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Part Six of 13+
Chapter Six: Making new friends
Chloe was woken from a nice dream by her two kittens Smokey and Angel chasing each other around the bed.
“I wish you two would play around someplace other than my bed.” Chloe said with a giggle as she scooped up the two kittens in her hands and held them up to her face.
Smokey and Angel just started purring and meowing at her.
“They're saying good morning and they want to know when you will be feeding them.” Spirit said with a giggle from the side of her.
“They will get fed just as soon as I’m ready for school.” Chloe said in a loving tone as she hugged a kitten to each cheek. This just made each kitten purr even louder and then they started licking Chloe’s cheeks. Chloe just giggled as she placed the kittens back on the bed before she wiped her cheeks where the kitten’s rough little tongues had been.
Chloe was sat up with her feet hanging over the edge of the bed when her mother knocked before entering the room. “Morning sweetie.” Valarie said as she walked over to where Chloe was sat and kissed her on the forehead.
“Morning mummy.” Chloe smiled up at her.
“Is everything alright? I thought you’d still be fast asleep.” Valarie said as she placed her hand on Chloe’s forehead to make sure she wasn’t running a fever.
“I’m fine mummy.” Chloe smiled. “Smokey and Angel woke me; they were chasing each other around the bed.” She explained as she looked at the two kittens that had stopped playing around like they knew they were being talked about.
“Well they do look cuter than any alarm clock I’ve ever seen.” Valarie said as she picked up the two kittens. They both started to wiggle around until they heard Valarie say she would get them fed, and then they both stopped trying to get loose and looked eager for her to go do that.
Chloe checked her cell phone as she got to her feet and saw she’d got a text message from someone, so she tapped the screen to see who it was. She smiled when she saw it was a text from Stephanie.
‘Sorry I missed your call baby sister, I had an evening class I’d forgotten all about, and it was too late to call when it ended, but I will be sat waiting with my phone this evening at eight o’clock. Hugs, Stephi xxxx’
Chloe smiled at the fact Stephanie saw her as another younger sister just like Stacy, and she skipped off to get ready for school feeling lucky to be alive.

Chloe and Ashley got out her car when they pulled up outside Stacy’s house, and Chloe knocked on the door. It didn’t take long for Dorothy to answer it and let the two of them in.
“Stacy’s almost ready, but she’s been trying to tell me how Val got her hair to look Like Chloe’s.” Dorothy said when she saw that Chloe had hers in a French braid again like she’d had the day before.
“How did it turn out?” Ashley asked looking excited to see the result.
“It didn’t, and Stacy isn’t talking to me now because of it.” Dorothy said rolling her eyes.
“Do you want me to sort it out for you?” Ashley asked.
“Do you know how to do it?” Dorothy asked looking hopeful.
“Who do you think showed Val?” Ashley frowned. “Why don’t you come and watch me do it, that way you’ll be able to do it tomorrow.” She added with a smile as she let Dorothy lead her up to Stacy’s bedroom where she was stomping around trying to finish getting ready for school.
“Looks like someone got out of bed on the wrong side this morning.” Ashley said with a grin once she was stood at the open bedroom door.
“I can’t get out of bed on the wrong side.” Stacy grumbled. “I’d end up in the garden.” She added with a frown as she pointed to one of the beds in the room that was up against the wall.
“That would put me in a bad mood as well, waking up in the garden.” Ashley said in a fake whisper as she entered the room and made her way over to Stacy. “I’ve come to sort out your hair for you, and also show your mother how it’s done.” Ashley added as she led Stacy over to her dressing table and sat her down.
Stacy’s mood suddenly changed and she was her normal happy self again as she sat grinning while Ashley explained to Dorothy what she was doing, and then she let Dorothy take over and finish off the look. Stacy was soon sporting a French braid just like Chloe.
“Thank you mummy and you as well Ashley.” Stacy said as she first hugged her mother and then she ran over and gave Ashley a hug as well, just before she grabbed her school bag and laptop case, she then joined Chloe at the door ready to leave for school.
“Thank you for doing that Ashley.” Dorothy smiled as she watched a now giggling Stacy making her way down stairs with Chloe.
“Think nothing of it; I’m just sorry you had to put up with a stroppy child over it.” Ashley frowned.
