The many ages of consent in America.

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Nonsensical laws concerning the age of consent.

I've just been talking to Cathy about the age of consent and travel by air. We ended up having a gentle chuckle about what the pilot might have to announce to the passengers if one of the more liberal country's aircraft was arriving in one of the less liberal states of the American continent. For example let us say a British airways jet was approaching Miami airport. How would the announcement be worded.

"Ladies and gentlemen the plane is now approaching American airspace, or more particularly Floridian air space. Might we from British airways now respectfully suggest that all passengers who are still establishing rights to joining the ten thousand club please consider the sudden change of circumstances about to embrace them vis-á -vis the legal age of consent. If you are under twenty one the we suggest that the young ladies pull their knickers up whilst the young men fasten their flies. If you are over twenty one then please continue enjoying your flight unless you are gay or lesbian irrespective of age when we advise you to desist within the next few minutes.
We would also point out that due to the perceived dangers associated with terrorism, there are several agents employed by the United States homeland security agency who are aboard this plane ensuring that their American homeland is not being threatened by seemingly licentious liberality. You have thirty seconds to address your personal situations before we enter Florida's air space and thank you for flying British Airways."

Of course if you are flying from say London to Houston (via a great circle) the situation could become very complicated as several state lines are crossed where differing laws apply. There would have to be a whole bank of lawyers aboard to advise accordingly.

I need hardly dwell too much upon the several various scenarios Cathy and I touched upon nor the humour it generated.

We enjoyed a good laugh which helped to cheer us up.



Still giggling, Bev.

That was a GOOD laugh.


As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg


Luckily state law does not apply to anything not connected to the ground (or territorial waters) of any state... So, it's only "federal" laws that sorta apply. Imagine back in the day where there were different drinking ages and a trans-continental flight... And the air service crew passed out and pulled back alcoholic beverages depending on which state they were over at any point in time... (Still a potential issue with international travel...)


That would be a laugh.

Some poor lush guzzling frantically over the med before the plane passes over Saudia when his support system is suddenly 'withdrawn'. Would he have 'Do not resuscitate' stamped on his ticket?

LOL Bevs.


In this country

D. Eden's picture

In this country, Federal law trumps State law. This means that when traveling across state lines the over riding regulations are those of the Federal government. This is explained in our constitution and under the interstate commerce act.

The same laws dictate that two consenting adults from one state are only subject to Federal law when they travel to another state. For the same reason, if a couple marry in a state like New York where same sex marriage is legal, then the other states of the country must honor the marriage as being legal - even if same sex marriage is not legal within that state. This is why people travel to those states which allow same sex marriage to get married, and then return home.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

As I wrote.

We'd need a whole bank of lawyers and already, two have surfaced to 'explain the law'. No wonder we had a laugh Cathy! American lawyers seem to be like British lawyers, they all have a 'humourectomy' after passing their bar exams. LOLOL..


Not true!

I personally know a lawyer who calls himself sharkbait because he was attacked by a shark when on vacation to Hawaii.

And that's just one small example of his humor... He's definitely got one!

Abigail Drew.

I thought...

I thought sharks didn't bite lawyers, out of professional courtesy.


His attacker was an angry prosecutor? Harvey's defense... And in corporate law.

Abigail Drew.

At any one time...

there are more students in law school then there are practicing lawyers nationwide. Where do they go? Congress of course, and state legislatures. In the US we have government of the people by the lawyers, for the corporations.