The Maiden of Bronze Chapter 4 Part 2

The Maiden of Bronze

Chapter 4 Part 2

Doc Savage and Pat Savage are the Property of Street and Smith. Introducing a future time line inspired by Doc Savage.

By: Desiree

I'm most Grateful to my Beloved Jasmine as she has and always will be my most wonderful muse.

Clare giggled, “Like, you and I but you...” Then her brain engaged, “Oh yes and our group here in this new suite, Yes it's perfect, Mommy will be pleased.” Even though it had been years since her death Thirteen still felt her with in, and since this morning his mother was closer than ever. “To be Clear I accept who Mink installed as officers. All we have to do is find out if Kisa accepts.” Thirteen hugged Hanna, she wanted to be Hanna's and for Hanna to be hers, but why? Clare realized she needed to step back and take it slower.

Hanna got Clare to stop the hug, before her ribs were broken, “Hey let me breath kiddo, and shall we go see if anyone else want to go out with us.” Clare was getting to far ahead of things, she popped out to the lounge. Hanna was not sure she'd said the right thing, though it seemed right. She still felt the glow from the love that Clare was pulsing with.

Hanna stood up to go find Thirteen after she disappeared from her lap, a velvet box fell to the floor. Picking it up Hanna opened it to find a copy of Clair Sennyo Tylos's wedding set, ruby and surrounded by emeralds. Hanna panicked, and searched for the connecting door to Jonni and her room, the one they were going to share. She found Jonni and Kisa curled into each others arms sleeping peacefully. She sat on the bed, and touched Jonni's shoulder, “Jonni, we have a problem, Clare is in love with me.”

Jonni was still not all the way awake, “Clare loves us all Hanna, it's not a problem dear. Is she up again you think she would want to sleep.”

Hanna shook her head, showed her the ring set, “Clare wants to get married she made this and left it in my Lap. She seems to recover quickly, then uses all her reserves then crashes and off to sleep again. Now I believe she wants to go out to celebrate.”

Jonni and Kisa sat up looking at the ring, together they intoned, “OH Boy!” Kisa remarked, “That Ruby is twice the Size of the Emerald that her Mother wore.”

Jonni was worried, but teased Hanna, “Clare really imprinted on you, and I guess I'll never get my date. So sad especially if she dresses her Lover so well, I would love to have dresses as your Tux, getting married tonight?”

Hanna Blushed, “Yes, it is a really nice tux, and no we will not get married tonight. Though I have a feeling Clare will want too. So lets try to figure out how to stop the engagement? I do not want to crush Thirteen, by refusing to ask her.”

Jonni and Kisa looked at each other and back to the new 'Groom'. “So are we Groomswomen, or bridesmaids not that we have anything to wear.” Kisa remarked grinning broadly.

Jonni was laughing, “Of course if the Groom would ask her bride-to-be, to make something for us I'm sure we could have a very nice time.”

Kisa went to the dresser and pulled out a pair of kimono robes for her and Jonni. “Well at least we always make sure there are clean robes in all the rooms, so shall we go find the Hanna's fiance?” Hanna blushed.

Jonni was laughing, “Of course if the Groom would ask her bride-to-be, to make something for us I'm sure we could have a very nice time.”

Kisa went to the dresser and pulled out a pair of kimono robes for her and Jonni. “Well at least we always make sure there are clean robes in all the rooms, so shall we go find the Hanna's fiance?” Hanna blushed, and was starting to fume.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

While the Trio was discussing what to do about Clare's crush, Thirteen was getting to know the staff in the main lounge. Everyone in the lounge stopped what they were doing as Clare appeared in the room. Everyone was doing their best to keep the drooling to a minimum. Clare's perfectly coiffed hair looped braids with satin bows draped past her shoulders, and dramatic make-up. The elegantly dressed women was quite the event. The techs and nurses were stunned by the woman before them, making them all quite breathless. For some it was their first meeting with the stunning teen.

