The Maiden of Bronze Chapter 5 Part 2

The Maiden of Bronze

Chapter 5 Part 2

Doc Savage and Pat Savage are the Property of Street and Smith. Introducing a future time line inspired by Doc Savage.

By: Desiree

I am most Grateful to The Twins, Rae and Jess as they have stayed by me.

Pasha noticed that there was news from Thirteen, and she wondered how he was coping as a woman. It had been 4 years since she had last scene Clare with her mother, they had gone to the Tea Room at the Plaza, together. 'Have a feeling she is happier than ever.'

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Sun Corporation, Sukebe Desgraçado was boiling mad, he still could not figure out how Stripacha had gotten out of the building unseen. Even with all the facial recognition software and the tracking devices, which showed she left via the ducts. 'How did she know the tracking devices were in the implants she so happily agreed too. But when did she get them out, and how without tripping the alarm switch on them.' Sukebe chuckled, 'A woman that had us all fooled, well except for Madame Nimfylla. How does she disappear, I need to find her and make sure she stays that way otherwise she will surface and cause me even more trouble.'

Colonel Termani returns to the Op Center, “Madame Nimfylla, retrieval of troops are twenty-five percent, from Tylos engagement. None Of the troops captured at Saetome Towers could be released, a very tragic ending for Major Kalmarity.” Termani was grim knowing that the Major would commit suicide if she had the chance to rather than capture and questioning. Though why Major was so certain she would he did not understand, not like She would be facing torture, maybe it is just the price she feels is required for Failure.

Madame Nimfylla regarded the Colonel, “I see you do not feel failure is a death offense. Good for the failures should make you not want to the next time. We need our people on the street. Searching for that slutty Doctor Stripacha Blyadischa, she was responsible for your loss at the Tylos compound as she sent the frequency changes we had planned for our assault.”

The Colonel was incensed, “I will get our people out looking for her at once.” Termani turned and nearly ran out of the Op Center, as he thought of the best way to deploy his personnel.

- - - - - - - -

Surf Magazine San Clemente, Randell Chance is busy in his inner office brewing potions. A few healing, some for pain and a flight potion. He was happy he had a license to sell, though sometimes he regretted it as so many asked for love potions. Of course other Mystics were not as scrupulous as he, selling Lust Potions as Love Potions, though he had been successful in creating transformation potions though a little more complex as the required some very expensive components as well as hair from the person that wanted to transform. One of the hardest things about potions was getting the water purified.

Randell's first client that wanted the transformation learned the hard way that it would not transform you into the person you wanted to look like. But the person you would be if born in the opposite gender. So he had received hair from an actress, the client wanted to look like, but had turned into the Actresses brother so to speak. Randell wanted to laugh, as the client kept insisting on getting his money back.

Randell's mind kept drifting back to Clare, dancing with her, talking to her watching her surf. That was probably his favorite, as the three minute forty-two second video was playing in a loop on the sixty inch LED screen across the kitchen. So graceful, and fluid as she moved on the board. 'She said she Loves me, is it true, must be her pictures keep updating.'

- - - - - - - -

Some how as Clare was trying to figure out her strange feelings as well as make contact with her mind she had navigated to the Plaza. Thirteen remembered going to Tea with her mother they both had on light green dresses with floral print, her mothers had a square neckline so low in front that she had everyone looking at her. Clare had felt a little jealous as she had a keyhole neckline, to cover her breasts, as they were just B cup silicone forms.

Clare was interrupted when she felt Hanna touch her arm, “Clare dear, I can tell you're thinking about your Mother. I understand but maybe not quite so low cut.”

They were parked at the far end of the row, were few others would park. Clare looked at her dress, and it was cut lower than her mums, as it was showing part of her areola. “UM, yes, that is a little too low. Also thinking about Randell as well, as he was thinking about

Hanna smiled, “Well that's fine dear, but watch what you're doing with clothing, You really embarrassed me earlier porting me out to the street naked. Though I did find it very exciting, still lets try to stay clothed. I must say that at least you have kept the outfits and accessories coordinated.” Hanna was smiling, as she noticed Clare had made matching Parasols, to go with their Tea Dresses, Hanna's was a sweetheart neckline, both women had several strands of pearls and pearl earrings as well.

Once out of the car, they set the security measures and walked towards the entrance. A couple of guys were amazed to see a showroom perfect Studebaker 56 roadster they got quite the surprise when they touched the car. Clare's sexy contralto implored Please, Step Away From The Vehicle.” Hanna and Clare turned and waved, “When did you reset the warning?” Hanna queried.

