Tears of the Innocent -- Part 6


Lucy is beginning to question

She is beginning to question just what is so special in her relationship to "Tony." If that continues, she may decide that there is something fishy about her attraction to the guy. Or she may just decide that love makes all things "right." Tony had better hope that Lucy doesn't decide she is in love with him. Her revenge when disillusioned will be considerably more painful than a swift death.



Is on the hunt again, and she is a very dangerous predator when she wishes to be. Tony had better tread very carefully with that one.

And poor Lin going through the things she has and is now dealing with, too. Dan is suffering as well.


that Mulham bastard

Excellent writing,Melodie. Very effective since there is more and more motivation for that hit that I want on Tony as well as the unseen scum who seems more and more to be Black Ops like Mr Smith. And I'm still waiting for that cruise missile strike on that Mulham bastard. It may not help Lin but I would feel a whole lot better about the situation that he wasn't going to hurt anyone else that I care about. Well Done!

Melodie, Great Writing!

Your stories are just packed with strong emotion, suffering, lust, hatred and we readers feel those plus the tension and suspense. It seems that most of the "good people" win in your stories, so I'm not too worried about the main characters. I just hope that Lin doesn't go the way of Stephanie and leave Dan alone (again).

Dora, Dubai kind of likes the West right now; they want to host the World Cup. I don't think they should be hit, in their capital, with an American missile. Maybe someone can have Mulham killed by a suicide bomber who will appear to be from Al Quieda in the Arabian Peninsula. Dan's old buddies (CIA not FBI) could probably take care of that.

Hugs and Bright Blessings,

I like the way you think

I endorse your idea of the CIA making a hit o him that appears to have Mulham killed by a suicide bomber who will appear to be from Al Quieda in the Arabian Peninsula. A more closely targeted response is more likely to achieve the desired effect if the target is not where expected.