Tina: Sunday 27th January 2am
Strictly speaking the wedding was yesterday as it's now well past midnight. What a day it's been and really tiring, but I still feel too excited to sleep. I was up at 7 o'clock this morning and had a shower and a light breakfast before driving over to Jenny's house where we were all going to get ready. Pam and Jack have bought a house where they live together, but to observe the proprieties Pam stayed at Jenny's house last night while Jack returned to stay at their house, so they hadn't slept together for several days. The air of excitement was already building when I arrived. Our first port of call was the hairdresser which was a five-minute drive away. She was booked for 9 o'clock and spent a good two hours using all the tools and tricks of the trade to give us some very glamorous styles. Mine was a delicately braided hair tiara which I just loved.
Back at Jenny's house, Pam's parents had arrived, and Jenny's mother was keeping them entertained. We three girls went to the bedroom to get ready as Chloe the make-up artist had arrived, right on cue. Pam's dress was hanging up — a very pale cream sheath-style floor-length dress which would look very elegant on her trim figure. Jenny and I were to wear matching dresses in a beautiful plum colour. I was rather glad that Pam hadn't gone for the 'meringue-style' dress which I feel goes better with very young brides and big wedding parties, but that's just my opinion. Chloe worked her magic on all of us and we were looking very glamorous indeed.
Now it was time to get dressed, and for once it wasn't just me wearing stockings and a suspender belt as Pam had lashed out on some very sexy bridal lingerie.
“Wow! Jack won't be able to keep his hands off you when he sees what you are wearing under your dress,” I laughed.
“Well, I should hope not!” Pam laughed, "We've had plenty of sex, but a wedding night is different. By the time he's finished undressing me, I hope he's as big as a stallion ready to service his mare!"
I could hardly believe it! When there are no men around, some women can be very frank indeed. I knew that I was blushing purple.
Just then, Pam's mum knocked on the door to say the photographer had arrived and could she come in? It was smart of Pam to engage a female photographer as she wanted some 'cheeky' photographs with us in our undies. The photographer, Lisa proceeded to instruct us to assume various poses, none too revealing, but certainly something different to the usual wedding photos.
That done, while Lisa went off to photograph the parents, we set about finishing dressing ourselves and making sure that Pam looked perfect. I could not help gazing at her with some envy. Pam knew what I was thinking and gave me a sympathetic smile. Will the day ever come when I can become a bride?
When we finally emerged from the bedroom, Pam's mother shed a tear, declaring she had never seen her daughter look more beautiful.
There was one more member of the wedding party, Pam's niece Matilda, aged eight. It was felt that the plum-colour satin chosen for Jenny and I was not suitable for a little girl, so the dressmaker had come up with some dusky-pink satin which matched our dresses but with a lighter shade, and she had created a very pretty satin organza dress for Matilda. Apparently, she had been talking about nothing else but the wedding for weeks, so it was a very excited little girl who now appeared at the door, and she was thrilled at all the compliments she received, and the excitement in the house.
Now came more photographs — every combination of the wedding party and parents that you can imagine, both solo and in couples and groups. Lisa took some solo photos of both Jenny and I, and if I like mine, I intend to get an enlargement to frame. Perhaps I will never become a bride, but at least I have been a bridesmaid.
The photos had just been completed when the wedding cars arrived. Everything was going like clockwork. Pam's dad had really lashed out, apparently saying that since he only has one daughter, she should have the best. Two gleaming white Rolls Royces awaited the wedding party, and we sank into the luxurious interior with some relief having stood around being photographed for about an hour. As we drove to the church, people stopped to look at us and some cars tooted their horns. We felt like royalty!
Lisa had rushed ahead so she could take photos of Pam's dad helping her out of the car, and then more photos of us posed in front of the church. All the guests had been ushered inside and we could hear the organ playing softly. The usher lined us up ready to enter and then a minor crisis occurred. Matilda was supposed to walk in first, carrying her basket of rose petals, but suddenly the enormity of the occasion overcame her, and she said she was too scared to do it. I surprised myself by coming up with a solution to the problem. Stooping down I quietly said to her “I'm nervous too. How about we walk down the aisle together, hand in hand?”
Somewhat to my surprise this was exactly the right suggestion to make, so as the familiar strains of the Wedding March began to play, that was how we entered the church. Penny followed us, and then Pam on her beaming father's arm. I confess my eyes were on Paul. He looked so handsome, and the look on his face as he smiled at me was well worth all the hours I had spent getting ready.
Paul: Sunday 27th January 3am
What a day it's been. Yesterday I had a haircut, and this morning I drove over to Pam and Jack's house to meet up with him and Eddie to get ready. At least it doesn't take us nearly as long as it does the girls. Jack had ordered a taxi to get us to the church an hour before the time of the ceremony and after we had changed into our hired suits there was nothing else to do but watch some football on television as we sipped some champagne. I was relieved to see that the other two were drinking sparingly, no doubt under strict instructions not to turn up drunk at the church.