Clare took the time to speak with groups of women gathered at different tables or lounge settings. Thirteen was thinking about all the love she felt. The of was so nice, even these that were not as close as her core friends. Then she saw Kisa lead Jonni out of a bedroom with her 'Beloved' right behind. 'Wait my Beloved, am I ready for that to be Mrs Frinch, oh dear…' Thirteen sat in a chair her legs splayed, as she thought about what had happened in just the few hours she had been female.

Out in the central area, they found Clare. Kisa stood in front of Clare “I accept the position with Sennyo Limited, I will serve with faith and fidelity.” It was obvious that the entire group was bothered by the betrayal by Renny and Doctor Gonzalez.

Jonni considered what to say, “So going to be a one Woman Woman Clare?; That makes me very sad, that I will not get my date with Thirteen. Though I am very happy for you and Hanna. Could you make a nice outfit for me to wear for your and Hanna's engagement party. Or will it just be, a nice dinner out with good friends.” Jonni was not sure how this would go, preying it would not back fire on her.”

Clare looked puzzled, and she was not sure, when Kisa pulled Jonni into a warm embrace and kissed Jonni, “Not to worry dear Jonni, I am happy to kiss you dear lady.” The two women seemed to glow as they kissed.

Clare thought about what she had learned today, she watched and wondered what it would be like to kiss Jonni, she tapped Kisa on the shoulder, “I want the next one.” Kisa and Jonni laughed as Hanna joined in.

Hanna gulped they had defused a sticky situation. “Clare darling when you're really ready, this should go to the guy or gal you love.” Hanna handed Thirteen the velvet covered box.

Thirteen had created the ring and box, but it had been unconsciously. She opened the box and was dazzled as she no idea what it would look like. Then her body seemed to be like jelly as she slumped, the trio of women hugging her. “It's so beautiful, but how do I find someone worthy to give it too me.” The Trio of women looked at the ring.

Jonni moved over to Clare, “Oh I am sure you will kiddo, it may be one of us, or someone you have not met yet.” Jonni felt the glow of the deliciousness from Thirteen's kiss and touch.

Clare smiled and gathered her friends into a wonderful group hug. “We are Sennyo Limited, I am Clare Anne Sennyo, soon, My Father will accept me.” The women shuddered as one the orgasm felt by all the women with in thirteen meters. Those near by felt wobbly, and climaxed as well. Those on the outer edge felt the warmth and glow that was like nothing they had ever experienced without a actual touch of another.

Hanna shared, “Your father figures that with Sun Corporation, specifically the new CEO, Sukebe Desgraçado, are trying to forcefully acquire certain patents. He feels it might help you fly under the radar to move away from the compound. So we thought it best we take care of you under your Mother's registered company name.” She hugged Clare, she felt the synaptic shock, her body simmering with delight. Clare was sharing her passion again and it was so delicious. Hanna almost laughed like this young woman could ever stay off of anyone's radar for long. She shivered in antici...pation, as all the women were once again on the edge of Clare's delightful cliff.

Jonni, Kisa and Hanna helped guide Thirteen to a sofa Hanna sat on her left side. Hanna shared, “Darlin he still loves you, just your dad is a bit pigheaded at times. He did remember your favorite restaurant, and he loves you. He was just shocked to see your mother, for you look just like her at age nineteen.”

Clare hugged her friends, “Thank you.” She felt better in the arms of her friends, and really wanted her father's love as well. The caress of the three women was electrifying Thirteen's senses. So Clare dampened the sensual feelings some, so she would not let the delightful feelings over over stimulate her untrained libido.

