A Ghost Of A Chance. Book 2. Chapter 12

 © February 2013

Part Twelve of 13+

Chapter Twelve: I killed her...!

    Chloe was stood on Stacy’s doorstep with a big grin on her face as she saw her friend stood there speechless over the shopping bags she and Ashley were holding.

     “Are you moving in?” Stacy asked when she got her mouth to work again.

     “No silly, we’ve just brought the things that my mother bought you last night.” Chloe said in a tone that made it sound like Stacy was being silly for not understanding why she and her aunt were stood on her doorstep weighted down with a ton of shopping bags.

     “I was expecting a single bag with one dress in it.” Stacy said as she stepped aside and let the two of them enter the house.

     “What’s all this?” Dorothy asked as she stepped out the kitchen and saw Chloe and Ashley placing the bags down in the hallway.

     “It turns out that Chloe’s mum bought me more than one dress.” Stacy said as she looked in a couple of the bags Chloe had just placed on the floor.

     “Why would she feel the need to do such a thing?” Dorothy asked Ashley more than Chloe or Stacy.

     “That’s just the way my sister is, and it’s not like you haven’t done as much for Chloe by giving her Shadow.” Ashley pointed out.

     “I know, but giving Chloe Shadow didn’t cost us anything, and she helps out around the stables, which more than covers for the feed and bedding.” Dorothy argued.

     “Val said she was having fun with the two of them, and Stacy looked really cute in all the things she bought, so just except them as a thank you for making Chloe and her feel so welcome from the start.” Ashley smiled.

     “Alright then, but I expect you to write Valarie a nice thank you letter sweetie.” Dorothy said as she looked at Stacy, who still had her head stuck in one of the shopping bags.

     “Yes mummy.” Stacy grinned up at her.

     “You better get all that stuff up to your room and then see about getting to school.” Dorothy said when she saw the time.

     “I’ll help you.” Chloe said as she picked up half the bags and then waited for Stacy to pick up the other half.

    Chloe followed Stacy up the stairs and down the hallway to her bedroom where they placed all the bags on Stacy’s bed. Chloe then waited for Stacy to grab her school bag and laptop before they made their way back downstairs and out to Ashley’s car.

     “I can’t believe your mum bought me all that stuff.” Stacy grinned from the back seat of Ashley’s car while they waited for Ashley to finish chatting with Dorothy on the doorstep.

     “I only found out after we dropped you off last night.” Chloe admitted. “But I’m glad she did, because you looked really good in all the things my mum bought you.”

     “Your mum is the coolest.” Stacy grinned.

     “I’m not sure it’s going to stay that way for me though.” Chloe said looking worried. “Miss Scott came to see me last night.”

     “What about?” Stacy looked worried herself now.

     “She was asking about the way Jane’s been acting, so Spirit appeared with Heather, and we had to explain everything to them.” Chloe started to explain.

     “Do they know about Jane pushing Heather off the roof now then?”

     “Yes, we had to explain it all to them, and what we were trying to do.” Chloe said with a sigh. “Mother wasn’t happy with me for keeping such a big secret from her.”

     “So what’s going to happen now that they all know about it?” Stacy asked, sounding a little shocked.

     “Miss Scott told Spirit and Heather to do all they could to make Jane lose it in assembly this morning, so there are plenty of witnesses to her confessing to Heather’s murder.” Chloe explained the plan they had come up with last night. “Miss Scott and my mother have told me to keep well away from Jane, so as not to let Jane’s father start looking into my past and finding out I’m not who I say I am.”

     “That’s a good idea.” Stacy agreed. “Jane’s got other students in trouble by having her father look into their parent’s past, but there isn’t a link between you and Heather, other than you being able to speak to her now she’s dead, and I don’t think Jane has worked that one out, not that anyone would believe her if she had.” Stacy giggled at just how insane Jane would sound if she did start saying that Chloe can see dead people.

     “I was up on the roof, but she thinks that Tracy did that, and it had nothing to do with Heather.” Chloe agreed. “And Heather was killed before I ever came to the school anyway.” She pointed out.

     “I’m actually looking forward to the assembly this morning for once.” Stacy grinned.

     “Let’s not say anything to anyone else though.” Chloe said.

     “What could I say to them...?” Stacy asked.

    True.” Chloe giggled.

    Ashley finally finished chatting with Dorothy, and she got Chloe and Stacy to school in plenty of time still. “Remember what your mother told you.” Ashley warned, as she reminded Chloe about keeping away from Jane.

     “Okay Aunty Ash.” Chloe said as she gave her a hug before running off with Stacy to find Sophie, Jade and Susan.


    Chloe and Stacy made it to their lockers without bumping into Jane and her two friends, who Chloe still didn’t know the names of, and she hadn’t seen Tracy either, but Chloe knew that Tracy would be off somewhere planning her revenge. The two of them hadn’t seen Sophie, Jade or Susan yet either, but they knew that the three of them would turn up any minute, so they weren’t too worried about that.

     “Look, there’s Jane.” Stacy whispered in Chloe’s ear.”

    Chloe looked over her shoulder and saw a very tired looking Jane wandering past them without saying a word. A boy just down from them slammed his locker door shut, which made Jane jump and let out a little squeal.

     “Looks like someone kept her up all night.” Stacy grinned.

     “Let’s just hope it was enough to make her admit to what she did.” Chloe frowned as she watched Jane walk away from them and then around a corner with her two friends following.

    Chloe turned back to her locker and opened it; a piece of folded paper fell out onto the floor, so Chloe bent over and picked it up.

     “What’s that?” Stacy asked.

     “Not sure.” Chloe said as she opened it to find a hand written note from someone. “It’s a note from Fin, asking me to meet him behind the gym at morning break.” Chloe said after she read it.

     “Why would Fin want to meet you all the way over there, and why not just come and ask you?” Stacy asked looking puzzled.

     “Do you think it’s not from Fin then?” Chloe asked, but she already had her doubts.

     “Well it would be a good place to spring a trap on someone, and it sounds like the sort of thing Tracy would do.” Stacy Warned.

     “But wouldn’t she realise I could just ask Fin if he wrote me this note?” Chloe asked.

     “I did warn you that Tracy wasn’t the sharpest knife in the draw.” Stacy shrugged as she handed Chloe the piece of paper back. “And that does look a little like her handwriting, even if she is trying to make it look a little like a guy’s.”

     “Chloe...! Stacy...!” They both heard Sophie shout just then. They looked in the direction they heard the voice come from, and they saw Sophie, Jade and Susan all walking towards them as they waved.

     “Is everything alright? You both look troubled about something.” Sophie said when the three of them reached the lockers where Chloe and Stacy were stood.

     “Chloe just found a note in her locker from Fin, but we think it might be a trap set up by Tracy.” Stacy explained.

     “Why don’t we just find Fin and ask him?” Sophie asked. “It’s not like Fin to leave notes anyway, he’d use any excuse to talk with Chloe normally.” She added with a puzzled look as she looked at the note. “And this doesn’t look like the handwriting of a boy either.” Sophie frowned.

