Long time lurker and reader but made my first comment yesterday. I'm not certain if the blog link is used in place of creating new thread in most forums I use. Or are there another more accepted manner of asking questions.
Please let me know if I need to ask through these blogs or is there a part of the forum I haven't located?
Asking questions
Well you can click ++Blog up top to post a blog and ask your question or ++Topic to create a forum topic. Although the blogs and forum look similar they are separate and distinct.
Have a delightfully devious day,
I am...
I'm unsure on that myself. :)
The forums seem kind of dead to me and it looks like most people use the ++Blog to post topics, ask questions or provide updates.
-- Sleethr
To clairify
++blog sends posts to the home page (& your author page) where everyone will see it, but only a few posts are listed and it will fall off the front page fast.
++topic will post to the forums, only people that go to the forums will see it, but there is a whole page of entries before it drops off.
In general use blog for short questions you need a fast answer for, any info you want everyone to see, and anything you want permanently stored on your authors page. Use forums to get more complete answers/ discussions, it will last in the forums longer, but not go to your page.
How it ACTUALLY works with topics and blogs
Forum topics and blogs both go to the Newstuff sidebar at the top left of the page and are listed at the bottom under the stories, no real difference to how they are treated until they scroll off the front page. They don't look much different either so when you read or comment on something it is not obvious that you are looking at topic instead of a blog.
After scrolling off the front page Forum Topics can be found under their Forum header and blogs can be found on the recent blogs page or under the author's own blog page. FAQs are a special forum that have their own button up in the white top menu.
Clear as mud, right?
Besides topics and blogs, weblinks, polls and a couple more odd content types get the same treatment. Announcements are a bit different since they get listed in the right column of the front page, down at the bottom and if really important, in the middle of the story listings.
Hugs to all,
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Thanks I didn't want to veer off too much.
I have another question. A lot of the stories I have read here and at other places has rekindled writing fires from my youth that I pushed aside. In the past year I have written stories of 45,000 words,25,000 words, another one at 12,000 and another is at 3,000 presently. None are finished. The first three are a series involving my favorite mythological character; Atalanta.
The last one is a story I just started writing and is probably different from anything I've read to date. I have posted none of these stories anywhere. The 45,000 word story is basically completed needing a few pages to wrap it up. The 12,000 one is the origin story. Is there anyone here that would like to read this last one and offer some suggestions and give me an opinion on whether I ought to post it. I really would like to give back some for the enjoyment that I have received.
If this is the wrong way to ask I'm sorry I just didn't another way.
Generally speaking
IIRC, several people looking for an editor or proof reader have posted a blog giving a few indications of the nature of the story (e.g. genre, major themes) as obviously different people have different tastes. It's also useful to indicate what kind of feedback you're looking for - is it just someone to check over it and see if it's suitable for posting, do you want spelling / grammar fixup, do you want editing?
If you've been lurking a while, you'll probably already have a fairly good idea of the range of stories that are popular here. Some stories are dark, some are light; but we (mercifully!) tend to have comparitively little forced fem / BDSM compared to certain other TG fiction sites (some of which focus almost exclusively on those genres). If it's written in proper sentences and paragraphs plus doesn't have too many glaring spelling errors it's likely to be acceptable.
There are also a whole bunch of people who'll help you format it for posting (e.g. creating the header block, and if it's spread out over multiple posts, a story 'container' page).
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
It Defintely is not Forced/BDSM
Of course it is a TG story and has an element of metaphysical that I read about from somewhere. LOL I'm an avid reader but my memory is not as good as it was once.If I remember correct there are 5 types of people and one type it seems was starpeople or similar that is unhappy on this plane and one day their spirit leaves their body. No they don't commit suicide another spirit takes their space.
This old man that has just lost his wife of 35 years and decides he needs time alone to reflect and so does this unhappy soul and they pick the same town and meet.
I have a general idea of where I want it to go but could use some ideas, editing and whatever feedback that person thinks is needed.
I also wanted to write from the view point of "If I knew then what I know now" scenario.
Nothing I've wrote is dark or forced.
Thank You
Sounds interesting. I think
Sounds interesting. I think you should simply post a blog or forum-thread "looking for editor for spiritual story" or something. Just describe your story as you did here and maybe tell something about the length and the time you need it done. Some editors don't have all that much time, which means editing can take some time. Others are really quick.