“I don’t mind that.” Dorothy giggled. “It’s good to see her acting like a normal girl again.” Dorothy added when she saw the puzzled look Ashley was giving her.
“Wasn’t she like this before Chloe became her friend then?” Ashley asked.
“She was up until a girl she thought to be her friend turned against her, then she pulled away from everyone except Stephi, and Stephi was away most the time at college, so Stacy would spend most her time out in the stables on her own.” Dorothy said with a sigh.
“Well I know that Chloe loves having Stacy as a friend.” Ashley said as she looked over at the two girls getting into the back of her car.
“I think Chloe is a much better friend than Tracy ever was.” Dorothy smiled as she looked at the two girls giggling and playing around. “There was just something I never liked about that girl.” Dorothy added looking thoughtful.
“What you see is what you get with Chloe.” Ashley smiled. “Well kind of...” She added with a confused look.
“I know what you mean.” Dorothy giggled as she understood what Ashley was getting at with the whole transgender issue.
“Chloe had a boy take an interest in her yesterday, and it’s left her feeling a little confused about some things, and I’m not sure how I can help her.” Ashley admitted.
“Does she think she’s doing a bad thing by having feelings for a boy because part of her still thinks of herself as a boy?” Dorothy asked, but looked like she already knew the answer.
“Yes, that’s what she said to me last night when I was driving her home.” Ashley sighed, glad that it wasn’t just a problem that Chloe was having.
“Stephi was the same in the beginning, but she learned to look beyond her worries as time went on.” Dorothy said to reassure Ashley that it wasn’t much to worry about. “Just don’t let Chloe start going too far with the boy.” She warned.
“Stephi told me what happened to her, and I don’t think we need to worry about that with Chloe.” Ashley replied.
“We thought the same thing with Stephi, but it only took her getting lost in the moment once, and she almost died because of it.” Dorothy said with fear in her voice as she thought of the call she got the night Stephi was attacked.
Ashley could understand Dorothy’s worries for Chloe, but Dorothy didn’t know about Chloe’s real past, and how untrusting of men she was, so Ashley hoped that that would help stop Chloe making the same mistakes Stephanie had.
“I can get Stephi to have a word with Chloe about it.” Dorothy said, snapping Ashley out of her thoughts. “I know that Chloe sees Stephi as a big sister, and they can always make their younger sisters listen where we can’t.” Dorothy added with a roll of her eyes, as if she already knew that Stacy spoke with Stephanie about things she wouldn’t speak to either of her parents about.
“Chloe told me that she already plans to have a word with Stephi about it this evening when she calls to tell her about starting school with Stacy.” Ashley smiled as she thought about how excited Chloe had been on the drive over to Stacy’s, because she’d got a text message from Stephi that morning.
“Stephi said she’d got a voicemail from Chloe last night, but it was too late for her to call her back when she finished her class last night.” Dorothy smiled. “She called me to see how Stacy had gone on at school.” Dorothy added in a whisper so as not to let Stacy know her sister was worried about her. “Stephi was happy to hear that her sister is doing much better thanks to having Chloe as a friend, and Sophie and Jade seem like nice girls as well.” Dorothy admitted.
“I’ve not met Sophie and Jade yet, but they do seem nice from what Chloe has said.”
“I’m sure you’ll get to see lots of them when you join them on their horse rides.” Dorothy giggled.
“I just hope they don’t feel like I’m spying on them.” Ashley admitted her worries.
“I doubt that, they both seemed excited about having you join them.” Dorothy frowned. “I’d love to chat more with you Ashley, but I better let you get those two to school.” Dorothy added with a sigh when she saw the time.
“I don’t have anything planned for the rest of the morning, so I can come back and chat some more if you’d like?” Ashley offered.
“I’d like that, but I do have some jobs to do around the place.” Dorothy pointed out.
“We can talk while I help you get the jobs done then.” Ashley grinned. “I’ll see you later.” Ashley added just before she got in her car.
Dorothy waved to the girls and Ashley as she pulled out the driveway, and then she went back into the house to make a start on her housework.

Stacy gave Ashley directions once she’d pulled into the school grounds, and Ashley dropped off the two girls just to the side of the main house, or school building as it was now.
“Are you sure you’ll be okay getting dropped off here?” Ashley asked as she looked at some other cars pulling up in front of the main house.
