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Part Four of 13+
Chapter Four: I’m not your enemy
“We need to get a move on, or we’ll be late for our first class.” Sophie said as the four of them left the homeroom and made their way down the hallway after the homeroom teacher said they could leave.
“Why is the first class of the day always on the other side of the school, and they never give you enough time to get there without running, but then they shout at you for running in the hallways.” Jade grumbled as the four girls did a very fast walk.
“So they can shout at you, or place you in detention for being late.” Stacy said sounding out of breath as she tried to keep her book bag and laptop case on her shoulders as they made their way through the hoard of other students all trying to get to their first class of the day.
Chloe was quiet as she tried to remember where they were going, just in case she got lost and found herself separated from the others at some point later in the morning.
“How you doing back there Chloe?” Sophie asked as she looked over her shoulder to make sure Chloe was still with them.
“I’m fine.” Chloe smiled. She was fine, she was heading to class dressed as a girl and none of the other students were trying to pick on her, and she had three really good friends to hang around with.
Chloe was still distracted by hearing the name Susan Smith being called out in their home room. Chloe had no idea just how dangerous it was for her to be in the same class as the girl she was pretending to be at the hospital, and whether or not this Susan Smith might find out her secret at some point in the future. All Chloe could do for the time being though is trust in her mother and Dr Kaufman
“Finally.” Stacy said as they came to a stop at the doorway to a class room.
“Is this where our first class is?” Chloe asked as she pulled out her timetable to see what it was they had for their first lesson.
Chloe was distracted when she heard a soft female voice say excuse me, she looked around to find Susan Smith stood there looking at her.
“Yes...?” Chloe asked as she felt her mouth go dry on her all of a sudden.
“May I get past? You’re blocking the doorway.” Susan said nervously as she pointed into the classroom.
“Sorry.” Chloe said as she realised she had stepped into the doorway to see what was in the room, but she’d stopped to see what the class was on her timetable when she saw nothing but desks and a blackboard, and no other clues as to what was tort in the room.
“No problem.” Susan smiled as she walked into the room and made her way to a desk near the front of the room.
“We better find our seats before we all end up sat apart.” Sophie said as she entered the room with Jade following close behind. Chloe and Stacy followed her, and they were soon all seated together in a corner of the room.
Chloe couldn’t help herself as she sat looking at Susan on the other side of the room as she got out her text books and started looking through them. Susan never spoke to any of the other students around her, and she’d not spoke to anyone in their homeroom either. Chloe could see a lot of James in Susan, and she wondered if there was anything she could do to help. The teacher arriving in the classroom stopped Chloe from thinking about Susan anymore for the time being, and she was soon getting out her own text books and starting her first lesson of the day, which was history.

“I can’t believe he gave us homework on our first day back at school.” Stacy grumbled as they made their way to their next class after finishing with their history lesson.
“We don’t have history again until Thursday, so it’s not like we don’t have plenty of time to get it done.” Jade pointed out.
“True, but you’d think they would give us a couple of weeks to settle in first.” Stacy whined. “Don’t you agree Chloe?”
“I don’t really mind when they start giving us homework.” Chloe shrugged. She was more interested in watching Susan walking down the hallway just in front of them.
“What’s with all the interest in Susan Smith?” Stacy asked as she saw what Chloe was focused on. “Can you see something?” Stacy whispered.
“No, I just wonder why she doesn’t have any one walking with her, and she didn’t talk to anyone in the homeroom either.” Chloe said thinking out loud.
“Susan’s Father is a teacher here at the school, so she’s a bit of an outcast to the other students.” Stacy explained. “I did try to make friends with her last term, but she didn’t seem interested, so I gave up trying.” She explained. “I thought we might have safety in numbers, with me being an outcast as well.”
“Doesn’t she have a mother?” Chloe asked as she wondered if it was the fact her father teaches here at the school, or the fact she was hiding a secret and didn’t want to get close to other students and have them find out.
“As far as I know it’s just her and her dad, I’ve never seen Susan with a woman that could be her mother.” Stacy said looking thoughtful as she tried to remember if she had. “She’s a bit of a tomboy as well, which would suggest their not being a mother on the scene.” Stacy said with a thoughtful look on her face.
“What you to whispering about?” Sophie asked as she stopped walking and turned to face Chloe and Stacy.
Chloe was just about to answer Sophie when she was pushed from behind and she fell forward into Sophie and Jade, but was caught by her two friends before she fell over.
