For those of you that don't know of it or just not following it, this is a webcomic "Rain", about a MTF transsexual named Rain. She is trying to juggle her changing life, deal with friends both knowing and unknowing, attempting to live through a sort of RLT; all while attending high school. The page just posted, Rain p383, has a gay friend/sorta boyfriend, Rudy, sum up Rain's reality and why he loves her. Lotta truth in this page, everybody that is thinking about or going through transition ought to read this.
I'm going to have to start reading this now. THANKS A LOT KAREN! :)
Abigail Drew.
Hi Karen...
Yes, started following "RAIN" few weeks ago. Just like "MISFILE", I enjoy it as well, but now that I'm up to the current page, new one's come agonizingly slow it seems. Still like both though. Hugs, Taarpa
Not quite a webcomic
It looks interesting and it ought to be a webcomic, but it isn't. It's a series of drawings with a pretty good story linking them but there's no way of navigating through them as you can with a proper webcomic.
Trying to find how to get to the first page is next to impossible. I can't even figure it out from the URLs. You can't use because that's not a complete page title.
Shame, as someone said above this could be as good as Misfile, which has run for a decent number of years now. The only way to follow this is to check the page every day.
First page
The links are under Jocelyn's photo (below the actual comic).
I now see the links.
I wouldn't expect links to be under the comments, nor as http links, but as arrows or similar graphics immediately over or under the artwork. That's what had me confused. The block of thumbnails to the right is no help at all, as they seem to be in a random order.
Its a comic and it's on the web, that spells webcomic to me. Pagination and such really isn't a big concern to me, nor is it apparently to others that follow it. I know more than a few webcomics that fit your definition. More than a few haven't updated in a year or better, while Rain does a good job even if it isn't done to you's or anybody else's schedule. I'll mention here that the comic is written and drawn by a MTF just starting her RLT, so occasionally life interferes with updates. Rain also has a FB page and will send updates to your FB newsfeed.
I follow Misfile also, but the plot advancement is ponderously slow.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I'm not concerned with the frequency of updates.
My concern is that when I've been given a reference to an ongoing webcomic I'd like to go back to the beginning and page through it to follow the story, and the means of doing that wasn't immediately obvious.
Most webcomics have icons above/below the graphics to help the reader do this.
And if you look...
There ARE links backwards, forwards, to the beginning, and to the gallery in the comment block for every page. It IS a webcomic, just being posted on a not-webcomic-oriented site. Though some of the comments lead me to believe she is posting on other sites and perhaps one of them might be more oriented around webcomics.
Personally I don't have a problem with comment-block pagination. It's still pagination... Yes, it requires lifting my hand from the keyboard and using my trackball instead, but...
Abigail Drew.