“Yes, this is a much better place to get dropped off.” Stacy said as she got out the car.
“Have a good day at school then, and listen to what the teachers have to say.” Ashley warned the two girls as they got out the car.
“We will Aunty Ash, and thank you for the lift.” Chloe said as she walked around to the driver’s side and leaned in through the now open window and gave Ashley a hug and a kiss on the cheek.
“Is there any sign of this boy, Finlay?” Ashley asked as she looked around. “I’d like to get a look at him.” She added with a grin.
“Aunty Ash....!” Chloe whined. “Just get out of here.” Chloe added as her cheeks reddened.
“Okay, okay,” Ashley giggled. “I’ll pick the two of you up in this spot then this afternoon at three thirty.” Ashley added just before she put the car in gear and she drove away.
“I really like your aunty, she’s funny.” Stacy grinned as they waved to the back of Ashley’s car.
“She is a lot of fun, but I wish I’d not told her about meeting Finlay.” Chloe frowned as they both picked up their book bags and laptop cases before making their way over to the main entrance.
“Technically it was your horse that told her, well it was Spirit that told her, but only after hearing about it from your horse.” Stacy pointed out.
“You make me sound like a crazy person when you say it like that.” Chloe giggled.
“Make you sound crazy...?” Stacy giggled. “I was the one that just said it.” She added as she bumped Chloe’s shoulder.
The two girls were just about to enter the main house when they saw Jane and her little group of followers blocking the entrance, but before Jane had time to start anything, they all heard a boy’s voice calling out Chloe’s name. They all turned to see Finlay, Paul, Sophie and Jade making their way over to them.
“Hey Chloe.” Finlay smiled as he reached the spot where they were stood. “How was the rest of your ride last night?” Finlay asked, taking no notice of Jane and her three friends.
“It was really nice.” Chloe smiled. “I know that Shadow is eager to see you again after you fed him all those mints.” She added with a giggle. Chloe was actually getting a kick out of seeing the look on Jane’s face as she found out Finlay had met up with her the evening before.
“I hope you let me meet up with you again sometime so I can spoil your horse again.” Finlay smiled back. “Please let me carry your laptop for you.” Finlay added as he took Chloe’s laptop case off her and threw it over his own shoulder.
“Please let me take yours for you Stacy.” Paul said as he did the same with Stacy’s laptop case.
Stacy grinned as she let Paul help her because she thought Paul was really cute, and also she knew that Tracy had liked Paul from the first time she saw him. This was still clear to see by the way Tracy was starring daggers at Stacy from Jane’s left side.
Jane and her friends parted to let the two boys and four girls through, but she didn’t look happy to see Finlay falling over himself to help Chloe. Sophie and Jade just grinned as they followed behind and saw the looks the two girls were getting.
“Bad luck Jane, it looks like Fin has much better taste than I first gave him credit for.” Sophie said as she gave Jane a little push to make sure she was out the way.
“Watch your mouth Sophie.” Jane snarled as she made a move to attack Sophie, but she was soon backing up when she saw Sophie waving her cell phone in her face.
“Play nice Jane or your secret comes out.” Sophie said with a sweet smile on her face, but her eyes said she wasn’t playing around.
Jane stepped back again as she let out a grunt to let Sophie know she wasn’t happy being blackmailed by someone like Sophie. “I will find a way to make you get rid of that.” Jane warned.
“Don’t worry; I have lots of secrets on you and all your little friends.” Sophie laughed as she looked at Jane’s three friends who all looked worried now.
“You should be careful little girl.” Jane warned. “Something could happen to you, and all those little secrets would just go away.” Jane added sounding smug.
“Oh don’t worry about that, I have them saved to a server that will make all of them public if I don’t enter a code twice a day.” Sophie said in a matter of fact way. “But thanks for the warning.” She added just before she turned around and walked away to catch up with Chloe and Stacy.
“Do you really have all their secrets saved on a server?” Jade asked in a whisper once they were far enough away to not be overheard by any of them.
“No, but I will have by this evening.” Sophie grinned.
“Remind me to never upset you.” Jade said sounding a little nervous.
“I’d never do anything to hurt you girlfriend.” Sophie pouted. “But I would hurt anyone that tried to hurt you though.” Sophie added with an evil grin.