“Oh I’m sorry, I didn’t see you there.” Jane Bridgeport said with a smirk once Chloe was back on her feet properly and she’d spun around to see who it was that pushed her.
“Somehow I find that hard to believe.” Chloe said through gritted teeth.
“Are you calling me a liar?” Jane asked trying to look innocent.
“Yes I am.” Chloe snapped out. “I don’t know what your problem is with me, but I’m not your enemy, and I have no interest in Finlay Cross, so please feel free to have him.” Chloe added sounding frustrated.
“Just who do you think you are little girl...?” Jane asked with anger in her eyes. “Does it look like I need your permission to get any boy in this school?” She added in a tone that said Chloe had just insulted her.
“You may be able to get all the boys in school, all apart from one.” Chloe smirked. Chloe had no idea where that had just come from, but she realised then that it was something that Spirit would have said while she was still alive.
Jane looked even angrier as she saw Stacy, Jade and Sophie all try to hide a giggle at what Chloe had just said, but they soon stopped when Jane spoke again.
“How’s your brother doing these days Stacy...?” Jane asked with a smirk. “Oh wait, he’s not your brother anymore is he, well not in the true sense of the word.” She added sounding like the heartless bitch she was.
Chloe looked at Stacy to see her reaction, and noticed that Stacy was looking at a fourth girl that had joined Jane and the other two that had been with her earlier in the morning. Chloe wondered who this new girl was, but Stacy soon answered that question for her.
“How’s the new group of friends working out for you Tracy?” Stacy spat out as she directed her anger at her old friend who had told the school about Stephanie, well she’d told Jane, who then spread it around the whole school.
“I’m the one doing the talking.” Jane said as she tried to get Stacy focused back on her.
“Oh right, I forgot that you don’t like your lemmings to speak do you, because they might sound more intelligent than you.” Stacy said with venom in her voice. “But if I was as dumb as you, then I might set the same rules.” Stacy added with a smile.
Jane’s face turned red and she took a couple of steps forward, but stopped when Sophie stuck her cell phone in Jane’s face.
“Remember this?” She asked as she watched the colour drain from Jane’s face as she looked at whatever was on the screen of Sophie’s phone.
“How did you get your hands on that?” Jane asked as she looked at Sophie with fear in her eyes.
“Does that really matter?” Sophie asked with a pout. “All that does matter is I do have it, and I’m sure the press would love to find out what an MP’s daughter gets up to while she’s at school.” Sophie said in a matter of fact way as she turned her phone back around and then hit the screen to close the file she’d opened. “I’m not sure your daddy would understand though.” Sophie added with an evil grin.
“You must have done something illegal to get that.” Jane said as she pointed at the phone in Sophie’s hand.
“Why don’t you have me arrested then?” Sophie smirked. “I do have copies of it in other places, just waiting to be uploaded to the internet.” She added with a grin this time. “You’d be a star overnight.” Sophie laughed.
“What do you want from me to make that go away?” Jane asked looking nervous, all of her queen bitch image forgotten.
“You don’t have anything I want Jane, but you can keep away from Chloe and Stacy from now on, or I will make your life a living hell.” Sophie said as she placed her phone back in her book bag.
Jane answered Sophie by turning around and walking off in the other direction without saying another word. Tracy and the other two girls looked shocked for a couple of seconds before they all ran off to catch up with Jane.
“What do you have on her?” Stacy asked with a grin as she turned to look at Sophie after she watched Tracy running to catch up with her leader.
“Just a little something I was saving for a rainy day.” Sophie smiled.
“I’m sorry I forced you to use it on me then Sophie.” Chloe said with a sigh.
“Don’t be, it was well worth it to see her lose that bitchy streak for a couple of minutes.” Sophie grinned.
“How did you get what it is you have on her?” Chloe asked as they started walking again.
“You can’t be the daughter of a computer programmer without picking up a few things along the way.” Sophie smirked. “And Jane should really learn to not do things she shouldn’t while having her web cam turned on.” Sophie added sounding very cryptic about it.
“You hacked her computer?” Stacy asked a little to loud.
“Keep it down will you.” Sophie said in an angry sounding whisper as she looked around to make sure they hadn’t been overheard, but all the other students were too busy getting to their next lesson to be bothered with what they were doing.
“Sorry.” Stacy mumbled through Sophie’s hand, which was clamped over her mouth.
“Do you go looking in everyone’s computer Sophie?” Chloe asked nervously as she started to worry about her finding out all of her secrets.