    As though he knew someone was talking about him, Finlay and Paul were suddenly stood just behind Sophie, Jade and Susan.

     “Good morning ladies, I must say that you are all looking as beautiful as ever.” Finlay said as he did a little bow to them all as they turned to look at him and Paul.

     “We’ve been reading Jane Eyre as part of our English homework.” Paul explained when all five girls looked confused at the way Finlay was acting.

     “That explains a lot.” Sophie said for the group. “Have you been leaving notes in Chloe’s locker?” Sophie asked as she handed the piece of paper over to Finlay.

     “No, why would I do something lame like that?” Finlay asked as he took the paper of Sophie and looked at it. “That’s not even my handwriting.” He added with a frown.

     “Maybe we should go and find out just who’s pretending to be you at morning break.” Paul grinned.

     “We think its Tracy.” Stacy said. “It looks a little like her handwriting.”

     “But wouldn’t she realise you could just ask me if I wrote it?” Finlay looked confused as he held up the piece of paper.

     “This is Tracy we’re talking about, the girl that is trying to get back on Jane’s good side so she can become part of her little gang.” Stacy said the last part in a ditzy female sounding voice which had the others laughing.

     “You do have a good point Stace.” Finlay chuckled. “Let Paul and I go and sort this out for you.” He added with a grin as he folded the paper back up and placed it in his pocket.

     “You don’t have to do that Fin, I can handle myself, and it’s not really anything to do with you.” Chloe argued.

     “They got me involved when they used my name to try and trick you.” Finlay argued back. “Now I want to see just who is helping Tracy to try and hurt you.” Finlay added with a wicked looking grin.

     “My hero.” Chloe said as she clasped her hands together and fluttered her eyelids at him.

     “Just doing my job ma’am.” Finlay grinned as he pretended to be a cowboy and tipped his hat to her while hooking the thumb of his other hand in the belt of his trousers.

    Chloe couldn’t help herself as she started to giggle, she found Finlay to be really cute when he acted all macho like this.

     “Stop making me laugh.” She said as she slapped his arm. “This is a very serious thing.” She added as she tried to get her giggling under control.

     “Not really, it’s actually quite funny when you think about it.” Finlay smiled. “If this is the best Tracy can do, then you don’t have much to worry about from her.” He added in a dismissive tone.

     “Would you have gone if it was another boy that signed it?” Jade asked.

     “No...!” Chloe shot back looking shocked at Jade’s question. “I wasn’t going to go, even though it was Finlay that had signed it, or Tracy pretending to be Finlay.” Chloe added the last part with a confused look on her face.

     “So you wouldn’t want to meet me behind the gym then?” Finlay asked with a hurt look.

     “No, it sounds so creepy.” Chloe shuddered at the thought of it, and the fact he could try something and find out her secret.

     “You do have a point.” Finlay said as he thought about it. “I’d never do something so tacky anyway.” He added with a smile. “I’d ask you out on a date to the movies.” He said with a hint of hope in his eyes.

     “Then I would say yes, but only if it was a double date with Stacy and Paul.” Chloe replied in a matter of fact way.

    Stacy let out a gasp, and Paul just started smirking as he liked that idea. “I’m game if you are Stace?” Paul asked a shocked looking Stacy to join him on a date.

     “I’d love to.” Stacy said looking shy all of a sudden.

     “We’ll sort out the details later then.” Finlay said once he’d recovered from the shock of Chloe agreeing to go out on a date with him.

     “Okay.” Chloe smiled.

     “Sorry to break this touching moment up, but we better get to our homeroom.” Sophie said. “We have assembly this morning remember.” She added with a roll of her eyes like it was the worst thing in the world to have to sit through.

     “We’ll see you at lunch...!” Finlay shouted as Paul started to drag him away.

     “What about morning break...?” Chloe shouted back.

     “I’ve got something to take care of.” Finlay shouted as he pulled the note out his pocket that Chloe had found in her locker.

     “Don’t go getting in trouble because of me.” Chloe sounded worried for Finlay now she’d remembered about the note and what he was planning to do at break time. Finlay just grinned back at her before he was pulled around the corner and out of sight.

     “Come on you two.” Susan shouted from just down the hallway, where she was following Sophie and Jade.

    Chloe and Stacy had both been watching Finlay and Paul walk away from them in the other direction, but they were soon walking fast to catch up with the other three and get to their homeroom.

     “I can’t believe you agreed to go out with Fin.” Stacy whispered.

     “I like him, and I do need to relax and except who I am.” Chloe smiled, keeping it cryptic, just in case they were over heard by anyone. “And it’s got you a date with Paul.” Chloe added with a grin.

     “I know, and I love you for doing that.” Stacy giggled as she threw her arms around Chloe and kissed her on the cheek.

    Chloe giggled as well, but she didn’t feel excited because Stacy had just kissed her, she saw Stacy as her best friend, someone she would do anything for, but she didn’t love Stacy in the same way she felt about Finlay, so Chloe was beginning to understand what her mother and aunt were saying to her about the way she was trying to fool herself into thinking she shouldn’t have feelings for a boy.

     “I think Paul would have asked you out in the end anyway, I just helped him out a little bit.” Chloe shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal. “And I’m not willing to go out with Finlay on my own.” Chloe added with a worried look just before she started giggling again.

     “You’re the bestest best friend ever.” Stacy grinned as she hugged Chloe again just before they made it to their homeroom.


    Chloe let Stacy lead her into the main hall where there were chairs set out in rows for them all to sit on. Chloe noticed the youngest children were sat at the very front, and it went back in age and therefore year. Stacy led there small group to halfway back and they all sat next to each other in a line. Chloe looked to see where Jane was going to be sat, and she was on the next rob back at the other end, so Chloe had a good view of her, and she could see that Spirit was stood right next to her saying something in her ear. Chloe knew it was Spirit pretending to be Heather, because she could see the real Heather stood next to her giggling at whatever it was Spirit was saying.

     “I don’t know why they still do this every Friday.” Sophie groaned.

     “I think it’s to stop any of us trying to say we didn’t know about something important at a later date.” Susan whispered as her understanding for them all having an assembly on a Friday.

     “I think it’s because they can’t torture us any other way, so they make us sit and listen to the teachers go on and on about stuff none of us are interested it.” Jade grumbled.

     “How long do these things go on for anyway?” Chloe asked, not having a clue as to what to expect.

     “Just under an hour.” Stacy informed her. “That’s why we don’t have lessons until after morning break on a Friday.”

    Chloe looked around and could see other students trying to get comfortable in their seats, and others were getting out their cell phones ready to record parts that they were interested in. Chloe was soon standing up when Stacy and the others all got to their feet. Chloe looked over towards the stage and saw Jennifer walked up on stage with some of the other teachers.

    Jennifer made her way over to a stand with a microphone sat on it, while all the other teachers went and sat on chairs lined up behind her on the stage.