Remembering my duties, I asked Eddie if he had the wedding rings and he said “Sure, they're in my pocket.”
“Show me,” I demanded. Grinning, he reached into his right-hand pocket and then his left-hand one as the expression on his face rapidly turned to one of alarm.
“Damn,” he said, “they're in my other coat pocket.” He hurried to the bedroom to collect them, and Jack said “Thanks for that, Paul. I owe you one.”
“Just doing my job,” I said.
Once we arrived at the church, we sought out the vicar who gave us final instructions on where to stand as we waited for the girls to arrive. Time dragged a bit as we waited but finally, we heard that they had arrived, the regulation five minutes late. The organ began to play the Wedding March and first to come into view was Tina, holding the flower girl by the hand. That wasn't how it had been rehearsed but I guessed the little girl might have had an attack of nerves. As for Tina, how can I describe her? She looked an absolute vision in a darkish red full-length dress that skimmed her slim figure. I confess I couldn't take my eyes off her until the rest of the party walked up the aisle and the ceremony started.
Once the ceremony concluded there was more pictures at the signing of the register, and my first chance to get close to Tina.
“You look stunning,” I whispered to her, and she smiled at me, blushing slightly.
With the ceremony completed, we paired up for the walk down the aisle, Tina and I each holding one of Matilda's hands, following Penny and Eddie who walked behind the bride and groom. When we gathered on the church steps for more photos, we were all showered with confetti, and it was my pleasure to help pick it off Tina's hair as she used her hands to brush it off my suit. Then we were off to a nearby park for yet more photos. I'd lost count of how many had been taken by this time, but it must have been well over three hundred, and there was still the reception to go!
When we arrived at the reception centre, Julie, the M.C. organised us in the entry hall for our entrance into the reception room. Tina told me that Matilda had now recovered her confidence and was happy to enter first, sprinkling rose petals on the floor, with Tina and I following her, then came Jenny and Eddie, and finally Pam and Jack, as the band played their version of the wedding march. We all took up our positions on the bridal table and sat down. I was pleased that the seating had been arranged so that Tina and I were sitting next to each other.
I've been to a few weddings, including my own of course, and they all tend to follow a pattern - a couple of courses of the meal, then speeches and toasts, cutting the cake and finally the wedding waltz. Convention here says that the bride and groom get up first, followed by the Matron of Honour and the Best Man, and finally the bridesmaid and groomsman. It was great to hold Tina in my arms again as we moved slowly around the dance floor. I haven't felt this happy in a long time. Later in the night when the formalities were over, I danced several more times with her, also with Jenny and Pam. I even had to rescue Tina from the unwanted attentions of one of the young bucks who was present, not that I can blame him in some ways because she truly did look stunning. It was while we were dancing a slow waltz later in the evening, with the lights turned down, that we kissed for the first time, and what a kiss it was. I think I'm falling in love with her.
The reception finished all too quickly. We waved the newly-weds off with a trail of cans attached to the back bumper-bar of the taxi, and then it was time to say 'goodnight'. I thanked Tina once again for inviting me to partner her, and we arranged to meet for dinner next week. Finally, we kissed goodnight, just a brief kiss this time before the taxi arrived to take Jenny and Eddie home together with Tina who was staying the night with them. A little later, the taxi arrived to take me back to my apartment.
Tina: 3am Sunday 27th January
It's no good, I can't get to sleep. I keep thinking about the wedding and the reception. When we lined up for our 'grand entrance' at the reception, I was afraid that Matilda would insist on us walking hand in hand into the reception, but fortunately she was feeling brave now and was happy to walk in first on her own. That meant that I could walk in on Paul's arm, following Matilda as she scattered rose petals. We took up our places on the wedding table, and I was glad that Paul and I were sitting side by side. Jenny and Eddie followed us, and then Pam and Jack.
The reception followed the usual routine. I've been to weddings before, but never as a bridesmaid of course, so this was very special. After the first two courses of the meal came the speeches and toasts. Jenny must have put Eddie on a very tight rein because his Best Man speech which can sometimes be very risque was quite restrained. When Jack proposed the toast to the 'Jenny our lovely Matron of Honour' and 'Tina our beautiful bridesmaid', that was a very special moment, more special than anyone present except Pam and Jenny could possibly have known. I know I was blushing but beaming with pleasure at the same time.
When it was time for the bridal waltz, Pam and Jack took the floor first of course, followed after a few minutes but Jenny and Eddie, and finally Paul and I. Soon we were joined by a number of guests, which meant the dance floor became quite crowded and Paul and I were dancing very close together. It felt so wonderful to be held in his strong arms. I've only just met this man, but I know my feelings for him are growing rapidly. He had the same reaction as when we danced at the jazz club, but I made it plain that I was not worried by keeping my body close to his. The fact is I felt it was a great compliment that he should react that way.