“Do you get a kick out of teasing Jane?” Finlay asked once they reached the section of lockers that Chloe and Stacy used to keep their things in until they needed them.
“It does have its perks.” Sophie grinned. “I could ask you the same thing with that little show of affection back there.” Sophie pointed out.
“I’m just hoping she will get the message that I’m not interested in her.” Finley grumbled. “You saw the way she was last night at evening meal.” Finlay added with a frown.
“You sat with her last night while you had dinner?” Chloe found herself asking as she felt anger and jealousy over the thought of Finlay sitting with Jane the evening before.
“Yes, but not because I wanted to, and Sophie and Jade were sat with us as well.” Finlay said sounding defensive and worried over the way Chloe was acting.
“Finlay is telling the truth Chloe.” Jade said. “We were already sat together eating our Dinner when Jane and the others came and sat with us.” She added.
“That girl is creepy the way she started talking to Fin like they were a couple.” Paul added with a shudder.
“You find it creepy; try it from my point of view.” Finlay replied.
“Can anyone say stalker?” Sophie frowned.
“Maybe she just needs to get her medication changed for something stronger.” Stacy said in a tone that made it sound like she was defending Jane, but she was soon doubled over in a fit of giggles with the others when they all burst out laughing.
“I’m beginning to think she should be on medication with the way she’s acting.” Finlay said once they all stopped laughing. “Please be careful around her Chloe, and you three.” He added looking worried.
“Don’t worry about me Finlay.” Chloe smiled. “I’ve got an angel keeping an eye on me.” She added as she looked up the hallway to where Jane was staring at her with dagger, and she could see the misty image of Spirit stood with her listening to whatever evil plan she was cooking up to get even with Chloe.
“You’ll need it with that psycho bitch after you.” Paul frowned.
“We better see about getting to class.” Sophie said when she saw the time.
“Do you mind if we join you for lunch again today?” Finlay asked looking hopeful.
“I’d like that, and we may as well give Jane a reason to hate me.” Chloe grinned.
Chloe followed the other three girls to their home room, due to her still trying to work out where everything was. They sat in the same seats as the day before, and they let the homeroom teacher take the register before they made their way to the first class of the day which was maths. Chloe called on the knowledge that Spirit left her with and she was able to keep up with the rest of the class.
“Are you sure you’ll be alright in the library while we do gym?” Stacy asked while they were having their mid morning break between classes.
Stacy, Sophie and Jade had all walked with Chloe to the library where she’d be spending the next two periods while they were doing sports in the gym.
“I’ll be fine.” Chloe said trying to reassure her friends not to worry about her. “I can read up on our afternoon lessons, or I might take a look at my maths homework, so I don’t have to worry about doing it at home later.” Chloe added with a grin.
“I was hoping we could sit and do our homework together again this evening.” Stacy pouted.
“I did enjoy that last night, so I will just sit and read in the library then.” Chloe said.
“That’s great.” Stacy squealed as she jumped at Chloe and hugged her half to death.
“We better see about getting a move on Stacy.” Sophie said as she looked at the clock on the wall above the entrance to the library.
“Wait in the library and we’ll come to you after gym.” Stacy said in a firm sounding tone. “I wouldn’t put it past Jane to take any chance she can get to pick on you.”
“Stacy has a good point there Chloe.” Sophie agreed. “Jane has her spies around the school, and she will jump at the chance to get you on your own.”
“I’ll be fine, now get to gym before your all late and you get kept behind.” Chloe said as she turned Stacy in the direction of the gym and gave her a push to get her moving. “You know I’ll be alright.” Chloe added when Stacy looked worriedly over her shoulder.
Chloe stood in the doorway to the library and watched her friends make their way down the hallway and then around the corner out of sight before she turned and made her way into the library feeling more afraid than she had since first starting at the school the day before. Chloe realised that this was the first time she’d been left alone.
She walked past the librarian and smiled back at her when the woman smiled at her, then Chloe wandered through to where all the tables were and stopped dead in her tracks when she saw that Susan Smith was sat at one of the table reading a book.
Susan looked up at Chloe like she could sense she was being watched, and she gave Chloe a little smile. Chloe smiled back and then took a chance by sitting at the same table facing Susan.
“Do you mind if I join you?” Chloe asked in a whisper, so as not to get in trouble for talking, even though there was only the two of them in the library as well as the librarian.