The people around Hanna and Clare were amazed by the two sexy women holding hands. Clare laughed, “Yesterday while I was waiting for someone to come along just before You caught up with me.” The Guys waved back, then Clare knew she was going to have to reset the warning as it went off again. Please, Step Away From The Vehicle.”

Hanna laughed, “They'll keep touching the car just to hear your voice.” The two women headed back to the car.

Clare was really enjoying the fresh air, all the attention and the delicious way her body moved as she glided through the parking lot. “Maybe I should set up a Holographic Info loop on the Car.” Thirteen programed the loop and set it to Play. Showing Clare in a white bikini top with her thong bottom.

Someone in the crowd remarked, 'Its that girl that was surfing Topless in Australia.” There was a lot of agreement to his statement, but Clare and Hanna were able to escape notice, as the crowd was too busy, watching the near naked Hologram of Clare, talking about the car. Not that they were paying much notice to that either.

Wolf whistles and cat calls filled the air. Clare and Hanna giggled together, sharing a look as they stopped at the doors. Men stepped up to the doors, to open them and bowed as the gorgeous women walked through the automatic doors. Clare and Hanna tittered once more, as camera phones snicked, and flashed. Thankfully, the sound of the cameras, faded away as they got farther from the door.

As they walked closer to the escalator, the camera snicks got louder, but the flashes were not pointed their way. Not that they minded just that as they approached, they saw group of young teenage boys that had their cameras pointed up. Clare sashayed up to them, blowing a kiss to the lookout he was stunned by her approach. “Uh, guys, I think the women that are coming down the escalator, would not appreciate you taking those pictures.”

The Leader of the Group turned and said, “Well hello sexy, thing is the pictures are for us, not them.” He stepped closer to Clare and went to touch her.

Clare giggled, easily pushed his hand aside, and put him in a catholic school skirt with white blouse. “I think you’re wearing the wrong lingerie with that skirt.” Not very happy with the boys response, she really wanted to do more but restrained herself a little.

Clare and Hanna walked away, as the others laughed at the boy in a skirt. Before they had a chance to giggle about the last boy, they heard a scream, someone had gone over the rail on the third floor. Hanna saw the girl falling, then felt the world blink out, realizing Clare had seen the same thing. Clare and her were underneath the falling child. As Hanna recovered, they caught the child, then Clare disappeared as Hanna did her best to calm the youngster down.

Clare arrived on the third floor walk way, to find a woman swinging her purse at the man trying to grab her, “How could you throw our child too her death.” The woman was weeping for her daughter's death, for that was what she was sure would happen for a fall of this height.

The man grabbed his wife's arms, “You did this to my son, you should join that abomination, of a boy.” The man struggled with his wife.

Clare was shocked by the powerful emotions that washed over her from the couple. The Hate from the father, as well as the love and bereavement of the mother. She was unsure what to do, it broke her heart to think that anyone could want to kill their child. Still she knew from all the news that was out here that it happened everyday. Thirteen stepped forward not sure what she was going to do. “Sir did you really wish to do such harm to your child?”

The man turned to face Clare, “You're a stupid Bitch, asking questions about things you have no business here. I tossed it over the edge, now it's dead and not an embarrassment to me any more.” Thirteen grimaced as his awful hate washed over her.

Clare shivered and let the hate flow past her, not wanting to let it touch. “That's really sad, for she has so much love in her, that she loves you even though you want her dead.” She had sent a call to 911 and giving the exact location in the mall, as well as relaying the conversation between her and the man.

The woman looked at Clare, surprised, “She's alive?” She started for Thirteen, but her Husband grabbed her hair and yanked her to the edge.

Clare ported to them, shocking the man to unconsciousness, while calming the woman and then porting her to the ground floor to be with her Daughter. She then returned to the top floor to watch over the man until the police arrived. As the crowd had gotten angry and were talking about tossing him over as well.

Clare shuddered from the hate rising, she spoke, “The child is well, just slightly traumatized from the fall. This man will be dealt with by the authorities, not an angry mob. Do not let his hate, multiply, think of the woman and her child safe and together.” She was glowing and sharing the calm peace that felt like the love that had been shared by her friends with her.

Downstairs while Clare was sorting out the parents, Hanna was comforting the child. First thinking that she was a boy, then realized she was a girl. Her hair was shorn off which is why she had made the mistake of thinking her a boy. But the girl was so very obvious to Hanna. “Hi sweetie, what's your name?”

The child responds, ”Gina, you should have let me die, I'd have been dead if he hadn't saved me after the pills, and now he decides I should be dead so it must be the right thing.” Then she realizes, “My Mother, someone needs to help her, she's in danger being with my father.”

Hanna hushes her, “Shh, sweetie, my Friend Clare is with her so she will be fine. You'll be better too dear Gina.” Hanna rocked her and comforted her.