     “Good Morning Students.” Jennifer said before she went on to welcome everyone back for a new term and then told them all to have a seat again.

    Jenifer informed everyone of some basic rule changes that had come into affect over the summer break while they were all off school, and then she handed the microphone over to various teachers, so they could talk about the after school groups they were running.

    Chloe like most the student body were starting to nod off when they all sat bolt upright and looked in the direction of where Jane was sat, or more to the point she was now stood up and screaming at an empty space next to her.

     “Go away and leave me alone...!” Jane screamed out at the top of her lungs. “I killed you, you can’t be here...!” She added as a couple of teacher got to her and tried to restrain her.

     “What’s the meaning of this outburst?” Jennifer Asked as she took over the mike and looked at Jane, who was now being restrained by a male and female teacher, both of them were wearing tracksuits, so Chloe thought they must be gym teachers.

    Chloe had noticed that all the cell phones were now pointing in Jane’s direction as she tried to make the two teachers let her go. Chloe could also see that Spirit was back and teasing Jane, but Chloe couldn’t hear what Spirit was saying due to Jane screaming to be released by the teachers.

     “I killed her, but she won’t leave me alone.” Jane said with pain in her voice.

     “Who did you kill?” Jennifer asked with worry in her voice.

     “Heather porter.” Jane said in a whiny voice as the fight went out of her and she started sobbing as the two teachers were now holding Jane up.

     “Heather jumped off the roof Jane, it was suicide.” Jennifer said in a calming voice, but she stayed on the mike, forcing Jane to shout out her confession for the whole school to hear, and record on their phones.

     “No she didn’t.” Jane screamed out after Chloe saw Spirit say something to her, or she saw Spirit pretending to be Heather say something to Jane. “Heather found out I was in love with another girl at the school, so I pushed her off the roof and then got my father to cover it up.” Jane added just before she fell to her knees and buried her head in her hands.

    Everyone in the room let out a gasp as Jane confessed to killing Heather. Chloe watched as Jennifer pulled out her cell phone and made a call to the police.

    Chloe looked over to see if Spirit and Heather were still stood near Jane, but they had both vanished. Chloe found herself wondering if Heather had already moved on, now that she’d cleared her name, but she knew that she would have to wait to find out off Spirit later.

    Jennifer returning the microphone finally got everyone to stop talking, and she informed all the students that they would be returning to their homerooms until further notice, and all the students that caught Jane’s confession on their phones were to line up and give their names to a teacher that had picked up a clipboard and was stood waiting for a line to form in front of him.

     “I didn’t see that one coming.” Sophie said as they were led from the hall and told to go straight to their homeroom. “I always thought she was capable of murder, but admitting it like that in front of everyone.” Sophie added with shock in her voice.

     “I’d like to see her father get her out of this one.” Jade said with a smug smile on her face.

     “He won’t be able to, not with all the video evidence they will have on her, and her father will have his hands full trying to explain how he made Heather’s death look like a suicide.” Sophie pointed out.

     “I thought Heather left a note explaining why she killed herself?” Susan asked.

     “She did, but with what Jane just admitted to in there, the police will have to look into it more closely now.” Sophie said.

     “How do you know so much about this sort of thing?” Susan asked, looking impressed with Sophie’s knowledge of police investigations.

     “I love watching cop programs, so it’s not hard to pick up a few things along the way.” Sophie shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal.

     “So if Heather was murdered, and she didn’t write a suicide note, then who do you think faked it?” Stacy asked.

     “The police will get some handwriting experts in to examine the note and compare it to samples of Heather’s handwriting.” Sophie explained what she thought would happen.

     “Will that help them find the person that wrote it then?” Susan asked.

     “No, but it will confirm that Jane was telling the truth, and Heather didn’t kill herself.” Sophie said with a raised eyebrow. “That will also make her father look guilty.” Sophie added with a smirk.

     “Couldn’t happen to a nicer man.” Jade agreed.

     “I take it none of you like Jane’s father then?” Chloe asked, having never met the man, so she couldn’t comment good or bad for the man.

     “He makes Jane appear likable.” Sophie frowned. “You’d think he was the Prime minister with the way he acts.” Sophie added.

     “I think he wants to be one day.” Jade huffed.

     “Not anymore if this all turns out to be true, and I can’t see anyone wanting to stick up for him, not with murder and cover ups being used in the same sentence.” Sophie said in a whisper as they all entered their homeroom and took their normal seats at the back of the room.

     “You know the worst part about all this?” Stacy asked with a pout.

     “What’s that?” Chloe asked with a puzzled look.

     “We won’t find out if it was Tracy who sent you that note in the hopes of setting you up for something.” Stacy explained.

     “Good...!” Chloe said, her voice becoming a squeak, which made the others wince a little. “I don’t want Fin or Paul getting in trouble because of me, and with Jane in prison for murder, I hope that Tracy will move on and find someone else to worship.” Chloe added.

     “I’d be surprised if anyone wants to be friends with Tracy after the way she stabbed Jane in the back, and the way she blabbed on you last term.” Sophie said.

     “I hope you’re wrong Sophie, or that will mean she will still want to get back at me for costing her her little spot in Jane’s group.” Chloe frowned.

     “What do you think will happen to Jane now?” Jade asked, sounding excited about everything that had happened in the hall.

     “I gather the police will come and arrest her and then take her to the police station for questioning once her father and solicitor arrives.” Sophie shrugged.

     “Do you think we’ll hear anything about it?” Susan asked.

     “Only what the press find out and report in the paper, or on the news.” Sophie laughed, but it wasn’t a happy laugh, but more a sarcastic one. “I’m sure Jane’s father will do all he can to keep the story as quiet as possible though. No matter what happens, I can’t see Scottie letting Jane remain here at the school.”

     “Do you think she’ll get away with murder, even after admitting to it in front of the whole school?” Chloe sounded shocked.

     “Jane won’t get charged with murder, and she’s too young to do any real prison time, so she’ll be looking at a secure home for young offenders.” Sophie explained. “Judging by the way she was making out Heather was haunting her or something like that; she will be spending some time in a funny farm though.” Sophie added.

     “With a father like hers, I’m not surprised she’s a little tapped in the head.” Jade said as she rolled a finger around at the side of her head.

    The morning seemed to drag on as all the students were kept in their homerooms, only being let out to use the restrooms. It was just before Lunchtime when they all heard the headmistress’s voice come over the school PA system to tell them all that after lunch classes would return to normal.

    Chloe was glad to be leaving the classroom and making her way to the dining hall when the lunchtime bell finally rang. The talk in the lunch line was all about Jane and what she’d done, even though none of the students knew anything; they were just making stuff up.

    Finlay and Paul joined Chloe and the others in the line, and the two of them seemed to have a little information for them.

     “The police came and took Jane away.” Finlay said.

     “How do you know that?” Chloe asked, not sure if he’d seen it, or if he’d just heard some others talking about it.

     “Paul and I were in a classroom that overlooks the parking area, and we saw Jane being put in the back of a car.” Finlay explained.