“It’s a free country, sit where you want.” Susan said just before she went back to reading her book.
“Don’t you do gym either?” Chloe asked.
“No, the doctor won’t let me due to a medical problem.” Susan replied. “Why don’t you do gym?” She asked.
“I was in a car accident and they say that it’s best I don’t do anything that might cause me to have problems.” Chloe lied, but she had been hit by a truck as James, and still had the scars to prove it if Susan or anyone else asked to see them.
“Sorry to hear that.” Susan whispered.
Chloe took a couple of minutes to look Susan over. Chloe thought that Susan looked like a girl, but she could also see little bits that said she could be a boy as well, but it was more in the way she acted over the way she looked. Chloe could see Susan’s blouse being pushed out in the chest area, and she started to wonder if it was just padding, or if she actually had her own breasts growing. Chloe knew very little about intersexed children and what it meant to be one. She noticed that Susan didn’t have long nails, but they were painted in a pale blue, and she also had her ears pierced, but she only had studs like Chloe, so she hadn’t had then pierced very long.
“What are you readying?” Chloe asked trying to make light conversation.
“You’ll think me silly if I tell you.” Susan blushed.
“Why would I think you silly?” Chloe asked looking puzzled.
Rather than tell Chloe what she was reading, Susan held up the book and Chloe had to mask a giggle when she saw that Susan was reading one of her mother’s books. “I overheard a couple of students talking about you starting here, and how your mother was a well known writer, so I bought one of her novels and I’ve been reading it for the past couple of days now.” Susan admitted.
“And what do you think of it?” Chloe asked.
“It’s a good read, and I’ve had trouble putting it down.” Susan grinned.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying it.” Chloe grinned back.
Susan just smiled before she went back to reading her book. Chloe could tell that Susan wasn’t used to engaging in conversation, so she got out her text book for one of her afternoon classes and started to study. They never spoke again until they were putting their things away at the end of the period and just before lunchtime.
“Do you want to join me and my friends for lunch?” Chloe asked looking hopeful.
“Thanks for the offer, but I’ve seen how you’ve made an enemy of Jane Bridgeport, and I don’t want to get in the middle of all that.” Susan admitted her reason for turning Chloe down. “My father is a teacher here at the school as well, and I’m sure your friends won’t want me joining you.” She added. Susan was gone before Chloe had a chance to argue the point with her.
Chloe thought about going after her, but she’d agreed to wait for Stacy and the others, and she didn’t want to risk bumping into Jane and her little gang on her own, even if she did have Spirit to watch her back. Chloe also knew the reason for Susan not wanting to show up on Jane’s radar. The last thing Susan needed was someone like Jane finding out about her being intersexed, it was also the main reason for Chloe not wanting any trouble with Jane, but it was a little late for that one. Chloe did have Spirit to help keep her safe though, which is more than what Susan has.

Chloe was sat just inside the library waiting for Stacy, Sophie and Jade when she got a feeling that a ghost was close by, but it wasn’t Spirit. Chloe looked around and saw the ghostly image of a young woman dressed in Victorian maid’s clothes dusting the shelves just across from her. Chloe quickly looked away when she saw the woman look at her, but it was too late because the woman had already noticed that Chloe could see her.
“You can see me can’t you Miss?” The woman asked as she floated across the room to where Chloe was sat looking nervous, now that the woman was going to touch her and then call Brut, her own personal reaper to their location.
Chloe tried to make out she couldn’t see the woman, but the woman wasn’t buying it as she started to reach out her hand towards Chloe’s face, but she soon stopped and floated back a couple of feet when she saw Spirit suddenly appear between her and Chloe.
“You don’t want to do that Mary.” Spirit said like she already knew the woman dressed as a maid.
“I don’t mean the child any harm, but she feels different to the others that come here.” The woman said with a thick cockney accent.
“She is different, and if you touch her Mary, you will end up being taken to the other side.” Spirit warned.
“I can’t go yet Miss Spirit.” The woman called Mary said looking worried. “I have to find the children and make sure their safe before I can rest.” She added in a pleading tone.
“Chloe and I will help you find the children and then pass them on to the other side so you can finally find rest yourself.” Spirit said in a calming tone that put Mary at ease. “I’ll explain it all to you later sis.” Spirit said when she saw the puzzled look on Chloe’s face.
