re growing you won’t need them too long.” She handed Lini a couple of white training bras and matching panties. “Now I know why mum told me to hang on to them. Hmmm, right, lets see what else can you wear, erm Lini, let me show you an easier way to put that on” She laughed at Lini’s efforts to try and do the bra up behind her. “Fasten it at the front and spin it round, that’s it, then slip your arms in, good girl. You’ll get used to it. Do you want a skirt with that?” She asked sounding like a fast food worker asking if she wanted fries.

“Yes please, can I look what you’ve got?” Asked Lini, she felt a little nervous, but the idea had been for her to dress as a girl anyway so she’d sort of got used to the idea in her mind even before the revelations from her mum. “This bra feels weird; I guess it’ll take some getting used to.”

“It’s great that you finally accept who you are Lini, we’re gonna have so much fun together,”

“We can go shopping for clothes and make-up for you, hey, it’s great fun going round the shops and trying stuff on, I can’t wait.”

“Sorry Jess, but before the summer’s out, I’ll be outta here. There’s no way I’m gonna be able to trust any of our parents ever again, They’re a bunch of lying bastards and they’ve robbed me of growing up as a normal girl, I’m never gonna forgive my mum and dad. You can come with me if you like, I love you more than anyone and you’re the only person in the world that I trust.” She laid down on Jess’ bed and sobbed her eyes out; Jess laid next to her and held her tight. “I never saw that coming.” She thought as she kissed her friend on the head.

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