Here is a question from a psychological perspective. It is a question I have thought of many times and can't seem to place my finger on how I would answer it. I am curious as to how everyone else would answer.
You have to make a choice. It is either one or the other, but not both. What ever your choice is, it's permanent and your body is fixed, prohibiting you from making any alterations through means of surgery, hormone treatment, or any other means.
You choose have:
A) a perfect female body and mind, designed exactly to your desired specifications (including breasts and curves), but with male genitals that can not be altered an any way (removed, SRS, etc).
B) a perfect example of a male physic of your choosing and associated male mind, but with a fully operational female reproductive system (uterus, ovaries, vagina, clitoris, etc, but no developed breasts).
In your responses, pick either A or B and a brief reason. If you don't like the question, or can't pick one or the other, than please don't post a response. Again, you can't choose a female body, then get SRS, or chose the male body and take HRT to develop breasts of soften your skin, electrolysis to remove hair.
This is like playing D&D. If you want to play as a wizard, you can't have a sword.
That's an interesting choice
How do you address such things? One satisfies that desire to have the correct gentiles, but the other allows you to fit closer the gender part of the question at least as far as appearance goes.
You mention the female and male mind things too, so I'm going to say neither one would be a happy choice. If had my own mind then choice A would be a better than what I have. Being to interact with the world to better fit how I feel myself to be wins.
Of course being free of the negative parts of growing older which this appears to address would make me more likely to take the choice.
I vote A with Grover. To appear to the rest of the world as a perfect female would be great I'd love to have a little cleavage to show and facial features that didn't make people take a second look. I'm OK with the male genitals, they are easily hidden with the right choice of clothes. Women choose clothes to minimize body defects all the time.
What does bother me about the choice is the perfect female mind. I'm quite happy with my androgynous mind that can function with the sticky male logic and still melt looking at the picture of my granddaughter in her pajamas when she was 7 holding her new kitty.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
I'll Play
I'd choose B
I don't think either choice is accurate as a "perfect" body without the accompanying genitals. While I envy the female shape and attributes, the ability to have a baby would be the ultimate female ability. That baby-maternal bond. Also as I learned a long time ago, I am male and identify as such, I'm also comfortable with the feminine parts of my soul as well. Even in my late teens I knew SRS as it was/is didn't interest me because of the lack of female plumbing. If I was or had been offered a magic potion that would make me 100% female and young I'd take it. The younger the better so I could learn as I grew up about being female and all the things girls need to know.
What about breast feeding the baby? Does this male body that can get preggers also produce milk for the newborn? Doesn't make sense that he could become pregnant and not be able to feed the baby.
Good answer
Thanks Frank for your reply. I too lean towards your answer. Yes, being feminine and having the curves and figure to wear the nice clothes is very appealing, but most of all, it's the child bearing that is most attractive. To answer your question, yes, nursing would be possible in this scenario, but the breasts would not be developed in appearance.
People say, "You don't know what you had until it's gone." Very true, but also equally true is, "You don't know what you've been missing until is arrives."
Have you been reading What a
Have you been reading What a Good Boy by Bailey Summers?
No, but
do you have an answer to the question?
People say, "You don't know what you had until it's gone." Very true, but also equally true is, "You don't know what you've been missing until is arrives."
Sub Question
Why is everybody so psyched on having a child naturally? There is nothing further from my desire than to birth a child. I wouldn't even adopt one, I'm that set against it. Its one part of the "female experience" that was never in my head or heart, even though I had my SRS in Denmark at a fairly young age.
Anybody that wants to comment, please PM me privately so we don't drag G.M.'s discussion off-topic. I don't want to hijack it.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Yes, please
Let's keep the focus on answering the question. Simple A or B will suffice. If you want to add a short reason why you choose either or, please feel free. But please resort to PMs or new threads. There are no right or wrong answers to this question.
People say, "You don't know what you had until it's gone." Very true, but also equally true is, "You don't know what you've been missing until is arrives."
sorta on topic....
My question is how would people interact with the individuals? If the setting is the same for everyone else with identical issues gender body wise the outside may not matter and people would go for the male with female reproductive system. If this is NOT the case people may go for vanity instead and go with the female body with male genitals abit with a gaff or prostetic covering for the appearance of female.
On the psychological front if in our society either choice is someone with permanant gender identity issues. Id shoot myself first.
Oh btw in a lesser known comic called Knights of the Dinner table, there is a sequence where a person literally does put a sword on his mage character. along with plate armor.. Could only cast cantrips at a higher level. There was also a cloth wearing paladin that couldnt lift a sword. And a gender confused warrior.
Just a quick answer
Don't base your answer how society would interact, answer based on your strongest preference.
People say, "You don't know what you had until it's gone." Very true, but also equally true is, "You don't know what you've been missing until is arrives."
Not satisfactory
Given the puzzle you have posed, context is all. One or other may be the right answer depending on many other variables. Interaction with society is definitely one of those variables. A significant other, perhaps with a wish to father children, may be another.
We do not live in a vacuum, however attractive that might seem at times.
'I'm a lot closer to option A at the moment
cant say my body is "perfect" but its workable, and I still have the male bits. so I would take option A.
the lessor of the two evil choices would be
for me.
Hugs, Fran
I'll play.
My answer would have to be 'B' also. Why? Not just for the reason that I would be the one to bear the child but also for the sex. As a male the man will only accomplish that one aspect for a short period of time and will need time to recuperate . The idea of being able to enjoy sex again shortly after climaxing sounds appealing.
By looking at the bodies the only thing that changes is the plumbing. Now would the Male be the one that has the breasts and the female without? Or would they be the same? Or some other names to distinguish who was who? Would the breasts be more stimulating on the breasted male which would cause a more shorter duration during intercourse or would the breasts be just nothing but extra mass with nothing more than eye candy to lure a prospective mate?
So many questions so little time.
To me this would be a different species and not regulated by our own set of standards or precognitions.
Since it could never happen & it's depressing to speculate...
Surprise me.
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
I'd go with option A, because I'm lonely and I think A would have an easier time finding a date. If B didn't have to come with a male mind, it might be more tempting; I would love to be able to feel the joy of motherhood, but I don't know if that would be as fulfilling for someone who thought like a dude.
Option A also allows for the possibility of becoming a famous pornographic masochist magician: "Watch as she takes a meat cleaver to her junk and suffers no damage!"
Hard question
So with "body and mind, designed exactly to your desired specifications"
I would probably be a B.
I have already thought about trying to just have the SRS, and keep the old shell look. It could be less pain to explain to the narrow minded around me.
If the change affect reality (I was always female), then A could be a nice possibility.
Nice question, with a lot of nice answers.
Peace, Love, Freedom and Happiness
Hugs to all tmf
No brainer
As a cross-dresser, this is a no brainer. No way would I want to lose my male genitalia.
'A' sounds as though the idea has come from heaven.