Tears of the Innocent -- Part 8


Sea Change.

Is what Lucy has gone through, though it wasn't all at sea. She is a deadly enemy but also a very good ally. Now we will see what happens with everyone and I don't think it's going to be pretty for the bad guys at all.


Effective Therapy

Excellent writing! As I surmised the numbers were not in their favor especially after docking. Having Tony make the calls was effective and untraceable. As I imagined the conversation between Lin and Lucy was very therapeutic ... for Lin. I had imagined the opposite. Lucy is free and help is on the way. It looks like an exciting final chapter awaits. I am waiting with anticipation for the final installment but sadness to have to say goodbye to these characters again. But I'll take happiness where I find it in your next chapter. I greatly admire your skill as a writer and how you have woven all these elements together into a coherent whole. Well Done!

Things are starting to .....

Come to a head now. Will the calvery get there in time ? Will Lucy take the bad guys out one at a time and rescue the girl? These and other questions though numerous, will soon be answered. (Hopefully). Wonderful story so far Ms. Thomas, keep'em comin' hon. (Hugs) Taarpa