“No, just Jane.” Sophie admitted. “She likes to get dirt on people, so she can blackmail them into helping her with her school work.” Sophie started to explain.
“Helping her...?” Jade snorted. “More like do it all for her.” She added.
“So I got into her computer to see if I could find something to use against her if she ever tried to blackmail me.” Sophie grinned.
“And I gather you found something?” Stacy said.
“Yes, but it’s best to keep it to myself, so it doesn’t get out what her secret is.” Sophie smiled. “It’s only any good as a blackmail tool for as long as no one knows what it is.” Sophie explained as she saw Chloe, Stacy and Jade all looking a little hurt over the fact she wouldn’t tell them what Jane’s secret was.
As much as the other three didn’t like being kept in the dark, they could also understand what Sophie was saying, and so they let it go, safe in the knowledge that Sophie had their backs when it came to Jane Bridgeport.
“You do realise that she will just work even harder to find something to use again you now, so she can get that back, whatever that is.” Jade pointed out.
“I know, but it will have to be pretty good to force my hand.” Sophie grinned, like she wasn’t worried too much. “And poor Jane just isn’t smart enough to pull anything like that off.” Sophie added with a pout.
Chloe found herself thinking she was glad she had Sophie as a friend now she knew about her skills with a computer. She was snapped back to where she was when they walked into another classroom and found themselves some seats at the back corner again. Chloe noticed that all the classrooms seemed to have the same number of desks in the same rows. Chloe noticed Susan sat in the same seat near the front, she already had her text book out, and she was reading it while they waited for the teacher to start the lesson, which was English. Chloe had to look away when Susan looked up and then around the room like she knew she was being watched.
The teacher started the lesson and Chloe listened to what she had to say, and found she actually liked being at school now she wasn’t trying to fit in with the boys, and she also had some friends to hang around with, but she couldn’t help feeling sorry for Susan as the day went on and she saw that Susan was all on her own, and never tried to interact with the other students.
“Do you think we should ask her to join us?” Chloe asked at lunchtime when they were sat in the dining room eating their lunch, which Chloe thought was amazing compared to the stuff they use to serve in James’ old school.
“Ask who to join us?” Stacy asked, not being privy to Chloe’s thoughts as she looked at Susan sat alone on the next table over.
“Susan Smith.” Chloe said in a whisper as she nodded her head in Susan’s direction.
“Why are you so fascinated with Susan?” Stacy asked looking puzzled.
“I just feel sorry for her being stuck all on her own.” Chloe said, hoping that Stacy would accept that as a good enough reason.
“It’s her choice to be that way Chloe, like I said, I tried last term to make friends with her, but she wasn’t interested.” Stacy reminded her.
The subject became mute when Susan got up from the table she was sat at and she took her tray to the counter and then left the dining room having finished her lunch.
Chloe knew she should keep away from Susan, but part of her just wanted to help Susan find a friend. Chloe really needed to talk to someone about it, but she couldn’t really say too much to Stacy without letting her know that Susan was raised as a boy unit it was discovered he was really a girl, but had some sort of birth defect that made the doctors say she was a boy at birth.
“She really doesn’t look very happy with you Sophie.” Jade said, snapping Chloe out of her thoughts.
“Who’s not happy?” Chloe asked as she looked in the direction Jade was looking, she soon realised who she was talking about when she saw Jane looking in their direction with daggers aimed at Sophie. The thing that shocked Chloe the most though was the fact Spirit was stood just behind her listening to whatever it was Jane was saying to the other three girls sat with her.
Chloe had to clamp her hand over her mouth when Spirit gave her two thumbs up as well as a grin. Jane’s look turned to one of anger towards her, but she was soon getting out a small mirror and checking her face when she saw that Chloe was trying not to giggle at her. Jane had no idea that Chloe was actually looking at Spirit stood right behind her.
“What’s so funny?” Sophie asked when she saw that Chloe was trying not to giggle at Jane and her friends. “Just because I have some dirt on Jane, doesn’t mean the evil bitch won’t try something anyway, she’s not the brightest person I know.” Sophie warned.
“I’m sorry, but I was just thinking of something else.” Chloe said as she tried to get her giggling under control.
Chloe soon had a reason to stop giggling when she saw Finlay and Paul come over and sit at their table. “Hello ladies.” Finlay said with a smile. “I hope you don’t mind if we join you?” He asked, but he was already making a start on his lunch.
“We don’t but I have a feeling that she’s not very happy about it.” Stacy said as she pointed her thumb in Jane’s direction.