“That would be nice.” Mary sighed. “I’d like to be with my Henry again.” She added with a faraway look in her eyes.
Chloe had a bunch of questions she wanted to ask Spirit, but they would all have to wait until she got home that evening because Stacy and the others turned up at that point, so Chloe grabbed her things and then followed the others to the dining hall, and dropped off their bags at their lockers on the way.
“How was gym?” Chloe asked as they made their way to the dining room.
“Gruelling like always.” Stacy whined. “But it does give you an appetite though.” She added with a grin.
“I’m sure the teacher would struggle to do as much as she expects us to do each time we have gym.” Jade grumbled. “I wish I had a reason to sit in the library like you to Chloe.” She added with a pout as she threw her arms around Chloe and rested her chin on Chloe’s shoulder.
“I wish I was able to do gym with you, but the accident I was in put an end to me doing any kind of sport.” Chloe said with a sigh.
“I’m sorry Chloe, I didn’t mean to make light of your problems.” Jade said sounding all serious now as she hugged Chloe. Chloe thought it safe to use James’ accident as another reason for her not doing gym, just in case they ever saw the scars on her body for the doctors piecing all her broken bones back together.
“Don’t worry about it, and it sounds like I’ve got the better end of the deal anyway.” Chloe grinned in a teasing way that soon had Jade trying to tickle her.
Finlay and Paul had a table reserved for them by the time they’d gotten their lunch and made their way over to them. Chloe could see Jane and her little gang sat on the other side of the dining room in the same place as the day before, but the thing that caught Chloe’s eye was the scary looking dead girl stood just behind Jane. Chloe knew the girl was dead because she watched another student walk straight through her, and she was ill looking and seemed totally focused on Jane for some reason.
“Starring at Jane isn’t going to help keep her from causing trouble Chloe.” Stacy said when she noticed that Chloe was looking across at Jane. Stacy had no idea that Chloe was actually looking at a dead girl stood just behind Jane.
“She doesn’t look very happy anyway.” Chloe said, but she did notice that Jane wasn’t looking at her for once; Jane wasn’t looking at anyone really. She seemed to be lost in a world of her own.
Chloe found herself wondering who the ghost girl might be, and if it might have been one of the children the ghost Mary from the library was talking about, but the ghost girl stood behind Jane looked to be wearing the same kind of uniform as her and the other female students. So Chloe guessed that she must have died within the last couple of years.
“She’s probably trying to remember how to use a knife and fork.” Paul chuckled.
“You could be asking a lot of her.” Finlay shot back with a laugh. “I’m not sure she’s able to use a knife and fork at the same time.” He added.
Chloe and the others couldn’t stop themselves from bursting out in a fit of giggles as they heard Finlay and Paul making fun of Jane, and the fact she wasn’t very bright.
“Maybe you should say some of this stuff to her face Finlay.” Chloe commented. “It might stop her chasing after you.” She added.
“I have, but she was too dumb to realise I was making fun of her, and she just thought I was flirting with her.” Finlay said rolling his eyes.
“It’s true.” Paul confirmed. “It was quite sad to see; well it would have been with anyone except Jane.” He corrected himself.
When Chloe next looked over at Jane, the ghost of the girl had vanished and Jane looked to be her old self again as she was now looking daggers at Chloe. Chloe found herself wishing the dead girl would come back and carry on doing whatever it was she was doing, so that Jane wasn’t looking at her like she was working out different ways to make her life a living hell.
“I think it would be best if you waited until Jane has taken her tray back today.” Spirit said as she appeared in the empty seat across from Chloe.
Chloe gave Spirit a look that asked the question ‘why?’
“She’s planning to try the same thing with the tray that she was going to try yesterday.” Spirit said with a roll of her eyes. “Finlay and Paul are right about her, she’s not very bright at all.” Spirit added.
“I hope none of you mind, but I was hoping to sit here until Jane and her little gang have left the dining room today?” Chloe asked looking hopeful.
“I don’t mind.” Finlay smiled. “So how was your second morning at the school?” He asked trying to get Chloe talking about anything other than Jane Bridgeport.
“It was alright. I spent half of it in the library while the others had gym.” Chloe said with a shrug.
“Why don’t you do gym?” Finlay asked.