Hanna soothed her, “Clare you need to eat, you have expended so much energy today, and it is still early. So lets get Jonni and Kisa dressed....” Hanna saw over Clare's shoulder, The robes that Jonni and Kisa were wearing became spaghetti strapped dresses. Jonni's was black with a tulip hem, dropping from her left hip down to her knee the black thigh highs with gold lace trim, had to assume both were the same as only the left one was visible, red shoes with a golden nine centimeter heel. Kisa's dress was diaphanous black with a golden dragon wrapped around her body, keeping Kisa modestly immodest. Her strappy sandals in gold with fifteen centimeter heels. Jonni and Kisa stood together and saw they were the exact same height.

Clare let the last eight hours, flow through her mind once more and realized how wonderful her life was now. She was still amazed at how many orgasms she had during the fight and throughout her day. Thirteen held the hands of her friends, Jonni and Hanna, as they completed the circle by each holding one of Kisa's.

Clare confided, “I need to know how am I supposed to get used to these feelings? I am happy I found the attenuation adjustment.” Thirteen was so very confused that her body had been so stimulated from the violent blows she took as well as the caresses of her friends. She continued, “Also is it normal to feel like I have peed after each Orgasm?; and why is every touch so deliciously sensuous?”

Jonni started, “Well maybe you will become less sensitive as...” Jonni shook her head, “No, sorry, that makes no sense. You will just have to get use to the feelings. As to the squirting, Um I do and Hanna does as well, to me it is a very nice feeling something that well...” Jonni was stumped, and sort of embarrassed as well. Most women have years to get used to their bodies and now this nineteen year old woman has to adjust to a body that is extremely sensitive and sensuous.

Hanna felt the awkwardness, asking, “Well now that we are all dressed where shall we go?” as she finished her question, the world went sideways Hanna Jonni and Kisa all stumbled, and ended up in a group hug around Clare.

Thirteen whispered, “I thought it would be nice to come here to the 'Chateau Briand', I made us reservations. Such a bad girl, I used the Tylos standing reserved table.”

They had a lovely dinner, and danced as well. The new girl even danced with some of the many male admirers they had. Though the first man she danced with was a bit of a horror. Charles Forte he introduced himself as the Dance started as it should but all to quickly his hands were roaming where they were not wanted, the first time his hands went to Clare's bottom and his left was sliding to her breast. Thirteen had grasped his hands and moved out to her right hand in his left and her left hand holding his right hand by the wrist firmly at her waist. In her best mimicry of Hanna's aristocratic accent “Charles be a dear and be a good boy or you will regret it.”

Charles was rather surprised as he had heard her quite clearly over the music but was sure she had whispered. “Sure doll whatever you want.” Though he was sure he was going to be running his hands over this delicious body as a prelude to going to bed with her. He bides his time waiting for the next song to start. Relaxing a little Clare from the sensuous feeling Thirteen slid her arms around Charles enjoying the contact. Charles made his move again his hand cupping her bum while the left slides down her arm to her shoulder and then on to her full breast.

Clare not ready for this amount of intimacy, made him hurt as she grabbed his left thumb and brought it round behind his back as she spun Charles away. “Chuck I said be a good boy, since you can not, have fun explaining the cuffs.” Thirteen brought his thumbs together making a set of digital thumb-cuffs, the beep sounding off 'Dodedadeeboopadoo' and heard over the music so well. She thought of her Daddy, and his Hudson Hawk that they had watched so many times. Clare thought of all the time she had spent with 'daddy' and he never really knew her. She so desired that he would love her as they had lost so much when her mother died.

Another man had stepped up to dance with her “Would you allow me to finish this dance with you Miss.” Clare felt the spark as he touch her shoulder.

Clare blinked still angry at Chuck, and she almost went off on the man, but the field she was wrapped in responded differently. She got a warm safe feeling from this man, “Yes that would be nice.” his touch felt aphrodisiacally electric to her. They danced together, each feeling the connection, but remained at a honourable distance.

Randell Chance felt the synaptic shock as he Took Clare's hand and the flow from her through his body made it hard for him to remain at a first dance respectable distance. “Randell Chance the third, so sorry you had to deal with Charles he has a tendency of being, well I think you know now.” He was to polite to say his friend had been a bastard, and use that language in the presence of a Lady. Princess he thought, and she was making him delirious with desire.