Finlay looked over his shoulder at Jane, and then he just turned back and carried on eating his lunch without a care in the world. “You’d think she’d get the message by now and find some other boy to chase after.” He said with a roll of his eyes.
“Maybe she wants what she knows she can’t have.” Sophie pointed out.
“That does sound like the sort of dumb thing she’d want to do.” Finlay said not sounding impressed with the fact Jane wanted him. “I’m sorry I got you dragged into all this Chloe.” Finlay added, shocking Chloe into almost choking on her orange juice.
“Are you okay Chloe?” Stacy asked sounding worried as she smacked Chloe on the back thinking she was choking.
“I’m fine.” Chloe choked out as she tried to clear her throat of juice that had just gone down the wrong hole.
“You’re very different Chloe.” Finlay smiled just before he put another fork full of food in his mouth.
“Different how?” Chloe asked looking angry and worried at the same time. She thought he might have seen some sign of James’ showing through.
“I mean different in a good way.” Finlay smiled some more. “You have a look in your eyes that says you see more than everyone else around you.” He tried to explain.
“Oh my god, he’s flirting with you sis.” Spirit said from the side of her where she’d suddenly appeared.
Chloe’s head spun around to find Spirit sat on the edge of the table as she checked out Finlay. Chloe wanted to scream at her, but couldn’t without making herself look totally insane, so she had to turn her head back towards Finlay and the others.
“Are you okay Chloe?” Jade asked as she looked in Spirit’s direction, but didn’t show any sign of seeing her.
“I’m fine; I just thought I heard someone call out my name.” She said with a forced smile as she tried to get her emotions under control again. Chloe actually wanted to scream at Spirit for her to come up with some way to make this boy go away and leave her alone.
“He is cute though sis.” Spirit said with a grin in her voice. Chloe could just picture the grin plastered across Spirit’s face without trying to look in her direction.
“You’re not helping.” Chloe mumbled under her breath as she took another sip from her glass of orange juice.
“Who’s not helping?” Stacy asked.
“This glass of juice isn’t helping me to shift this tickle in my throat.” Chloe lied. She wished Stacy would get with the program and help cover for her, not sit there asking silly questions that just dug an even deeper hole.
“He’s going to think you’re just playing hard to get if you don’t start talking to him normally.” Spirit said in a matter of fact way.
Chloe found herself choking again as she was just taking another sip from her glass as Spirit said that. Chloe glared up at Spirit, who got the message that she should leave before she caused even more trouble for Chloe.
“I think we should switch you to water if you can’t handle your juice.” Sophie said as she tried not to giggle at Chloe acting weird. Sophie just thought Chloe liked Finlay and was nervous about talking to him.
“It’s just first day nerves getting to me.” Chloe said between coughs.
“Have you had time to speak to your mother yet about me meeting her?” Finlay asked.
“I only just met you a couple of hours ago, so when would I have had time to speak with my mother?” Chloe frowned.
“Good point.” Finlay laughed. “It just feels like I’ve known you for much longer.” He added with another little chuckle.
“I spoke with Miss Scott earlier, and she said she was thinking of asking my mother to come into the school and speak to whoever wished to find out more about how she became a writer.” Chloe started to explain. “So I don’t need to bother her with just seeing you, you can join the others and wait for her to come into the school.” Chloe added looking smug over the fact she’d just managed to un-invite Finlay to her home.
“Do you know when this will happen?” Finlay asked sounding disappointed. “I was looking forward to spending some time with you, as well as meeting your mother.” He added.
“You’ll just have to settle for seeing me around school then won’t you.” Chloe said with a smile, even if she did have to force it. Chloe looked at Stacy and saw a look that said ‘welcome to womanhood’ or that’s what Chloe saw in Stacy’s eyes, but it was hard to tell what Stacy was thinking most the time.
“I’m thinking of joining the book reading club, do you think you’ll be joining?” Finlay asked as he looked at Chloe.
“I don’t think so, I have an after school job working at Stacy’s parent’s stables.” Chloe said in a matter of fact way as she hoped Stacy wouldn’t blow this excuse and say she wasn’t needed after school.
“So you like to ride then?” Finlay asked, not fazed by the blow off.
“Yes, I have my own horse stabled there.” Chloe told him, thinking it was harmless enough to let him know some of her information, and Spirit said she needed to talk to him.
“Chloe’s like a horse whisperer or something.” Jade said. “She can make her horse do some really cool things like pick flowers when he is saying thank you. And she’s the only one that can ride her horse.” She added.
