Interesting video on gender, identity, and feminism


Extravagance's picture

That dude talks too fast.

Catfolk Pride.PNG

Feminine nouns in French: la

Feminine nouns in French:

la calvitie (baldness)
la caserne (barracks)
la recrue (recruit)
la tourmente (storm or tempest)
la guerre (war)
la meule (millstone)
la virilite (masculinity)

Best thing the English language ever did was get rid of gender.

Ban nothing. Question everything.

La bite (penis) that is

La bite (penis)

that is French for Penis?? hmmm, I know I dote like mine...but to bite 'la Bite' off would hurt!! :)

Now if I see a French menu that has Bite on it....

TGSine --958