     “They even had her hands cuffed behind her back and everything.” Paul added sounding excited about it.

     “I’m sure you’ll be able to watch it on You Tube later.” Finlay grinned.

     “Did you film it happening?” Jade asked.

     “No, but most of the class did, and a couple were uploading it while we waited for the bell to ring.” Finlay chuckled.

    They were all soon looking at Sophie’s phone as she had logged onto the net and already found a copy. Chloe was quite impressed with just how clever Sophie was, when it came to all things computer based.


     “I’m sorry that Paul and I couldn’t help you out with this other little problem.” Finlay said once they were all sat around a dining table with their lunches.

     “I’m kind of glad in away all this happened, because I was worried about you getting in trouble.” Chloe admitted with a nervous smile.

     “I’m sure whoever it was will try again, and then Paul and I will find out who it is.” Finlay grinned as he stabbed a chip on his plate and stuffed it in his mouth.

    Chloe could see that she didn’t stand a chance of changing Finlay’s mind, so she just carried on eating her lunch in the hopes of everyone starting on another subject that didn’t involve her. They did change the subject, but sadly it still involver her.

     “Will you and Stace be free on Sunday afternoon?” Finlay asked after they had all been quietly eating for some time.

     “We could be,” Chloe said after looking at Stacy and getting a nod from her. “Why do you ask?”

     “Paul and I were thinking that would be a good time to take the two of you to the movies, and then we could grab a burger or something after.” Finlay said looking hopeful.

    Chloe pretended to think it over for a couple of minutes just to enjoy the fact that Finlay looked nervous, something she’d never seen a boy do because of her. “I think that should be fine, but I’ll need to check with my mother before I can say yes.” Chloe finally answered him.

     “I’ll have to check with my mother as well, but I can’t see there being a problem.” Stacy grinned as she looked at Paul, whom was grinning back at her.

     “Would you be able to do Saturday if my mother says I can’t do Sunday?” Chloe asked.

     “We could, but we always go and spend some time talking to Danny on a Saturday, and I’m sure you’ve got better things to do than listen to me and Paul waffle on.” Finlay had a slight blush to his cheeks as he said this.

     “What sort of things do you talk about?” Chloe asked, enjoying the fact Finlay looked even more nervous all of a sudden.

     “Just guy stuff.” Finlay said like it wasn’t anything worth mentioning.

     “Wednesday was all about you.” Paul chuckled just before he got punched in the arm by Finlay; this just made Paul laugh even more as the two of them started play fighting with each other.

     “I’d like to meet this Danny for myself.” Chloe said suddenly, which stopped the two boys playing around. Finlay had Paul in a head lock when they both stopped and looked at Chloe to see if she was just teasing them or not.

     “You would?” Finlay finally asked after he let go of Paul’s head. “Are you sure?”

     “Yes, I’d like to meet the boy you’ve been pouring your heart out to about me.” Chloe smirked. Chloe was just about to say something else when she saw the same boy appear just behind Finlay that she’d bumped into the day before, and once again he stood there as a couple of students walked straight through him.

     “You okay Chloe?” Finlay asked when he saw her looking over his head at something. He looked behind him trying to work out what she was looking at, but looked back at her again when he couldn’t see anything. “It looks like you’ve just seen a ghost.” He added looking worried.

     “I’m sorry; I thought I saw a wasp.” Chloe lied. “I’m allergic to them.” She added as a reason for the worried look she had. She looked up again and the boy was still stood there looking at her, so she went back to eating her lunch and trying not to make eye contact with him.

     “You can see me can’t you?” Chloe heard a boy ask her, she looked up and the dead boy asked again. “You can really see me.” He said looking more relieved this time. “Tell them that I’m here.” He said with a pleading in his voice as he walked right through Finlay and was now stood in the middle of the table looking down at Chloe.

    Chloe tried to keep her head down as she carried on eating her lunch, but she was soon at eye level with the boy because he crouched down to look at her. Chloe wanted to plead with him to leave her alone, but that would make everyone else at the table look at her like she was insane, so she tried to plead with her eyes.

    The boy must have understood because he apologised to her. “I’m sorry, but you’re the first person to see me, never mind be able to touch me.” The boy then reached a hand up through the table and touched Chloe’s right hand. The boy actually laughed at the simple thing. “I’m sorry.” He said again when he saw Chloe flinch away from him, dropping her fork as she did so.

     “Excuse me, but I need the restroom.” Chloe said all of a sudden as she shot to her feet and left the table. Chloe didn’t know what the boy was, but she could tell he wasn’t a ghost, and she needed some time alone, so she could call Spirit to her and see if she knew what he was.

    Chloe ran right past the restrooms and found an empty classroom she could duck into. She closed the door and saw that there was a key in it, so she turned it to stop anyone walking in on her, and then she called out Spirit’s name a couple of times, each time sounding a little more desperate than the last.

     “What’s wrong sis?” Spirit said as she was suddenly stood right in front of Chloe. “You look scared to death.” Spirit added as she pulled a shaking Chloe into her arms and hugged her.

     “I saw that boy again.” Chloe stuttered out with fear in her voice. “He acts like a ghost, but he says he’s not dead, and I need to tell everyone he’s not dead.” Chloe explained.

     “Do you know who this boy is?” Spirit asked.

     “No, he turned up in the dining hall while I was eating my lunch, so I wasn’t able to ask him, well not without everyone thinking I was nuts anyway.” Chloe said as she broke the hug and then fell down onto a chair that was close by. “He still doesn’t feel like a ghost to me though.” She added with a sigh.

    Spirit was just about to speak when she saw a boy walk through the wall and look right at Chloe. “I hope you didn’t run away because of me.” The boy said as he walked over to where Chloe was sat with her head in her hands.

     “Who are you...?” Chloe said in a pleading tone as she looked up at the boy.

     “I’m Danny, Danny Blakeley.” He smiled as he held out his hand to shake Chloe’s.

     “Chloe Ashcroft.” She said as she shook his hand.

     “What are you?” He asked as she kept hold of her hand and looked down at it like it was the most amazing thing in the world.

     “What am I...?” Chloe barked out with anger in her voice. “What are you? I know that you’re not a ghost.” Chloe snapped as she pulled her hand away.

     “I thought I was a ghost, but my body isn’t dead though.” Danny said with a puzzled look. “I see Fin and Paul visiting my body all the time, but I can’t get back into it.” He said as he went to sit in a chair next to Chloe, but he fell right through it and then the floor as well.

     “Are you alright?” Chloe asked as she tried not to giggle at the boy as he appeared in front of her again.

     “I’m fine, but I forget that I need to focus so I don’t do silly things like that.” Danny chuckled. “It feels good to talk to someone again, and touch them.” He added as he reached out towards Chloe’s hand again.

    Chloe didn’t want to hurt his feelings, so she let him hold her hand, and it was the least she could do after laughing at his miss-hap. “Do you know what he is Spirit?” Chloe asked as she looked up at her sister who was still stood looking at the two of them.