“I said you were different to other students here at the school, and I was right.” Finlay said looking smug with himself.
Chloe looked at Stacy for some help, but Stacy just shrugged as if to say she’d got nothing that would help Chloe get out of this.
“I just come from a different place; you will soon see that I’m just like all the other girls here at the school.” Chloe said as she slid her chair back and then stood to let Finlay know she’d had enough of talking to him.
“I doubt that Chloe.” Finlay grinned. “I have a feeling that you’re very different to the girls that come to this school.” He added.
“What are you trying to say about us?” Sophie asked as she stood along with Stacy and Jade.
“I’m not saying anything bad about any of you; I just find Chloe to be more mysterious.” Finlay stuttered out as he tried not to upset Sophie anymore than he already had.
“Well let me save you some trouble then Finlay.” Chloe said as she turned to face him. “I’m not interested in sharing my private life with anyone at the minute, I just want to focus on my school work and enjoy the company of my friends and my horse when not at school.” Chloe informed him just before she turned around and picked up her tray to take it over to the counter.
Finlay just sat and smiled like Chloe had set him a challenge more than just blown him off.
“I’ve never seen Finlay flirt with anyone before, but he sure has his eyes set on you.” Sophie said once they had handed their trays in at the counter.
“I wasn’t lying to him with what I just said. I’m really not looking to start dating at the minute.” Chloe said as she started walking away from the counter towards the exit.
Chloe saw Jane walking towards her with her tray of half eaten lunch, and she saw a look in Jane’s eyes that said she was up to something, but just before Jane reached her she saw Spirit appear between them, and then there was a clatter and a girl screaming. Spirit vanished again and Chloe could see that it was Jane doing the screaming as she was now wearing what was left of her lunch.
“You did this you stupid little bitch...!” Jane shouted as she looked at Chloe.
“How could she have done that to you from all the way over there?” A dinner lady asked as she looked at the ten feet between Jane and Chloe.
Chloe looked shocked to be accused, but she was also trying not to giggle as she looked at the mess Jane was in. Chloe soon lost her battle not to start laughing when she heard Stacy, Sophie and Jade all giggling. Pretty soon the whole dining room was in uproar as everyone started laughing at Jane.
Jane just let out a squeal as she started stamping her feet like a small child having a temper tantrum. This just made everyone laugh even harder, so Jane ran from the dining room with her three Hench women running after her.
“Spirit...?” Stacy asked in a whisper as she leaned in so no one else would hear her ask, not that anyone would over the noise of all the laughter.
Chloe just looked over at Stacy and nodded to say yes it was, but she didn’t know the reason for why Spirit had just done that, other than Jane must have planned for Chloe to wear her dinner.
“I’ve seen it all now.” Sophie said as she got her breath back once she’d stopped laughing. “How the hell could she expect to blame you for her clumsiness?”
“Heaven forbid she would take the blame for something going wrong.” Stacy said as she tried to sound just like Jane. “You know she doesn’t do mistakes.” She added.
Sophie, Chloe and Jade were soon giggling again as they watched Stacy copy Jane’s temper tantrum and then start doing a silly run around the dining room, which set all the other students off again, and even a couple of the dinner ladies. Stacy stopped playing around when she was warned to by a dinner lady that had managed to stop laughing.
“Shall we go and see what after school clubs are happening this term?” Sophie asked once they were out the dining room and walking down the hallway towards the main entrance where all the notice boards were.
“I don’t mind looking, but I’m not interested in joining any.” Chloe said.
“Not even the book reading club?” Sophie asked with a grin.
“No... Not even the book reading club.” Chloe giggled as she playfully slapped Sophie’s arm for teasing her about Finlay.
Chloe was left with her mouth hanging open when she saw the list of things she could do after school. She could do anything from sword fencing to web design, as well as things like chess and modern dance, but all Chloe wanted to do is spend time with Shadow her horse, as well as going home and doing things with her mother and aunty.
Stacy wasn’t interested in signing up for any clubs, but Sophie and Jade signed up for the sword fencing and the web design, and Sophie signed up for an advanced computer programming club, but Jade passed on that one.
“I just need to go and have a word with the teacher that’s sorting out the web design club.” Sophie said as she saw the teacher down the hallway.
“I’ll come with you Sophie.” Jade said.
“Do you mind if I just go for a walk outside?” Chloe asked, as she had very little interest in the internet or learning anymore than she needed to.
“Sure, but keep an eye out for Jane and her crew.” Sophie warned.
