Every so often I reach a point of surfeit. Where I've taken on too many other people's problems and woes and I need time to find me again. I am not leaving Top Shelf. I am, however in desperate need of time alone so I can get centered again. Losing Holly seems to have brought me to the point of finality and I just can't deal with any more problems or concerns right now.
I WILL be back in a few days or so, depending. Right now though, my heart hurts too much for all the bad things happening to people I care a lot about. It's time for me to retreat into myself and get straightened out. I don't want anyone to worry. I'm nowhere near to doing anything dumb. I'm just numb.
Please, please, PLEASE be kind to one another while I'm gone.
Take all the time you need. Veg out, watch some wrestling or whatever you need! ;) You are what is important!
Love ya
The very biggest of hugs
to my sister of my heart. I think we all need some time to think and reflect, but most of all to heal.
More hugs
Lots of Love Cathy
Skype ya soon. I won't call you just now cos' you've declared yuou want a bit of time to yourself. Call me if you want, if not I'll Skype ya in a couple of days.
Hugs and kisses.
-HuGgLeS- Cathy, and remember, that life does go on, and sometimes, starts all over again.
While it sometimes feels like you are running in a hamster-wheel, the truth is that you are just truly experiencing the "circle of life". Some of us have just decided to sit too damn close to the center! :P
-HuGgLeS-, take your time. Remember Holly, Remember Kim, and Remember how they would want you to live your life. (Smashing your own path, and not looking back!).