Eldorado part 4.

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Eldorado part 4.

He’s looking at me and I’m looking back and biting my lips. “I’m sorry Daniel I’m kinda a freak.”

He stares at me and then smiles at me a little and says. “Nicole…I like you and not some bit of you…”

“Thank you…I’m not used to being treated with something approaching kindness and dignity from regular folks.”

He looks deeply into my eyes and his hands move to my girls and he cups them really gently and so completely… “I’d like to show you some kindness.”

I look up at him and lean into him and his hands and it feels good and so different than my other times already. “I’d like that too Danny.”

He kisses me just like before and my body heats up and I feel that swoony wave roll over me as everything gets heated up from his kisses and his touch and his hands slid down and take my shift slides off my shoulders and he lifts me to the bed.

I want this…for the first time in my life with a man and not my girls I want this…Oh!

And Now…

I’ve been with my girls hundreds of time and I’ve been the one on the bottom and there are times when that perfectly fine by me and right here, right now with Danny is one of them.

I wasn’t born a girl and I wasn’t raised as one but there is things that I’ve been through and done since I was a teenager that has me livin as one.

But when it comes to me as a woman and being with a man in the bed this is new to me and scary and at the same time it’s thrilling because I do want this and I want him and he makes me feel like a woman almost all the way already.

But is a good way y’know?

“My…My bags…there’s ointment for…”

He nods and he smiles and he picks me up in his grip like I’m a sack of feathers and I dunno it’s because the girls have done it when I pick them up I wrap my legs around his hips and hang on.

He carries me into my room and we sort of sweep through and grab all of my things and then we’re back to his room and we stop as he’s locking the door and holding me with my back pressed to the wall and my breasts pressed into his chest and they are aching and swelled and on fire like….

I think I like the feel of all this tough man-muscle and those scars and the heat coming off of his body and the heat from our passion…I’m just droppin stuff we don’t need, that I don’t need and I have my little bag of personals with me in one hand and my gunbelt in the other by the time the door’s locked and Danny carries me back to the bed.

I manage t’get out some sweet scented talcum powder to put on the sheets before he settles me down and he gives me another hungry kiss and then goes down to my breasts.

Oh holy…his lips and his mouth are so strong as he sucks one of my nipples into his mouth and he swirls that tongue of his and sucks even harder driving the whole feelings of my breasts being touched through the ceilin…and then his hands.

Big and strong and calloused…don’t get me wrong I love my girls and love their touch but Danny’s hands are so much bigger and his touch and all o’ that just almost covers my breasts and the heat and the gentle but strong way that he’s squeezing.

Like he’s pullin the pleasure out of ma body like he’s takin juice from an orange…pleasure nectar but for me and I arch up into his touch and his grip and moan…long and soft and right down from my insides.

“Take me Danny, jus take me please darlin.”

“Nicole…you’re so beautiful do you know that…sweet…you’re so sweet…”

No dirty trashy talk…being told that and getting that kind of bed respect is a very nice thing indeed.

He moves and he takes my jar from my hand and he kisses his way down and I gasp loudly and grab my own breasts as his mouth wraps itself around my man-handle.

“Oh lord Daniel!”

I feel him smile around it and his lips keep going down and down and down and his mouth is hot and wet and this is so undamnexpected….and when he starts to actually suck me it’s so strong my hips raise and move with his motions and I cry out as he lotions me up and gently starts to work me loose and ready with his thick finger.

I fire off my little derringer in a right hurry and squeeze my breasts and arch up and I bite down on the urge t’swear…oh it’d be in a good way but still he’s being one hell of a gentleman and I might have none of the middle parts of one but by god I’m gonna be a lady.

It takes a lot longer than I thought and no time at all in that way things go when you’re makin love for him to get me slicked up inside and then he kisses his way up to my mouth and only after some deep mouth t’mouth kissing does he break from that and softly asks me.

“Are you ready?”

“Please yes, I’ve never been so…Thank you Danny…”

“You’re welcome Nicole….”

“Ain’t never been a man like you t’do this an treat me decent…this’ll be like a first time all over again fer me.”

“I’ll be gentle lover…but now might be a good time to kiss me.”

Lover…and manners even now and treating me right…there’s tears in my eyes and I take my hands and run them through his hair and pull him into a long over and over dime novella romance kiss as he slowly and gently sinks into me.

It is like nothing before, even the gentle ones that had paid for me weren’t like this man and this changes everything.

I’ve never, ever made love to a man like a woman before in my life or had the joy of that happening back.

Well I won’t go through all of the nitty gritty stuff but you know when it’s good…this this was.

Naked hot lovemaking in the Chilean night with the smells of sex and soap and powder blending with the tang of salt water and the hints of leather and gun oils from our gear and him worshiping my breasts as we move.