“We will.” Stacy answered for the two of them as she linked her arm through Chloe’s and headed for the exit into the school gardens.
“We’ll catch up with you later...!” Jade shouted to them.
Stacy waited until they were outside before she asked Chloe if she was alright. “How are you coping with everything?” Stacy asked looking worried.
“I’m fine, but I could do without Finlay chasing me around, and Jane hating me for it.” Chloe grumbled.
“Jane’s always been a bitch, and I’m sure she’d have found some reason to hate you, even if Finlay hadn’t fallen for you.” Stacy said with a roll of her eyes.
“I wanted to punch her when she made fun of Stephi.” Chloe growled as she balled up her hands into fists. “Was that how Tracy became part of Jane’s group, by telling her about Stephi?” Chloe asked.
“Yes it is, and I will never forgive her for it.” Stacy said as she wiped away a tear that was rolling down her cheek.
“I’ll never do anything like that Stacy.” Chloe said as she pulled Stacy into a hug.
“You’re already a thousand times the friend Tracy ever was.” Stacy said as she hugged Chloe back. “I felt a closer bond with you from the minute I first met you, when you came to look at the kittens.” Stacy added with a giggle as she wiped her eyes.
“Besides, you could hurt me a lot more with what you know about me.” Chloe pointed out.
“I hope you know I never would.” Stacy said looking serious.
“I know that, but I do need you to promise me something.” Chloe said looking just as serious.
“Anything, girlfriend.” Stacy said with her hand on her heart.
“What if I told you I knew of another girl in the school that wasn’t born a girl, well not in the true sense of the word.” Chloe tried to explain.
Stacy looked deep in thought as she tried to work out who it might be, and then her eyes lit up as she thought she might have worked it out. “It’s Susan isn’t it?”
“Yes, but how did you know?” Chloe asked looking shocked that Stacy had worked it out so fast.
“You gave me all the clues with how you’ve been watching her all morning, and then you asked if we could invite her to join us for lunch.” Stacy grinned. “I never would have guessed otherwise.” She added. “How do you know though, did Spirit tell you?” Stacy asked looking puzzled again.
“No, it was Dr Kaufman. He is using Susan’s name for me at the private clinic my mother is using to get my tests done.” Chloe explained.
“Aren’t you worried about Susan and her father finding out about you doing that?” Stacy asked.
“Not really, because Susan is having all her transition sorted through the NHS, where as I’m being sorted private care, and Dr Kaufman is sorting out all the payments for the tests, so they don’t see that my mother is paying for them.” Chloe explained.
“That’s good then, but isn’t it still risky for you to make friends with her though?” Stacy looked worried still. “If I was you I’d keep a good distance between you and her just in case something comes out.” Stacy added with some pleading in her voice.
“I can just see so much of me in Susan though, and I want to help her if I can.” Chloe pleaded.
“Some people don’t want to be helped, and Susan is one of them people, trust me when I say that I did try to make friends with her last term.” Stacy frowned as she remembered how rude Susan had been to her when she tried to sit and talk one lunchtime.
“Maybe she was worried about people seeing you and her together and then working out her secret.” Chloe pointed out.
“I guess that could have been the case, but she could have been nicer about it.” Stacy grumbled. “I’ll back you up if you want to give it a go, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Stacy added with a sigh.
“I was thinking of getting Spirit to look in on Susan before I make a move, and I should have a word with my mother as well.” Chloe thought out loud.
“I have a feeling your mother will say the same thing I just did, and you should keep well away from her.” Stacy pointed out.
“You could be right, but I just feel like I could help her, just like Stephi is helping me.” Chloe said with a sigh as she sat down on a bench.
“I know you want to help, Chloe, but you need to be careful, and she could start asking the wrong questions if she suddenly finds out that someone told you.” Stacy warned. “That could get Dr Kaufman in trouble.” She added.
“I hadn’t thought of that.” Chloe admitted.
“Stacy’s right sis, you can’t just tell this Susan that you know her secret and then tell her you’re the same way.” Spirit said as she appeared on the bench next to Chloe.
“Can everyone see you?” Chloe asked looking worried.
“No, just you and Stacy.” Spirit smiled.
“Hi Spirit, loved what you did with Jane in the dining room.” Stacy said as she looked past Chloe to where Spirit was sat wearing the same uniform as the two of them.
“Why did you do that to Jane?” Chloe asked.
“She was going to fake a trip and throw her tray all over you, so I turned the tables on her, so to speak.” Spirit giggled.