     “Can you see me as well?” Danny asked as he looked at Spirit.

     “Yes I can see you.” Spirit said as she stepped closer and placed a hand on his shoulder. “And I can touch you as well.” She added with a grin.

     “You both feel different to me.” Danny said as he looked between the two of them. “You feel very powerful, where as you feel warm and loving.” Danny said as he looked first at Spirit, and then at Chloe. He thought Chloe was warm and loving.

     “That’s because I’m an angel, and Chloe’s still alive.” Spirit explained.

     “I’m not going with you...!” Danny said as she was suddenly across the other side of the room looking worried. “I’m not dead yet.” He added.

     “I’m not here to take you anywhere Danny.” Spirit said in a calming voice. “But I will help you get back into your body, because you’re right, it’s not your time just yet.”

     “And how do you plan to do that?” Chloe asked.

     “I haven’t got a clue, but I’m sure Sammi can help.” Spirit said as she closed her eyes for a couple of seconds.

    Chloe waited and then she saw Sammi appear to the side of Spirit, her fiery red hair blowing around in stark contrast to the white suit she was wearing.

     “Hello Chloe, Spirit.” Samantha smiled at the two girls. “What can I help you with?” She asked.

     “Do you have any idea how we get a soul back into its body?” Spirit asked as she pointed at Danny who was still stood in the corner of the room looking more scared than ever now that Samantha had appeared.

     “Is she the devil?” Danny asked nervously.

     “Do you see horns and a tail anywhere?” Samantha asked with a frown and a hand on her hip to let the boy know she didn’t like his assumption. “I’m an angel if you must know.” She added in a dismissive tone as she turned back towards Spirit and Chloe.

     “The red hair does kind of make you look like you might be working for the other guy.” Chloe said in Danny’s defence.

     “There is no other guy as you put it, and there is no guy either.” Samantha frowned at Chloe this time.

     “Can you help with this little problem?” Spirit asked, trying to get them all back on topic as she pointed to Danny again.

    Samantha looked at Danny again for a couple of seconds before she spoke. “Body in a coma...?” She asked him like it was the most natural thing in the world.

     “Yes, but I can’t get back into it, I’ve tried.” Danny said looking more interested in what the three of them were talking about. “Can you help me?”

     “I could, but it would be less complicated if I let Chloe help you.” Samantha said sounding very cryptic about it.

     “What can I do?” Chloe asked looking shocked over what she just heard Samantha say.

     “You can act as a conduit for him to pass through and get back to his body.” Samantha explained. “If I put him back in his body, it will be forced, and he will never be the same as he was before he was pulled from it.”

     “I’d like to try it your way Chloe.” Danny said as he was now stood right behind where she was sat.

     “But I don’t know how to do it.” Chloe pointed out.

     “You don’t need to do anything sweetie, it’s Danny that will have all the work to do.” Samantha said with a smile.

     “What will he need to do then?” Chloe asked.

     “You will need to hold hands with his body, and then let him pass through you back into it.” Samantha explained.

     “Will he remember any of it?” Chloe asked. “Will he remember my gifts with the dead?”

     “Bits and bobs as dreams, but for the most part he won’t remember much at all.” Samantha said in a dismissive tone as she waved her hand around.

     “Can we go and try it now?” Danny asked looking eager to give it a go.

     “I can’t get out of school just like that.” Chloe pointed out.

     “Can’t you get a lift of the red head?” Danny asked.

     “The read head is not a taxi service!” Samantha snapped at him. “And I can’t just teleport humans here and there.” She added.

     “I can go with Fin and Paul tomorrow, we can try it then.” Chloe said in a calming voice as she rose to her feet and turned to face him. “It’s only one more day.” She added.

     “It will take you a couple of days to wake after Chloe helps you get back in, but in time you will make a full recovery.” Samantha smiled. “I would suggest you keep away from any walls in the future, and don’t jump at the chance to do anything and everything stupid.” Samantha added in a scolding tone.

     “Yes ma’am. Sorry ma’am.” Danny said, feeling like he’d just been scolded by his mother.

     “You better get back to your friends Chloe, their worried about you.” Samantha said just before she vanished again.

     “I need to go have a word with Sammi about something, but I’ll be back to check on you later sis.” Spirit said as she gave Chloe a hug. “And I want you to keep away from my sister, or you will get to meet the big guy with the pitchfork.” Spirit warned as she looked at Danny.

     “I promise to leave her alone until tomorrow.” Danny said as he held up his hands as a sign of surrender.

     “Do you know what’s happening with Jane?” Chloe asked before Spirit had time to vanish.

     “Yes, but we’ll talk about it at home later.” Spirit smiled as she hugged Chloe again. “Now get back to Stacy and the others. She’s looking for you.” Spirit said just before she vanished.

     “Thank you for helping me, and for what it’s worth, Fin is one lucky guy.” Danny smiled.

     “I’m not sure you’d think so if you knew the truth about me.” Chloe said with a sigh as she fell back down onto the chair again.

     “You are a girl you know, where it counts the most.” Danny said, shocking Chloe that he knew her secret.

     “How did you know?” Chloe asked, wondering if anyone else had worked it out.

     “I overheard you talking to Stacy the other day out on the field, and I saw your sister, Spirit appear. That is why I bumped into you; I wanted to see if you really were different to all the other girls in the school.” He smiled.

     “I guess you didn’t realise how different though.” Chloe laughed, but it wasn’t a happy laugh.

     “I won’t pretend to understand what you’re going through, but being forced out of my own body and left to look at my friends and family carry on without me, has made me understand things that are different, and Fin is going to be lucky to have you as a girlfriend.” Danny grinned.

     “I never said I was his girlfriend, we’re just going out on a date.” Chloe argued. “I may not even like dating guys.” She added.

     “You keep telling yourself that, but one day soon you will realise that you love Fin, everyone does.” Danny chuckled.

     “He is hard to say no to.” Chloe blushed.

     “I know that.” Danny laughed some more.

     “He and Paul blame themselves for what happened to you.” Chloe said as she looked up at Danny.

     “I know they do, but it was my own stupid fault what happened to me, they tried to warn me, but I have always been too stupid for my own good.” Danny admitted.

     “I hope you remember enough to be more careful when you wake up in your body.” Chloe frowned.

     “I’ll have you to keep me inline from now on.” Danny grinned. “And if Fin is ever foolish enough to let you go, I will be the first guy to sweep you off your feet.” He added.

     “Even though you know my secret?” Chloe asked.

     “I have a feeling you will be an amazing woman one day, and I would love to be around to see it.” Danny smiled proudly. “Now get back to our friends, and I’ll see you tomorrow at the hospital.” Danny added just before he was gone.

    Chloe found herself wishing she’d had friends like Danny, Fin and Paul while she was still James, but then she never would have ended up as Chloe, or she might have missed them too much to want to leave them like James left his old life behind. Chloe got to her feet and left the classroom and started to make her way back to the dining room where she’d left the others. She didn’t get very far before she ran into Tracy coming the other way.

     “Well, well, well, no one to watch your back then bitch..!” Tracy spat out as she looked Chloe in the eyes with pure hatred in them.

     “I don’t need anyone to help me take care of you.” Chloe snarled back.

     “I will get you back for what you did to me.” Tracy said in a calm smug voice.

     “Looks like I was doing you a favour where Jane’s concerned.” Chloe smirked back. “Maybe you might have been the next one to fall off the roof. She sounds like a real psycho.”

     “Don’t talk about Jane like that.” Tracy growled as she pushed Chloe up against a wall.

     “Oh I see, so you were Jane’s new lover then.” Chloe pouted sarcastically as she pushed Tracy away from her again. “And I wasn’t about to fall for the note in my locker either.” Chloe added as she started to walk away from Tracy.

    Tracy grabbed Chloe’s shoulder, but soon let go again when she saw Stacy and the others walk around the corner and surround her. Fin and Paul were with the four girls as well.

     “You okay Chloe?” Stacy asked as she pushed Tracy away from her friend.

     “Look who’s suddenly grown a backbone.” Tracy said trying to mask how scared she was.

    Stacy just snarled at her as she gave her another push, this time though, Jade had stuck her foot out just behind Tracy, so she tripped over it and ended up sat on her backside in the middle of the hallway surrounded by students all laughing and cheering at her. Tracy got to her feet and ran off down the hallway bumping into students as she went.

     “I just can’t see the two of you ever being friends at this rate.” Finlay smirked. “You okay Chloe?” He asked looking more worried.

     “I’m fine; she just tried to corner me as I was on my way back from the restroom.” Chloe lied. “She doesn’t scare me.” Chloe added.

     “I can see that, but getting put in detention for fighting on your first week at school wouldn’t be a good thing.” Finlay chuckled.

     “Does it worry you to be going on a date with a bad girl?” Chloe giggled.

     “No, not that you’re a bad girl, more a trouble magnet.” Finlay smirked.

     “I’d still like to come with you to see Danny tomorrow.” Chloe said, trying to ignore the trouble magnet comment.

     “I don’t mind, but you will need to get a lift to the school so we can catch the bus into the city, and then another one to the hospital where Danny is.” Finlay explained.

     “Would it be easier if we could get a lift to the hospital?” Chloe asked. She was thinking of asking Ashley to give them a lift, and then pick them up again at the end of the date.

     “That would be great.” Finlay smiled, glad that he and Paul would save some money on travel, which would give them a little more to spend on Chloe and Stacy.

     “What time do you normally leave to go visit him on a Saturday?” Chloe asked.

     “We normally leave around two o’clock.” Finlay said.

     “That’s great, it means Stacy and I can go for a ride in the morning before we meet you.” Chloe smiled. Chloe didn’t want to back out of the promise she and Stacy had made to Susan earlier in the week. “You are still going to join us for a riding lesson right Susan?” Chloe asked as she looked at Susan who was just looking off into space in her own little world.

     “Oh... What? Yes, if you don’t mind.” Susan sputtered out when she realised that Chloe was talking to her.

     “Buy a bag of mints if you want to make friends with Chloe’s horse.” Finlay warned with a grin.

     “She’d make friends with all the horses if she brings mints with her.” Stacy giggled.

     “I’ll do that then, because horses do scare me a little.” Susan said nervously.

     “You’ll be just fine with all the horses at Stacy’s stables. “Chloe said to reassure Susan everything would be okay.

     “What sort of clothing should I wear?” Susan asked.

     “Just some old jeans and a sweatshirt.” Stacy shrugged. “And an old jacket, just in case the weathers a little cold.” Stacy warned.

    They all wandered around enjoying the fresh air after being shut up in a classroom all morning. None of them felt like sitting down either, so they just walked around listening to the other kids talk about Jane and her admission of guilt over Heather’s death.

    The lunch break finally came to an end, and they all made their way back into the school to start their afternoon lessons.


    The afternoon lessons had gone as normal as they could for saying all the students kept asking the teachers if they had any news about Jane and what was going to happen to her. Chloe hadn’t seen Spirit or Heather all afternoon, so she knew little more than the rest of the school.

    Chloe was a little worried when she finished her last lesson of the day, and she saw that her mother was sat in the passenger seat of Ashley’s car next to Ashley when they walked out into the parking area where Ashley picked her and Stacy up.

     “Is everything alright mummy?” Chloe asked when she and Stacy got to the car. It was just the two of them today, the others had all ran off to get ready for after school clubs.

     “Everything is fine sweetie, I was just a little worried about you.” Valarie smiled as she helped the two girls get in the back of the car.

     “Why were you worried about me?” Chloe looked confused.

     “This thing with Jane is all over the news, and the village is overrun with news crews trying to get a scoop on what happened.” Valarie explained her worries. “Has anyone spoken to either of you about it?” Valarie asked.

     “No.” Chloe said. “Stace and I have kept away from it all, like I promised.”

     “That’s good then.” Valarie said sounding relieved.

    Ashley had started to make her way out of the school grounds as Valarie explained everything. Chloe was just about to say something about her and Stacy having a date the next day, but she stopped and looked open mouthed as they passed out the main gates and saw all the news vans and people stood around. They all swarmed towards Ashley’s car with their cameras flashing for some reason. Ashley just put her foot on the gas and drove straight through them. Chloe and Stacy giggled as she watched men and women jump out the way while screaming in panic.

     “Were you trying to kill them?” Valarie asked with a frown after they were clear of them.

     “Maybe a couple of them.” Ashley grinned back.

     “You two okay back there?” Valarie asked after she saw that her sister wasn’t going to admit to feeling sorry about trying to run the reporters down.

     “That was fun.” Chloe giggled.

     “You’re as bad as she is.” Valarie grumbled as she poked Ashley in the arm.

     “Ouch...! I was only trying to stop them getting any photos of you and Chloe.” Ashley said as she rubbed her arm where Valarie had just poked her.

     “That’s sweet of you sis, but now they have a photo of you to go with the heading ‘Worlds worst driver’” Valarie laughed.

     “I can live with that heading.” Ashley grinned back at her sister.

     “You are quite insane.” Valarie said with a worried look as she shook her head from side to side in disbelief.

    Ashley’s answer to this was to make the car swerve from side to side a couple of times, making them all squeal. This just made Ashley giggle even more, and she earned another poke in the arm from Valarie.

     “Why we’re on the subject of driving mummy.” Chloe said nervously as she bit her lip waiting for Valarie to turn her attention back to her.

     “You’re too young to have lessons if that’s what you’re about to ask.” Valarie said in a firm sounding tone.

     “I don’t want to learn to drive silly.” Chloe giggled. “Stacy and I have a date tomorrow, and I was wondering if we could get one of you to give us a ride?” Chloe explained.

     “A date...? Who with?” Ashley grinned as she looked over her shoulder at Chloe sat in the back, almost driving off the road and into a ditch.

