The Angry Mermaid 85 or Y Morforwyn Dicllon 85

In this chapter the plotters Lefty Tip-toe and Bishop Celyn learn their sentences. Drustina gets married to Carl and is finally delivered of her twins.

This chapter is something of an interconnecting step towards Drustina's onward ambitions to recover her homeland Lleyn.

The Angry mermaid 85
Y Morforwyn Dicllon 85

After the court hearing ended just before midday, King Ethelred retired for Lunch with the Cardinal. He wanted to test Drustina’s words that the Cardinal was truly a compassionate man who actually followed the teachings of the holy man called Jesus. With this intention he started a discussion about suitable punishments and was secretly pleased that Drustina’s assessment of Cardinal Craklow’s was pretty accurate.

Instead of immediately demanding the death penalty for both transgressors the cardinal simply steepled his fingers and sat back thoughtfully for long minutes before he finally answered the king.

“I’m sensing that your ancient Saxon traditions are somehow persuading you against executing these men.”

Ethelred nodded as he sipped some beer.

“Well, because you haven’t simply demanded the death-penalty outright Cardinal, I’ll come clean with you. A certain young queen has had some influence upon my thoughts concerning this case.”

Cardinal Craklow smiled and chuckled.

“Hah, I should have guessed. A remarkable lady is our Drustina.”

Ethelred nodded sagely and smiled.

“She told me about the case of Sister Catherine and the piracy business. She told me you impressed her with your compassion and understanding for the nun’s plight and how you persuaded the king of Polanda to stay their executions while you and she investigated the true facts.”

“Yes, I have to admit, that young lady always strives to determine the facts. She impressed me then and she still impresses me; especially when she comes up with innovative solutions and punishments.”

The cardinal’s eyes suddenly brightened and widened as he sensed what was afoot.

“Wait a minute. Has she got some sort of solution already, something to do with sentencing these criminals, she's got a hidden agenda or something?”

Ethelred’s grin widened as he nodded slowly.

“Uuuhm, yes.”

The cardinal nodded slowly before replying.

“Go on; what is she up to?”

“Well I think perhaps you might let her tell you that.” Ethelred replied. “She’s available to talk if you’re interested.”

“Oh, so I’m to be granted an audience am I?” The cardinal chuckled again.

Ethelred let out a belly laugh as he added.

“Well she is a full queen in her own right cardinal and I might add a very powerful one. Can you think of a single figure in these post Roman times who has actually won the loyalty and respect of Saxons, Angles, Mercians, Gauls, Fresians, Franks, Celts, Danes, Poles and Svensk... oh, and Iberians, Portuans, Carthaginians, Egyptians, Constantines and Bulgars?”

“Not to mention the Russ and the Slovaks,” Cardinal Craklow added with a wag of reluctant belief.

“Exactly Cardinal. I’ve taken the liberty of asking her to wait in my personal chambers. The seat is comfortable in there and her baby weighs heavy with her now.”

The cardinal smiled an almost fatherly smile.

“I must see her, she never fails to impress me; her political awareness is acute and exquisitely sharp. Lead on your majesty, into the lioness’s den if we must.”

The pair were smiling as they entered and Drustina turned in the chair to smile back. She started to stand but Ethelred waved his hand to settle her.

“No, stay seated Dru. The cardinal would hear your thoughts.”

Drustina nodded and settled again as she eased her ‘bump’ while the men took their seats. Cardinal Craklow eyed her belly thoughtfully.

“You are large for seven and a half months.”

“I’m pretty sure it’s twins ... again.” Drustina sighed resignedly.

“Well I hope everything goes well for you Lioness. Are you happy to tell me of your concerns regarding these criminals?”

Drustina glanced towards Ethelred who confirmed that he had mentioned that Drustina had ideas about Lefty Tip-toe. He also added that Cardinal Craklow did not necessarily require the death penalty and that he was agreeable to hearing Drustina’s ideas. .

“So what are these plans my lady?” The cardinal asked.

“Firstly Cardinal, I must say I am glad you have proven me to be right. I had you for a compassionate, considerate man. Men like you will be important to this church of yours if you are to spread this man Jesus’ word in the true spirit; that is forgiveness and mercy.”

“That is my intention Lioness, I know of the hurt you have suffered at the hands of previous priests. I can understand your reluctance to come on board.”

“Well that’s for another time cardinal. For now let us find some solution to the Lefty and Bishop Celyn situation. Let me say now, I think I can offer a satisfactory solution to the assassin’s crimes but I’m afraid only you or King Ethelred can address those crimes of your bishop.”

“Well let’s discuss the assassin question first; I feel your observations there might give me some ideas about Celyn.”

Drustina wasted no time; she found that getting to the point seemed to work better than beating around the bush when dealing with powerful men. They wanted to arrive at simple solutions that were easy to instate.

“Right; bluntly Cardinal, I deal in war and battles, or at least, I seem to have done so up to now when dealing with big issues. Sadly it seems, arguments between men are like arguments between nations they are rarely resolved until one side or the other gets to enforce their will, usually by violence.