Clare smiled she also felt the attraction that Randell was feeling, “Clare Ty... um Sennyo, the one.” she giggled. So happy to shed the outrageous name and number that she had grown to despise, though Thirteen still felt like a cute nickname for her. She found that her body was reacting, and was quickly building to the edge of that delicate deliciousness. Still she barely maintained the space between them though she felt his intimate thrust. She fought back a moan as she noticed a different pole. 'Oh Dear, need to calm down.'

The music ended and Randell bowed to her, “Maybe we can dance again later.” Forcing himself to step back and withdraw his arm from around her waist. Though he wanted to be closer so very much closer.

Clare pulled him back towards her meaning to kiss him on the cheek. They both wobbled as she had misjudged her strength. They reached for one another, needing stability, their arms going around each other their lips met. Thirteen crashed over the edge of deliciousness her body shuddering and writhes as her mouth opens for the moan, their mouths join as the world explodes in passion. They kissed and it is one of ecstasy, Randell feels it flowing from this enchanting woman. Passion blooms as they explore each others mouth. The couple feel as one, undulate together, reaching mutual climaxes, Clare has so many as her body spasms nearly uncontrollably.

Jonni, Kisa, Mink, and Hanna come to the rescue. Extracting Thirteen from the embrace leading her away. Randell following along, as he is still connected. “I am sorry, I did not mean to hurt her is she okay?” Mink and Hanna try to keep him far enough away for Clare to recover.

Thirteen basking in the warmth of the glow of passion around her. “Oh yea, much better than Okay. Um that was...” Clare felt embarrassed all of a sudden, realizing what she had shared with a near total stranger. She ported home taking Jonni and Kisa with her as they were hugging her.

Clare wept, “I am such a slut, I just about wrapped my legs around a total stranger!” She curled into a ball on the bed they had dropped onto as she had missed by about four inches.

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Back at Chateau Briand, Mink and Hanna are with Randell, who is genuinely astounded, “My God Where Did SHE Go? I didn't think she was a witch as well.” The booth the women were in was semi secluded, so only they and Randell had witnessed Clare's departure.

Still this left Mink and Hanna, in a problematic situation on how to explain Clare's sudden disappearance. Mink pulled Randell down into the booth, “Sit down, Clare made a Teleport device and is testing it.” She stopped there not sure how to proceed

Hanna continued, “Clare has been through a lot of changes lately,...” that’s an understatement “So she sort of felt embarrassed and left.” How much to tell, oh dear.

Randell blinked, “Um okay, well just that her touch was unlike any I have ever felt and was so um wow.” Randell usually much more sophisticated in his conversational skills, was thrown off by two things The Feelings for Clare and the uncomfortable stickiness of his ejaculate that was spreading. Three things, the feeling of being in love with a woman that is so spectacularly exquisite. He grinned almost vacuously, still lost in the pleasurable warmth that still coursed through him.

Hanna and Mink smiled, as they knew exactly what Clare's touch had done to them as well. Hanna giggled, “She does have that effect on people, though it seemed as if it was very reciprocal with you.” Hanna felt a warmth from Randell as well, she was sure that he and Clare would be well matched.

Mink also was entangled in the Randell's aura, and recognized he was a Mystic, “You have supernatural abilities? Oh you, ah probably don't like that broadcast.” Mink had always been able to recognize Magickal use and beings though she found talking about it rather embarrassing.

Randell sighed, “Yes I am inter-lander, water and earth magicks. I hope Clare and her family do not have any prejudice of witches.”

^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Back at Saetome Tower, Clare sobbing till she drifted off to sleep the in the arms of her friends Kisa and Jonni. They did not miss the fact that all any of them had on were the very minuscule thongs Clare had made. The sexual energies they had experienced earlier in the day had been replaced by tender comfort flowing between the three women.

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