I never had so many hits in one day with any of my stories yet this was so ordinary. I feel like a fraud today. I hope i can be inspired to make it up. Maybe everybody was at home today catching up with reading. I got three times as many hits as I did with stories I wrote for the Valentines day contest. It can't be right can it? Was there a problem maybe these last few weeks that has been solved?
Walking in Beckys Shoes
Maybe you just deserve it for your excellent writing.Congratulations and thank you.
Tag driven.
When it comes to what I read, I'm tag driven. If the tags don't sound like a story I want to read I usually skip it all together. Some tags will for sure make me skip it. e.g. almost any caution [except "tissue alert"]will make me skip the story as will "explicit." Others I'm leery of include but are not limited to, magic, sci-fi (exception made for authors who've proven their ability to marry sci-fi and TG content without making the sci-fi the agent of change. eg Tina Smith's "White Chapel Horror") hypnosis is also suspect (notable exception being Maeryn Lamonte's "Trick of the Mind.")
Your story just happened to hit a number of my likes and I read it. Can't wait for more of the same.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
What's all this?
You can't put up with this. You're clearly in denial. You don't need to question yourself about a problem. Even if you have a couple of personality oddities - you know, the hearing of voices, drinking 20 beers a day, and other minor quirks - it doesn't justify this treatment. If hits are coming faster and with more volume, then the only solution is to leave. Find a shelter somewhere, and get a pseudonym. Who's hitting you anyway, and why haven't the police done anything? Have you even gotten them involved? You must find courage now, to ...
(Ms. Litella; Julie was wondering about hits to her story. Meaning the number of reads. NOT physical abuse.)
OOOoooh. Never mind ...
Emily (Sigh) Litella ;)
Sighs are the natural language of the heart.
-Thomas Shadwell
Thanks for the smile
The site was crazy today though and it was a surprise.