Later in the evening I danced with Eddie and Jack and that was nice too, but in a different way. I had a few lessons in ballroom dancing about a month ago in preparation for the wedding. On my first visit to the dance studio, I decided I should explain my situation to the owner, Miss Masters. Somewhat to my surprise she told me that I was not the first person to admit they had to learn to dance again as a female.
“You know what they used to say about Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, that she was the better dancer because she had to do all the steps backwards and wearing high heels?” she laughed. “I'll introduce you to Tony our chief instructor, and don't worry, we pride ourselves on our discretion here. Your secret won't leave the studio.”
Tony turned out to be a handsome and charming man who was in fact Miss Masters' husband. He was an excellent teacher, very encouraging, and in no time, I had adapted to following his lead and didn't tread on his toes once! After a few lessons I felt confident enough to face the dancing that would be required at the reception.
There was a minor incident at the reception. A young man who introduced himself as Roger asked me to dance and wouldn't take no for an answer, so to avoid a scene I agreed to dance with him. The moment we started to dance I wished I hadn't agreed, as he pulled me hard against his body obviously intent on demonstrating his masculinity. It was most unpleasant, and I was glad when the number ended, but Roger showed no inclination to let go of me. It was then that Paul appeared on the scene, saying “Excuse me young man, but this young lady is my partner and I need to talk with her.”
Roger reluctantly let go of me and walked back to his table.
“Thank you so much for rescuing me Paul,” I said as I took his arm and walked back to our table, “You really are my 'knight in shining armour'.”
“Well I could see you weren't enjoying yourself,” he replied, “And beside I was beginning to get jealous!”
I laughed at that “You had absolutely no reason to be jealous.” In fact I was rather pleased that he felt that way.
Later in the evening we were dancing again. The lights were turned down and it was a slow waltz, so we were circling the dance floor very slowly, our bodies close together. I looked up at Paul and then as I knew he would, he kissed me. It was a very gentle kiss at first, but it slowly grew in intensity as our mouths opened and our tongues started to touch. I could feel his arousal and I loved it. If we had not been in such a public place, who knows what might have happened, as it would have been so easy to forget myself, and I know that I can't risk anything like that happening, at least not right now.
The evening flew by and all too soon we were waving off the happy couple and then taking taxis home. I kissed Paul goodnight, and then got in a taxi with Jenny and Eddie as I'm staying at their house overnight, not wanting to go back to my apartment at such a late hour.
Jenny and I sat in the back and discussed the wedding.
“You were having a good time,” laughed Jenny and I was glad the darkness hid my blushes.
She looked at me seriously. ”You already care a lot about him don't you.” It was a statement not a question.
“He's a very nice man,” I replied defensively.
“Yes, he is, but do be careful, Tina. Things might be different down the track, but right now you don't want to get too involved with anyone, especially someone you care about.”
I resolved to take her advice on board.
I'm yawning now. That's a good sign. Perhaps I'll finally get some sleep.
Paul: Sunday 10th February 10pm
The last couple of weeks have been the best I've known for years. Tina and I have now been out four times - twice to dinner, once to the opera and then yesterday we went for a picnic in the countryside. I've never known a girl like her. It just shows me all that I missed when I was married. We talk about anything and everything and have no secrets from each other. I'm taking things slowly. We kiss quite a lot of course, and it always feels wonderful, but I detect a certain reticence on her part to take things further, so I am prepared to wait until I get the right signals from her.
She always looks so beautiful, whether she is dressed up to go to a restaurant or wearing a simple cotton dress and sandals like she did yesterday for our trip to the country. The trip to the opera was very special. It was the first time I'd ever been, as my taste in music is more of the popular type, but after watching 'Madame Butterfly', I think I am becoming really interested in classical music, or was it due to the company? Tina was wearing a lime green silk dress - green is her favourite colour - and she looked fabulous. I could see some of the men in the audience were sneaking looks at her when their wives weren't watching and I wanted to say ,“Bad luck guys, she's with me.”
I think, no I know that I'm falling in love with her. I said as much to my friend John and he said, “Are you sure it isn't because she's the first woman you've been out with for so long?” I assured him it wasn't that at all - she's just the most perfect woman I've ever met.
“So, what is the sex like?” he asked.
“Well, errr, we haven't been to bed,” I replied and he looked at me curiously, but surprisingly didn't make a comment. I think it would have been hard to explain to him that Tina is so important to me that I want to take things slowly and not risk damaging our growing relationship in any way.
Next time: 'The course of true love..."
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Paul is going to have to be patient With Tina and it should go in the right direction, remember patients is a virtue.
Very good story Keep up the
Very good story
Keep up the good work
Three Chapters...
...and several clues about Tina, but still no clue about the upcoming third POV. (We still know nearly nothing about Tina's past. Most logical guess may be someone that we haven't met who can expose her.)
Skillfully written and very enjoyable so far.
Quite the first date !
Nicely Done. Now if Paul is a mensch, things may just work out.
You fall in love with what is between the ears, not the thighs.
But maybe that's just me.