“I was in a car accident that left me with some muscle damage, so I’m not allowed to do any kind of sports.” Chloe pouted like she’d seen other teenage girls do.
“Do you have any scars?” Paul asked making it sound like it would be cool if she did.
“Yes I do, but I don’t like to let people see them.” Chloe said with a blush.
“So what happened...?” Paul asked, eager to hear more about the accident.
“Paul...!” Finlay shot back at his friend. “I’m sure Chloe doesn’t want to relive what ever happened.” He added looking a little angry with his friend.
“Oh, I’m sorry Chloe; I didn’t mean it to sound so...” Paul trailed off, not being able to think of the right word to finish with.
“It’s alright Paul, but Finlay is right; I don’t like to talk about it due to my father dying in the accident.” Chloe said as she found herself getting upset over it, but she always did because her memories of the accident were Spirit’s memories, and she did miss her father.
“Sorry to hear that.” Paul said sounding much more remorseful now.
“I did get to chat to one of our class mates while I was in the library.” Chloe suddenly said wanting to change the subject a little bit.
“Who was that?” Stacy asked, happy to help out in the subject change.
“I was speaking to Susan Smith. She was reading one of my mother’s books.” Chloe giggled.
“You do know that Susan’s father is a teacher here at the school.” Finlay said looking worried like talking to Susan was like touching a leper.
“Why do you make it sound like a bad thing?” Chloe frowned. “She’s still just a student like all of us.”
“True, but she’s more likely to tell her father about things we don’t want the teachers to know about.” Finlay said as he tried to defend what he’d just said.
“She’s not the easiest person to get along with either.” Paul said.
“I’m not surprised, when you talk about her like that.” Chloe snapped angrily.
Chloe disregarded her own advice and got up from the dining table and took her tray up to the counter. She did it all so fast that Jane and her little group didn’t have time to do anything.
“Chloe...! Chloe...!” Finlay shouted as he followed Chloe out of the dining room. “I’m sorry if I upset you.” He added once he’d finally caught up with her.
“I’m not upset.” Chloe snapped at him. I’m just angry with you and how stupid you can be.” She added as she tried to step around him and keep walking away.
“I’m sorry for being stupid then.” Finlay chuckled.
Chloe wanted to stay mad with him, but she found herself grinning instead when she looked into his eyes and saw how cute he looked when he laughed.
“I hate you she giggled as she slapped his arm in a very girly way.
“I can see that.” He laughed some more.
“Boys...” Chloe frowned just before she giggled and slapped his arm again.
“Shall we go for a walk?” Finlay asked with a smile.
“Sure, but we should wait for the others to catch up.” Chloe said as she looked over her shoulder and saw Paul and Stacy walking together and Sophie and Jade walking just behind them.
Chloe was soon walking at Finlay’s side as she was shown around the rest of the school, but she was interested in one spot where there was a knew looking plaque on a wall and some fresh flowers laid on the ground just beneath it, but the thing that made Chloe notice it was the fact the ghost of the girl from the dining room was stood there looking down at the flowers.
“What happened over there?” Chloe asked as she pointed to the spot where the ghost of the girl was stood.
“That’s where a student died last term.” Finlay started to explain. “Some of the students used to go up on the roof at night until a girl called Heather Porter fell over the edge and was killed.” He added as they made their way over to the spot where the plaque was.
“I didn’t fall, I was pushed.” Chloe heard the ghost say with anger in her voice.
Chloe tried not to look at the girl and let her know that she could see her. Chloe didn’t want to start explaining the reason for her talking to ghosts.
“Do any of you know what happened?” Chloe asked as she turned around and started walking away again like she wasn’t really bothered, even though she was.
“The rumour was she’d gone up there drinking with some other students and she got drunk and fell over the edge somehow.” Finlay shrugged. “I guess no one will ever know for sure.” He added.
“I heard she jumped, and there was a note and everything, but Scottie covered it up to stop the parents pulling their kids out of the school.” Jade said in a whisper.
Chloe knew that what Finlay said wasn’t true, not from what the ghost had just said, but she would need to have a word with Spirit to find out what she could do to help this Heather Porter find peace and move onto the other side.

Lunchtime was soon over and they all made their way back into the main school building and got their book bags out their lockers before they made their way to the science block where they would be spending their afternoon. Finlay and Paul were also in the science block, so they walked with the girls.
