I've just finished my fourth go round with Randalynn's "No Obligation" I get sucked into it almost immediately and have to keep reading it until I'm finished. There are some others like that, but this is one I keep going back to and just love it.
Got me wondering what stories others have to read until they finish, no matter how many times they've read it before?
Oh, there are a lot of them.
Oh, there are a lot of them. Rather than list stories themselves, I'll just mention some authors - you've already mentioned Randalynn, but there's also Maggie Finson, Heather (in her two names), Dr. Bender, Kristin Darken, Bobbie Cabot, Lilith Langtree, and a number of others. (It'd take a while to list them all)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Those special stories
I agree,there are far to many good authors on this site.A big thank you to all of them.Some stories are special to us and can be read again and again.Some of mine are :
"Hey, girl"
"Frends Forever" by Bronwen Welsh
The Jacket
Crystal Radio
The Bestest Christmas Ever!
The prodigal.
I can read these stories and get lost in them and many others like the Penmaris stories and don,t forget Bike.Thanks again to all those story tellers out there,keep up the good work.
I agree about the authors
I could list similar ones, like Lilith Langtree, Sue Brown, Arecee..etc
There are stories I can read many times over and enjoy each time. However I was realloy asking about that one SPECIAL story that sucks you in and just grabs you. Once you start you can't literally stop until you are through reading it again. Or maybe that one special story of an author that you would refer someone to, if you were picking their best showcase story. I was just looking at Lilith's stories for an example and she has so much I'm not sure what I would pick. I mean there are plenty of authors and most if not all their stories are good or great.
As I said at the start of this topic I really love No Obligation, and it always brings me right into it and I can't let go until I'm finished reading it again. Lilith being a tad more prolific than a Randalynn it makes it harder to pinpoint which one of hers I could pick. Not to mention seeing ones I want to read again or haven't been able to read yet. :)
...I feel the same way about No Obligation; Becca is almost a part of me in a way, and I feel moved to read until I can't any more because of how compelling her story is. I find that to be true of Randa's Stark and Bishop as well. I'm also urged and nudged and prodded by anything Stephanie (Cyclist) writes.
Love, Andrea Lena
I love so many of the authors here
I feel like I would be sure to miss some of my "re-read" faves if I tried to list them, but we are incredibly blessed with some amazing talent in this little closet ....
there are so many good ones here (and several on personal sites) it is very hard to give names. I wanted to mention several of the already mentioned authors, and a few more, but I had a thought. I will name one many often forget. Pattie b fine has Who's that Girl. It will make you bust a gut in places, and want to keep reading to see what craziness will happen next. AND she has promised to finish it. A few other stories just jumped in her way.
This is a great topic. There
This is a great topic.
There are several stories, that I had best not start re-reading if I don't have a couple of hours of free time available.
The number one of these is unfortunately not on this site at this time, though it has been. It is still available on Stardust and I believe on FM, though, and that is Mister by Dimelza Cassidy.
The second one, and probably lesser known story (I'd love to hear from others that enjoyed it!) is Live Long and Prosper by Brandy DeWinter. As far as I know it is only available on FM.
On this site, Grandma and the Bear by Ricky is a definite favorite.
I also very much love Anistasia Allread's Camp K series (and in fact have an homage to Erika in my own Life and Times of Kelly Anderson Story because I loved Erika so much! )
Sarah Lynn Morgan's...
The Unicorn's Gift and Samantha. Two of Tanya Allan's, Monique (book one -- first 15 chapters of the version posted here) and When Fortune Smiles (book one). (And at least two of Bek D Corbin's, but they're not on BC, which was part of your question.)
I second that
Sarah Lynn Morgan's Unicorn's Gift (and others), Rebecca Anderson's Wild Horses and many more.
As a newbie to the site (and a compulsive reader) there are so many 'good' stories that its hard to find the 'great' ones among them. I like reading blog entries like this to point me what others have enjoyed. The Random solo is good for a quicky, but sometimes I want a bit more.
Thanks Frank for asking the question, and thanks everyone for pointing out your favs. I'm off to read some more.
Cheers, Kiwi.
The one that I need to read all the way through??
Is WHISPER by Sleethr. He's on version 3.0, fixing typos, and such and revising it to conform with Whateley Academy canon.