“Thanks for that sis.” Chloe smiled. “I doubt I ever would have lived that down on my first day of school.” Chloe added with a roll of her eyes.
“I did say I’d have your back sis.” Spirit said as she puffed her chest out trying to look macho.
“Do you know if she has anything else planned for me today?” Chloe asked.
“Nope, she’s decided to hide in her dorm room for the rest of the day, but her three friends might try something, but I’ll be keeping an eye on them.” Spirit smirked. “I better go.” Spirit said just before she vanished.
Chloe and Stacy understood the reason for the quick exit when they saw Sophie and Jade walk around the corner and start waving to them.
“Shall we give Chloe a quick tour of the school grounds before lunch is over?” Sophie asked once she and Jade reached the bench where Chloe and Stacy were sat.
“I could do with a map.” Chloe said as she got to her feet.
“It’s not too bad once you’ve been here for a couple of weeks.” Jade admitted. “I was always getting lost my first week.” She added with a giggle.
“That’s how Jade and I first met here at the school.” Sophie started to explain. “We were both looking for the same classroom and ended up on the other side of the school, so we worked out where we needed to be and that was how we became friends.” She grinned as she looked at Jade.
“I’m glad I have the three of you to help me get around.” Chloe smiled as she thought how lucky she was to be a girl now and have friends that treated her just like one of them.
Chloe was soon being shown around the school, and she was impressed with the size of the place, and all the classrooms, tennis courts, gym and science labs. All of it had been worked in around the original design of the house and stables.
“We’ll have to show you the rest tomorrow lunchtime.” Stacy said when she saw that lunchtime was nearly over, and they needed to get to their first class of the afternoon.
“Is there much more to see?” Chloe asked, thinking she’d seen most of it.
“We never showed you the computer labs’ or the woodwork and metalwork rooms.” Jade said.
Chloe wasn’t too bothered about seeing any of those rooms, but it was nice walking around and chatting with Stacy, Jade and Sophie, so she smiled as she thought about getting to spend more time with them tomorrow lunchtime doing the same thing.

Chloe had more fun at school than she thought she would, and she was a little sad to see it come to an end at just after three in the afternoon, but she gave Sophie and Jade a hug before she went out to the front of the main building where they found Dorothy waiting for them in her Range Rover.
“Hi mummy...!” Stacy said as she jumped in the back of the car and leaned over to give her mother a hug and a kiss.
“Hello honey.” Dorothy smiled as she hugged her daughter back. “Did you have a good day?” She asked.
“Yes, it was really cool having Chloe to hang out with.” Stacy grinned. “Miss Scott put Jade and Sophie in the same classes as well.” Stacy added as she sat back and put her seatbelt on.
“How was your first day Chloe?” Dorothy asked as she looked over at Chloe fastening her seatbelt.
“It was more fun than I thought it would be.” Chloe smiled.
“Did anyone think you were a boy?” Dorothy asked it in such a way as she already knew the answer to her question.
“No.” Chloe giggled. “I was just one of the girls.” She added in a happy tone.
“Stephi had all the same worries when she first started school here, but she looked like you do now when I picked her up at the end of her first day as well.” Dorothy said as she pulled away from the school and made her way down the long driveway and out onto the main road.
“Are you coming over to see Shadow later?” Stacy asked as she looked over at Chloe.
“I’d like to, but I’ll have to make sure it’s okay with mother first.” Chloe shrugged.
“Do either of you have any homework to do?” Dorothy asked.
“Yes, but it’s not due in until Thursday.” Stacy whined like she knew what was coming next.
“I don’t care when its due honey, you know the rule.” Dorothy said in her mother knows best voice as it also sounded like she was waiting for Stacy to tell her the rule she was talking about.
“All homework must be done before I can have any fun.” Stacy said with a roll of her eyes.
“And I’m sure that Valarie has the same rules for Chloe.” Dorothy said before Stacy could use Chloe as a reason for her doing her homework later.
“Dorothy’s right sis.” Spirit said as she poked her head through the front car seat. “Mum always made me get my homework done before I could do anything else when I got home from school.” Spirit added.
Chloe looked worried as she looked at Stacy and then Dorothy. Chloe wasn’t sure if either of them could see her, or if it was just her.
“Don’t worry, only you can see me at the minute.” Spirit said as she pulled her head back through the seat and waved her hand in front of Dorothy to prove her point. Dorothy just kept driving the car like nothing was wrong, and she hadn’t got a child kneeling on the front seat waving a hand right in front of her face.