And movin…

He’s a cowboy amongst whatever else and he’s got that on a horse exercised all the time eating trail food lean hard body and his hands held my hips and my bottom and he’d lift me into this gait just like movin in the saddle and long. Long times and long long strokes and like it went of forever…three times my little derringer went off and the last one was that deep, deep thing I’ve only had happen a few times with the girls…that deeper pleasure but tonight…tonight he had that happen inside of me and it went through me like flashes of heat lightning.

And I fell asleep exhausted like never before after he cleaned us both up with a basin and washcloth off the dresser before we curled up together in the same bed.

“Hold me tight Danny, hold me tight tonight ah wanna feel like this awhile ah wanna feel safe.”

I mean that in the way that still this long and so many years later after living that life in the show…I still have nightmares some times.

The smell of fresh coffee and the sunshine coming in and the sounds of seabirds is the next thing filtering in for me.

I feel good too…not even a bit sore he was that gentle and I got that used to things but I still feel that feelin of after…that good feeling.

He’s in his pants and no shirt and he’s holdin a cup of coffee for me and I sit up and I sip it and smile at him.

“So now what?” I ask.

“Now we find a way to catch up with him.”

“He’s got a fair lead on us; we might not be able to catch him.”

“Not normally no I’d say not but there is the boat that I came in on, it got me down here very fast.”

“But it’d best be really fast then.”

“I hope so; we can ask Doc Faraday if we can go faster.”

“Alright then, we best get moving an see.”

He gives me a kiss and we get dressed and we drink our coffee and thank our hosts over a quick breakfast of some pan fried bread with some sausage and melted cheese in it to eat as we pack up and get ready and we stop by the stables and get my horse and I pay the young fella there a few bits for doing a good job and we head to the docks.

We’re definitely getting looks for all of the stuff that had happened the day before from the people and a few friendly nods likely about the girl and some jus keep clear of us because of the gunfighting from yesterday too.

I watch Daniel using a mirror and he’s signaling a boat out there in the bay and I’m more than a tad curious as it’s coming in right quickly against the tide and the wind ever and she’s got her sails furled and such.

Then I see this trail of smoke coming from it too?

“Dan? What in blazes is going on with the boat?”

He smiles. “I told you it was fast…it’s an invention of the good doctors.”


I see the boat pulling in to dock and there’s these what I’m going to assume are other Canadians there because they’re well white folks and they’re all pretty clean cut looking and there’s a lot of brass on the ship and there’s a chimney there too made of the brass in a big tube.

It’s coming in pretty fast and then I hear a blast of steam like a locomotive and it slows to a stop and even backs into place at the dock.

There’s this woman in a fancy dress with the petticoats and all the do-dads to go with it except she’s got herself an fancy belt to go with it and a shiny nickel plate forty-five on her hip.

She let’s go of the handle of this lever and she’s looking at us as she says something in french and the ramp gets lowered with a railing built into it.

Daniel looks at me and takes off his hat.

“Miss Nikki Steel this is Doctor Deidre Faraday, Doctor Faraday this is Nikki Steel The Fastest Dress in the West.”

She has that look of one of those fine city ladies and she smiles at me and dips a little all mannerly and stuff but she’s looking me over quite a lot as well.

And I’ve never heard of a lady being a doctor before and why is that important with this ship?

“Pleased to meet you Doc, so this contraption will get us caught up to Damon then?”

“I believe my steamship will be up to the task Miss Steel but the longer we tarry the more difficult it shall be.” She says it still smiling but she’s got an English accent that just fits the clothes.

Steamship huh?

This doesn’t look like no riverboat that’s for sure.

“Well then times a wasting Doc, there room for my horse.”

She smiles at me. “Yes of course, shall we?”

I look at Daniel. “Shall we?”

He takes off his hat in the whole gesture of ladies first.

I start leading my horse up the ramp, this…this just got interesting.

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Doctor Deidre Faraday

I was wondering if Doc Brown was running around here, but this is even better.
love this story, thanks

Fuck Yeah! :D

Extravagance's picture

...Did you expect a "yeehaw!"? ^_^
Yes, this did indeed get interesting. I do like industrious women. = )
I also like sexy men who write sexy stories... :)
*Much Hugging and Snogging and Happy Tail Swishing* <3 <3 <3

Catfolk Pride.PNG

I'm so glad that you liked it Extravagance:)

I can see a Cowboy-V-boy catness act in one of those old shows. Maybe something with a whip?
*Huggles and scratches*

Bailey Summers

If I were in the story,

Extravagance's picture

I would effectively be Nikki's counterpart. ^_^

Catfolk Pride.PNG