     “Keep your eyes on the road...!” Valarie screamed as she tried to find something to grab hold off.

     “Sorry.” Ashley said with a nervous laugh once she had the car under control again.

     “If I let you go on this date, I think it best I drive you.” Valarie frowned as she looked at her sister. “At least I know you’ll get home in once piece that way.” She added as she slapped Ashley on the arm for almost killing them all. Chloe and Stacy were just sat in the back giggling as they watched the two of them argue in the front.

     “So who is it you’re going on a date with, and where does he plan to take you?” Valarie asked once she’d done scolding Ashley.

     “Finlay and Paul have asked us out.” Chloe said.

     “Are those the two boys I met yesterday when I picked you up from school?” Valarie asked.

     “Yes that’s them.” Chloe grinned.

     “And what are they planning to do on this date?” Ashley asked, but kept her eyes on the road this time.

     “We’ll be going to the hospital to start with.” Chloe started to explain.

     “The Hospital...?” Ashley asked with a little shock in her voice. “Kids have sure changed since I was your age.” She added with a sarcastic laugh.

     “I need to visit a friend of theirs in hospital before we go on our date.” Chloe explained. “I met him today, and I have to help him get back into his body.” Chloe added in a matter of fact way.

     “You’ve got to do what...?” Valarie asked, snapping her head round to look at Chloe. “What are you talking about?”

     “I met a boy today called Danny Blakeley, and I found out that he’s a friend of Finlay and Paul, but he had an accident at school last term and he ended up in a coma, but his soul’s stuck out of his body, and Samantha said that I’m the only one able to help him get back into it again.”

     “You saw Danny at school?” Stacy asked, shocked to just be hearing about this now. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?” She asked.

     “I couldn’t while the others were around, and I haven’t had five minutes alone with you since it happened.” Chloe pointed out.

     “But if you’ve seen Danny, then doesn’t that mean he’s dead?” Stacy looked confused.

     “No, because he didn’t feel like a ghost.” Chloe tried to explain. “He was the boy I bumped into the other day and said sorry to.” Chloe added.

     “Is it going to be dangerous for you to help this boy get back into his body?” Valarie asked with worry in her voice.

     “Samantha said it should be quite simple. I just need to link him with his body, so he can pass back into it again.” Chloe explained what Samantha had told her.

     “Okay then, I’ll let you go on a date, but I want to be there when you try this thing at the hospital.” Valarie said.

     “But mum...!” Chloe whined, not happy to have her mother tagging along on her date, even if it was only going to be for part of it. “How do I explain to Fin that you’re coming with us?” Chloe asked.

     “Just tell him that I’m going to give you all a lift into the city, once you’ve done at the hospital.” Valarie said looking smug with herself.

     “That’s actually quite a good reason Chloe.” Stacy admitted.

     “True.” Chloe agreed. “Okay then, I agree mum.”

     “What time are you meeting them then tomorrow?” Valarie asked.

     “I said we’d pick them up from the school at two tomorrow afternoon, if that’s okay?” Chloe asked. “Stacy and I can still go for a ride in the morning then.” Chloe added with a grin.

     “That sounds fine with me sweetie.” Valarie smiled, happy to see Chloe getting out and doing things. “Will the two of you be going for a ride this evening as well?” Valarie asked with a smirk, because she already knew the answer.

     “Yes...!” Both girls shouted together, just before they started giggling.

     “Do you have any homework to do?” Valarie asked as she looked at the two of them to check for lies.

     “No, the teachers were too busy trying to keep us away from the police and anything to do with Jane, to give us homework.” Stacy grinned, happy to be able to get home and then get out to see the horses.

    Chloe had packed a bag that morning, so she could be dropped off at Stacy’s, so both girls jumped out the car as soon as Ashley had parked up outside Stacy’s house. Chloe and Stacy ran off into the house, nearly knocking Dorothy flying as they did so. Dorothy wanted to make sure both girls were alright after hearing the news on the radio about a student admitting to the murder of another student.

    Valarie and Ashley explained what they knew, and this seemed to calm Dorothy a little. Chloe and Stacy had also been handed letters to give to their parents, which Valarie had ended up with both Chloe’s and Stacy’s, so Valarie handed Dorothy one before she invited them in for a coffee.

    Chloe and Stacy came back down stairs changed and ready to go out for a ride, so Chloe gave her mum and aunty Ash a hug before she ran off to catch up with Stacy who had already ran out the door shouting ‘last one to the stables is a rotten egg...!’

     “I can’t believe the change in Stacy since Chloe came into her life.” Dorothy smiled as she saw Chloe vanish out the door shouting to Stacy that she was cheating.

     “I’m glad they found each other.” Valarie laughed. “I think they’re good for each other, and they had a wonderful time shopping last night.” Valarie added with a grin.

     “Yes... I need to speak with you about that.” Dorothy said as she sat up and looked a little angry with Valarie over all the money she spent on Stacy. “You must let me give you some money for all those clothes.”

     “No, it wouldn’t be a gift if you did that.” Valarie said as she waved off any argument about it. “You gave Chloe a horse, so it’s the least I can do, and I know this place eats up most of your cash. Stacy was telling me how you are always trying to balance the books, and you’re always saying sorry that you can’t buy her as many new clothes as you would like.” Valarie added.

     “That is true, but I feel bad about letting you buy them for her.” Dorothy admitted with a sigh.

     “Think of it as a tuition fee.” Valarie started to explain. “Stacy was a big help in getting Chloe to open up and relax while we were out shopping, and I know that Stacy and Stephanie will both be a big help with Chloe in the future, so please let me repay Stacy’s kindness by treating her once in a while.” Valarie pleaded.

     “Alright, but only if you let me spoil Chloe when I get the chance.” Dorothy grinned.

     “Deal...!” Valarie laughed as she put out her hand to shake on it with Dorothy. “I’m not sure if I’ll get in trouble for this, but your daughter and mine are going out on a date tomorrow afternoon.” Valarie said.

     “A date...?” Dorothy asked looking shocked. “Will Chloe be alright going on a date with a boy?”

     “The two boys seem really nice, and I’ll be with them for part of it while they visit a friend of the boys in hospital.” Valarie said. “I can understand you being worried for Chloe after what happened to Stephi.”

     “I think Chloe is a little to weary of boys to let him get to fresh with her, and Stephi has already warned her to be careful how far she takes things.” Ashley added.

     “I think a lot of Stephi’s trouble was due to the friends she had at the time.” Dorothy said with anger in her voice. “I know for a fact that Stacy won’t let a boy get fresh with her, and she won’t try and talk Chloe into anything foolish either.” She added sounding confident in the two of them.

     “It’s a mother’s job to worry about their children.” Valarie said as she reached across the table and took hold of Dorothy’s hand.

     “It’s just hearing that news on the radio, it made me remember how Tom and I felt while they had Stephi in surgery after she was beaten up, but we got our daughter back, those pour parents lost their daughter and thought she’d taken her own life, just to find out she was pushed to her death.” Dorothy wiped away some tears as she spoke.