“I need you to slow down a little bit sis.” Spirit warned Chloe as she was suddenly walking at Chloe’s side. “Jane is planning to bump into you around the next corner and push you down some steps.”
Chloe slowed her pace and then suddenly stopped dead in her tracks forcing the others to stop as well. They all looked puzzled as to why Chloe had stopped walking, but it was soon forgotten as they all started laughing at Jane as she fell out in front of them and landed flat on her face. Jane was soon helped to her feet by Tracy and the other two girls who Chloe didn’t know the names off.
“Are you alright Jane?” Chloe asked as she tried not to laugh at her.
“I’m fine...!” Jane snapped back as she brushed off her uniform and stormed off with her three friends chasing after her.
“You do realise that she’d have knocked you down those steps if she’d walked into you?” Paul asked as he looked at the set of seven steps to the side of where Jane had just fallen over.
“It was like you knew she was going to be waiting for you.” Sophie said.
“Just lucky I guess.” Chloe shrugged like it wasn’t a big deal. “I was just trying to pick out land marks to help me remember where things are.” She lied.
“That girl really isn’t right in the head.” Paul said looking worried. “I mean Jane, not you Chloe.” He added when he saw the look Chloe was giving him. “She just doesn’t care what might happen when she does something.” Paul said worriedly.
“What do you expect when she’s got her daddy to fix everything.” Jade frowned.
“What do you mean?” Chloe asked.
“Jane’s been in trouble before for picking on students and hurting them, but she always gets away with it because of her father.” Jane explained. “He’s the most crooked MP I’ve ever heard of and Jane is a chip off the old block, as they say.”
“If you all know that her father is that bad, then how come he keeps getting away with it?” Chloe asked looking confused as they kept walking towards the science block.
“Unlike Jane, her father is a very smart man and covers his tracks.” Finlay pointed out. “He needs to be smart though to keep getting Jane out of trouble.” He added with a grin.
“It’s only a matter of time before Jane gets someone killed, and then I’d like to see her father cover that up.” Paul chuckled evilly.
Chloe had a sudden thought that maybe he already had with Heather porter, and the fact she’d said she was pushed, and she was stood just behind Jane in the dining room. Chloe realised that if that was the case, she was never going to be able to help this Heather move on because she’d never be able to make Jane see that what she did was wrong, and even if she did, it would just bring down the full force of her father, and that is the last thing Chloe needs. An MP looking into her new families past and finding out that Chloe was once a boy called James.
The problem Chloe was having was whether or not Jane deserved to have her help if she had had anything to do with this Heather Porter’s death. If Jane had pushed the girl off the room, Chloe thought she asked for everything she got from being haunted by a dead girl’s ghost.
“You okay Chloe?” Finlay asked, snapping her out of her thoughts. “You’ve gone as white as a sheet.” Finlay said looking worried for her.
“I’m fine.” Chloe smiled. “Just thinking about what might have happened if I’d been pushed down those steps back there.” She lied to cover the real reason she’d turned as white as a sheet.
Chloe was glad to leave Finlay and get into the classroom to start her lessons. She needed time to process what she’d found out. She also knew that she needed to have a word with Spirit and find out what she knew of this Heather Porter.

To Be Continued Next Tuesday 
Story by SaraUK
Edited and Posted by SamanthaK
EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you
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Jane and Heather
Sounds like Chloe will need to find something in Jane's father's background (another ghost haunting him?) before being able to help Jane reconcile what she did to Heather.
Excellent story. I wish it wasn't a week between installments. I know, I'm very anxious. I wish but I wait.
The plot thickens
As they say. And questions abound. What would have happened if Mary had touched Chloe? What does Spirit know about the dead girl? Did Jane's father really cover up a murder? Is Heather right about what happened given that she may have been drinking at the time? Will Batman arrive in time to save Robin from Catwoman? Does Robin want to be saved from Catwoman? What is Catw . . . oops, wrong story!
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
A mystery
It is not easy having other people's spiritual well being as part of her responsibilities, especially when it may very well conflict with her own well being. Well if everybody can do the job, then they wouldn't be so choosy who they chose to do it would they? I for one am still wondering what kind of compensation for doing this ghost whispering gig.
Is Jane responsible for
Heather Porter's death? What about the other ghost, Mary?
May Your Light Forever Shine