Clare arrived with Gina's mom, “My baby, oh Gina you're alive thank God.” The Mother and Daughter hug each other, Clare ports back upstairs.

Back upstairs the crowd had started kicking the unconscious man Clare had to finish on the rail. Finding a balance on the rail in her high heels, Thirteen orders, “Back away from the man on the floor.” The authoritative Contralto voice made many of the mob glance up and take a step back. Clare was bothered by the scene, he deserved what was happening, but it was not the Mob's place or hers to make that decision. Also was she falling into the same trap with Randell that she had with Hanna. Her heart seemed to really be gooey when she thought of Randell, she felt it was different.

Clare had flipped off the railing in a walkover dismount, showing her stocking tops and barely there thong to the crowd. But she really did not notice she had done so, as her mind was warring over her feelings, having to protect this man that had done such a horrible thing to his child, and her heart beating so strong for the thought of Randell Chance. Something hit her field, she looked at the person that threw the drink, “Sir I hate protecting him more than you think you hate me, but we are not the police, or Judge, you could be the jury, but not with a clear view. Please do not make this any harder, just go and treat those that you meet as you wish to be treated.” 'Goddess I sound like some Bible thumping zealot.' She thought, as she always found it difficult to share her true feelings that Love and Light shared was best for all, but she had been witness to so many people forcing their views and religion on others.

Finally the Police arrived, Clare was able to put together a video of what had happened from the security cameras, and played it holographically enhanced for the officers as she gave her statement.

Downstairs Hanna was helping Mother and Daughter by expanding her field so that people were kept farther away. “Gina, Clare and I, will do our best for you and your mother, So, Um Mrs?...” Hanna handed the mother a handkerchief

The Mother dabs at her tears, “Mrs Mel... actually make it Miss Cole, Danielle Cole, call me Ellie please. Thank you for all you've done.” They hugged and Ellie knew that they were in good hands.

A Detective waved his shield and open hand to try to get Hanna's attention, “Excuse me, I am with the police, Detective Allen. I need to get statements from you three now, please.”

Hanna looked up, she had not thought she had pushed the field out so far, or even how she had been able to do so. “Sorry Detective Allen, I was just trying to keep them from getting overwhelmed by the crowd. I am HannahaRena Frinch call me 'Hanna' please, this is Ellie Cole and her daughter Gina.” Hanna found that there was a table with four chairs nearby and guided the group to them. She was rather amazed at the last twenty-four hours it had never been this hectic before.

But Thirteen had mostly been a boy for the last few years. She remembered those days when Mother and Daughter were out together, and the few she got to share with them. Hanna had dubbed them the Sennyo Sisters as they were so much more like siblings, than Mother and Daughter. The first time that Clare was asked 'how much younger is your sister?.' That left them all gasping for air as they laughed heartily at the Grandmothers question.

Clare ported back to the first level, making a chair and placing it next to Hanna, and Ellie. Chatting with Hanna on their comms, “Um, hello, Detective Allen,” She had heard the entire interview over hanna's comm-link, she was wondering how she was keeping everything in any kind of order. “I am Clare Anne Sennyo, I have been able to pull video of the entire incident if you do not mind me playing it here for you.”

Detective Allen was amazed wondering where this stunning woman had come from, “Um sure that may help, this investigation.” He thought she looked a little like the topless surfer from Australia, he had been watching the video when they called him in. 'Na, couldn't be her, that was taken a couple hours ago, but damn would not mind getting to know this girl.' He turned his attention to the Holographic display that popped up.

Clare laughed as she had a feeling people were sort of recognizing her from the surf vid, “I left the timestamps on most the video, though some overlapped, I could have made them stack but felt it might make it seem as if the video was tampered with, all I really did was extrapolate it to 3-D.”

- - - - - - - -

Balboa Inn, Seaside suite Pasha, answers the door, happy to find her sister Mink. “So good to see you, come in and I'll have some tea sent up.”

Mink walks on through to the seaside patio, sits in a padded chair facing the ocean. The morning breeze filled with the birds calling and the crash of the waves near by. “Pasha, so happy your coming to work for Miss Sennyo, together I am sure you can make a personalized Teleporter. Not that Clare needs one as she is one so to speak.”

Pasha smiled as she knew that Clare's vision for design would lead to new amazing technological advancements, “That may be, but we all need to form a plan to stop Sukebe Desgraçado, and Sun Corporation. Desgraçado has his eye on World Domination. Would not be so bad but, Sukebe thinks he's a Pirate.”

I am trying to finish Chapter 5 Part 3 but so many things are happening. Thank you all for your support


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