     “I know how you feel, and I know what they are going through as well.” Valarie said with her own tears rolling down her face. She’d lost her daughter and almost took her own life, but she was sent a gift from heaven in the form of James, who was now becoming Chloe bit by bit, and she was also being looked over by her own personal angel in the form of Spirit.

    Valarie and Ashley finished their coffee and then they left to go home and sort out some dinner for when Chloe got home after her ride.


    It was just Chloe and Stacy on their ride, and Stacy was able to grill Chloe about her meeting with Danny.

     “Was it Danny that made you run off at lunchtime like you did?” Stacy asked as they made their way along one of the trails that circled the farm where Stacy lived.

     “Yes it was.” Chloe admitted. “I needed to talk with him, but I couldn’t do it in the dining hall.”

     “Are you not scared about helping him get back into his body?”

     “Maybe a little, but I will feel better about myself if I can help him to wake up.” Chloe said feeling good about her gift, and what she was able to do with it.

     “Will he remember everything though? Once he’s back in his own body?” Stacy asked looking worried.

     “Samantha says he may remember bits and bobs, but he’ll put most of it down to just being weird dreams.” Chloe shrugged. “I may need your help to keep Fin and Paul out the way while I help Danny get back in his body though.”

     “You can count on me.” Stacy said looking proud as she puffed out her chest. “It is I...! Stacy...! Your trusty sidekick.”

    Chloe couldn’t help but burst out in a fit of giggles. “Maybe we should get you a costume to wear then.” Chloe said between giggles.

     “That would mean you wearing a costume as well.” Stacy giggled.

    They both stopped giggling when they heard the sound of a horse galloping through the woods towards them. They both started grinning when they saw it was Stephanie on her own horse Snowflake.

     “Hi sis...!” Stacy shouted as she started waving excitedly.

     “Hi Stephi.” Chloe grinned.

     “Hi, I’m glad I found you so easily.” Stephanie smiled as she pulled her horse to a halt next to the two girls. “It was like Snowflake was being told where to go.” She giggled as she patted the side of Snowflake’s neck.

     “Was I that obvious?” Spirit asked as she appeared on the back of Snowflake behind Stephanie.

     “Hi Spirit.” Stephanie grinned as she looked over her shoulder. “Did you have anything to do with what I saw on the news earlier today?”

     “I might have.” Spirit smirked.

     “Are you two alright?” Stephanie asked as she looked at Stacy and Chloe. “You’ve not gotten involved have you?”

     “No, we’ve kept well away from it, so the police and Jane’s father has no reason to come looking at us.” Chloe said.

     “That’s okay then. “Stephanie said looking relieved to hear that. “Mum was just telling me that the two of you have a date tomorrow.” She added with a grin.

     “How does mum know about that already?” Stacy asked looking shocked by this little piece of news.

     “Chloe’s mum told our mum, and she told me.” Stephanie said sounding bored, like it wasn’t a big surprise really.

     “And mum was okay with it?” Stacy asked nervously.

     “Yes in the end, but you both need to be very careful, and don’t get caught up in the moment Chloe.” Stephanie warned.

     “I won’t Stephi. I’m not ready to even think about kissing him yet, so I won’t be letting him find anything out.” Chloe smiled.

    The three of them started riding again as Chloe and Stacy filled Stephanie in on what had been happening at school. Spirit had vanished again now she’d helped Stephanie find them. Chloe told Stephanie about meeting Heather and finding out the truth about Jane and what she did, Chloe then told Stephanie about Danny, and how she planned to help him the next day.

     “That sound really scary Chloe, are you sure you’re up to it?” Stephanie asked with worry in her voice.

     “Samantha seems to think I am, and I can’t just leave him to wander like a lost soul.” Chloe sighed. “It makes me feel good to be good at something for once, even if it is dealing with the dead and stuff like that.” Chloe admitted.

     “You’ve always been good at stuff Chloe.” Stephanie said in a scolding big sister tone. “You were just no good at trying to be a boy.” She added with a grin.

    Chloe went to argue the point with Stephanie, but Chloe realised that Stephanie was right, she had been useless at doing all the boy stuff, but she’d been doing much better since becoming Chloe.

    They rode around the woods for another hour, just talking about normal girl stuff, and then they made their way back to the stables and sorted out the horses and got them all bedded down for the night before Stephanie and Stacy drove Chloe home. Stephanie had already called Ashley and let her know that she’d be bringing Chloe home.

    Chloe went up to her room and took a shower before she had dinner with Valarie and Ashley. Chloe looked in the mirror once she was undressed, and she let out a sigh as she wondered if she would ever look like a girl.

     “You okay sis?” Spirit asked sounding worried as she appeared just behind Chloe.

    Chloe let out a very girly sounding squeal as she snatched up a towel and covered herself from the chest down. “Spirit...!” Chloe shouted in a shaky voice as she spun around, still gripping the towel to her chest, like she had something to hide up there.

     “I’m sorry sis.” Spirit giggled “I didn’t mean to scare you.” She added between giggles.

     “You don’t sound very sorry to me.” Chloe snapped back as she tried to cover herself a little better with the towel.

     “I am sorry sis, but you just looked so funny with the way you grabbed that towel and covered yourself up.” Spirit explained with more giggles.

    Chloe was trying to stay angry with Spirit, but even she started to see the funny side of it all and started to giggle. “I think it was just wishful thinking on my part.” Chloe said as she sat on the edge of the bed, still keeping the towel wrapped around her chest and sweeping it under her as she sat down.

     “I felt your depression, that's it why I came.” Spirit said as she sat down beside her. “What’s wrong?” She asked as she wrapped an arm around Chloe and pulled her closer.

     “I hate what I see when I look in the mirror.” Chloe sighed again. “I can fool myself when I’m dressed, but once all the clothes have been taken off, I’m just a boy trying to fool the world into thinking I’m something I’m not.” Chloe said with a snuffle as she wiped away a tear that was running down her cheek.

     “You are a girl in here and here sis.” Spirit said as she touched a finger to Chloe’s head and chest. “The medicine you’re taking will help to fix the other stuff, and in a couple of weeks that thing between your legs will look just like every other girl your age.” Spirit added as she tried to cheer Chloe up.

     “I’m sorry I worried you sis.” Chloe smiled as she rested her head on Spirit’s shoulder. “I just want to be a girl when I look in the mirror.” Chloe added with pain in her voice.

     “I know you do sis, and one day you will be.” Spirit said in a soothing tone as she sent some calming energy into Chloe to help her feel better.

     “Thanks for being here for me.” Chloe said in a more contended sigh this time.

    Chloe was soon feeling better, and she took a shower before slipping on her night clothes and then going down for dinner.

    Chloe, Valarie and Ashley decided to watch a movie because the news on the TV was all about Jane and her father. Chloe fell asleep half way through the movie, she had her head on Valarie’s lap, and her legs ended up draped across Ashley’s.



To Be Continued Next Tuesday  GRIN


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

    EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you

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