“I can do my homework and then cycle over to your house so we can go for a ride on our horses.” Chloe said, not wanting to seem ignorant to what Stacy and Dorothy was saying.
“Why don’t you get changed and then come over so we can do our homework together?” Stacy suggested.
“If you want to do that Chloe, I can wait for you to get changed to save you the trouble of cycling all the way to our house.” Dorothy said as she pulled into the driveway at Chloe’s home.
“What will I do about getting home again later though?” Chloe asked, not looking forward to the long walk back to her home.
“Tom or I will run you back again.” Dorothy smiled.
“Okay.” Chloe smiled back. “Do you want to come in and wait while I get changed?” Chloe asked.
“We better, and I can have a word with Valarie to let her know what the two of you will be doing.” Dorothy said as she took off her seatbelt and got out of the car.

Valarie was in her study doing some research for her new book, and Ashley was in the kitchen looking at a recipe for something she was thinking of having a go at for dinner when they both heard the front door open, and then voices.
“Is that you back Chloe...!” Valarie shouted.
“Yes mummy...!” Chloe shouted back. “I’ve got Stacy and her mother with me.” Chloe added before Valarie said something that she shouldn’t.
“Is everything alright?” Valarie asked with worry in her voice as she stepped out of her study into the hallway where Chloe, Stacy and Dorothy were stood.
“Everything is fine Val, but Chloe and Stacy both have some homework to do, and they want to go for a ride on their horses, so I said that Chloe could come over and do her homework with Stacy, so they could go for a ride after, but only if it’s alright with you?” Dorothy asked.
“I can’t see a problem with that, just as long as they do their homework and do it right.” Valarie warned as she looked at Chloe more than Stacy.
“I will be checking it before I let them leave the house.” Dorothy assured her. “Losing the right to ride her horse is top of Stacy’s list if her grades start to slip.” Dorothy added.
“I like the sound of that punishment, so the same will go for you as well young lady.” Valarie warned as she stepped over and tapped Chloe on the nose.
Chloe wanted to whine about her not being as smart as her Chloe, but with Dorothy stood close by, she knew that it would have to wait until later, when they were alone.
“Yes mother.” Chloe said with a sigh. “I’ll go and get changed then.” Chloe added as she placed her school bag and laptop case down on a bench in the hallway before she went up to get changed out of her uniform.
Chloe was soon changed into a pair of denim shorts and a pink t-shirt with hello kitty on the front wearing a pair of glasses and looking like a geek. The t-shirt had belonged to Spirit, and Chloe liked the look of it.
“I want you home by seven, so you can tell me all about your first day at school.” Valarie said when Chloe got back down stairs.
“Yes mummy.” Chloe smiled as she gave Valarie a hug.
“Do you want me to come and fetch you Chloe?” Ashley asked as she walked out the kitchen to give Chloe a hug before she left again.
“Tom or I was going to run her back again.” Dorothy said.
“There’s no need for that, I’ll come and pick her up just before seven.” Ashley said. “It will make me feel more useful around here.” She added with a giggle. “I wanted to ask you about helping out with the school run as well; as I’m sure you have lots of other things to be doing instead.”
“That would help me out so much Ashley.” Dorothy said looking relieved. “I feel like I’m chasing my own tail in the morning when I get back from dropping Stacy off at school.” She admitted.
“Well please let me take over the school run then, so you have a little more time.” Ashley offered.
“Are you sure you don’t mind?” Dorothy asked.
“No, not at all.” Ashley grinned, happy to be doing something useful.
Chloe gave her mother and aunt another hug before she grabbed her school bag and laptop again, then she left the house and got back in Dorothy’s car.

To Be Continued Next Tuesday 
Story by SaraUK
Edited and Posted by SamanthaK
EDITORS NOTE: Please Comment and/or leave Kudos and let Sara know you like her work please, Any comments on spelling, grammar or the layout of the story please PM me “Samanthak” not Sara. Thank you
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Wonder what Jane Bridgeport did that
Sophie is able to blackmail her on? How will the girls help Susan?
May Your Light Forever Shine
The idea of putting ones self out for someone else
... is noble but it is at great cost at times. Paying it forward, I agree upon but I have run into activists who not so subtly push me to be more public so I can be a 'face of the community'. Sorry, no can do. Everyone must find their own comfort level on that one.
A Ghost of A Chance
I am enjoying this story. Looks like Sara has another hit going.
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm