As everyone knows, I published a new book yesterday. Now this is going to sound a little like grandstanding perhaps, but that's not what I'm trying to do.
See, I thought I produced something really good, really important, something that might change the world just a little and maybe my life had meaning after all. Initially things started off good and I sold 14 copies straight away. I had national church organizations put links in their newsletters, I had someone from Amsterdam that dealt with transgender and religion backing me and putting the word out. I really thought that this was it, that this was the beginning of launching something special.
It seems my rocket ship to relevancy blew up on the launching pad. Everything stopped. I haven't sold a thing, of anything, and that hasn't happened in months.
I'm disappointed. I think I got my hopes too high and had visions of grandour and discovered that I'm still the same old worthless pile of shit I've always been. I hate this self pity and won't go further. I just wanted to share. I'll check messages, but I'm taking a break.
Slow down take a breath.
I am putting the word out here in Seattle Everett area. And I will be buying a copy or two come the first of the month. These things takes time, so do not attack your self over a slow start. We will be behind you every time you turn around, backing you up, and not making you walk the plank.
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
In the old days ...
I am not an expert, but I think that in the old days, authors would go on book tours with some publicity prior, and hawk their books in book stores, thus generating interest. I do not know how this is done now days. I think the last book I read off the shelf was "50 Shades" and that had a lot of publicity, including wild claims to lurid content. In actuality, the books were pretty tame and very enjoyable.
I am not even sure that I have heard of the title of your books or what name you are using on Amazon.
I use this name on Amazon KATIE LEONE and I post several times a month here in blogs the titles of my books. The latest one was posted yesterday "The Transsexual and the Cross, disproving the myth that transsexuality is a sin"
My other books in chronological order are
God Bless the Child
Growing Up Jenny
Finding Jenny
Wrestling Against Myself
The Dress Punishment
A Different Kind of Life
Until yesterday they were all selling suddenly. Maybe this is God's way of telling me the Bible book was a bad idea and I'm being punished for my brazenness. Maybe I was completely wrong on my stance. Maybe this ride is over.
Katie Leone (
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
Amazon troubles
Are you aware that Amazon has been having trouble updating some of their pages today? Give yourself the benefit of the doubt, too.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I bought your newest ebook the day you announced it here!
Think maybe there's a delay in Amazon's stats?
Katie, You are NOT a
You are NOT a 'worthless pile of s...' What you are is a very valuable and precious human being. You have no idea who will hear the message or when, because God is in control of that and He will make sure it goes to the right people at the right time and understanding will come to many more people. He has used you to send out His word and "His Word will not return to Him void."
Scripture says: "Be prepared to give your testimony in season and out of season." It does NOT say anywhere to convert people and change their hearts - only God can do that, and He will use your testimony to change others. Keep the faith, Sister. "Faith without works is dead."
Mark <3
Wrap your arms around yourself and squeeze. Just a long distance hug from me to you.
I wouldn't be too discouraged
I wouldn't be too discouraged yet. There have been issues on Amazon's side and your work is good. Give yourself some time and you'll see.
Samirah M. Johnstone
Katie, do you have a link to where we can buy it?
I'd like to post that link on my church's affirm page
you may
Go right ahead. Still no sales moving :(
Katie Leone (
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
Katie Leone, relax, please. I
am on Medicare/Medicaid. I purchase books at beginning of the month.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Is this the first book you've released in late Spring? It wouldn't surprise me if its a seasonal thing... book sales down as people start spending more time outdoors? I imagine there are statistics on such things out there somewhere.
I haven't thought of that. Plus taxes are due in a few days. I'll be okay.
Katie Leone (
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life