Even more sadly it seems that violence and war will continue to be my lot until or unless I finally drive the Vikings out of Lleyn; out of all Cymru even, for that matter.”

“Go on,” Cardinal Craklow encouraged her.

“Well frankly cardinal, I need men skilled in killing. Am I not a dealer in death myself? A warrior queen they call me but in truth that means death, killing ... that's the bottom line.”

“So you want to free this murderer only to set him free to kill again.”

“Well no not exactly, I noticed you dozing; that is you were not listening to my partner Carl in the court when he corrected Bishop Celyn. Lefty Tip-toe has not, to our certain knowledge, killed anybody. Though I think we’ll all agree we’re pretty sure he has in times past?”

Cardinal Craklow nodded.

“Go on, lioness, so you want to take this man into your ranks, to your bosom even?”

“Uuuhm, not that close Cardinal. I haven’t won his loyalty yet, I might never win it. His only loyalty is to money! But I think I can use him even if I can't fully trust him. Can I have him, would you object to my enlisting him into my modest little army?”

“I suppose not, worse men have been enlisted ... forcibly.”

“He’ll be fighting Vikings Cardinal. Vikings who are the enemies of your faith.” Drustina tempted him.

“Well if you put it that way I suppose he’ll be put to some good use. Would it were that easy dealing with this damned bishop.
Any ideas there Lioness?”

“You could make him a missionary; send him north to covert the Scots or the Picts. That will really test his faith; the hardships might also temper his attitudes. Especially if he finds himself trying to convert some Vikings. That will really test his faith and he’ll be out of Ethelred’s hair.”

“Aye! Now there’s an idea!” Ethelred added enthusiastically. “The further north, the better!”

Cardinal Craklow sucked his cheek thoughtfully.

“Suppose it could work. How would he get there?”

Drustina grinned.

“You’re forgetting something Cardinal, this spring, I hope to be heading north up the Celtic sea to Lleyn ... going home no less. I could easily drop Celyn off on the southern shores of Scotia. From there he would be on his own.”

“But don’t the Vikings rule that sea?” Craklow frowned.

Drustina’s expression became sober as she spoke softly to reinforce her intent.

“I deal in death Cardinal. Win or lose, live or die, I expect to have to fight, and win ... or lose, to claim back my home lands and home waters.”

With this damper set upon the conversation Drustina indicated she wanted to get up and take a nap. Ethelred quickly stepped forward to help her and she grinned.

“Thanks Ethy. See you this evening.”

As she retired the Cardinal waited for the door to close before some last remarks to the King.

“There goes one hell of a lady. Not sure I could ever face death with such equanimity.”

“She’s nothing to lose except her life and everything to fight for.” Ethelred replied. “Celts have a very deep bond with their soil. I think it goes back to their association with the oak tree and the druidic times. I don’t think her ambitions stretch beyond recovering that homeland she pines for. God forbid if she ever coveted Wessex.”

The cardinal smiled inwardly as he reflected.

“Wessex be damned! That queen could capture the whole Roman Empire... good job she’s on our side — I think.”


When Lefty Tip-toe learned of his fate he was both relieved and worried. Ecstatic that he was to keep his life yet fearful of the immediate future. He pestered his gaoler who was a member of the city guard and a good friend of Sergeant Penstock. The sergeant decided to have a bit of fun and spread a rumour that The Lioness had a suicide mission planned. When he came one day to talk to the gaoler, the sergeant intimated to Lefty that the mission was imminent. For days, lefty was left worrying and sleepless as he wondered his fate.

“Good enough for the sneaky little bugger!” The sergeant remarked to the goaler as Lefty stewed alone in his cell.
Similarly, Bishop Celyn was left to fret about his fate but the cardinal had decided to let him also stew in his own ignorance as winter melted into spring and Drustina’s time approached.

During those days, the cardinal married Carl and Drustina amidst much rejoicing throughout the city. Drustina and Carl wrote their own vows that dwelled especially on Drustina’s unique circumstances both as a warrior queen and as a dual person, a unique individual blessed with the twin gifts of giving and receiving life. Cardinal Craklow even made a particular reference to Drustina’s duality associating it with her great achievements and declaring for all present to learn that her duality was a unique present from God sent to benefit all who dealt with her because of the extra insights and wisdom it gave her. After the ceremony Drustina spoke privately to the cardinal.

“By this God of yours Cardinal; you make me sound like one of your angels. I’m only human sir! Cut me, do I not bleed?”

The cardinal reached out and hugged the Lioness to him.

“By my God Drustina, you are like an angel. And Carl.”

“Yes Cardinal?”

“Look after this wife of yours; she’s special as no other woman is!!”

Eventually, as March arrived so did Drustina’s time.


“Aaargh!! If I ever get my bloody sword against his belly I’ll split the bastard open!” She screamed as the birth pains came upon her.

She had been in Labour for twelve hours as the contractions closened until finally the healer declared she could feel the head.

“Plenty of hot water now!” Carl demanded of the surrounding maids and as he sat with his new wife and generally tried to comfort her.

It is well known truth that men are rarely the ones who should try and comfort a woman in her birth-pains when all women know it is men who cause them! Carl was no exception and he received the full ire of Drustina’s hurt despite him not being the specific cause. Men as a whole, were the cause and that was reason enough in Drustina’s traumatised mind!

“Who the hell are you to demand hot water you stupid fucking lummox!!! Don’t expect my supporters to carry the bloody buckets! Go and get the hot water your-fucking-self ... and a sharp, clean bloody knife as well. Much as this healer knows her herbs and what-have-you, I’ll warrant she knows damned little about hot clean water. Move!!! You bloody great oaf!! Fucking move...Aaargh!”

As Carl scampered off, Drustina gave full vent to her agonies.

“Damn all men, damn them to hell!!! Aaargh damn them to hell! I’ll cut his balls off before he causes this again. Aaargh!!! Aaaaaaaaaaaargh! What do they know? What do men fucking know...Aaargh! Ooowwooh!!

The healer looked up, startled by the unladylike outburst and profusion of foul-mouthed swear-words but she had seen and heard it all before. No woman was a lady in her birth pains. She worked carefully to support the baby’s head then looked up over Drustina’s distended belly and smiled

“It’s a girl my lady, a beautiful girl!”

Drustina just let her head fall back as the healer cleared the new-born’s mouth and the first angry wail burst forth from tiny but lusty lungs. The strength of the cry told Drustina that the child was alive and probably well. She looked across as Carl returned with the water and the knife and she reached out. Carl hesitated then Drustina grabbed the knife impatiently.

“Pass the bloody hot water stupid! Let me wash the knife!”

He held up the bucket and she dipped the knife into the water while the healer tied two knots around the umbilical. Drustina knew to cut between the two knots and did so as her daughter continued screaming lustily. One glance at the healer from Drustina told the healer it was done. . She handed the child to Drustina who placed the child on her chest before realising that a second baby was kicking inside her. Even as Drustina realised it, the healer also felt the kick and their eyes met. Mutually they said almost the same words.

“It is twins!”

“Here Lummox. Take my daughter, I have another battle!”

Carl held the daughter as though it was made of glass until Drustina’s Sister Tara gently relieved him of responsibility.

“Give her here, you don’t hold a baby like that you idiot, support her head! Like this!”

Carl stepped again to the edge of the bed even as Drustina started to ‘push’ again. The cursing started again and he hesitated uncertainly until the healer grinned.

“Don’t worry Saxon, all mothers go through this. I’m surprised you’ve got the stomach for it. Most men run a mile!”

“I promised the Cardinal I’d look after her and I will.”

“See that you do! Did you all hear that ladies!?”

There was a crescendo of approval and threat as all the attending women witnessed Carl’s vow. Then proceedings were suspended as Drustina’s cries quickly superseded all other events. Carl dashed off to get another bucket of hot water while the women quickly started to fuss and coo over the firstborn. All except Tara who joined the healer in soothing Drustina’s brow and washing the sweat as it poured from every pore. This time Carl arrived in plenty of time with his bucket of water and the knife was well washed as Drustina commenced parturition proper. The healer gave the knife to Carl and invited him to stand between his wife’s legs as the head started to emerge.

"I’ll support the baby as it emerges then once it cries, tie the cord as you saw me do it then you or Drustina can cut. Your wife is right to wash the knife in boiling water; I have also heard that it is important to be clean.”

Carl gasped as the baby’s head finally emerged and the healer gently supported the newborn as Drustina gave one huge and final gasp of relief. As the healer cleared the baby’s mouth and held him up, the baby boy let out a raucous wail of protest. Carl bent forward, poised with the knife and the healer nodded. He tied the two knots as he’d seen the healer do previously then he offered the knife to Drustina, she wagged her head as exhaustion overtook her.

“No, you cut it, make yourself useful for once!”

Tara grinned as she mopped her sister’s brow and Carl gingerly cut the cord. The healer then took the bawling boy and passed him to the attending ladies. Symone and Gisela moved in closer to watch and learn for as young teen-agers they knew that one day, their turns would come. Even Gisela knew this for though she was a worshiper of Sappho, she still wanted a child and she knew with Drustina’s protection, her wish could be legitimately fulfilled.

Had not the lioness herself now born four children without being wedded to the fathers?’ Gisela reassured herself.

As the babies were cleaned and swaddled Drustina finally slept after her placentas were shed. Carl was left with one important task, informing the king and cardinal that Drustina was delivered of twins, a girl and a boy ... again.

That evening, as the babies took their first milk, Morgan and Amethyst were introduced to their new siblings. Both the older twins stood transfixed with delight as they realised they had another brother and sister.


Instead of a long Character list and Gazzette, I have taken the advice of some other readers and posted a link to the Character list below. (It was getting rather cumbersome.)


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